How to reduce butt, hips and belly at home? How to reduce the butt of a man? How to reduce your butt with exercise and diet? How To Reduce Butt Exercise.

Each female representative has a couple of things in her wardrobe that she really wants to wear, but her hips stick out treacherously, she does not climb on her butt and does not fit so nicely in these places. There is no woman who would be 100% satisfied with these body parts. Most just dream of an elastic and pumped up butt, the absence of so-called "ears" on the sides and "bolsters" on the inside of the thighs.

Why hips and buttocks get fat

So the female body is arranged that fat accumulations go to the sides, butt and thighs first of all. Most often, this is provoked by several factors:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Adolescence;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Poor nutrition
  • Excess weight.

And what only women do not do in an attempt to get rid of the hated centimeters. Massage, dieting, running, swimming ... Someone manages to get the result, but to consolidate it and keep it is a problem for many.

In fact, the secret to being slim is very simple. 80% of success depends on nutrition and 20% on sports.

Nutrition for a slim figure

Every woman's diet should be rich in fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It is important that the food is "clean" without food waste (fast food, chips, convenience foods, smoked meats, purchased sweets, sweets, etc.). Give preference only to natural products that are rich in vitamins and various microelements. Then you will forget about cellulite, sagging skin and excess weight.

The combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will make your diet varied, healthy and allow you to eat and lose weight at the same time.

  • Carbohydrates are a kind of fuel for our body. The energy that complex carbohydrates provide is necessary for a full-fledged human life. The percentage of carbohydrates in the human diet should be 40%. These are various cereals, whole grain breads and fruits.
  • Proteins are the building blocks of our body. It contains 20 amino acids, 9 of which are irreplaceable, and 11 of which the human body can produce itself. Protein is a part of DNA, so it should be at least 30% in the diet of every person. Thanks to the protein, which is high in amino acids, you can gain muscle mass. All types of meat and fish, some legumes and dairy products are high in protein.
  • Fats. Increasingly, you can see low-fat foods on store shelves and advertisements that the absence of fat is equal to a slim figure. But it is not so. It is the presence of fat in the body that helps it absorb vitamins A, E, D and K.

Fat is an essential element for maintaining the beauty and elasticity of the skin. In addition, fats are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. And since women's health and reproductive function depends on the functioning of the hormonal system, then women are extremely necessary fats.

Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate
  • Mayonnaise
  • Fried foods in a lot of oil
  • Margarine and trans fats
  • Crisps
  • Any sausages
  • Pickles (retain fluid in the body)
  • Purchased sweets

On your table, a variety should be:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Greens
  • Nuts,
  • Cereals
  • Lean meats

You also need to consider the number of calories consumed. Each product contains a certain amount of calories. They are always indicated at 100g of the product. And keep everything in balance. Even if you eat some fruits all day, you can get better.
Each person needs a different amount of calories. This amount depends on your weight, lifestyle (active or sedentary), how you feel and your metabolic rate.

And only after the nutrition is balanced, you will see the first results. The extra centimeters on the hips and bottom will begin to melt. Reinforce your "clean" nutrition with sports training and beauty treatments and your body will be toned, skin firm, and legs slim.

To lose weight you need to drink

Drink plenty of water! Not less than 2 liters. in a day. Water speeds up metabolism, improves metabolism and removes toxins from the body. It is also a great way to understand whether you are hungry or just want something to eat out of nothing to do. If you feel hungry and there is still little time between meals, just drink some water. If it is false hunger, then it will go away.

The value of sports in the fight against extra centimeters

As mentioned above, the combination of nutrition and sports is important. Exercise burns excess subcutaneous fat. But do not immediately run into the gym and grab the dumbbells. Start with outdoor cardiovascular exercise. Interval running or functional training without weights is best. In such workouts, all muscle groups are involved and the whole body works. Because to lose weight separately in the priest, but it is impossible to grow in the chest. Be prepared for the fact that removing the excess in the sides and hips, everything that you like so much in the upper body will go away.

Effective butt and hip exercises

There is no such exercise that would remove fat from the hips and butts in a couple of workouts. But there are some that allow us to work out this particular part. Bulky hips and butt are the result of a violation of fat with muscles in this area. And if you give the right load in these zones, you can achieve a fat-muscle balance.

