What is the energy of the Sun briefly and clear. Interesting facts about solar energy

To date, the problem of energy consumption is quite acute - the resources of the planet are not infinite and during their existence, humanity is pretty devastated by the fact that it was given by nature. At the moment, the extraction of coal and oil is actively carried out, the reserves of which are becoming less and less. allowed humanity to make an incredible step into the future and use atomic energy, bringing a huge danger to the whole environment with this blessing.

No less than an acute question is the environmental - active resource mining and their further use is perniciously affecting the state of the planet, changing not only the nature of soils, but even climatic conditions.

That is why special attention has always been paid to natural sources of energy, such, for example, like water or wind. Finally, after so many years of active research and development, humanity "Doroslo" before the use of the energy of the Sun on Earth. It is about him and go further speech.

What's attractive

Before switching to specific examples, find out how so much interested in this type of energy extraction of researchers around the world. Its main property can be called inexhaustibility. Despite numerous hypotheses, the likelihood that the star like the Sun will go out in the near future, extremely small. It means that the ability to obtain pure energy is open to humanity in a completely natural way.

The second undoubted advantage of using the energy of the Sun on Earth is the ecology of this option. The impact on the environment under such conditions will be zero, which in turn provides the world a much lighter future than the one that opens with constant mining of limited underground resources.

Finally, it should be paid to the fact that the Sun represents the smallest danger for the person himself.

As in fact

Now let's go to the point. A few poetic name "Solar Energy" is in fact converting radiation into electricity using specially developed technologies. This process provides photoelectric elements that humanity extremely actively uses for its own purposes, and quite successful.

Solar radiation

It so developed historically that the noun "radiation" causes a person with a rather negative associations rather than positive due to those technogenic catastrophes, which the world managed to survive in their century. Nevertheless, the technology of using the energy of the Sun on Earth provides for the work of it with it.

In fact, this type of radiation is an electromagnetic radiation, the range of which is between 2.8 to 3.0 μm.

So successfully used by humanity, the solar spectrum consists in fact of three types of waves: ultraviolet (about 2%), approximately 49% are light waves and, finally, as much as much as the solar energy has a small number of other components, but their role is so insignificant. that they do not have a special impact on the life of the Earth.

The amount of solar energy falling on the ground

Now that the composition of the human spectrum used for the benefit of humanity is defined, one more important feature of this resource should be noted. The use of solar energy on Earth seems very promising also because it is available in fairly large quantities at almost minimum processing costs. The total number of emitted energy star is extremely large, but it reaches about 47% to the surface of the Earth, which is equal to the sevenists of kilowatt-hours quadrillion. For comparison, we note that only one kilowatt-hour will be able to provide a ten-year work of a power light bulb in a hundred watts.

The power of the radiation of the Sun and the use of energy on Earth, of course, depends on a number of factors: climatic conditions, angle of falling rays on the surface, season and geographical position.

When and how much

It is easy to guess that the daily amount of solar energy falling on the surface of the Earth is constantly changing, because directly depends on the position of the planet relative to the Sun and the movement of the luminance itself. It has long been known for the fact that at noon the radiation is maximum, while in the morning and in the evening the number of reaches the rays is significantly less.

With confidence, we can say that the use of the energy of the Sun will be the most productive in the regions as close as possible to the equatorial strip, since it is there that the difference between the highest and lower indicators is minimal, which indicates the maximum amount of radiation reaching the surface of the planet. For example, on the territory of desert African sections, the annual amount of radiation reaches an average of 2,200 kilowatt-hours, while in Canada or, for example, Central Europe, indicators do not exceed 1000 kilowatt-hours.

Solar energy in history

If you think as widely as possible, attempts to "tame" the great luminaries, warming our planet, began in deep antiquity in the times of paganism, when each element was embodied by a separate deity. However, of course, then on the use of solar energy, even speech could not be - magic reigned in the world.

The topic of using the energy of the Sun on Earth began to actively rise only at the end of the XIV - the beginning of the twentieth century. The real breakthrough in science was performed in 1839 by Alexander Edmon Becquell, who managed to become the discoverer of the photovoltaic effect. The study of this topic has increased significantly, and after 44 years, Charles Frittts was able to construct the first module in history, which was based on the gilded selenium. Such use of the energy of the Sun on Earth gave a small amount of electricity released - the total amount of production was then at no more than 1%. Nevertheless, for all mankind, it became a real breakthrough that opened new horizons of science, which had not even even had to dream of.

A significant contribution to the development of solar energy was made at one time albert Einstein himself. In the modern world, the name of the scientist is more often associated with his famous relativity theory, but in fact the Nobel Prize he was awarded precisely

Until our days, the technology of using the energy of the Sun energy on Earth is experiencing the rapid ups, then no less rapid falls, but this industry is constantly updated with new facts, and you can hope that the door to a completely new world will open in front of us.

Nature against us

We have already spoken about the advantages of using the energy of the Sun on Earth. Now pay attention to the disadvantages of this method, which, unfortunately, not less.

