April 7 Annunciation. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7)

On April 7, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated - the twelfth feast. This is a permanent holiday, so it is always celebrated on this day. Believers remember how the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that She would give birth to a Son and “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.” The Mother of God humbly accepted this news.

The Annunciation was celebrated by the first Christians, but this holiday was called differently, and one of the names of this day was “The Conception of Christ.” From the Annunciation to the Nativity of Christ is exactly 9 months.

The meeting of Mary and the Archangel is described at the very beginning of the Gospel (Luke 1:26-38). This event is considered the “central event,” that is, the beginning of our Salvation. From here the earthly journey of the Lord begins, and in a few short lines telling about this event, one can hear the echo of the coming Resurrection of Christ.

Icon from the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. End of the 12th century

The essence of the holiday

The icon of the Annunciation depicts the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, whose visible surprise is shown in conjunction with the deepest humility before the omnipotence of God. Above the archangel and Mary there is a special form of halo - a mandorla, which symbolizes the Divine appearance and the conception of Christ. The red thread in Mary’s hands is the yarn that, according to church tradition, she was engaged in on this great day for the entire Church.

The Annunciation is celebrated exactly 9 months before the Nativity of Christ. According to the teachings of the Church, a person is born at the moment of conception in the womb, and not at the moment of his birth.

“Virgin Mother of God, Hail, Most Gracious Mary, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, for thou hast given birth to the Savior of our souls,” - the words of this one of the most famous and beloved prayers of the Church, addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, are almost literally repeat the promise to the Virgin Mary made by the Archangel Gabriel.

The Annunciation marked the beginning of the fulfillment of the Divine promise to fallen humanity in the person of Adam and Eve that their descendant, literally, “the seed of the woman” (Gen. 3:15), would destroy the serpent (the devil) who deceived them. “The seed of the woman” is an image of the manless conception of Christ, born of the Virgin Mary.

“Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son, and they will call his name Immanuel,” these are the lines of the most important Old Testament prophecy about the birth of the Savior from the immaculate Virgin (Isaiah 7:14). The name Emmanuel literally means “God with us,” which is why it is sometimes found on icons above the image of the Christ child.

Archangel Gabriel on icons is often depicted with a cane as a traveler and messenger, with a candle or mirror as a messenger of secrets, or with a lily as a symbol of blessing; it is mentioned several times in the Old Testament and is revered in Judaism and Islam.

Annunciation in Greek - Gospel, Good News. This is the name given to the first four books of the New Testament, the most important books of the Bible. The prophecy about the birth of the Savior of the world, the fulfillment of which was so eagerly awaited in Judea, came true like a light breath of wind, unnoticed by the whole world. Bowing before the power of the Mother of God's faith and her complete trust in God, the Orthodox Church gives the Virgin Mary the primacy of honor among all people ever born.

The Annunciation is the central event of all Sacred history; it is located exactly in the middle between the Old and New Testaments. The covenant with Abraham began with the doubt of his elderly wife Sarah in her ability to become the mother, the ancestor of God's chosen people. The New Testament was made possible thanks to the pure faith of the Virgin Mary in the revelation of the supernatural birth of her future Son - the Messiah, the Savior of all mankind (Luke 1:26-38).

Annunciation on Holy Saturday

The Annunciation is always celebrated on April 7, its date remains unchanged. And the dates of Lent and Easter are different every year. In 2018, the Annunciation coincides with Holy Saturday.

The Annunciation is the day of remembrance of how the Mother of God learned that she would give birth to Christ, and that this would happen in a miraculous way - through the descent of the Holy Spirit on Her.

Holy Saturday is a day of remembrance of that terrible moment when the Body of Christ was in the Tomb, and He Himself descended into hell. This day is also called the day of silence. Everything is already behind us - betrayal, crucifixion, Death on the Cross. Now the tomb is sealed, but a miracle occurs that is invisible to the human eye: Christ brings the righteous out of hell.