Basic Lower Body Exercises:

  • Squats with socks spread apart. The inner thighs and buttocks are being worked on.
  • Interval running. Alternating jogging with intense jogging.
  • Adduction - raising the legs. Both the inner thigh and the outer thigh work.
  • Swing your legs while standing.
  • Exercise "frog". Lying on your stomach, raise your legs, bent at the knees.
  • Scissors.
  • Leading the leg back. An effective exercise for the buttocks and hamstrings.
  • Bulgarian attacks. One leg is laid back and lies on a hill; the other leg creates a right angle. Back straight, do not lean forward.

Pay attention to the execution technique. If you are doing the exercises at home, then do not neglect athletic shoes.
Important! When doing the exercises, you should feel the muscles that you are working on. Do the exercises correctly.

Cosmetic procedures

Also, in the fight against extra centimeters on the pope and hips, massage will become an assistant. It can be either manual massage or hardware procedures that improve lymph flow and remove excess fluid. For example, LPG massage is perfect for reducing volume in problem areas. He also copes well with cellulite.
For information on how to do slimming wraps, see the video:

The combination of sports, proper nutrition and drinking regime will definitely help solve the problem of extra centimeters on the hips and buttocks.

No, I understand that women simply have to have a beautiful priest, and she should not be small. But what if the sirloin is already very large, how, in this case, to reduce the volume of the priests?

I think it will not be a revelation to anyone if I say that only a plastic surgeon can quickly reduce the butt and hips, and any other parts of the body. All other methods take time and effort. If plastic surgery seems to you the best way to answer the question "how to reduce the size of the priests", then remember that this procedure involves a period of rehabilitation and is not cheap. And after that there will be some restrictions on nutrition and movement. If all this does not bother you, then all that remains is to choose a good clinic and doctor, and the forms of your dreams are almost in your hands.

If you belong to a less extreme part of the female population and are not ready for the operation, then you will have to work hard so that the question of how to reduce the size of the priests no longer arises in front of you. Of course, you cannot do without diets, but you should not torment yourself with starvation, all the same, the hips and buttocks, as you know, lose weight in the last turn. Therefore, it is enough to limit yourself in the use of sweets, salinity and fatty foods. And be sure to train. If you only want to reduce the butt, you need aerobic exercise, and if you also want to give a beautiful shape, then we alternate aerobics with strength training.

So how do you reduce the volume of your butt? We are engaged in Latin American dances, do not disregard the treadmill, attend aerobics classes, exercise on a stationary bike or go cycling in the warm season.

We make the excuse for not being able to visit fitness clubs for any reason? We do exercises at home, however, you still have to look after the place for running - it has a very good effect on the appearance and size of the priests, and on the general condition of the body as a whole.

How to reduce your butt with exercise at home?

By taking 2-3 days a week for exercise and doing gymnastics, you have a good chance of shrinking and tightening your butt at home. There are a huge variety of exercises for this, which one to choose is up to you. Below are some of them.


  1. Starting position (IP) - lying on your side, leaning on the elbow, the second hand is on the body, legs are straight together. Bend the supporting leg at the knee and leave it on the floor, tear the second leg straight off the floor and make circular movements with it. We are not messing around, we draw circles not with a foot, but with a foot. Perform the exercise 10 times on each side.
  2. IP - lying on your back, legs straight up, arms on the sides. We tilt the socks towards ourselves and first lower the left leg down, then take it to the side. Then we put the right one on the left leg. Then we return to the IP and repeat all the same on the right side. We perform the exercise for each side 12 times.
  3. IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. We lunge to the side, while tilting the body back, and pulling our arms forward. In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds and return to the IP. We do 30 lunges on each side, in 3 sets.
What else can you do to shrink your butt?

Well, so that the body does not rebel from overstrain and the lack of favorite foods in the diet, it can be pampered a little. I mean massages and also sea salt wraps and baths. Massages and wraps are best done in salons, at home these procedures are not entirely convenient, and self-massage is still not as effective as the one that a professional will do for you. But if this is not possible, then we do it ourselves. To better stretch all problem areas and improve blood circulation, you can use massagers. Well, after leaving the bath, make it a rule to do yourself a little massage, and then be sure to apply a cream or lotion.

If you follow these rules, the results will surely be, and the question of how to reduce the ass will cease to worry you. Just don't think that today you will start training, and tomorrow you will fit into jeans one size smaller. It will take much more time. Take a sober approach to assessing the current state, then disappointment will not befall you.