Because of the direct dependence on the geographical position, the climatic conditions and the movement of the Sun, the production of solar energy in sufficient quantities requires tremendous territorial costs. The essence lies in the fact that the greater the area of \u200b\u200bconsumption and processing of solar radiation, the greater the amount of environmentally clean energy we get at the output. The placement of such huge systems requires a large number of free square, which causes certain difficulties.

Another problem regarding the use of the energy of the Sun on Earth is directly dependent on the time of day, since the production of at night will be zero, and in the morning and evening it is extremely insignificant.

An additional risk factor is the weather itself - sharp change conditions can be extremely negatively affecting the work of this kind of system, since it is difficult to debug the required power. In a sense, the situation with a sharp change of the amount of absorption and production can be dangerous.

Pure, but expensive

The use of solar energy on Earth is difficult at the moment because of its high costs. The photocells needed to implement the main processes have a sufficiently high cost. Of course, the positive aspects of using such a resource make it payback, but from an economic point of view, at the moment you do not have to talk about the full payback of cash costs.

Nevertheless, as the tendency shows, the price of photocells gradually falls, so over time this problem can be completely solved.

Inconvenience of the process

The use of the Sun as an energy source represents the difficulty even because this method of processing resources is quite time consuming and uncomfortable. Consumption and recycling of radiation directly depend on the purity of the plates, which is rather problematic. In addition, it is extremely negative on the process to also affect the heating of elements that can be prevented only by using powerful cooling systems, which requires additional material costs, and considerable.

In addition, the plates used in the heliacollectors, after 30 years of active work, gradually come into disrepair, and the cost of photocells was previously said.

Ecological question

It was previously said that the use of such a resource would be able to save humanity from sufficiently serious environmental problems in the future. The source of resources and the final product is really environmentally than the highest possible.

Nevertheless, the use of the energy of the Sun, the principle of operation of the helixollectors is to apply special plates with photocells, for the manufacture of which requires a mass of poisonous substances: lead, arsenic or potassium. Their use of harm to the environment does not bring, however, given the limited life of their operation, over time, the recycling of the plates can be a serious problem.

To limit the negative impact on the ecology, manufacturers gradually switch to thin-film plates that have a lower cost and less pernicably affect the environment.

Ways to convert radiation into energy

Films and books about the future of humanity give us almost always about the same picture of this process, which, in fact, can differ significantly from reality. There are several ways to transform.

The most common can be called the previously described use of photocells.

As an alternative, humanity actively uses heliotermal energy based on heating of special surfaces, which allows with the proper direction of the resulting temperature to heat the water. If you simplify this process as much as possible, it can be compared with the tanks that are used for the summer soul in the private sector homes.

Another way to use radiation to generate energy is "Sunny Sail", which can only act in this kind of system converts radiation into

The problem of lack of production at night is partially solved by solar aeright power plants, the operation of which continues due to the accumulation of the emitted energy and the duration of the cooling process.

We and solar energy

The energy resources of the sun and wind on Earth are used quite actively, although we often do not notice it. Previously mentioned the prime heating of water in the summer soul. In essence, most often solar energy is used specifically for these purposes. Nevertheless, there are plenty of other examples: in almost every store of the lighting technology, you can find cumulative light bulbs that can work without electric current even at night due to energy accumulated per day.

Installations based on photocells are actively used on all sorts of pumping stations and ventilation systems.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

One of the most important resources for humanity is solar energy, and the prospects for its use are extremely large. This industry is actively funded, expanding and improved. Now the solar energy is as developed as much as possible in the United States, where some regions use it as a full-fledged alternative power supply. Also, the power plants of this type work to other countries have long taken the course for this type of electricity, which will soon be solved by the problem of environmental pollution.

There is one reason why the Earth is the only place in the solar system where life exists and flourishes. Of course, scientists are suspected that under the icy surface of Europe or Enceladus a microbial or even a water form of life, it can also be found. But for the time being, the Earth remains the only place that has all the necessary conditions for the existence of life.

One of the reasons for this is that the Earth is located in the potentially inhabitable zone around the Sun (the so-called "zlytovist zone"). This means that it is in the right place (not too far and not too close) to get the abundant energy of the Sun, which includes the light and the heat necessary for the flow of chemical reactions. But how exactly the sun provides us with energy? What stages go through energy on the way to us, on the planet Earth?

The answer begins with the fact that the sun, like all the stars, can produce energy, because it is essentially a massive thermonuclear reactor. Scientists believe that it began with a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. nebula), which collapsed under the power of own severity is the so-called nebula theory. In this process, not only a big ball of light was born in the center of our solar system, but also hydrogen collected in this center began to synthesize with the formation of solar energy.

Technically known as nuclear synthesis, this process releases a huge amount of energy in the form of heat and light. But on the way from the center of the Sun to Planet Earth, this energy passes through a number of important stages. In the end, everything comes down to the layers of the Sun, and the role of each of them plays an important role in the process of providing our planet the most important energy for life.

