Coat of arms of Syria: meaning, description and recommendations for study. Coat of arms and flag of Libya Hawk on the family coat of arms what does it mean

“They meet you by their clothes.” Nowadays, this saying has acquired a new meaning. By thinking about their appearance, people not only strive to please others, but also demonstrate their character, worldview, and style. Original tattoos expand the possibilities of expressing one’s own individuality and perfectly complement the image. It is not surprising that choosing a theme and design for a tattoo is sometimes very difficult, because the result will accompany the owner everywhere, remind him of important things and tell others about the person more than a thousand words.

Images of birds on tattoos are very popular. All birds evoke instant associations with flight, freedom, and the absence of restrictions. Hawk tattoo is the prerogative of free, confident, purposeful people. This is how those who choose such drawings see themselves, and this is how their friends and relatives see them.

Hawk - a symbol of freedom and fidelity

What features distinguish the hawk from other bird species? First of all, it is a bird of prey, an invader rapidly falling from the sky onto its target, vigilant and courageous. He evokes admiration, worship, and even envy. The characteristics of the bird’s behavior determine the human character traits that the hawk symbolizes:

  • A powerful hunting instinct is a symbol of perseverance, the ability to concentrate, determination, and vigilance.
  • Loyalty. The hawk is a monogamous bird, the resulting couple spends their whole lives together, and therefore the hawk tattoo symbolizes love for the soul mate found among millions of people, fidelity to it.
  • The unique ability of a bird to fly straight to the Sun, without squinting or closing its eyes, in human understanding means the ability to confidently move towards even the most difficult goal. Obstacles that would be insurmountable for others are, for such a person, only welcome tests that he will definitely pass.
  • A hawk is a bird soaring high in the sky; people with a hawk tattoo are familiar with inspiration, a sense of freedom, they themselves create a unique environment around themselves.

Note! The hawk is an exclusively carnivorous bird, and therefore a person with its image on the body can be dangerous; his desire to overcome any obstacles on the way to his own goal also means the ability to go over his head.

Hawk as seen by different peoples of the world

It is important! When choosing sketches for a tattoo, you have to pay attention to the historical significance of a particular image and how representatives of other cultures might see it.

What features are given to this bird in different parts of the world? Different peoples attribute the following properties to the hawk:

  • Among the ancient Egyptians, the hawk was one of the most revered representatives of the animal world, which was even expressed in the ancient Egyptian symbol of the human soul, Ka - a mythical creature with a human head and the body of a hawk. The Egyptians saw the bird as the embodiment of courage, strength, and heavenly principles. It is interesting that such images also meant noble origin for the Egyptians.
  • In Slavic cultures, the hawk became the personification of the forces of light, the ability to win and the desire for victory, freedom. After all, it is the hawk bird that the legendary good fellows in our folk tales turn into.
  • The Scandinavians saw the hawk as one of the main deities of the ancient pagan pantheon - Loki, the god of fire. This character is characterized by cunning and resourcefulness, a love of jokes, sometimes very cruel.
  • American Indians valued the hawk for its courage, nobility, and courage. Hawk plumage was used to create stunning headdresses for Indian tribal leaders. The hawk symbolized the Sun, which was worshiped by all ancient American civilizations; this bird is the progenitor of people.
  • Medieval Europe is a time when people began to widely use the properties of the hawk for hunting. The bird has become a symbol of the conqueror, invader, hunter. The image of this bird was used on the coats of arms of many noble families as a symbol of courage and fearlessness.

Fragile, war-torn states face serious legal challenges. Let's take Syria as an example. The forces tearing the country apart are trying to establish themselves in the international community by changing the official attributes. The coat of arms of Syria is an example of how the “democratic opposition” acts in terms of legalizing the second power in the state.

Would you say that symbols are not important? In reality, everything is not so simple. World organizations and other countries at the official level in interaction are subject to treaties and agreements included in international law. And they were legalized by the signatories, that is, the acceding countries. In Syria, there is a struggle over what power will provide this territory in the global political and legal process. And all state attributes are important here.

Coat of arms of Syria: meaning

We will begin the description with the official version, recognized by the Russian Federation, other democratic states and the UN. The subtlety of the political situation is that the opposition, with the support of the United States, is trying to legalize its option at this level. The official coat of arms of Syria currently looks like a “hawk of Quraysh”.

The bird has a three-color shield on its chest, consisting of stripes: red, silver and black. The hawk's tail consists of ears of corn, symbolizing the fertility of this land. The bird holds a green scroll in its paws. It has an inscription in Arabic. This is the name of the state. In the center of the shield, on a silver stripe, two green stars are visible, located one above the other. The same ones are on the official flag of the state. The eagle spread its wings and turned its head to the right. The last fact is given special significance. At different time periods, the coat of arms of Syria turned now to the right, now to the left, as if showing the direction of development.