In the twenty-first century, it is considered fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports and take care of your body. However, some people, due to circumstances (for example, sedentary work, lack of time for the gym, unhealthy diet), gain extra pounds, which are very "like" to accumulate on the pope, buttocks and stomach. It is not uncommon for those who faced this problem to go on diets that affect the weight of the whole body, it will not work to make certain areas smaller. Today we will consider all the options for how to remove the butt without affecting other parts of the body.

How to burn butt fat?

For some reason, it so happened that excess fat in a woman's body is primarily deposited on the bottom. Moreover, if a girl suffers from obesity, then, let's say, everything is proportional, it is much worse for slender girls, whose buttocks began to stand out fairly against the background of the whole body. The bottom line is that in the normal daily routine, these muscles are practically not involved and fat accumulates there without any obstacles. To cope with an urgent problem, it is necessary to act in many ways.

There are several known methods for getting rid of excess fat on the butt:

  • Sports, cardio training, aerobics;
  • Healthy eating, fasting days;
  • Body masks, massage treatments, wraps.

Below we will consider all the options for reducing the volume of the problem area.

Nutrition plays an important role

If you want to get rid of excess fat on the buttocks, then you need to understand that without switching to a proper, healthy diet, this is almost impossible to achieve. It is necessary to limit the amount of new fats entering the human body.

You need to completely stop eating bread - bakery products (with the exception of a small amount of coarsely ground bread), sweets, fatty meats, any sauces, as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

It is worth adding to your diet foods that contain a lot of vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

It is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken breast and lean meats. Steam, boil, and bake, but never fry. A good start is a strict diet, after which you need to develop a menu to reduce your calorie intake.

Cardio workout

To maintain the body in good shape, as well as reduce the volume of the priests and tighten sagging skin, dancing, in particular Latin American, running and an exercise bike, is excellent.

Aerobics helps to burn extra pounds, and a bicycle on a warm day not only helps to tighten the buttocks, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body.

Not everyone has enough time and money for gyms, however, as practice has shown, with the correct selection of exercises, you can also achieve the desired results. For this you will have to devote three days a week. We will share with you the most simple, but at the same time effective exercises.

The first set of exercises to reduce the volume of the priests

  • Machi.

Initial position: Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor, bend them slightly at the elbows. The head should not be thrown back, look straight ahead. In order not to slip, and not to experience pain during the exercise, you need to purchase a special gymnastic mat, or lay a blanket.

Exercise: Make sure your back is not arched, but completely flat, but you can make a slight bend in the lower back. We bend the left leg at an angle of ninety degrees and, while inhaling, raise it so that it is level with the whole body. We return to the original pose. To maximize the effect of the exercise, you must hold the lift for about five seconds. Repeat the repetition up to twenty times, then move on to swinging the right leg;

Initial position: We lie on our side, hold our head with our hand bent at the elbow. This exercise strengthens all the muscles of the buttocks and is perfect not only at the initial stage of training, but also for already mature athletes.

Exercise: From the starting position, raise one leg to the top, at an angle of no more than seventy degrees. In this exercise, two things are important - a straight back and a perfectly straight leg, otherwise time will be wasted. Do twenty reps and roll over to lift the other leg. With regular exercise, you should gradually increase the number of swings or purchase special weighting devices;

  • Raising the knees.

Initial position: Lie on your stomach, press your legs tightly to each other and bend your knees at right angles to the floor. To avoid harshness, put a special rug or blanket. We put our head on our hands and try to relax the cervical collar zone.

Exercise: In the starting position, we tighten the press on the stomach, squeeze the buttocks as much as possible and raise two knees at once as the body allows (on average, from five to ten centimeters). Keep your upper body as relaxed as possible. We fix ourselves in this position for five seconds, and return to the original position. We do about thirty approaches. We pay special attention to the fact that the buttocks should be tense as much as possible, otherwise the exercise will not be effective. Subsequently, it is necessary to increase the number of lifts, as well as the duration of the fixed position. Removing the butt is not so easy, so try to do the exercises according to technology;

  • Squeezing the buttocks.

Initial position: We stand up straight, put our feet shoulder-width apart, bend a little at the knees, as if trying to sit down. We straighten our shoulders, keep our back as straight as possible, put our hands on the belt. The butt should be in the same plane with the back, it is not necessary to protrude it specially.