The core of the Sun is an area that extends from the center to 20-25% of the radius of the shone. It is here that in the kernel, the energy is produced, generated by the transformation of hydrogen atoms (H) in the helium molecules (HE). This is possible due to a huge pressure and high temperature inherent to the kernel, which is estimated equivalent to 250 billion atmospheres (25.33 trillion kPa) and 15.7 million degrees Celsius, respectively.

The final result is the fusion of four protons (hydrogen molecules) into one alpha particle - two protons and two neutrons, interconnected into a particle, identical to the helium kernel. In this process, two positron is released, as well as two neutrinos (which changes two proton on neutrons) and energy.

The kernel is the only part of the Sun, which produces a significant amount of heat in the synthesis process. In essence, 99% of the energy produced by the Sun is found within 24% of the radius of the sun. To 30% of the radius, the synthesis ceases almost entirely. The remainder of the Sun is heated by the energy, which is transmitted from the kernel through the serial layers, ultimately reaching the solar photosphere and flowing into space in the form of sunlight or kinetic particle energy.

The sun releases energy, transforming a mass into energy at a speed of 4.26 million metric tons per second, which is equivalent to 38,460 watt septills per second. In order for you to be clearer, it is equivalent to the explosions of 1,820,000,000 "Tsar-Bomb" - the most powerful thermonuclear bomb in the history of mankind.

Zone radiant transfer

This zone is immediately after the core and extends to 0.7 solar radius. There is no thermal convection in this layer, but solar matter is very hot and sufficiently dense, so that the thermal radiation easily transmitted intensive heat from the kernel outward. It mainly includes hydrogen and helium ions emitting photons that pass a short distance and are absorbed by other ions.

This layer is lower, about 7 million degrees closer to the kernel to 2 million degrees on the boundary of the convective zone. The density also falls a hundred times from 20 g / cm³ closer to the kernel up to 0.2 g / cm³ at the upper boundary.

Convective zone

This is an outer layer of the Sun, which accounts for everything that goes beyond 70% of the inner radius of the sun (and leaves about 200,000 kilometers below the surface). Here the temperature is lower than in the radiation zone, and heavy atoms are not completely ionized. As a result, radiation heat transfer is less efficient, and the plasma density is quite low to allow convective streams to appear.

Because of this, the raising thermal cells carry most of the heat outward to the sun photosphere. After the right, how these cells rise slightly below the photospheric surface, their material is cooled, and the density increases. This leads to the fact that they fall to the base of the convective zone again - where they are taken still heat and continue the convective cycle.

On the surface of the Sun, the temperature drops to about 5700 degrees Celsius. The turbulent convection of this layer of the sun also causes the effect that produces magnetic northern and southern poles along the entire surface of the sun.

It is in this layer that solar spots appear that seem dark compared to the surrounding area. These stains correspond to the concentrations of the magnetic field streams that exercise convection and lead to a drop in temperature on the surface compared to the surrounding material.


Finally, there is a photosphere, the visible surface of the sun. It is here that sunlight and heat emitted and raised to the surface are distributed into space. Temperatures in this layer vary between 4500 and 6000 degrees. Since the upper part of the photosphere is colder lower, the sun seems brighter in the center and darker on the sides: this phenomenon is known as the dimming of the limb.

The thickness of the photosphere is hundreds of kilometers, it is in this area that the sun becomes opaque for visible light. The reason for this in reducing the number of negatively charged hydrogen ions (H-), which easily absorb visible light. And on the contrary, the visible light that we see is born in the process of the electron reaction with hydrogen atoms to form H- ions.

The energy emitted by the photosphere is distributed in space and reaches the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets of the solar system. Here, on the ground, the upper layer of the atmosphere (ozone layer) filters most of the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, but passes part to the surface. Then this energy is absorbed by air and earthly crust, warms our planet and provides organisms with a source of energy.

The sun is located in the center of biological and chemical processes on Earth. Without it, the life cycle of plants and animals would end, the circadian rhythms of all earthly creatures would be torn, and life on Earth would cease to exist. The importance of the Sun was recognized in prehistoric times, and many cultures considered him as a deity (and often placed him as the main deity in their pantheons).

However, only in the past few centuries, we began to understand the processes that feed the sun. Thanks to constant research of physicists, astronomers and biologists, we can now understand how the sun produces energy and how it passes through our solar system. The study of the famous universe with its diversity of stellar systems and exoplanets also helps us draw an analogy with other types of stars.

People no longer imagine life without electricity, and every year the need for energy is increasingly growing, while energy reserves of such oil, gas, coal are rapidly reduced. Humanity does not have other options as the use of alternative energy sources. One way to produce electricity is the conversion of solar energy using photocells. What you can use the energy of the Sun People learned relatively long ago, but to actively develop began only in the last 20 years. In recent years, thanks to non-terminating research, the use of the latest materials and creative design solutions managed to significantly increase the productivity of solar cells. Many believe that in the future, humanity will be able to abandon the traditional methods for producing electricity in favor of solar energy and get it using solar power plants.