Both events, 33 years apart, are amazing and incomprehensible. Both in the events of the Annunciation and in the events of Holy Saturday, the unearthly Light of the Resurrection of Christ is visible. And the coincidence of the Annunciation and Holy Saturday allows believers to more deeply feel and understand the path that Christ, and next to him, the Mother of God, walked until Easter.

If the Annunciation falls on Holy Saturday, this means that on this day the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, scheduled for a holiday even during the days of Great Lent, will be celebrated, but the Liturgy of Basil the Great, scheduled for Great Saturday. The Liturgy of Basil the Great is celebrated only ten times a year, including on the day before Easter. Even such a significant holiday as the Annunciation cannot change this establishment. The service of Holy Saturday will have features associated with the twelfth holiday that falls on this day.

In addition, if the Annunciation falls on Holy Saturday, this means that it will not be possible to eat fish on the holiday. According to the monastery charter, fish is allowed twice per fast - on the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday. But the significance of each day of Holy Week is so great that on these days believers observe a particularly strict fast. If the Annunciation coincides with the days of Holy Week, the meal on this day is not festive and fish is not eaten.

Materials from the magazine “Foma” were used

In ancient times, the feast of the Annunciation was given different names: the Conception of Christ, the Annunciation of Christ, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary. Nothing is known about where and how the Feast of the Annunciation first appeared. It is only known that in 560 Emperor Justinian indicated the date for the celebration of the Annunciation - March 25 (April 7, new style).

The name of the holiday - Annunciation - conveys the main meaning of the event associated with it: proclamation to the Virgin Mary of the good news of the conception and birth of the Divine Infant Christ by Her. This holiday belongs to the twelve permanent holidays and is celebrated every year on the same April day.

A. Rublev “The Annunciation” (1405)

The main icon of the holiday can be considered the masterpiece of Andrei Rublev: an angel descends to the Virgin to announce the “Good News” to her. Archangel Gabriel brought the greatest news to the Virgin Mary - the Son of God becomes the Son of Man. The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, the Mother of God responds with consent to the angel’s message: “Let it be done to me according to your word”. Without this voluntary consent, God could not have become a man. He could not be incarnate, since God does not act by force, does not force us to do anything. Man is given complete freedom to respond to God with consent and love.

What is the essence of the Annunciation?

The Feast of the Annunciation is dedicated to the events described in the Gospel of Luke. The name literally translates as “good news.”

According to church tradition, the Virgin Mary took a vow of virginity at a young age. She was brought up at the temple. At the age of 14, she was married to the pious elder Joseph, who became the guardian of her purity.

On the Annunciation, believers remember how the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary. The heavenly messenger said that the girl would become the mother of the son of God. This will happen miraculously: the Holy Spirit will descend on the Virgin Mary. The Mother of God humbly accepted this news.

Nine months pass from the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Nativity of Christ (January 7).

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2019: holiday traditions

On Annunciation, celebratory services are held in churches. The clergy wear blue vestments (this is the color of the Mother of God holidays).

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the twelfth Orthodox holiday (that is, one of the 12 most important, with the exception of Easter). If April 7 does not fall during Holy Week, then you can eat fish on this day.

In 2019, the Annunciation fell on the 4th week of Lent. This means that on April 7, believers can eat fish.

On the Annunciation, many Orthodox Christians try to confess and receive communion.

  • Annunciation in 2019 coincides with Lent. On this day you cannot eat eggs, meat and dairy products.
  • According to church rules, on April 7 you cannot swear, slander, conflict with loved ones, or wish harm to people.
  • On the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you should not abuse alcohol.
  • You cannot guess, engage in occultism and magic.
  • You can't get carried away by signs. In the church they are considered superstition.
  • There is no ban on working on Orthodox holidays in the church. On Annunciation 2019, it is advisable to go to church and pray, and devote time to prayer. There is no prohibition on working, cleaning, sewing and other activities in the church.

    Prayers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Troparion to the Forefeast Day





    Irmos of the 9th song

    What is possible and what is not allowed for the Annunciation?