Exercise: We strain the buttocks as much as possible and push the pelvis forward a little, while making sure that the back remains flat. Hold this position for as long as possible and return to the starting position. This exercise is difficult but effective. It must be repeated at least twenty-five times;

Starting position: We lie down on the floor, put our hands along the body, spread our legs a little and bend at the knees. Make sure that your feet are firmly pressed to the floor.

Exercise: From the starting position, lift the pelvis up, making sure that the back and feet are on the floor. During the exercise, the buttocks should be as tense as possible and try to hold the position for about five seconds. This exercise is not difficult, however, it must be repeated about thirty-five times;

  • Forward lunges.

Initial position: Stand up straight, shoulders are apart, hands are on the waist, legs can be slightly apart. If it is not easy for you to maintain balance, then it is allowed to stick a little with one hand on the back of the chair. However, make sure that the support does not help you during the exercise, but only supports, otherwise the effect will not be achieved.

Exercise: Do lunges so that one leg is as straight as possible to the floor, and the other is bent so that the knee practically touches the floor. Try to hold out a little in this position, then return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg. The number of approaches should be at least twenty.

These exercises must be performed not selectively, but each of them in a given sequence. It is this training model that will help remove the ass as quickly as possible. It is advisable to do a warm-up before starting them so that the muscles are already prepared.

  1. We lie on our side, bend our hand at the elbow and hold its head. We bend one leg at the knees and put it on the foot in front of the second, which lies straight. Slowly raise the straight leg from the floor and describe it in circular movements. Moreover, note that not only the foot should rotate, but the entire leg completely. We repeat the exercise fifteen times with each leg, we do circular movements until maximum fatigue;
  2. We lie down on our backs, we put our hands along the body, we tear our straight legs off the floor at the same time and spread them apart, the socks should look up, then we cross them, making like "scissors". Make sure that your back is firmly on the floor and does not rise. This exercise is quite difficult, it works not only the muscles of the priests, but also the press. At the initial stage, five approaches will be enough, then they will need to be increased;
  3. We stand up straight, we spread our legs shoulder-width apart, we put our hands on the waist. We bend our knees and set one to the side, squatting a little, and strain the buttocks as much as possible. We try to hold out in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Then we repeat the same with the other leg. The number of approaches should be at least twenty.

If you do all the exercises correctly and a sufficient number of times, then slowly but surely you will come to the desired result.

Treatments to reduce the volume of the buttocks

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, there are several other ways to significantly reduce butt fat:

  • Warming honey massage. It is necessary to thoroughly warm up the skin with massage oil, and then, with patting movements, drive liquid warm honey into the problem area. The approximate time for the procedure will depend on the size of the problem area, but on average about twenty minutes. After the massage, you need to take a warm shower and generously lubricate the skin with anti-cellulite or moisturizing cream;
  • If the previous method is rather difficult to do on your own, then you can perform this procedure without problems. We buy at the pharmacy vacuum jar and essential oil with a warming effect (it can be fir, juniper or mint). We rub the skin with oil in the right places, apply a jar and quickly move it from side to side so that it does not leave the skin. It is necessary to "work" until the skin turns red, but it is not recommended to do this procedure for more than twenty minutes;
  • It does an excellent job in the fight against excess fat deposits on the buttocks - wrapping... You can easily do this procedure at home using only cling film and a specially prepared solution. How to cook it? In two large tablespoons of liquid honey, add eight drops of grapefruit and orange oil, as well as one small spoonful of dry mustard. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the buttocks, wrap it tightly with foil and put on warm clothes, or lie down under a cotton blanket. In such a "cocoon" you need to hold out for about 40 minutes, then take a warm shower and treat your skin with an anti-cellulite cream. This method is very effective for burning fat, but you should not resort to it more than once a week.

As we were able to see, there are many ways to make the ass smaller, however, in order to achieve maximum results, the approach must be comprehensive. It is difficult to correct your figure with just a wrap, or just physical exercises, it is imperative to think over your diet and, if possible, adhere to it. Watch your body, try to keep it in shape and be healthy!

Recently, more and more people are inclined to think that having a physically developed athletic form is considered the norm, and not exotic. However, in practice, not everyone succeeds in doing this, because most of those who wish have a problem with too voluminous buttocks, which they cannot get rid of. In this article, the reader will learn how to reduce the buttocks and get acquainted with several very effective exercises that will help solve the problem with the voluminous buttocks.

