Methods of developing a child at 10 months. Your child is ten months: that he is already able and that he should be able at this age

Marina Suzdalev

Your baby grows not by day, but by the hour. There is already the tenth month of his life already, and you, of course, try to play a lot and diverse with him, play, do gymnastics, listen to music, read, carry charging for small fingers, etc. I am sure that the crumb is almost daily happy with their successes, new discoveries and achievements and, of course, demonstrates their desire to play and learn along with mom. Let's talk today about that, using this natural curiosity and desire for knowledge.

What a child knows at 10 months

Physical development

Independently sits and sit for a long time

Gets up, walks with support and with support


Consciously acts with two hands

Pushes the ball

Rats cars

Social development

Shows interest in children

Copies the facial express and gesticulation of adults

Laughs over jokes

understands simple requests and performs them


Carefully listen to adult speech

trying to repeat sounds and words

Slames of the type "Ba Ba", "Gi-gi"


Mastered "Pincelty Capture", that is, can take a small subject
big and index fingers

I am pleased to play with small objects: Ichibrate and
shifts them

Musical and Rhythmic Education

With pleasure listening to music

Trying to singing


How to develop a 10-month baby in a game form

We bring to your attention a selection of educational games to secure the necessary kid skills.

Physical development and coordination

  • Croquet

From the cardboard box from under the shoes, cut 3 sections in the form of the letter "P" - it will be a knot. Put them in one line at a distance of about 30 cm and roll a small ball through them towards the child. Ask Crocha to roll the ball back to you. When this task will be easily able to succeed in a child, you can put a knot to another position and continue the game. Make the child more crawling to get the ball and roll it through the knot. When the kid becomes confident "walker", you can repeat this game with the sticks (they can be cut out of a dense cardboard box, use light gymnastic sticks, knobs from toys for women, etc.).

  • Clear over the inclined plane

We continue our exercises in crawling on the inclined surface. Now the angle of inclination when moving up can reach 45 degrees. Then how to develop a child at 10 months, largely depends on how you developed it during all previous months. If you regularly engaged in gymnastics, we made a massage and played in developing rolling games recommended by age, most likely, the baby will already be under the power and descent from the "Mountain". Start with a slight angle and gradually increase it as the crumb will learn to move the center of gravity and confidently overcome this obstacle.

On a walk, stimulate the baby to chat at the children's low hill - the high-speed shutter from the mountain on the pope will be award. Riding from the mountain, as well as swing on a variety of swing-carousels and dad flights in the hands are very useful for the development of the vestibular apparatus. So, if you want your child to do not teach in transport, look at the playground more often.

  • Snowballs

Play with a child in "Snowballs" from crumpled paper. This simple exercise is valid at once in four directions of development. First, the baby together with you strongly points paper - it develops a shallow motorcy. Then you throw "snowballs" to each other (or in a fixed goal) - it develops visual-motor coordination, and simply put the accuracy. The baby has to move to dodge the "snow" (you have to submit an example so that the child understand what to do), - and therefore we give the load muscles, back and abdomen. Finally, you laugh and have fun during the game - enriched emotional sphere.

Motoric and speech development

  • Presents

Did you buy or make a new toy for the baby? Press it in an unusual way, putting in several boxes of different sizes and shapes. For a larger effect, you can fill the empty boxes with rustling paper, packages, serpentine, etc. The kid with great pleasure will open boxes and look for a toy. Reprove with him when the goal will be achieved. Although it is possible that the child is much more entitled to "unpacking" a gift.

  • 3 nuts

And maybe not three, and not even a nut. But we played this game like this: walnuts in the shell wock in foil and offer to the baby to deploy them. If the crumb is not interested in nuts, wrap in foil something rattling (for example, a container from a chocolate egg with a pea inside) - it will spur his curiosity. Over time, when the movements of the crumbs become more subtle, you can "play" in this game with boiled vegetables, eggs, fruit - the child will be able to clean them independently from the peel. So do not miss the opportunity to raise yourself a real assistant in the kitchen affairs!

  • Puppet show

Have you been reading a kid for a long time and regularly read the baby's tale "Ryabina", "Rack", "Teremok", "Kolobok"? What else to read the baby of the first year of life you can find out. And your baby is probably already well remembered the content of your favorite fairy tales and will look with great pleasure a short performance in your performance.

If you like to needle how you yourself get a lot of pleasure from the process of making characters for your home doll theater - they can be associated, sew from felt, make a papier-mache or plastics, cut out of paper, to re-establish old gloves, etc. Everything is limited here only by your fantasy. If you have no time to fantasize now or do not want, you can buy the first puppet theater for your child (pictures are clickable, links lead to the online store "Labyrinth").

Select a point when your crumb is located to contemplative activities and start your presentation. Try not to delay the story and, of course, do not hesitate to demonstrate your acting abilities to make the performance bright and interesting for the kid. Well, if such ideas become a good tradition in your family. After some time, the baby will be able to take an active part in the manufacture of characters and scenery for your home theater, and soon he will soon show his first puppet performances - you, your friends or toy spectators.