    We present to your attention a selection of answers to the most common questions about the Annunciation.

    Is it possible to eat fish on Annunciation?

    The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos falls during the strictest fast in the church year - Lent. But in honor of this holiday, there is a relaxation in the gastronomic fast - you can eat fish.

    (Except for those cases when the Annunciation falls on Holy Week (as in 2018 - the Annunciation coincides with the Holy Saturday of Holy Week). In this case, the charter allows food with vegetable oil).

    What can you eat on Annunciation?

    In honor of the Feast of the Annunciation, the gastronomic rules of Lent are relaxed - you can eat fish. Meat, eggs, and milk are still excluded from the meal.

    (However, there are exceptions: if the Annunciation falls on Holy Week (as was the case in 2018 - the Annunciation coincides with the Holy Saturday of Holy Week) - fish is not allowed.)

    Is it true that you can’t do anything on the Annunciation?

    This is a folk tradition, the main goal of which, rather, is to find a reason to justify one’s inaction and failure to fulfill certain obligations.

    In fact, there is no prohibition and there cannot be. The Church says that on the day of the Annunciation, like other major church holidays, every Christian believer should try to put aside their affairs for the sake of being present in church and praying. Further, a person is endowed with freedom and the right to choose. As an independent mature person, each of us has the right to reason for ourselves and choose how best to act, based on our own capabilities and resources.

    We should also think about our personal attitude towards the holiday.
    When one of our loved ones has a special event coming up, don’t we try to put off everything we do as much as possible and spend the day with them?
    Do we feel the same way about the Annunciation? Do we perceive the Annunciation as a holiday? For many, unfortunately, this is just another event in the life of the Church and nothing more. We don’t associate this holiday with ourselves in any way...

    But still, you always have to look at the situation. After all, no one knows what circumstances you are in. What obligations do you have to your family or to your employer?
    In any case, the main thing is not to get bogged down in vanity, worries, anger, irritation, etc. If possible, put aside anything that might prevent you from celebrating this Holiday with joy and gratitude.

    Is it possible to marry on the Annunciation?

    This year, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on the 4th week (week) of Lent, and as we know, this is a special period of repentance and abstinence. Therefore, the church does not bless marriages on this day.
    In rare cases, it happens that the Annunciation falls on Bright Week (the week after Easter), but even during this period weddings do not take place in churches.
    We can say that Bright Week and Holy Week are a single period in the center of which is Easter.
    During Holy Week, the last days of Christ’s earthly life are remembered, and during Bright Week, the Church glorifies and sings of His Resurrection!
    Therefore, all the attention of the Church is focused on this Great event.
    In any case, if you just want to sign at the registry office, then state registration has nothing to do with the Church, here you have the right to make your own decision.
    But if it is important for you to follow church traditions, then you can get married starting from the first resurrection after Easter - this is Antipascha (Anti means opposite), popularly called Red Hill. Then you can safely get married and celebrate the event in a proper way, without conflicting with Orthodox traditions.

    Is it possible to have a funeral service for the Annunciation?

    On the Annunciation, as well as on other important and revered holidays by the Church, funeral services and prayers are not performed.
    A holiday is a time of joy, so one should not be sad or sad on such a day. Especially if it falls during the period of fasting, when a person already does some work on himself.
    In the life of the Church there is a place and time for everything. There are days of special remembrance of the dead, when special prayers are performed for the deceased. And on ordinary days during worship, certain prayers are read for the repose of the soul.
    But you can also pray for your loved ones who have died on your own any day.

    Is it possible to wash on the Annunciation?