Biological aspect

No sports training will solve problems with a voluminous buttocks until the abundant deposition of body fat does not overlap. Naturally, one could offer a diet, but only not every person is able to master it together with physical exercises. Therefore, the reader is offered a set of rules that must be followed in order to achieve this goal:

  1. Eliminate sweets altogether, including sugar added to tea or coffee. Sweet sparkling water is also banned.
  2. No fast food, fried pies, pasties and other food that is intended to satisfy hunger outside the home.
  3. Complete cessation of alcohol consumption, including kvass. How to shrink butt if alcohol will eliminate any athletic performance? This is a very important point.
  4. Increase the consumption of ordinary water at the rate of 30-40 ml per one kilogram of its own weight. Water should enter the body throughout the day in small portions (no more than 200 ml at a time).
  5. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. If there are problems with their presence in your city, you need to start consuming a vitamin and mineral complex.

Correct workout

Any strength training leads to an increase in muscle mass. But cardio training is responsible for the loss of total mass, which is performed with a minimum weight, a large number of repetitions at a fast pace. And if a person is thinking about how to reduce the butt and hips, then he needs to be ready for very difficult and intense workouts that will make the fat in his body burn irrevocably.

The fact is that the muscles of the legs in humans are the largest. If you make them work, then in order to provide all tissues with oxygen in a timely manner, a fast work of the heart is required. All this launched mechanism will need colossal amounts of energy, which the body will have to take from fatty deposits.

Anyone should understand that getting rid of the fat layer in only one place is possible only with the help of surgical intervention. But cardio will burn fat proportionally throughout the body. If the percentage of fat is most on the butt, then the road to the intended goal will take a little longer.

Most effective exercise

Many people are interested in how to reduce the ass at home, they read the description of many exercises, but because of the complexity of their implementation, they stop at the beginning of their own path. In fact, before starting training, the body needs to set a vector - to give a small load, with which it will have to rebuild in a new way. And only then you can force the muscles with all kinds of training.

The most effective exercise for all beginners is walking at a moderate pace (5 km / h) in the park area. At first, it is enough to devote 20 minutes a day to this workout, but at the end of the month it is recommended to gradually increase the walking time to 80 minutes. Professionals recommend refraining from food for 1-2 hours after walking, forcing the body to eat only from its own fat. Often, at the initial stages of such exercises, the clothes of a novice athlete are abundantly soaked in sweat with the smell of ammonia. There is nothing wrong with that: fat cells break down so quickly that their waste does not have time to be utilized, and is then excreted from the body.

Simple steps in big sport

At home, at work or in the gym - no matter where, it is important that this requires the simplest and most effective exercise called "squats". Many who are looking for information on how to reduce the butt are unequivocally receiving advice on squats. There is no difficulty in this exercise. There is a technique, but it is very simple, namely, that during the squatting process, the back always remains straight, and the knees never go beyond the line of the socks.

Squats require a chair and a small support that you can grab onto to help you stand up early in your workout. If the chair is low, it is not necessary to sit with the booty on it, it is enough to check that the hips reach parallel with the floor and you can return to the starting position. Squats are recommended to be performed in 4 sets with a maximum number of repetitions, no more than twice a week. Having reached 50 repetitions at a time, you need to correct the exercise. If the question is about how to reduce the butt of a man, it is recommended to use a weighting agent, but women need to perform the exercise with greater intensity, setting records in terms of execution time.

Increased stress on the hips, buttocks and abdomen

Many people are interested in how to reduce the butt and belly at the same time. There are no difficulties with this, because the fat goes away evenly, and this is in the hands of any beginner. You can get the biggest muscles working hard with very effective aerobic exercise. Standing on all fours, you need to pull the sock over yourself and raise your leg using the hip joint up. It is important to control that the leg at the knee joint does not change the angle of 90 degrees. During the exercise, the back should be flat. The approach is done 25-35 times. The work of the gluteal muscles should be felt.

The second exercise in this series requires the leg to be fully extended backward with the toe away from you. In the initial position, the leg is placed parallel to the floor, and the rise is carried out up to the maximum permissible height (5-15 degrees). After completing this exercise, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees 90 degrees. Having made an emphasis with the feet on the floor, raise the pelvis 10-15 cm from the floor so that the hips are in line with the back, and then return the buttocks to their original position.


The exercises recommended in this article will help everyone who wants to get rid of excess fat in the buttocks, hips and abdomen. In the initial stages, everyone will have difficulties, but they need to be overcome, as millions of people have done, who leave their positive feedback on training in the media.