  • Potato Maste

As you know, classic creativity classes - modeling, drawing, appliqué, crafts - in the first year of life several tasks are solved at once. The child meets various technicians and materials for creativity, in practice, knows the concept of color and form, develops the strength and agility of small fingers, learns causal relations, learns to see familiar images in blots, etc. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to introduce a child with some new way of "creativity."

Today, I want to offer you a waiting mashed potatoes. Cook and slightly cool the potato mashed potatoes. Put it on a plate in front of the child and give him different products that he can use for decoration - for example, pieces of vegetables and fruits, cheese. While the baby is preparing edible panel for you, you put something cute on another plate. Then potato paintings can be eager.

Musical and Rhythmic Education

  • Music with mom

If you have not yet begun to do with the baby according to the method of Catherine and Sergey Zheleznovy "Music with Mom", now it's time to do it. Try to perform simple movements to music along with the child. What movements are available ten-month baby? Alone or with small help, the child can perform turns of the brushes ("lanterns"), clap your hands, clap myself on the tummy, raise and rock with handles above your head, tilt and turn the head, clap yourself along the knees, rattle a rattle or ring the bell. In a vertical position with your mouse support, it can imitate the usual and gear step, semi-man and tilting to the sides.

Remember that the kids are not immediately starting to repeat the movements - it may be necessary for this many times to watch how "Dance" you. But you can speed up this process if other adults or kids are in practice. Agree on such joint classes with your familiar mothers - it will benefit all the participants.

  • Everybody dance!

To music and songs are convenient to carry charging with the baby. While in your complex exercises a lot of elements of passive gymnastics, but very close to the moment when the crumb will independently perform the movements next to you. In the meantime, we help him perform movements and sing rhythmic songs:

On a roving track

On a roving track, (walking in place)

On a roving track

Our legs are walking.

Once or twice, only two,

Have you recently become a kid?

On pebbles, on pebbles, (jumping, slightly moving on the spot)

On pebbles, on pebbles ...

In the pit - boo! (squatted)

On a roving track,

On a roving track.

Tired of our legs,

Tired of our legs.

Here is our home -

Here we live. (We run into the house - on the chair, on the sofa, etc.).

Two merry sheep

Two merry sheep

Curricated near the river.

Jump, jump-skok!

(Fun jumping)

White lambs jump

Early in the morning near the river.

Jump, jump-skok!

Up to the sky, down to the grass.

(Stop on the legs, stretch up.

Sat, squeeze the hands down)

And then spinning


And the river fell.

Sun shines

Shines the sun in the window, (raising his hands above his head, rotating brushes, "lanterns")

We dance a little

Skok, jump-skok, (jumping)

So dancing my friend.

We dance a little

Clap, clap, clap, clap, (clap)

So dancing my friend.

Shines the sun in the window, ("lanterns")

We dance a little

Shone, Shone, Shone, Shone, (Top)

So dancing my friend.

  • Concert

In many major cities, there is now the opportunity to visit the concert of live music for adults together with young children, starting with the six-month age. If you can, be sure to go to such a concert. Look, how will your baby react to music? Also as when listening to entries? I am sure that otherwise, but almost certainly, very positive.

If you do not have such an opportunity, try to find another option to acquaint the baby with the "live" sound of musical instruments. Maybe you yourself play a piano, guitar, violin, accordion? Maybe someone from your friends will not refuse to demonstrate your skill at your home for a cup of tea? This option is particularly convenient, since after the "concert", the crumbs will have the opportunity to consider the tool, touch it and even independently remove some sounds from it.

Perhaps somewhere nearby there is a music school - in its at least 4 times for the school year, reporting concerts are held. Try to negotiate to be allowed to be present at least on the part of the concert with the baby. Sit close to the passage to, in the event of a too noisy reaction of the child, to have the ability to quickly leave the hall (by the way, I have an excellent one that will help you prepare for the first concert with the baby and get a lot of pleasure from this event).

At this, I finish a conversation on an important topic "", because in your bookmarks already probably, and so fully marked "try", "show", "play" ... Try to implement in practice at least some of these ideas, because in Next time I will tell you about new games and classes for your hands.

I suggest you also watch a video about the features of the child's development in 10 sighs

Do not lose time, play and develop with your crumb and with a club passionate mothers!

Read other articles about the development of the child by months:

Ten months is one of the round dates in the first year of the life of your baby. A child is increasingly aware of the world every day and masters the skills. He can already control the muscles of the legs and the feet, is able to withstand his weight, standing on the floor and learns to get up, sticking to anything with hands. At 10 months, Kroch seeks to be independent and shows in nature: he persistent in achieving its goals and is indignant loud if the adult prevents his small plans.

Growth and development of the child at 10 months

At this age there are noticeable changes compared with. The ten-month kid is very moving and moves a lot, due to which the weight of the body will begin to decrease in comparison with the previous months of life. Weight and growth in the tenth month are as follows - the child is added about 1.5 cm in the length of the body, and in the mass of the figure it will grow by 300 - 450 g. Total infant has an average body weight of 8.5 - 10 kg (± 1 kg ) and an increase of 70 - 73 cm (± 3 cm).