Solar energy

Solar energy One of the sources of electricity generation is not in a traditional way, therefore refers to alternative energy sources. Solar energy uses solar radiation and converts it to electricity or other types of energy. Solar energy is not only an environmentally friendly source of energy, because When converting solar energy does not stand out of harmful by-products, but even the energy of the Sun self-healing source of alternative energy.

How sunny power works

Theoretically calculate how much energy can be obtained from the solar stream is easy, it has long been known that passing the distance from the Sun to the Earth and falling on the surface of 1 m² at an angle of 90 °, the solar flow at the inlet to the atmosphere carries the energy charge of 1367 W in itself m², this is the so-called solar constant. This is the perfect option under ideal conditions, which we know to achieve almost impossible. Thus, after passing the atmosphere, the maximum stream that can be obtained will be at the equator and will be 1020 W / m², but the average daily value that we will be able to get 3 times less due to the change of day and night and changes in the angle of falling the solar flow. And in moderate latitudes towards changing the day and night, the time of the year is also added, and with it and changing the duration of the light day, so in moderate latitudes the amount of energy obtained will be reduced by another 2 times.

Development and distribution of solar energy

As we all know, in the past few years, the development of solar energy every year increasing the pace is increasing, but let's try to trace the dynamics of development. In the distant 1985, global capacities using solar energy were only 0.021 GW. In 2005, they have already accounted for 1.656 GW. 2005 is considered a turning point in the development of solar energy, it was from this year that people began to be actively interested in the research and development of electrical systems on solar energy. Next, the speaker does not leave doubts (2008g-15.5 GW, 2009-22.8 GW, 2010-40 GW, 2011-70 GW, 2012-108 GW, 2013-150 GW, 2014-203 GW). The palm of the championship in the use of solar energy is kept by the countries of the European Union and the United States, in the production and operational sphere only in the United States and Germany are more than 100 thousand people in each. Italy can boast Italy, Spain and, of course, China, which, if not the leader in the operation of solar cells, can boast of solar cells, as a manufacturer of photographers from year to year.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of solar energy

Advantages: 1) environmental friendliness - does not pollute the environment; 2) accessibility-photocells are available on sale not only for industrial use, but also to create private mini solar power plants; 3) the inexhaustibility and the very reducibility of the energy source; 4) Constantly decreasing cost of electricity production.
Disadvantages: 1) the impact on the performance of weather conditions and time of day; 2) to save energy it is necessary to accumulate energy; 3) less productivity in moderate latitudes due to the change of seasons; 4) significant heat heating over the solar power plant; 5) the need to periodically purify the surface of the photocells from pollution, and this is problematic due to the huge areas involved in the installation of photocells; 6) It can also be said about the relatively high cost of equipment, even every year the cost is reduced while we do not have to talk about cheap solar energy.

Prospects for the development of solar energy

To date, the development of solar energy is proper a great future, every year new solar power plants are increasingly built, which are striking with their scale and technical solutions. Scientific studies aimed at an increase in the efficiency of photo cells are also not stopped. Scientists considered that if you cover the land of the planet Earth by 0.07%, with the efficiency of photo-elements in 10%, then the energy is enough for more than 100% of the provision of all the needs of humanity. To date, photocells with efficiency are 30%. According to research data, it is known that the ambitions of scientists promise to bring it up to 85%.

Solar power plant

Solar power plants are the constructions of a task that is to convert solar energy streams into electrical energy. The sizes of solar power plants can be different, ranging from private mini power plants with several solar panels and ending with huge areas in the area over 10 km².

What are the solar power plants

With the time of the construction of the first solar power plants, quite a long time was held for which many projects were carried out and a lot of interesting structural solutions were applied. It is customary to share all solar power plants into several types:
1. Solar tower-type power stations.
2. Solar power plants, where solar batteries are photocells.
3. Tarbed solar power plants.
4. Parabolic solar power plants.
5. Solar power plant solar-vacuum type.
6. Solar power plant mixed type.

Solar Power Station Tower Type

Very common type of power plant design. It is a high tower on the top of which the tank is located, painted with water to black for better attraction of reflected sunlight. Around the tower there are large mirrors with an area of \u200b\u200bover 2 m², they are all connected to a single control system that follows the change in the angle of inclination of the mirrors, whatever they reflect the sunlight and directed it straight to the tank with water located on the tower top. Thus, the reflected sunlight heats the water that forms pairs, and then this pair with pumps is supplied to the turbogenerator where electricity is generated. The heating temperature of the tank can reach 700 ° C. The height of the tower depends on the size and power of the solar power plant and, as a rule, starts from 15 m, and the height of the largest today is 140 m. This type of solar power plants is very common and is preferred by many countries for its high efficiency in 20%.