And if a person is interested in the question of how to reduce the ass without performing any exercises, then the answer is obvious. This cannot be done without surgery. Therefore, in order to achieve the result, you will have to work a lot on yourself in the sweat of your brow.

Every second overweight woman wants to reduce body volume. And as a rule, the hips are the most dissatisfied with the figure. In addition, this part of the body is considered the most difficult to correct.

The underlying causes of excessive accumulation of fat cells in the thigh area include:

  • A feature of genetics (especially with an hourglass or pear-shaped figure).
  • Low physical activity or insufficient load on the muscles of the legs, accompanied by a high-calorie diet.
  • The physiological state of a woman's body during pregnancy.
  • Diseases of a hormonal nature or while taking certain medications.

Exercises to reduce the hips and buttocks in 2 weeks at home

An experienced fitness trainer can tell you how to reduce the volume of your hips in the shortest possible time, resorting to regular implementation of certain exercises. In the absence of the opportunity to visit the gym or group classes, the problem of curvy hips can be solved at home.

To do this, you need to perform the set of exercises recommended below 3 times a week (after warm-up, respectively).

Forward lunges

An uncomplicated basic exercise forcing the biceps, quadriceps muscles of the thighs, calves, as well as the back and abs to work actively. There are several variations in performance, however, the legs are worked out most qualitatively if you use dumbbells or a barbell.

  • Without weighting: straighten up, spread your legs 50 cm wide, hands on the waist. Take a step forward with your left leg, sit down without reaching the floor with your right knee. The left thigh should be parallel to the floor. Come back. Repeat with the right leg. In total, you need to do 20 lunges.
  • With dumbbells: are performed in the same way, only take 2 kg dumbbells in your hands and hold them at chest level.
  • With a barbell: Stand up, put the barbell on your shoulders, holding it with your hands. Perform 20 forward lunges.

Side lunges

A similar exercise, but not forward, but to the sides. It is required to stand at a distance from the furniture, hands can be kept on the lower back or in front of the chest, the back is straight.

Abduct your legs to the side, shift your body weight and take a step, while sitting shallowly. Spring a little and rise. It is carried out with or without load. It is important - when lunges towards the heels, the feet should not come off the floor.

Standing leg abduction

The action makes both the external and internal thigh muscles work (when abducted to the side), as well as train coordination. Take a standing position, erect, put your fingers on the belt or back of the chair. While inhaling, take the straightened leg to the side at the maximum possible angle. Lower your leg, without putting your foot on the floor, but raising your toes and heel, lead in front of your supporting leg.

This will stretch the glute muscles more. Repeat 20 times with each leg. The second option is retraction. Stand to the back of the chair, grab the support with your hands. Bring a straight leg back, slowly, return. Do not put your active leg on the floor until all repetitions are completed (20 times). Repeat with the other leg. Tension should be felt in the buttocks.

Plie squat

The exercise should be performed with weights (dumbbells, kettlebells), so the muscles are worked out more intensively, but it is possible without a load. To complete, you need to place your feet. You will need a dumbbell weighing 4 - 5 kg.

Holding the load with both hands, sit down slowly and deeply. Do not raise your heels, try to keep your back straight. There will be a sensation of stretching the internal muscles of the legs. Get up after 5 seconds. Repeat the plie 25 times.

Abduction of the leg lying on its side

There are several types of execution. The classic option is to swing your leg up from a lying position on your side. The working leg is straight, the supporting leg can be slightly bent for stability, lift vertically to the side to the maximum possible amplitude. Do it 25 times.

If, after a few workouts, the exercise seems easy, it is worth using leg weights (they are wrapped around the ankle of the working leg). To complicate and more strongly stretch the outer muscles of the thigh, it is worth raising the body and leaning on the forearm, performing a leg lift.

An alternative option is to raise the supporting leg.

Lie on the right side, support your head with the same hand, bend your left leg and move your foot forward, holding it with your left hand. Raise the supporting right leg, while there will be sensations of stretching the outer muscles of the thigh. Repeat 25 times and change position.

Swing your leg back while on all fours on the floor

Performing a leg raise, standing on all fours, the back of the thigh is perfectly pumped. The classic performance is to take emphasis on the palms and knees. The back should be straight, not bend. Straighten one leg and bring it back, perform springy lifts with a large amplitude, without lowering the leg to the knee. Change the leg after 20 springs.