Table of the main parameters of the physical development of children at 10 months

Basic skills of a 10-month baby

The child at this age seeks to become a full-fledged participant in communicating with adults. The kid perfectly understands most of the mother phrases facing it. If you ask the crumb to bring a book or a pyramid - he will get to the desired item with Clars and fulfill the request. A child can be noted a bright emotional response to all actions held during the day:

  • hearing about the upcoming walk, he rejoices her and looking forward to the exit to the street;
  • with a protest perceives the cleaning of the ears and lifting the marigolds;
  • it is upset or even angry, if he does not go to do something alone;
  • scared if he hears a loud or unknown sound.

Differences in the development of boys and girls

Development of 10 months in the kids of both sexes is held with a noticeable difference, - what the young lady should be able to be able to be somewhat different from what a small gentleman should be able to. Let us briefly consider what the main differences between boys and girls are expressed.

Developing girls accompanied by a strong emotional attachment to mom. Baby usually want to be closer to her, more often ask for hands, love to caress. A girl in 10 months wants to include mom in the game, grabs her with her palm to walk with support. At the same time, they are more often the boys time for "sitting" classes: disassemble the designer, shift small toys, leafing musical books. Also, the baby earlier than the peers seek to learn how to use the spoon, they say the first words and quickly master the pot.

Development of boys It takes actively, rapidly, these are small "hurricanes". They earlier make the first steps, differing in great stubbornness in achieving the goals. Parents will have to make a rather big effort to incline the sin to do what he does not like. Baby kids do not welcome assistance from adults, accompanying discontent with a loud cry. Little men are already trying to do everything at this age. But they are not sufficient and patience, so many skills they master a little later than girls.

10 months: Skillings and the development of the baby (Mom's experience):

Basic skills of ten-month kids:

  • climb on legs and stand without support;
  • sit without support from the standing position;
  • take and keep any items using both hands;
  • master the plug-in grabbing of items with two fingers;
  • crawl in any convenient way (inloction or on all fours);
  • step up, holding hands for the wheelchair (moving support);
  • slear the bed and sofas, showering the legs down, also climb on the surface;
  • open and close the door of lockers;
  • at the request of an adult find familiar objects among other toys;
  • make imitative gestures ("While!", "Ladushka");
  • trying to copy the behavior of adults, repeat the syllables for them, which is not yet in his laying;
  • walking along the crib, keeping her sides, but try to squint in it.

Neuro-psychomotor development in the tenth month of life

The crocha in 10 months seeks not only to imitate the actions of adults, but also to repeat the new combinations of sounds heard. Most babies have already pleased the moms and dads with the first informed brave words, usually "ma-ma", "ba-ba" and "pa-pa". Breasts, training, combines different syllables among themselves and sometimes from its mouth you can hear entire phrases, but not yet bearings for others.

SpeechThe kid has separate meaningful words-syllables. Often you can hear from the child familiar sound-resistant chains of words: "BBB", "Ma-Ma", "Dada".
HearingLearn and happily reacts to familiar sound melodies. Disasters the sounds published by different objects (phone call, trill alarm clock, etc.)
VisionWatches adult actions, reacts with a smile smile. Looking for and shows on objects called by mom.
EmotionsReacts to the ban ("it is impossible!"), Communicates with the help of gestures. Shows discontent.
MotorikaPuts his fingers into the holes, minor items have enough two-three fingers (pincetic grip). It may not stand for a short time without support.
A gamePlays toys in accordance with their direct appointment - rolls the machine, making sounds; throws a ball; shakes a doll. May take himself with a game for 20-30 minutes.

Ten-month-old child

At ten months, the kids sleep at night to 10 hours, and in the afternoon, children retain at least two sleeps for 1.5 - 2 hours. It all depends on the biorhythms of a particular child: someone is more comfortable to go around early and get up early, and some love to fit later and sleep longer in the morning. Day sleep in this case, respectively, will be at different times of these kids.

Note! It is very important that parents teach their child to maintain the power and sleep mode, then their baby will eat with an appetite and will not face overwork and whims.

Time (in hours) Element mode
6.00-10.00 Awakening, hygienic procedures, first meal, Morning gymnastics
10.00-10.30 The second meal
10.30-12.00 Sleep
12.00-14.00 Walk in the fresh air
14.00-14.30 Third meal
14.30-15.30 Wake-up period, games and reading with mom
15.30-17.00 Sleep
17.00-18.00 Wake-up, educational games, active leisure
18.00-18.30 Fourth meal of food
18.30-20.30 Walk in the fresh air
20.30-22.00 Quiet games, relaxing massage, evening bathing
22.00-22.30 Fifth meal
22.30-6.00 Night sleep

Bathing and baby hygiene

Bucking a child at 10 months should still be daily. The kid is happy to spend time in the water, so the battery time can be safely increased to half an hour. Many babies are so active that they refuse to bathe sitting in the chair - they climb and walk along the bathroom, sticking to the sides. Parents should be followed by indoor air temperature, especially during the cold season. If there is not hot in the bathroom, then you need to offer a child to periodically get into the water and play so as not to freeze.