    The answer is clear - you can.
    Similar questions: “Is it possible to wash on the Annunciation?” as a rule, they give rise to various folk wisdoms, which are more related to paganism than to Orthodoxy.
    What is meant here is that on a holiday, as on any other day significant for the Church, one must, if possible, leave all worries, all vanity and pay attention to the main event, in this case, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    The Annunciation (that is, good news) is the day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced to her the birth of the son of God Jesus Christ into the world. This is a more than worthy reason to put aside our less significant affairs for the sake of visiting the temple and praying.
    But if you walk around unwashed, this, of course, will cause you a lot of inconvenience, irritation and all those unpleasant emotions that simply will not allow you to concentrate, much less share the joy of this holiday with your loved ones.

    Is it possible to work for the Annunciation?

    In Rus' there was a tradition not to work on the day of the Annunciation. The peasants did not go to the field, but devoted their entire time to the Orthodox celebration. But even then, in past centuries, and now, there is no prohibition to work as such. Another thing is that it is better to spend the hours of this day on works of prayer and mercy. Go with the whole family to the temple, pray to the Lord and the Mother of God, and share the joy of the holiday with other parishioners of the temple.

    The Church also blesses on the Annunciation (as, indeed, on other Orthodox celebrations) to help those who need it most. Visit your elderly relatives, go to an orphanage with volunteers, transfer a donation for an operation for a sick child.

    Is it possible to embroider for the Annunciation?

    In Rus', girls did not embroider for the Annunciation, because there was a tradition of putting off all household chores for the sake of prayer and a joyful celebration of the holiday. In our time, this custom has only partially been preserved, but most often believers try to devote the entire day of April 7 to God. Go to church, gather the whole family at the festive table.

    Is it possible to get a haircut for the Annunciation?

    Doubts about whether it is possible to get a haircut on the Annunciation arose due to an old saying: “A bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.” This saying, of course, is not a strict ban on cutting and combing your hair; it rather says that on this important day for every Christian it is worth putting aside everything vain and everyday and focusing on the meaning of the holiday. Read the Gospel, attend a church service, do something good for your neighbor, get together as a family and share joy with each other.

    Is it possible to clean the house for the Annunciation?

    In Rus', it was customary to do all the housework before the Feast of the Annunciation, so that on April 7 (new style) you would wake up in a clean hut and not be distracted by the bustle. Believers, both then and now, try to devote this day to prayer and joyful communication with brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Is it possible to receive communion at the Annunciation?

    Of course, you can receive communion at the Annunciation.

    Is it possible to knit for the Annunciation?

    On the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, needlewomen in Rus' put off their sewing and knitting until the evening. It was believed that on this day one should not do anything around the house.

    In our time, the Church also recommends that Christians put aside worldly, vain affairs in order to devote this day to the Lord and the Mother of God. Pray at home and in church, do some good deed for your neighbor, gather family and friends for a solemn meal.

    What should you not do on Annunciation?

    The Church does not give any specific instructions or prohibitions.
    We need to stop paying attention to signs and beliefs that have nothing to do with the life and world of the Church.
    Following far-fetched rules limits your own freedom.
    And in such a state, what kind of joy and gratitude can we talk about?
    Orthodoxy is the religion of adults, mature people. Nobody forces or forces us. We make our own choices. And only in this way can we consciously come to something, become deeply acquainted with traditions and meanings.
    When I understand the meaning of why I am doing something, then my attitude towards what is happening will be completely different.

    Is it possible to baptize on the Annunciation?

    You can baptize on the Annunciation, just like on any other day of the church year. The Sacrament of Baptism is performed on fasting days, ordinary days, and holidays. But on the twelve and great holidays, the priests of many churches are very busy, so they may offer to postpone the baptism to another day. The date and time of christening must be agreed upon in advance in a specific church or with a specific priest.

    Is it possible to dig the earth before the Annunciation?

    You can dig the ground before the Annunciation, if weather conditions and soil conditions permit. There is no need to connect your everyday worries with the church calendar. The Annunciation is an immutable holiday, and, apparently, that’s why it’s convenient for many to navigate by its date. But we should not forget that the Day of the Annunciation is not the basis for constructing a schedule of agricultural work, but a reminder of the great event that marked the beginning of our Salvation.

    Is it possible to plant before the Annunciation?