Sunshine electro-element type

Used to convert a solar flux to electricity cells (solar panels). This type of power plant has become very popular due to the possibility of using solar batteries in small blocks, which allows the use of solar panels to provide electricity, both private houses and large industrial facilities. Moreover, the efficiency is growing every year and today there are already photo-elements with an efficiency of 30%.

Parabolic solar power plants

This type of solar power plant has the form of huge satellite antennas, the inner side of which is covered with mirror plates. The principle by which the energy conversion occurs, is similar to the turbulent stations with a small difference, the parabolic shape of the mirror determines that the sun's rays, reflecting from the entire surface of the mirror, are concentrated in the center where the receiver is located with a liquid that heats up, forming a pair, which in its own The queue is the driving force for small generators.

Tarbed solar power plants

The principle of operation and method of obtaining electricity is identical to solar power plants of the tower and parabolic type. The difference is only structural features. On the stationary design, a little similar to a giant metal tree, which rages round flat mirrors, which concentrate solar energy at the receiver.

Solar power plant solar-vacuum type

This is a very unusual way to use the energy of the Sun and the temperature difference. The design of the power plant consists of a coated glass roof of the land of a round shape with a tower in the center. The tower inside the hollow, in its foundation there are several turbines that rotate due to the temperature of the air flow due to the difference. Through the glass roof, the sun heats the ground and air indoors, and with an external environment, the building is communicated with the pipe and since outdoor air temperature is significantly lower, the air thrust is created, which increases with increasing temperature difference. Thus, at night, the turbines produce electricity more than during the day.

Solar power plant mixed type

This is when in solar power plants of a certain type, for example, solar collectors are used as auxiliary elements, for example, solar collectors to provide hot water and heat objects or can be used simultaneously on the tower cell-type power plane.

Solar energy is developing in high rates, people finally thought about alternative energy sources to warn inevitably an impending energy crisis and an ecological catastrophe. Though the leaders in the solar energy still remain the United States and the European Union, but all the rest of the world powers are gradually beginning to adopt and use the experience and technology of production and the use of solar power plants. You can not doubt that sooner or later solar energy will become the main source of energy on Earth.

The sun is an inexhaustible, environmentally friendly and cheap source of energy. According to experts, the amount of solar energy that enters the surface of the Earth during the week, exceeds the energy of all world reserves of oil, gas, coal and uranium 1. According to Academician J.I. Alferova, "Humanity has a reliable natural thermonuclear reactor - the sun. It is a class of class "L-2", very moderate, which in the galaxy up to 150 billion. But this is our star, and it sends huge power to Earth, the transformation of which allows you to satisfy almost any energy requests of mankind for many hundreds of years. " Moreover, the solar energy is "clean" and does not negative effect on the environment of Planet 2.

An important point is the fact that the raw material for the manufacture of solar panels is one of the most common elements - silicon. In the earth's crust of silicon - the second element after oxygen (29.5% by weight) 3. According to many scientists, silicon is the "oil of the twenty-first century": for 30 years, one kilogram of silicon in a photovoltaic station produces so much electricity as 75 tons of oil on a thermal power plant.

However, some experts believe that the solar energy cannot be called environmentally friendly due to the fact that the production of pure silicon for photobatars is very "dirty" and very energy-intensive production. Along with this, the construction of solar power plants requires a leading of extensive lands comparable in area with reservoirs of hydropower plants. Another disadvantage of solar energy, according to specialists, is high volatility. Ensuring the effective operation of the power system, the elements of which are solar power plants, possibly provided:
- availability of significant reserve facilities using traditional energy carriers that can be connected at night or on cloudy days;
- carrying out large-scale and expensive upgrades of power grid 4.

Despite the specified flaw, solar energy continues its development in the world. First of all, in view of the fact that radiant energy will be cheaper and in a few years will be a significant competition of oil and gas.

Currently there are photoelectric installationstransforming solar energy into electric based on the direct conversion method and termodynamic installationsIn which the solar energy is first converted to heat, then in the thermodynamic cycle of the heat machine is converted into mechanical energy, and in the generator is converted to electrical.

Solar elements as an energy source can be used:
- in industry (aviation industry, automotive industry, etc.),
- in agriculture,
- in the household sphere,
- in the construction sphere (for example, eco-house),
- on solar power plants,
- in autonomous video surveillance systems,
- in autonomous lighting systems,
- in the space industry.

According to the Institute of Energy Strategy, the theoretical potential of solar energy in Russia is more than 2,200 billion tons of conditional fuel, economic potential - 12.5 million. T.T. The potential of solar energy coming into the territory of Russia for three days, exceeds the energy of the entire annual production of electricity in our country.
Due to the location of Russia (between 41 and 82 degrees of northern latitude), the level of solar radiation varies significantly: from 810 kW / m 2 per year in remote northern regions up to 1400 kWh / m 2 per year in southern regions. The level of solar radiation is influenced by large seasonal fluctuations: on the width of 55 degrees, solar radiation in January is 1.69 kW / m 2, and in July - 11.41 kW-hour / m 2 per day.