Gymnastics with a child

Exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscular apparatus of crumbs. Daily engage in gymnastics with the baby. Pay more time to exercises for the development of crawling and the upcoming skill to walk:

  • train squats and up (with support);
  • help the crumb to master walking on all fours;
  • stimulate walking with the support for the handle;
  • continue to flexing and extending the handles and the legs of the child after awakening, as in previous months.

On a note! Each lesson is given no more than 15 minutes to not lose the child's interest in gymnastics. Be sure to give the baby to relax after them, to play yourself.

Baby food at 10 months

The time of the first dust is gradually completed. The kid every day more and more goes to meals from the "General Table". For 1 feeding, the child eats an average of 250 ml. Breast milk and adapted mixture of Kroch continues to receive before bedtime and after it, as well as after some feedings (instead of water or juice). In the diet of the breast child, about 600 ml of dairy products per day remains. The introduction of new foods in the menu continues.

Approximate diagram of the introduction of products for doping for children 10 months
Fruit puree, ml80-90
Vegetable puree, g60-70
Porridge, G.150-180
Cottage cheese, g40-50
Yolk, pcs0,5
Meat puree, g50
Equal milk products, ml100
Whole milk, ml
Fruit juices, ml60-70
Fish masrass, g5-25
Wheat bread, g5
Children's cookie, crackers, g5
Vegetable oil, g5
Creamy oil, g4

Power supply a 10-month baby must be balanced and easily friendly. Food is preferably boiled, preferably a couple, fried is excluded at all. Remember that the development and nutrition of the child are interconnected. If the child already has a teeth, it is important to stimulate the chewing process. To do this, you need to offer croches small pieces of soft boiled vegetables or fresh fruits with a gentle flesh (banana, peach). The puree can be prepared using a tool or fork without using a blender.

Here it looks like a menu of one day for a child on the tenth month of life:

Important! When forming the children's menu, try to avoid products that cause allergic reactions: whole milk, fish, seafood, wheat, citrus, kiwi, pineapples, pomegranates, mango, strawberries, raspberries, melons, persimmon, tomatoes, nuts and honey.

Educational games with a child at 10 months

For ten-month babies, the game is not just a portion of a pleasant entertainment together with parents. Thanks to game classes, the children of this age are mastering a lot of useful skills that are important than fresh air or healthy eating.

Educational games for the kid at 10 months: apply in practice (video):

Special attention is paid to the engine experience, because the more his baby is, the faster and more confident it will make his first steps.

On a note! Many adults seem to be a child at 10 months of life is still too small for full-fledged classes, but it is not. The pastime in the game stimulates the development of the baby, he learns to know the world, which is much more useful than monotonous sitting in a crib or a playpen.

Motor Games "Ball". Children at 10 months still do not know how to catch items, but despite this, the balls with the ball are very useful for infants. Let Kroch himself throw a ball, shall blow it with handles or uncertainly "football" with a leg according to you. Thanks to the balls with the ball, the kids develop dexterity and spatial thinking.

"Marathon". If the baby knows how to crawl, then for it you can come up with such entertainment - let the child under your control rinsing through obstacles. For example, to take possession of the remote control from the TV, the baby needs to be spinning under the chair, climb through the hoop and catch up with the machine rolling.

Games for sensory development "Unpacking". In front of the crumbs, wrap the toy in paper. Then offer the baby to reveal it. Carefully deploying items. Children at this age do not know how to make the packaging will be ruthlessly broken by a child, which, in fact, we achieve - this occupation is perfectly developing a fine motor skill and visual perception.

"Sorting". Prepare two buckets and items that differ in size (or color) before the game. Together with the child, lay out small items in one bucket, and large - to another.

Games for interaction "Persons". Cut out of the magazines or print images of children with different emotions - laughter, smile, cry, sadness, etc. Attach pictures on the wall or fridge magnets. Consider faces along with the baby and tell him about the emotions depicted on them. Show a couple of them on your example.

"Filter Theater". For the game you will need a couple of finger dolls - they can be as purchased and do it yourself. One is intended for an adult, the second for the child. Let your doll say hello to the baby, "hide" behind the back and will seem again, dates. Put on the finger of the crumbs of his doll and explain how it can greet, hide and appear again.

Speech games "Ratio". Show the baby some toy, such as a doll. Then hide it, and put a picture in front of the child with the image of items, among which there is the same doll. The child should find a toy in the picture - so he will learn to relate the subject with his image.

"Clothespins". Attach light plastic clothespins to your clothes and baby clothes. Show the crumb, how to shoot them. Let the child learn to paint them on their own, and the task of an adult at this point is to call the details of the clothes from which the clothespins are removed. By analogy, you can play with paper circles and parts of the body.