    You can plant before the Annunciation. There is no need to link the start of gardening work to the church calendar. In these matters, you need to focus on climatic conditions, planting calendars, experience, etc. The Church gives people more important guidelines than the date of sowing the beds. The Church leads people to follow Christ. And even during the planting season, you should not forget about this.

    Is it possible to put up a fence before the Annunciation?

    You can put up a fence before the Annunciation. This and similar prohibitions (borrowing or lending, cutting or even combing your hair, putting on new clothes and starting new things on the Annunciation) are just superstitions. Moreover, among such absurd beliefs, there is even this: on the Annunciation, you must steal something - and this will supposedly bring happiness. Sin cannot bring happiness. Belief in omens and superstitions is a sin that saints have been calling to be wary of since ancient times. Relying on such “rules”, a person completely forgets about God, His providence, His help and his own prayer.

    Is it possible to cook on Annunciation?

    Of course, you can cook on Annunciation Day. Otherwise, you risk being left on your own and leaving your loved ones hungry.

    The idea that you cannot cook on the Annunciation apparently originates in folk wisdom: “on the Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.” That is, it is assumed that nothing can be done on such a big holiday. In fact, our ancestors’ tradition of not working on holidays had a practical justification: holidays and Sundays should be dedicated to God, and not to the daily bustle.

    On the Annunciation, you can cook and do all the usual things, but at the same time you need to find time to go to church, pray and feel the meaning of this great and joyful event, which marked the beginning of the entire gospel story.

    Is it possible to sign on the Annunciation?

    You can sign on the Annunciation, but, following church rules, it is better to choose another day for painting.

    The Annunciation always falls either during Lent or (very rarely) during Bright Week. These are special periods of the year when the sacrament of weddings is not performed in the Church. The time of Great Lent is a time of repentance and prayer, Bright Week is a time of Easter joy, the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Moreover, although weddings on the twelve (i.e., the main holidays after Easter) are not prohibited, they are usually still not performed, since believers try to live this day together with the Church, rejoicing in the common joy.

    If for one reason or another the newlyweds need to formalize their relationship in the registry office on Annunciation, then they can do this. But the Church does not bless celebrating a wedding, having a feast and starting your married life on this day.

    Is it possible to clean up graves before the Annunciation?

    You can clean up the graves before the Annunciation.

    The Church does not have any strict instructions on which days it is necessary to restore order at the graves of deceased loved ones. But believers do not go to the cemetery (except for funerals) on major holidays, as well as during Holy Week and from Easter to Radonitsa, because during this period all the Christian’s attention is focused on the gospel events - the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ.

    During Lent, which usually coincides with the Annunciation, there are three Saturdays (parental Saturdays) dedicated to the commemoration of the dead. On such days you need to go and pray for them in the temple. But it is not forbidden to go to the cemetery after the funeral service. You can clean up the graves on any other day of Lent, but after Palm Sunday people go to the cemetery only on Radonitsa - the day of special all-church commemoration of the dead, which falls on the second Tuesday after Easter.

    Great church holiday Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary They always celebrate April 7th. It was on this day that an Angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to Jesus Christ.

    The events of the Annunciation are described by the Apostle Luke, who reports that the Lord sent the Archangel Gabriel to Nazareth to the Virgin Mary with the good news of the birth of the Savior of the world from her. For a long time, Greek Christians called this holiday “the day of welcome” and “announcement.”

    Our ancestors had a large number of signs and customs associated with the Annunciation. The traditions of the holiday have been formed among the people for centuries, and many of them have survived to this day.

    In addition, there are certain prohibitions on the Annunciation. It is not recommended to violate them, otherwise you can bring troubles and misfortunes on yourself and your loved ones.