For complication, you can use a dumbbell by placing it in the popliteal fold. Clamp the load with the thigh and lower leg and slowly lift the bent leg up. Do it 25 times. Repeat with the other leg. Another way to perform abduction while on your knees is to raise your bent leg to the side with extension.

To perform, rest on your palms, knees (do not spread) and toes. Slowly raise the bent leg to an angle of 90 degrees, straighten the leg, bend and lower, but do not lean. Repeat 25 times. Change the supporting leg and make 25 more lifts.

The fourth option is swings with a straight leg with lowering at different points. Take an emphasis on the palms and knees. Straighten one leg and swing up, lowering the foot to the floor with a deviation to the right, then swing, lowering and deviating to the left.


A stationary exercise performed with an emphasis on the elbows (palms) and toes (standard). The plank involves a large group of muscles in all parts of the body, and supports the muscle corset (abdomen, back, buttocks). An effective exercise for achieving a flat abdomen and strong abs. It is necessary to hold the plank position from 15 - 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

The main types of planks and execution rules:

Variety Features of execution
straight classical Lie on the mat with your stomach. Rise on your elbows and bend them 90 degrees, transfer the weight to your hands. The body should be straightened in a line, the press is tense. You need to try to relax your head and neck, look at the floor
straight with support on the arm and leg Prepare for the usual plank, raise one arm and the opposite leg, after 30 - 40 seconds, change arms and legs
straight up in the palm of your hand From the standard plank, gradually rise first to one palm, then to the other, transferring the weight of the body, stand on straight arms and bend your elbows again. Move to different positions several times, without lowering the pelvis to the floor and without bending your knees
lateral Lie on your side, straighten your legs, raise your body, resting on your elbow. Check that the shoulder and elbow are in a straight line. Raise your pelvis and stretch out. Put your free hand on your belt or lift it up

Photo of the correct position in the bar:

The plank is the most effective exercise for reducing the volume of the hips.

In order to increase the time spent in a position, it is important:

  • do it every day;
  • progress every 3 to 4 days (increasing the time by 5-10 seconds or the number of approaches);
  • additionally perform push-ups, squats, exercises with dumbbells.

Important points for the plank:

  • sneakers (barefoot feet will slip and balance will be difficult to hold);
  • rug (so that the elbows do not hurt);
  • comfortable clothes;
  • soft music.

If it is difficult to start with the classic or side plank, we recommend trying the simplified method.

A set of workouts in the gym to reduce the buttocks and hips

How to reduce the volume of hips - 3 rules to achieve the result:

  • Train 3-4 times a week, with a mandatory warm-up at the beginning and stretching at the end.
  • Combine strength training (dumbbells or exercise equipment) with cardio training (running, swimming, jumping rope).
  • Adjust the diet towards healthy foods with a low glycemic index (foods high in fiber and coarse fiber).

Exercises on simulators

When you come to the gym for the first time, you should take the advice of a trainer so that he talks about the availability of women's equipment and demonstrates the methods of performing exercises, and also tells which muscle groups are affected by the available simulators. This will shorten the time it takes to find the right machine and save you from injury.

The best exercises on simulators for slimming hips are:

  • Abduction and adduction of the thighs. The internal muscles of the legs work. But you should not immediately put a lot of weight, it is better to use an average one, but perform the exercise 25 times in 2 - 3 sets.
  • Hyperextension- perfectly works the buttock and back. Lie with your groin on the "goat" (or an inclined board). Put your hands on your chest or the back of your head. Raise and lower the upper half of the body for 1 minute. Lean your body forward, your back should be straight. Slowly bend and straighten.
  • Bending the legs while lying on the stomach on the simulator. The gluteal and calf muscles are effectively used. You need to lie with your stomach on the board of the simulator, put your ankles behind the rollers, grab the handles under the board with your hands. Inhale leg pulls. Slowly lower as you exhale. Run 30 times, then repeat 2-3 sets.

Barbell and kettlebell exercises

The most effective weight lifting exercises for tightening the thighs are recognized:

  • Spring squats. We need a platform for step. Take 3 kg dumbbells. Stand with your back to the support, spread your feet. Take your right leg back, bending your knee and placing it on a support. Do squats without dropping to the floor with your right knee. Stand up and repeat 25 times. Change leg and repeat.
  • Leaning forward. Bend forward while standing, without rounding the back. Hold the dumbbells in your hands, when bent over, they should fall down the thighs.
  • Plie squat(the technique is described above).