Kid? At 10 months, the child is still growing and developing, increasing the number of its skills, as well as the level of intelligence. Although the mental development of a child of 10 months is activated, the increase in its weight occurs more slowly.

Physical development of a child at 10 months

The level of physical development of a 10 month old child is significantly improved:

  • 10 monthly kid sits on its own, even if the initial position of his body is lying on the stomach;
  • most children of this age sits quite steadily. Occasionally losing equilibrium, they can lean themselves and get a fallen toy, and also turn to the sound source;
  • the kid can eat, sitting on a chair;
  • the baby is available to keep three items in his hands at the same time, but the coordination of the brushes is not enough to freely manipulate these objects;
  • 10 Monthly child is quite capable of putting or throw a toy, and not just drop it;
  • some children at this age love to "read" - comprehend the difficult art of turning book pages;
  • at 10 months, children usually already know how to stand if there is a support. Some kids are even able to simultane for some time without support, however, even the most brave guys quickly sit on the ass;
  • imitating adults, kids are capable of gestures. For example, they can make handles for farewell, or hide, closing her face with hands;
  • children of this age are more interested in moving games. For example, they can independently push the ball, roll on the floor;
  • also, usually children of 10 months can independently be drunk from the non-coupling.

  1. Even if your child is 10 months old, and it still does not try to get up and walk on your own, you should not be overly upset. Many children at this age are moving exclusively on all fours, and their first steps are closer to the end of the first year of life.
  2. The child's menu is time to diversify and complicate. Suggest the baby, soup, the second dish. You can also enter into a diet of children 10 months from the genus bread.

Growth and weight of 10 months

The kid rose 1.5 cm. And added about 450 in weight. 10 monthly boys now weigh 9.2-9.5 kg, and girls 8.6 - 8.9 kg. Height 71-72 cm.

Emotional child development of 10 months

A distinctive feature of the emotional development of a 10 month old child is his desire to social interact. So, the baby can call you to help, if something does not work. For example, it can raise up a box that he cannot open, demonstrating what needs your help.

Some children can appear at this age strong attachment to inanimate subjects. For example, the baby can have a favorite toy, nipple or blanket. Such "little friends" provide the child a sense of security and soothes him sadness, and when trying to separate the baby with a favorite item, you can hug a stormy protest.

Also, for children of 10 months, the aggravation of the feeling of anxiety is characterized by the appearance of strangers. The degree of manifestation of this reaction depends on the child's temperament and is associated with fear to be stolen, parted with parents and loved ones. But, spent a few months, the baby becomes so curious that the fears of other people are inferior to the interest of the baby.

  1. Of course, when there is a non-weld supervision of parents. But you need to carefully analyze the signals by which the kid communicates with you. In the case of "children's" problems, it is worth providing a child to solve the challenge of his task on their own, before we hurry to help. This contributes to the emotional development and education of the toddler excerpt.
  2. Add to the child's entertainment game in front of the mirror. According to psychologists, it causes the growth of the baby's self-consciousness and stimulates an understanding of his own personality.
  3. Respect the child's right to have your favorite toy. If the baby does not allow you to play anyone with her, it does not mean that the egoist is growing. Appreciate the child's personality.
  4. Mildly bring the child to get acquainted with new people. Carefully follow the expression of the facial of the baby, as well as the language of his body. If the kid is afraid of a new person, acquaintance is recommended to postpone.

Intellectual child development of 10 months

Intelligence of a child of 10 months is high enough so that the baby can quickly find the toy you hide in his eyes. He's not necessary to find a rattle hidden by you in your pocket, or detect a toy under the blanket.

Provided that you are talking to a lot with the baby, he is surprisingly at 10 months good understands human speech. Many children not only understand well what they say, but they themselves are actively involved in the conversation, having fun hanging and changing voice intonation. The kid can emphasize his speech with gestures, use question intonations, exclamations, approval. Some children manage to pronounce their first word in 10 months. Usually, to the joy of parents, this is "mother" or "dad".

Children in 10 months understand some simple teams, for example, "give", "take", and perform them. He likes to entertain himself, repeatedly repeating the heard sounds: cough, flaking, grunts, syllables. Also, the baby perceives new sounds, for example, pet-published, and can imitate them. A child at this age is trying to clearly talk, and not only to draw attention to himself. It may add to a concrete person, and will even be disappointed with the absence of an answer. In certain situations, the same sounds use the same sounds, which indicates the formation of his speech.

The child at 10 months from the genus makes huge successes in thinking processes. The cognitive abilities of the baby are developing. He begins to understand the concepts of "inside" and "outside," provides for repetitive events and learns to respond to new situations. His actions are aimed at target. Most of the actions performed by the child or issued sounds have their own reason.

Often 10-month-old children lose interest in breastfeeding, because they are familiar with a sufficient amount of delicious "adults" dishes. However, abandoning the chest for lunch, the baby may still ask the maternal milk in the evening or at night.