    Traditions and customs, weather signs for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 7

    • Among the people, April 7 was considered the third meeting of spring.
    • On this day the birds were given free rein. He carried the cages with the birds up the mountain, and the girls went to bathe the birds and then released them. According to popular belief, it was believed that it would be better if they were white doves. They will fly into the sky and tell the Lord about the good deeds of man.
    • Housewives at the Annunciation burned salt, which was capable of working miracles. People believed that this salt, like the salt prepared on Maundy Thursday during Holy Week, could cure almost any disease if it was mixed into holy water and given to the sick person to drink. With the same burnt salt, small rolls were baked from bread dough - “byashki”, which were given to sick cattle.
    • April 7 is an important date for peasants. From this day the spring field harvest began. There was a popular belief that from the seeds chosen for the Annunciation, cabbage grows, which is not damaged by frost.
    • On this day, everyone jumped over the fire to rid themselves of damage, and they fumigated their clothes with smoke from the fire to protect themselves from the evil eye.
    • Old and sick people tried to wash themselves with melted snow on April 7, because they believed that on the Annunciation it had a special power that could protect against any illness. Sometimes such water was stocked up for future use in order to use it in case of illness.
    • What day is April 7th, so will the end of the month.
    • If the wind on Annunciation is cold, there will be a cold summer, and if the wind is warm, then the summer will be warm.
    • Frost on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a sign of a good harvest of spring crops and cucumbers.
    • Wet weather on April 7 foreshadows a mushroom summer and a nut harvest.
    • If there is snow on the roofs at Annunciation, then there will be more snow on the fields, it will not leave the field.
    • If on Annunciation the sky is cloudless and the sun is bright, the summer will be terrible.
    • The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is without swallows, which means that the remaining days of spring will be cold.

    Signs for the Annunciation - what you can and cannot do on April 7

    • At the Annunciation, the old people said: “Birds don’t make nests on this day, and girls don’t braid their hair.” Since then, there has been a belief that it is forbidden to braid and do hair on April 7th. The signs promised girls braiding their hair on the Annunciation not only a short life, but also the fate of an old maid.
    • On this holiday it is forbidden to do any work - there will be no luck.
    • You cannot give anything away from home on Annunciation, so as not to lose happiness and well-being.
    • Folk omens do not recommend wearing new things on April 7 - they will quickly become unusable and it will be impossible to replace them with others. Girls who ignore this ban will not be able to get married this year.
    • As you know, the thread symbolizes life, and therefore, by doing sewing, embroidery or knitting on the Annunciation, you can confuse your Fate.
    • The Annunciation is not the right day to start any business, since it will not produce any results, but will only bring disappointment.
    • You can’t go near the water on April 7 - mermaids can enchant you and pull you under water.
    • It is not recommended to stay far from home in Annunciation. According to popular beliefs, on this day the Brownie counts the household members. It is believed that if someone is missing, that person will soon die.
    • It is forbidden to go into the forest on Annunciation Day - a goblin can lead you deep into the forest to your death.
    • On this day it is forbidden to lend money - you will not be able to pay off your debts for a whole year. And in general, you cannot give anything from home at the Annunciation, otherwise fate will turn out in such a way that poverty will come.
    • Lovers should spend the Annunciation holiday together, in harmony, - this will help maintain such a relationship for the whole year.
    • On Annunciation, signs recommend that women call their husband or boyfriend “darling” 40 times, from morning to midnight. This will preserve love and prevent the emergence of a rival.
    • If an unmarried girl goes for water on April 7 and finds a primrose along the way, she will get married in the fall.

    The Annunciation is a bright holiday when Christians rejoice at the good news brought by the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He foretold that, being an immaculate virgin, she would carry and give birth to the Savior of all mankind.