The potential of solar energy is most large in the southwest (North Caucasus, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Black and Caspian Seas) and in Southern Siberia and the Far East.

The most promising regions in terms of using solar energy: Kalmykia, Stavropol Territory, Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Volgograd region, Astrakhan region and other regions in the south-west, Altai, Primorye, Chita region, Buryatia and other regions in the south-east. Moreover, some of the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East exceeds the level of solar radiation of the southern regions. For example, in Irkutsk (52 degrees of northern latitude), the level of solar radiation reaches 1340 kWh / m 2, while in the Republic of Yakutia-Sakha (62 degrees of northern latitude), this indicator is 1290 kWh / m 2. five

Currently, Russia has advanced technologies for the transformation of solar energy into electric. There are a number of enterprises and organizations that have developed and improving photovoltaic converters technologies: both on silicon and multi-income structures. There are a number of development of concentrating systems for solar power plants.

The legislative base in the field of support for the development of solar energy in Russia is in its infancy. However, the first steps have already been made:
- July 3, 2008: Government Decree No. 426 "On the qualifications of a generating facility operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources";
- January 8, 2009: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1-R "On the main directions of state policy in the field of increasing power efficiency of electric power industry based on the use of renewable energy sources for the period up to 2020

Target indicators were approved to increase the share of Russian energy supplies to 2.5% and 4.5%, respectively, 6% by 2015 and 2020.

According to different estimates, at the moment in Russia, the total volume of the introduced powers of solar generation is no more than 5 MW, most of which fall on households. The largest industrial facility in the Russian solar energy is the solar plant in the Belgorod region with a capacity of 100 kW (for comparison, the largest solar power station in the world is located in Canada with a capacity of 80,000 kW).

At the moment, two projects are being implemented in Russia: the construction of sunny parks in the Stavropol Territory (power - 12 MW), and in the Republic of Dagestan (10 MW) 7. Despite the lack of support for renewable energy, a number of companies implement small projects in the sphere of solar energy. For example, Sakhaenergo installed a small station in Yakutia with a capacity of 10 kW.

There are small installations in Moscow: in Leontyevsky Lane and on Michurinsky Prospect, the entrances and yards of several houses are illuminated with solar modules, which reduced the cost of lighting by 25%. On Timiryazevskaya Street, solar panels are installed on the roof of one of the bus stops that provide the work of the reference and information transport system and Wi-Fi.

The development of solar energy in Russia is due to a number of factors:

1) climatic conditions: This factor affects not only a year to achieve a network parity, but also to choose the solar installation technology, which is best suited for a particular region;

2) governmental support:the presence of legislatively established economic incentives of solar energy has decisive importance on
Its development. Among the types of state support, which have been successfully used in a number of countries in Europe and the United States, can be distinguished: a preferential rate for solar power plants, subsidies for the construction of solar power plants, various options for tax benefits, compensation for the cost of maintenance of loans for the purchase of solar plants;

3) SFEU cost (solar photovoltaic installations):today, solar power plants are one of the most expensive electricity production technologies. However, as the cost of 1 kW * h produced electricity, solar energy becomes competitive. From lowering the cost of 1W installed power SFEU (~ $ 3000 in 2010) depends on SFEU. The reduction in cost is achieved by increasing the efficiency, reducing the technological costs and reducing the profitability of production (the influence of competition). The cost reduction potential of 1 kW power depends on technology and lies in the range from 5% to 15% per year;

4) environmental norms: The solar energy market may have a positive effect on the tightening of environmental norms (restrictions and fines) due to the possible revision of the Kyoto Protocol. Improving emission quotas sales mechanisms can give a new economic incentive for the SFEU market;

5) balance of the supply and supply of electricity: The implementation of existing ambitious plans for the construction and reconstruction of generating and power grid
The capacity of companies stated from RAO UES of Russia during the industry reform will significantly increase the supply of electricity and can increase pressure on the price
In the wholesale market. However, the disposal of old capacity and the simultaneous increase in demand will entail an increase in the price;

6) Availability of technological connection problems:delays with the implementation of applications for technological connection to the centralized power supply system are an incentive to transition to alternative energy sources, including SFEU. Such delays are defined as an objective shortage of capacity and the ineffectiveness of the organization of technological connection with network companies or a lack of financing technological connection from the tariff;

7) initiatives of local authorities: Regional and municipal governments can implement their own programs for the development of solar energy or, more widely, renewable / non-traditional energy sources. Today, such programs are already implemented in the Krasnoyarsk and Krasnodar Territories, the Republic of Buryatia, etc.;

8) development of own production: Russian SFEU production may have a positive effect on the development of Russian solar energy consumption. First, thanks to its own production, the general awareness of the population about the presence of solar technologies and their popularity is increasing. Secondly, the cost of SFEU for end users is reduced by reducing intermediate links of the distribution chain and by reducing the transport component 8.

6 http://www.ng.ru/energy/2011-10-11/9_sun_energy.html
7 The organizer is the company "Hvevel", the founders of which are the Renov Group of Companies (51%) and the State Corporation "Russian Nanotechnology Corporation" (49%).