Tips for parents:

  1. Encourage the development of the child, giving it a new color toy, replete with buttons, handles, and other "secrets".
  2. Watch together books, showing the baby in the pictures, and voicing that they are depicted on them: "This is a house", "this is a cat", "this car", and then ask the baby to show your finger on the house, a cat, car. Read the baby fairy tales.
  3. Take the baby by simple gestures, for example, stretch your hand and tell me.
  4. Compare simple items before your child. For example, show him two balls that differ in color and tell about their differences.
  5. Try to guess the speech of the child.

The problems faced by parents of 10-month kids

The baby shakes and hits his head into the wall

Oddly enough, such behavior is normal for a 10-month child. Rhythmic movements fascinate children, and can also help in disabling (for example, before bedtime) or in the fight against pain (when, for example, a child).

10 Monthly child biting others

Thus, the kid tests his teeth. If you act consistently, the child can be quickly learned from such behavior. Every time the kid is going to bite you, you need to move and strictly say that it is impossible to do because it hurts!

The child suspends breathing

Some children can stop breathing (even to the state of the formation), for example, during crying, a lot of these parents scare. Usually, the kids do that in stressful situations for themselves when they are unhappy, scared, or they have something hurts. But also quickly the child comes into itself, because breathing is an instinctive mechanism that is too difficult to stop in its will.

Childhood fears

Until now, a bold and brave baby can suddenly begin to be afraid of many things. But this is normal, because the baby is aware of danger and learn to recognize them.

The closer the child to his first anniversary, the more surprising its parents with new achievements - and the most relevant becoming the skills of speaking and walking. How to develop a child at 10 months to contribute to this?

What does the baby know how?

By 10 months, kids become very active, movable, emotional. They are inconspicuously studying the world around themselves, ways to communicate with the surrounding, properties of objects, the possibility of actions with them and their consequences. By this time, the physical and intellectual skills of the child are quite impressive.

  • The baby is able to crawl confidently and for a long time in different directions throughout the free space.
  • Confidently sits with a smooth back, while driving with toys.
  • Himself gets up when hands stretch to him.
  • May go, holding a support, an adult hand or pushing a stroller.
  • Blinking and chews small pieces of food.
  • Performs simple plot actions (indicates or feeds a doll, rolls the machine, builds a tower from cubes or collects a pyramid).
  • It can manipulate one object with the help of another (for example, whether the tower of cubes from cubes, rolling a bear in a typewriter, pushes a ball with a rod from a pyramid.
  • In addition to destroying actions (break, scatter), mastered the creative - can collect, build, fold.
  • Able to climb on a sofa, a bed, a chair, and also to lie with them.
  • Maybe a little stand without support.
  • He himself sits out of the standing position.
  • Can open and close doors, boxes, containers.
  • Understands almost everything they say.
  • At the request of adults, it performs simple actions, finds the necessary items.

Some kids are already able to use a spoon or a mug. Especially "talked" kids utter the first simple words (give, mom, Lyalya).

Now it is already possible to determine what kind of crumbs leading (if it is left - it does not need to be returned!).

What is important to teach a child?

As before, we draw attention to what the skills of the crumb still did not master (getting up, the ability to sit, steal, stand without support). In addition, it is now important to diversify the impressions of the child, expanding the horizons: to be in new places, communicate with different people, including necessarily - with the peers, especially since now the child has an interest in them and ready for contact; Study new objects, their properties, master new classes.

As in the previous month, it is important to continue to teach the baby to the skills of self-service: use the napkin, comb, mug, spoon, toothbrush, teach it to shoot and wear clothes, shoes. This will help the crumb to approach the first year crisis more prepared.

Classes with a child at 10 months must pursue certain goals:

  • development of motor skills aimed at developing walking;
  • study of the surrounding world;
  • development of logical thinking, attention, memory;
  • development of small motility, speech skills.

Do not try at this age to teach your child to the pot. It has been scientifically proven that it is completely inappropriate for at least one and a half years, because the baby still does not know how to control his physiological processes. Therefore, the sense of such "teachment" will be a bit.

Useful classes

At this age, the kids are actively interested in household items. Initial toys for children can now become a pan, banks, plastic bottles, cooks, mother's hair curiors or dads of Pazatati. It is important to monitor that the manipulations with them are ended with trouble.

In any atmosphere, you can come up with a lesson that will not only hobble the baby, but will develop any useful skill.