    History of the Feast of the Annunciation
    The Annunciation means the proclamation of the news to people that the Savior is coming, the prediction is beginning to come true, he is already close. According to the church calendar. The Annunciation began to be celebrated, according to the decision of the church, from the 4th century AD. e. This day always falls 9 months before the Nativity of Christ.
    The Prophet Isaiah, who lived 700 years before the birth of Christ, argued that the Messiah is God in human form; he will be born of an immaculate virgin, will perform miracles and suffer, will die for human sins and will be resurrected. Most Jews believed that he would come in order to drive foreigners out of their land, conquer the whole world and forever remain the king of the earth. However, that's not how things happened. He came unnoticed and only his mother and father knew him.
    Until the age of sixteen, Mary, the future mother of Christ, lived at the temple and was very God-fearing. After 16 years, the girl had to be married off. They found her an elderly carpenter, Joseph, who was famous for his piety and lived not far from the temple, as her husband.
    Having learned that Mary was carrying a fetus under her breast, Joseph wanted to secretly let her go. But the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: “Joseph, do not be afraid to accept Mary your wife; for that which is born in her is of the Holy Spirit. He will save people from their sins." And Joseph did as the Angel told him - he accepted his wife. They had a son and named him Jesus. Everything was as predicted.

    Signs for the Feast of the Annunciation
    Many signs have been preserved and have reached our time.
    The most important of them is that you cannot do anything around the house, all land work is prohibited, even “the bird does not build a nest,” as they say.
    However, voluntary housework can bring trouble.
    All the planted seedlings will not be accepted, and the sown grain will not sprout.
    And the day of the week on which the Annunciation fell this year is considered unfavorable for sowing and planting, as well as starting new things.
    But the day following it, on the contrary, is considered very successful and favorable.
    It is customary not to wear new clothes for the first time at the Annunciation, otherwise they will quickly wear off.
    If there is snow on the roofs at Annunciation, then it will lie there even before Yegor (May 6).
    If there is frost on this day, then expect several more frosty mornings; in the north they count up to forty.
    It's warm for the Annunciation - there's a lot of frost ahead.
    On Annunciation without swallows - cold spring.

    Signs about the weather and harvest on the day of the Annunciation
    The night before, a dark sky without stars means poor egg laying by chickens.
    The sun on the Feast of the Annunciation means the wheat harvest.
    Rain is a holiday - for good fishing, for mushroom autumn.
    If there is a thunderstorm on the holiday, you can expect a warm summer and an excellent harvest of nuts.
    And the frost on this day could bring good forecasts for the harvest of cucumbers and spring crops.

    Every year on April 7, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the permanent twelfth holiday dedicated to the gospel event - the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary of the future birth of Jesus Christ.

    The plot of the Annunciation

    Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary

    The events of the Annunciation are described in the Gospel Apostle Luke. He reports that 6 months after the conception of Saint John the Baptist by righteous Elizabeth, the Lord sent the Archangel Gabriel to Nazareth. He was supposed to announce to the Virgin Mary that she would soon become the mother of the Savior. This is how this moment is described:

    « The angel, coming to Her, said: Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women. She, seeing him, was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this would be. And the Angel said to Her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God; and behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.».

    The event of the Annunciation itself has important not only for every Orthodox Christian, but for all humanity as a whole. After all, the words of the Archangel Gabriel “ Rejoice, Blessed One"became the first good news for humanity after its fall.

    After the archangel turned to Mary, she asked him a question: “ How will this be when I don’t know my husband?" In response, Gabriel told her about seedless, mysterious conception. She realized that this was God’s will and obeyed it: “ Behold, the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word" It is believed that it was at this moment that the immaculate conception occurred.

    With her submission and consent, Mary expressed her loyalty to the Orthodox faith.

    The meaning of the Annunciation

    The Virgin Mary was spinning at that moment

    The Annunciation is the first act of redemption in Christian history in which Mary's obedience to God's will completely counterbalances Eve's disobedience. Maria becomes " new Eve" Name Eva is an anagram of the word Ave, with which Gabriel addressed the “new Eve.” The event reflected the formula: “ death - through Eve, life - through Mary" Augustine expressed it in his writings somewhat differently: “ through a woman - death and through a woman - life».

    There is an opinion that it was no coincidence that God sent Gabriel to Mary with the good news on March 25 (according to the old calendar). It is believed that it was on this day that the Creation of the world took place. Thus, one of the most important meanings of the celebration of the Annunciation is the fact that The all-merciful Lord gave humanity a second chance.