In recent years, scientists have particularly interested in alternative energy sources. Oil and gas will end sooner or later, so think about how we will survive in this situation, it is already now. Windmills are actively used in Europe, someone is trying to extract energy from the ocean, and we will talk about solar energy. After all, the star, which we almost every day we see in the sky, can help us save and improve the environmental situation. The value of the Sun for the Earth is difficult to overestimate - it gives heat, light and allows you to function everything alive on the planet. So why not find him another application?

A bit of history

In the mid-19th century, the physicist Alexander Edmond Becquer opened the photo galvanic effect. And by the end of the century, Charles Fritts created the first device capable of processing solar energy into electricity. To do this, a selenium covered covered with a thin layer of gold was used. The effect was weak, but this invention is often associated with the beginning of the era of solar energy. Some scientists disagree with this wording. They call the hero of the solar energy of the world-famous scientist Albert Einstein. In 1921, he received the Nobel Prize for explaining the laws of an external photo effect.

It would seem that solar energy is a promising path of development. But there are a lot of obstacles in order for it to enter each house - mainly economic and environmental. What makes the cost of solar panels, which harm they can cause an environment and what else there are ways to produce energy, learn below.

Methods of accumulation

The most urgent task associated with taking the energy of the Sun is not only its receipt, but also accumulation. And it is precisely the most difficult. Currently, scientists have developed only 3 methods of full taming of solar energy.

The first is based on the use of a parabolic mirror and a little resembles a game with a magnifying glass, which everyone familiar from childhood. Through the lens light passes, gathering at one point. If you put a piece of paper in this place, it will light up, since the temperature of the crossed sunlight is incredibly high. A parabolic mirror is a concave disc, resembling a shallow bowl. This mirror, in contrast to the magnifier, does not miss, and reflects the sunlight, collecting it at one point, which is usually directed to the black tube with water. This color is used because it best absorbs light. Water in the pipe under the action of sun rays is heated and can be used to produce electricity or for heating small houses.

Flat heater

This method uses a completely different system. Sunshine receiver looks like a multi-layered design. The principle of his work looks like this.

Passing through the glass, the rays fall on the darkened metal, which is known to absorb the light better. Solar radiation turns into and heats the water, which is under the iron plate. Further, everything happens as in the first way. Heated water can be used either for the heating of rooms or to produce electrical energy. True, the effectiveness of this method is not as high to use it everywhere.

As a rule, solar energy obtained is warm. For electricity, the third method is much more often used.

Solar cells

Most of all, we are familiar with this way of obtaining energy. It implies the use of various batteries or solar panels that can be found on the roofs of many modern houses. This method is more complicated previously described, but is much more promising. It is he who gives the opportunity to the electricity on an industrial scale.

Special panels designed to capture rays make from enriched silicon crystals. Sunlight, getting on them, knocks down an electron with orbits. In his place immediately seeks another, thus the continuous mobile chain is obtained, which creates a current. It is immediately used if necessary to provide instruments or accumulates in the form of electricity in special batteries.

The popularity of this method is justified by the fact that it allows you to get more than 120 W in total from one square meter of the solar battery. At the same time, the panels have a relatively small thickness, which allows you to place them almost everywhere.

Types of silicon panels

There are several types of solar panels. The first are made using single-crystal silicon. Their efficiency is approximately 15%. These are the most expensive.

The efficiency of elements made of polycrystalline silicon reaches 11%. They are less, because the material is obtained by simplified technology. The third type is most economical and has a minimum efficiency. These are panels from amorphous silicon, that is, non-crystalline. In addition to low efficiency, they have another significant disadvantage - short-life.

Some manufacturers to increase the efficiency involve both sides of the solar panel - back and frontal. This allows you to capture light in large volumes and increases the amount of energy obtained by 15-20%.

Domestic manufacturers

Solar energy on Earth is becoming increasingly distributed. Even in our country are interested in studying this industry. Despite the fact that the development of alternative energy is not very active in Russia, they managed to achieve certain success. Currently, several organizations are engaged in creating panels to obtain solar energy - mostly scientific institutions of various focus and plants for the production of electrical equipment.

  1. NPF "Quark".
  2. JSC "Kovrovsky Mechanical Plant".
  3. All-Russian Research Institute of Agriculture.
  4. NGO mechanical engineering.
  5. JSC Win.
  6. OJSC Ryazan Plant Metal Ceramic Devices.
  7. AOOT Pravdinsky experienced plant sources "will call".

This is only a small part of enterprises who actively participate in the development of alternative

Effect on the environment

The refusal of coal and oil sources of energy is not only associated with the fact that these resources will end sooner or later. The fact is that they are very harmful to the environment - pollute the soil, air and water, contribute to the development of diseases in humans and to reduce immunity. That is why alternative energy sources should be safe from an environmental point of view.