  • You can scatter in front of a child. Heap of different items, and then show how they are collected in a pelvis or a large box. Accustomed to such classes, the child in the future is easier to mastered cleaning.
  • Being on a walk, it is important not to prevent the crumb in the study of the world. Let him collect pebbles like him, shells, twigs, bumps. Having come home, Mom will tell him that it is, what color, size, for what you need. So the horizons develop and speech.
  • Let the baby repeat for the parents of household actions: mixes something in a saucepan when the mother is preparing, choking a rag when it wipes dust. It will help to master household skills, and it is also understood that there is a certain list of homework that you always do.
  • When mom breaks things after washing, you can offer crumbling socks, gloves or other paired items one by one. Let him pick them up a couple of the total heap of things.
  • During cooking, you can adjust the rhythm of the song that my mother sings, a spoon in a bowl or a frying pan. Let the kid try to repeat. So he will develop a sense of rhythm needed to form his speech skills.
  • During bathing, you can take a doll or rubber toy with you. Let the kid make her back, handles, spout, tummy. In addition to pleasure, such a lesson contributes to the development of motility and gives knowledge about parts of the body.
  • In order for the child to absorb the plot-role interaction needed for further socialization, it is useful to show him simple role-playing games. For example, to teach him to feed a bunny, change the doll, put them to sleep, roll on the typewriter, treat when they are "sick." Let the doll sings, crying, dancing, falls ...

After such classes, the kid will be happy to take small ideas shown by her mother with finger toys or homemade doll theater. You can play simple household scenes or plots of familiar fairy tales.

Need toys and accessories

Toys should be, first of all, useful. For example, those that you can roll or push in front of ourselves help the baby to develop equilibrium and learn to walk.

Here are some more examples of useful toys and materials.

  • Cubes, pyramids, sorters, nesting, designers. They help the crumb to develop logical thinking, attention, memory, perfection, shallow motorcy.
  • Balls. They can be thrown, push to catch, kick - all this stimulates the development of equilibrium and coordination, contributes to the strengthening of the muscles, which will be needed for training walking.
  • Bright educational cards depicting animals and birds, vegetables and fruits. With their help, it is possible to expand the horizons, increasing the passive dictionary of crumbs, stimulate the development of speech.
  • Cardboard books with colorful major illustrations. Reading also helps the development of speech, memory, horizons. You need to read a lot. And better than books that Karapuz will choose himself.
  • Plasticine or dough for modeling, finger paints or crayons for drawing, large beads for rolling - all this perfectly stimulates a small motorcy, and therefore speech.

By the way, it is very useful to acquaint the child with alternative types of creativity. For example, you can draw with your fingers on the table, on which the semolunned semolina, buckwheat or flour. A potato mashed potatoes can become an excellent palette to lad out an edible still life of vegetables.

Useful developments can be made independently. For example, it is possible to save cardboard cubes with paper of different colors to then ask for a crumb to show the desired color. If you put the bell inside one of these cubes, then a child will remember very soon, the cube is what color can ring.

And having bought a new toy, you can pack it sequentially in several boxes, and then in the gift paper with a bright bow so that the unpacking process will take some time at the kid and warmed up interest in what inside. These are positive emotions, and the development of motility.

Play with the child in the phone. When someone from the relatives call you, give a cross up and let them communicate with the subscriber. This greatly stimulates the development of speech.

On the way to walking

And now - more on how to develop a child in 10 months physically - what exercises will help the baby to strengthen the necessary muscles and develop the skills necessary for self-walk (coordination, the ability to keep balance, stand without support).

For this purpose, such exercises and classes are useful:

  • swimming in the pool;
  • swing on phytball;
  • squatting and rode a child with support for adults;
  • active crawling;
  • walking with baby support for the handle;
  • flexing and extensible movements of the hands and feet of the child.

To make classes more cheerful, you need to make useful games. For example, to decompose small cubes or toys on the floor and drive the baby so that it will overlap through them, raising the legs (let's say how the heron walks). Or take a walk with him on the "Bookwalk" laid out in the corridor.

It is very fun to hold "dance gymnastics". For rhythmic music, Kroch can repeat the mom (and with its support) a lot of useful movements:

  • turn hands;
  • swing in handles by lifting them over the head;
  • turn or tilt the head on the sides;
  • bend to the sides;
  • thugs;
  • clap with handles on knees or tummy;
  • scatter to the sides.

It is useful to teach the baby to crawl on the inclined surface up and down. It may be, for example, a ironing board, raised at an angle of about 45 degrees. For a walk, let him climb on a small children's slide and rolls off it, rides with adults on a swing. All this perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus.

So, the focus of the development of a child at the age of 10 months is given to the development of speaking and walking skills. At the same time, it is necessary to include classes on the development of logic, attention, memory, household skills. This complex must necessarily include the emotional component - more positive: smiles, joy, praise. Perhaps this is a key component in the development of kids.

How does a girl or boy develop, what growth and weight should the children who have reached almost one-year-old age, what should a child be able to be able to? At this age, the kids as a sponge absorb all the information from the world around the world, they acquire an important skills for them, develop actively physically, psychologically. It is very important to choose the right forms, methods of development and education of the child.

Child development of 10 months

At the age of 10 months, children develop very actively. They can already repeat the sounds, walk on their own, master new movements, are able to sit down. This is a turning point in the development period is characterized by independence: Kroch himself gets up, trying to move, he chooses a toy himself. It is very important not to rush the baby, do not cause negative emotions.

By reaching one year old, the baby begins to actively develop its mental abilities. Children understand some requests of parents, there is awareness that the environment is not only what they see around. The baby knows: if mom came out of the room, she will return. He has a connection between some events, a relationship with certain people are formed. Karapuz can already analyze what is happening and drawing its own conclusions.