    The Immaculate Conception of Mary belongs to the great mystery of piety. Humanity brought as a gift to God his purest creation - the Virgin.

    Another important spiritual meaning is embedded in the plot of the Annunciation. At the moment of the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary, she is spinning the curtain of the Jerusalem Temple. Subsequently, many Orthodox theologians interpreted yarn as the flesh of Christ. She became a symbol of the fact that Mary obediently agreed to clothe the Shrine of the Divine with the scarlet robe of her flesh.

    Celebration of the Annunciation

    Happy holiday!

    The modern name of the holiday - Annunciation - began to be used only in the 7th century. Before this, other designations are found in the sources:

    • Welcome Day;
    • Announcement;
    • Day/Feast of the Annunciation;
    • Rejoice, O Blessed One;
    • Annunciation of the Angel to the Blessed Virgin Mary;
    • Salutation to Mary;
    • Annunciation of the Conception to St. Mary;
    • Annunciation of Christ;
    • Conception of Christ;
    • The beginning of redemption;
    • Feast of the Incarnation.

    The full modern name of the Feast of the Annunciation in the Russian Orthodox Church is: Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

    In Orthodoxy, there are two approaches to explaining the date of the Annunciation:

    1. Connection with the date of the Nativity of Christ: exactly 9 months before the birth of Christ.
    2. Connection with the date of the creation of man: The Annunciation and conception of Jesus Christ took place on March 25, since on this day God created man, who, burdened with original sin, must be recreated exactly at the time at which he was created in order for redemption to begin.

    The establishment of the date of the celebration dates back to approximately the middle of the 6th century. It refers to the feasts of the Mother of God, so priests wear blue vestments to the service.

    Folk signs for the Annunciation

    Annunciation among the people

    The Annunciation among the people is the last winter-pre-spring holiday. Many beliefs, traditions and customs are associated with it:

    • You cannot work on this day.
    • On this day, according to legend, the pike breaks the ice with its tail and all the inhabitants who have taken refuge for the winter come out of the ground: snakes, frogs, insects.
    • The image of a bird is a symbol of the arrival of spring, so it has long been customary to bake dough birds called larks.
    • At dawn on Annunciation, you need to wash your face with clean natural water - melt, spring, well, river: it is believed that it will relieve all ailments.
    • The people believed that the water illuminated at the Annunciation could raise the sick to their feet, as it was considered healing.
    • By the day of the Annunciation, houses are cleaned, clothes and household items are renewed.

    Over the course of several centuries, people developed signs for the Annunciation:

    1. Like the Annunciation, so is Easter.
    2. If the night of the Annunciation is warm, then spring will be friendly.
    3. If swallows have not yet arrived by this day, spring will be cold.
    4. Morning fog means large floods of rivers and streams.
    5. A cloudless sky and bright sun - for a menacing summer.
    6. If there is wind, fog and frost, the year will be fruitful.
    7. It will rain on Annunciation - there will be a mushroom summer.
    8. Frosty day - harvest on milk mushrooms.
    9. A person working for the Annunciation will suffer misfortune.
    10. Dreams from April 6 to 7 predict the future, but they will not come true soon - only in six months.

    The people composed proverbs and sayings about the Annunciation:

    • As you spend the Annunciation, you will live for a whole year.
    • Spring from Annunciation to Bathing.
    • As is the Annunciation, so is the bright week.
    • On Annunciation and Easter, sinners are not tormented in hell.
    • Veil is not summer, Annunciation is not winter.
    • The cuckoo is without a nest because it made it on the Annunciation Day.
    • Do not blow fire on the Annunciation - there will be no firebrand.

    For several centuries now, the Annunciation has remained the favorite holiday of all Orthodox Christians. You should start this day by attending a divine service and dedicating it to God, your family and friends, expecting the imminent arrival of spring and Easter. Happy holiday to all of you!