Silicon, which is used for the production of photocells, is safe in itself, since it is natural material. But after its cleaning, waste remains. It is they who can harm human and the environment with improper use.

In addition, natural lighting can be disturbed on a plot that is completely forced by sunny batteries. This will lead to changes in the existing ecosystem. But in general, the impact on the environment of devices intended for converting solar energy is minimal.


The greatest costs are related to the high cost of raw materials. As we have already found out, the special panels are created using silicon. Despite the fact that this mineral is widespread in nature, great problems are associated with its extraction. The fact is that silicon, which is more than a quarter of the mass of the earth's crust, is not suitable for the production of solar panels. For these purposes, only the purest material obtained by an industrial method is suitable. Unfortunately, from the sand to get purest silicon extremely problematic.

For the price, this resource is comparable to uranium used to nuclear power plants. That is why the cost of solar batteries is currently at a fairly high level.

Modern technologies

The first attempts to tame solar energy appeared quite a long time. Since then, many scientists are actively engaged in search of the most efficient equipment. It should be not only cost-effective, but also compact. His KPD should strive for the maximum.

The first steps to the perfect device for obtaining and converting solar energy were made with the invention of silicon batteries. Of course, the price is high enough, but the panel can be placed on the roofs and walls of houses, where they will not interfere with anyone. And the effectiveness of such batteries is indisputable.

But the best way to increase the popularity of solar energy is to make it cheaper. German scientists have already suggested replacing silicon with synthetic fibers that can be integrated into fabric or other materials. The efficiency of such a solar battery is not very high. But the shirt with the inclusion of synthetic fibers can at least provide electricity smartphone or player. Work is actively working in the field of nanotechnology. It is probably that they will allow the Sun to become the most popular source of energy already in this century. SCATES AS specialists from Norway have already stated that nanotechnologies will reduce the cost of solar panels by 2 times.

Solar energy for home

About housing that will ensure itself will probably dream of many: there is no dependence on centralized heating, difficulties with accounts and harm to the environment. Already in many countries, housing is actively built, consuming only energy obtained from alternative sources. A bright example is the so-called sunny house.

In the process of construction, it will require large investments than the traditional one. But after several years of operation, all costs will pay off - do not have to pay for heating, hot water and electricity. In the sunny house, all these communications are tied to a special photoelectric panels placed on the roof. Moreover, energy resources obtained in this way are not only spent on current needs, but also accumulate for use at night and under cloudy weather.

Currently, the construction of such houses is carried out not only in countries close to the equator, where to produce solar energy is easiest. They are also erected in Canada, Finland and Sweden.

Pros and cons

The development of technologies that allow everywhere to use solar energy could be kept more actively. But there are still certain reasons for which it is still not a priority. As we have already spoken above, the production of the panels are produced harmful to the environment. In addition, the finished equipment contains in its composition gallium, arsenic, cadmium and lead.

A lot of questions also causes the need to dispose of photoelectric panels. After 50 years of work, they will become unsuitable for service, and they will have to somehow destroy. Will this harmful harm causes nature? It is also worth considering that solar energy is an inconstant resource, the effectiveness of which depends on the time of day and weather. And this is a significant disadvantage.

But the pros, of course, is. Solar energy can be produced almost anywhere in the Earth, and equipment for its preparation and transformation can be so small that fit on the back of the smartphone. What else is important, this is a renewable resource, that is, the amount of solar energy will remain unchanged at least thousands of years.


The development of technologies in the field of solar energy should lead to a decrease in the cost of creating elements. Already now appear glass panels that can be installed on the windows. The development of nanotechnology allowed to invent paint, which will be treated for solar batteries and will be able to replace the silicon layer. If the cost of solar energy is really declining several times, its popularity will also grow multiple times.

Creating small panels for individual use will allow people in any conditions to use solar energy - at home, in the car or even outside the city. Due to their distribution, the load on the centralized electrical network will decrease, since people will be able to independently charge fine electronics.

Shell's specialists believe that by 2040 about half of energy in the world will be created due to renewable resources. Already in Germany, the consumption of solar energy is actively growing, and the power of the batteries is more than 35 gigavats. Japan is also actively developing this industry. These two countries are the leaders of the consumption of solar energy in the world. Provided soon, the United States will be joined soon.

Other Alternative Energy Sources

Scientists do not cease to break their heads over what else can be used to produce electricity or heat. We give examples of the most promising alternative sources of energy.

Windmills can now be found in almost any country. Even on the streets of many Russian cities, lanterns are installed, which themselves provide themselves with electricity due to wind energy. Surely their cost price is higher than average, but over time they will rise this difference.

A long time was invented technology that allows to obtain energy using the difference of water temperature on the surface of the ocean and at a depth. China is actively going to develop this direction. In the coming years, the coast of Middle Kingdom is going to build a largest power plant operating on this technology. There are other ways to use the sea. For example, in Australia, it is planned to create a power plant generating energy from the streams of flows.

There are many others or heat. But against the background of many other options, solar energy is a truly promising direction for the development of science.