Growth and weight of the child

By reaching the age of 10 months, the child begins to form a body proportionally. However, the growth and weight of the kid slows a little. Boys become larger. The average growth in boys is about 69-77 cm, weight - 8-11 kg. Girls slightly smaller, they lag behind in these indicators. Their growth varies within 69-75 cm, the weight is 7.9-10 kg. However, it is necessary to take into account that hereditary factors also affect these criteria.

Mental development

A distinctive feature of the psychological development of children of 10-month-old age is curiosity. What should a child be able to 10 months? He is already reacting to the call, it becomes interesting to him that other people do. The baby begins to distinguish the expression of the face of Mom, the reaction to his behavior, responds to its mood. This is the best period for raising an optimist. Children repeat the movements of the Pope, can imitate adults. Blooding reacts to hazardous items, unpleasant situations, for example, knows what to fall. However, it is not worth counting on its independence.

Emotional development

The development of the kid at 10 months is characterized by the emergence of social skills, the desire to interact. Karapuz calls for help, gives signals with a request to do something, for example, raises the box to open it. Very often, ten-month children break toys, thereby attracting attention by checking the adult response.The child is able to play longer with one game, the favorite toys appear with which he does not part during sleep, food.

What a child knows at 10 months

The crumble has already become more sociable, manifests independence. Choo is determined with tastes: chooses music, games. By 10 months, a tiny:

  • uses a spoon, drinks from a circle;
  • sits, it is worth it, with a support rises, it becomes on all fours, starts to walk on his own;
  • reacts to stretching hands to him;
  • sits on a pot;
  • takes with two fingers small items - "Pincelty Capture";
  • he himself wals on the bed, the chair, it fats.

Motor skills

Skills move developing very rapidly. Kroch exhibits a desire to simultaneously use several toys, items: to move the bumps, go for your favorite toy, to carry it yourself, show it. Parents must necessarily praise the baby for independence. Children themselves eat: bite and chew small pieces. They gladly play with small toys, crossed buttons, pebbles, fasteners, while developing fine motility.

Speech development

The kid begins to form speech skills. Children are "talking" with the help of the lepture - repetition of syllables, multiple, the same type. Following the articulation of adults, the baby is able to reproduce the syllables of the type: "Ba-Ba", "Well,", "Ma-Ma", "Dai-Dai", etc., intonation is particularly pronounced. Must be able to make a kid at 10 months to allocate the voices of syllables, lay pauses. Sheet becomes similar to rhythmically repeated sounds. It is important that adults use only a soft intonation, talked calmly.

What should be able to boy

The difference in physical and mental development between girls and boys becomes noticeable already in ten sidewalls. Boys are physically more developed, but less emotional. The crumbs are confidently crawling, begin to contact with peers, they know how to independently:

  • sit down
  • walk with adults;
  • fold toys;
  • show objects by name;
  • respond to the name;
  • disassemble, fold pyramids;
  • build from cubes;
  • alone to drink, keep food.

What should know the girl

In nine-month-old age, the girls are more emotional, they are more likely laughing, they can better imitate movements. Girls are easier to fulfill the requests of adults, they know how to drink and eat themselves, they are happy to move to the music, they can get up and sit down. They are quickly starting to develop speech skills. Girls are often doing something, trying to attract the attention of adults, be sure to expect praise.

How to develop a child at 10 months

At this time, you should teach a child with simple service skills: fold toys, keep the spoon, a cup, teach to the skills of self-service, for example, to independently take the right thing, keep the toy. The kid activity is good for the development of motor skills: build a "tunnel" from the boxes and call a child, put his favorite music and ask to teach dance to doll, stupid, clap with him. All these exercises will develop motility, coordination of movements.

Classes with a child

For a child, the game is not only a cheerful time, but also the opportunity to develop. However, it is advisable to use active classes in the afternoon, as with all the mobility, the baby will quickly get tired. In the afternoon, we should give preference to more relaxed entertainment.You can use cubes, finger drawing, fold the pyramid. Entertainment with babies a lot. What games it is better to choose the first half of the day:

  1. Games with a ball. You can roll the ball on the floor, hiding small balls.
  2. Fitball. Used big ball. It is good on it to ride a crumb, jump on the ball, let it stand on it with legs.
  3. Musical instruments. Any toys are suitable for this age.
  4. First machine. Kroch will carry her on the rope, fold toys there.
  5. "Cleaning". The smallest items scattered on the floor. Karapuz collect them.

For entertainment in the afternoon, quiet games will be suitable. It can be:

  1. Games on the street. Cancel chestnuts, bumps, pebbles.
  2. Clothespins. Karapuz, folding bright clothespins, will develop your fingers.
  3. Telephone. Small children willingly imitate adults. The phone will help develop speech.
  4. Bathing. In addition to playing with "floating" toys, you can ask the child to make simple actions, for example, wash the handles, tummy.