Exercises with other equipment

From additional equipment for training legs, it is possible to apply:

  • Butterfly expander for tension on the inner thighs. To do this, you need to lie on your side on the mat and hold the expander between your legs. Compress the legs.
  • Buttocks expander. The technique is the same as swinging your legs backwards, standing on all fours, only using a sports instrument.
  • Elastic band expander. As a variant of application - complication of the side bar, a guideline for execution in the photo:

How to remove the ears on the thighs with exercise. Complex of training for 2 weeks

Professional fitness instructors know how to reduce the volume of the hips, namely the so-called "ears" in a short time (5 weeks). It was they who developed the training program below for 14 days. All exercises are performed in 2 - 3 sets, 20 times for each leg. The training is carried out every other day.

A set of exercises:

  • Swing straight legs lying on your side.
  • Squats without load (stand straight, legs wide apart, arms straighten forward or bring to the back of the head. Squat deeply, do not lift the heels)
  • Lunges.
  • Spring kicks back and to the side in the "on all fours" position.
  • Plie with a dumbbell.
  • Classic plank.

How to supplement training for greater effect

In the process of active reduction of the fat layer, the processes of cell destruction take place, the released decay products are excreted from the body. To speed up cleansing and make the skin smoother and more elastic, cosmetic procedures come to the rescue.


It is better for women who are losing weight to give preference to manual anti-cellulite massage (with oil or honey). The master clearly sees the zones that need correction, and works hard on them. In addition, mechanical action is very useful during intense sports, to relieve muscle pain and continue exercising without missing a beat.

It is recommended to carry out manual massage twice a week, at least 10 procedures. Water massage (Charcot shower) has a similar effect, improving lymph drainage and blood circulation. A course of 10 procedures with an interval of 5 days is considered optimal.


An effective remedy for losing weight is wrapping the problem area with masks with seaweed. The procedure has a tonic and cleansing effect, gives the skin smoothness and elasticity, and with a course of 10-15 wraps (40-50 minutes each, twice a week), it eliminates 2-3 extra pounds.

Lymphatic drainage

This is a procedure for removing excess fluid from the body, using special cosmetic devices or manually by a qualified massage therapist. It is considered the fastest way to combat the "orange peel" effect.

How to reduce the volume of the thighs and tighten the buttocks will help 3 main rules of lymphatic drainage:

  • Perform massage every 2 days.
  • Take a course of 3-10 sessions, 50 minutes each (determined individually by the massage therapist).
  • Do not drink water for 2 hours after the procedure.


It is possible to reduce fat deposits on the thighs (and, accordingly, their volume) by using the increasingly popular injection procedure, which consists in the subcutaneous introduction of a fat-burning cocktail into the problem area. The technique has been successfully tested both on the thighs and on the face, knees, back of the head, and hands.

One procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. The course is usually assigned from 7 to 10 sessions with an interval of 10 days). After mesodissolution, the volume of the body is reduced by 5 - 10 centimeters and the structure of the skin improves.

LPG massage

This is a type of apparatus massage, which is based on mechanical action on the deep and superficial layers of the skin. With the help of special roller nozzles of the device, working in two directions, a fold of skin is captured under vacuum and lymphatic drainage massage is performed. The procedure is carried out through a special suit (purchased separately).

One session takes 20-30 minutes. The required course is twice a week, 10 procedures.

Positive effects of massage:

  • getting rid of excess fluid and toxic products of cell decay;
  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • stimulation of cells for the production of collagen and elastin;
  • breakdown of fat.


For effective weight loss, the following dietary rules must be observed:

  • Eliminate (or minimize) direct sugar (the one added to drinks) and foods high in sugar;
  • reduce the consumption of flour products with a high glycemic index (products from wheat flour, sweets);
  • reduce the fat content of food during cooking (cook without oil or use no more than 1 tablespoon per day);
  • the main diet for the duration of the diet should consist of high-protein foods (red and white meat, cottage cheese, dairy products), fresh vegetables and citrus fruits;
  • be sure to include in the diet (morning and lunch) cereals, which help to overcome cravings for sweets.
  • drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water daily (tea, coffee do not count).

Reducing body volume (whether it be hips, abdomen or waist) is a difficult process and requires a woman to show both willpower and great desire. Having gained patience and following the above recommendations, after just 1 month, the size of the clothes will become smaller, and the body will be more elastic and fit.

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