The coat of arms of Syria is multi-colored, this has its own meaning. The state is very ancient; there have been ups and downs in its history. Outstanding dynasties that led the people and the country to prosperity are immortalized in attributes. Thus, the colors red, white (silver) and black are included in the coat of arms. They are associated with the Hashemite, Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. Each ruling branch made its own enormous contribution to the development of the country. Syria was a strong and powerful power that its neighbors reckoned with and feared. Green stars are associated with the Muslim religion, as is the color of the parchment in the hawk's claws. With the creation of the Syrian Arab Republic, the coat of arms began to be interpreted differently. The colors are deciphered as follows:

  • red - blood shed for independence;
  • white (silver) - peace and prosperity;
  • black - the years of colonial slavery, a thing of the past; this is an eternal reminder to posterity that one’s freedom must be valued and protected.

Green stars indicate the country's connection to everything

Opposition symbols

As already mentioned, there are forces in the country that are trying to establish their own symbols. In their version, the coat of arms of Syria is a gray or sand-colored hawk. Since there are many oppositionists, their opinions are divided. The shield was also decorated differently. Its colors are black, white and green. This coat of arms of Syria has more stars. There are three red ones on the shield, and the same number of gray ones above the bird. It is interesting that the hawk's head is turned in the same direction. That is, the opposition is not offering any special changes (people who can read symbols understand this) to the country.

A little history

You should know that the country's coat of arms has been changed several times. However, the bird has always been its basis: until 1958 and now it is the Quraish hawk. But during the time of the Union of Syria it represented Saladin’s eagle. This bird was more menacing, had black wings and massive legs. This is how the coat of arms looked before 1972.

Repeatedly the bird changed the direction of its head. This has always been associated with transformations in the country, new internal policies. The fact is that the government in Syria has been overthrown many times through coups. The forces that committed such an act had their own views on the role of the country in the Arab world, goals and principles of the structure. When the new authorities categorically disagreed with the old ones, they turned the head of the bird on the coat of arms, thereby demonstrating their position.

By the way, if you need illustrations for public speeches about this country, then choose a vector image of the coat of arms of Syria. The fact is that this technology allows you not to lose the quality of the drawing when projecting on a large screen. But these are technical issues, and that’s not what we’re talking about.

On our topic, it is important to understand that the coat of arms of Syria is part of the state attributes, recognized by the population and the international community. And this is the one that the Assad government is currently defending, and not a gray or sandy “fake”. Although there are other opinions in the world.

Libyan coat of arms(Arabic: شعار ليببا‎) - currently - almost the same coat of arms that was used while the country was part of the Federation of Arab Republics. The current coat of arms was adopted after Libya left the Federation in 1977.
Related to the flag, green is on one side symbol of the Green Cloak of the Prophet Muhammad, and on the other the symbol of the Green Revolution of Colonel Gaddafi.
The hawk depicted on the coat of arms is The Hawk of Quraysh, the emblem of the family of the Prophet Muhammad.
The phrase اتحاد الجمهوريات العربية (ittiħād al-jumhūriyyāt al-`arabiyya "Federation (literally Union) of Arab Republics"), written on a ribbon that is clutched in the talons of a hawk.

Flag of Libya
(Arabic: علم ليبيا‎‎), adopted on November 11, 1977, is a green rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 1:2. This the only one-color national flag in the world without any additional details, drawings, inscriptions, etc.

Flag of an independent the kingdom of Libya had a red, black and green flag with a white crescent and a star in the middle, but after the 1969 revolution it was also changed to red-white-black. In 1971, Libya joined the Federation of Arab Republics along with Egypt and Syria, which used a similar flag with a hawk and the country's name in the center. When Libya seceded from the federation in 1977, the country's modern, pure green flag was adopted. The green color of the flag symbolizes Islam, the state religion of the country, as well as the Green Revolution of Muammar Gaddafi.
1918-1923 Short-lived republic Tripolitania in Western Libya used as a state flag a blue color with a green palm tree depicted in the center and a white star above it.

Flag of Libya 1951-1969 The first national flag of modern Libya was adopted in 1951, when it gained independence from Italy. It was a rectangular panel consisting of three horizontal stripes: top - red, middle - black and bottom - green. In the center of the black stripe, the width of which was twice the width of the top or bottom, there was an image of a white crescent with a five-pointed star. Today, this flag is still used as a national flag by Libyan monarchists and oppositionists living abroad. Flag design based on the flag of the Sufi order Senusiyya, which was a black cloth with a crescent and a star.

Flag of Libya 1969-1972.As a result of the 1969 revolution, the official name of Libya was changed to the “Libyan Arab Republic”, and the flag was replaced with a pan-Arab three-stripe red-white-black).

Flag of the Federation of Arab Republics, 1972-1977. In 1972, with Libya joining the Federation of Arab Republics, the new state adopted a national flag. It differed from the 1969 Libyan flag in proportions, slightly more intense color of the red stripe of the flag, as well as a golden hawk (“Hawk of Quraish”) placed on a white stripe, holding in its paws a ribbon with the name of the state in Arabic.

March 8, 1977 Libya left the federation; The official name of the state was changed to the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. On November 11, 1977, the flag of Libya was changed to the modern one - single-color green (which was a reaction to the visit of Anwar Sadat to Israel, which in Libya was considered a betrayal of Arab and Islamic values).
