Useful properties and recipes dishes from rhubarb. Rhubarb - the benefits and harm to the human body rhubarily benefit and harm recipes how to plant

Each person in certain seasons of the year feels dismisses, lethargy, fast fatigue. It spawns the look of the hair, nails, the skin becomes pale, dry or excessively oily. Yes, and the processes inside the body are not happy - the swelling, then there will take it, then here. And a common cause of such negative phenomena becomes a banal avitaminosis. The lack of useful elements is observed in winter and previously in the spring. To replenish the reserves of nutrients, it will not hurt to pay attention to the vitamin complexes. But it is in winter, and as for the spring days, it is necessary to break the stem rhubarb, rinse and easter. Thus, the body will get everything you need. But let's try to explain the situation - what benefits it carries for the human body if it is possible to eat it with pregnant women. As for the babies, it is possible to give rhubarb children, which hidden benefit is the beneficial plant for male health. Let's talk about everything in order.

A surprisingly beautiful plant, with rich foliage and thick red stem, decorate areas of people from time immemorial. Scientists hold one thought - to cultivate the product began in China, the healing properties were revealed. It is mentioned in the Chinese book, which describes the medicinal herbs. The rhubarily was also known to be known and the Arabs, he wrote about him in his famous treatises of Pliny, who lived in the first century to our era. The Great Medicator Dioscride improved the state of health of the emperor Marselyinus using spiced grass roots. The product was delivered to the European continent, so, in any case, the sources say, Marco Polo. This inquisitive traveler visited many countries of the East and Asia and drove therapeutic grass to Europe.

After a while, approximately in the 16th century, the plant fell into Russia. Beautiful trees decorated trading rows at various fairs in Novgorod, in Tver, in Pskov. The rhubarb was imported from China, and hence in the form of seeds in 1740 he began to transfer it to France and Britain.

Initially, the product was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, then began to simply serve to the table, make compats and decoctions. Also, the plant due to its beautiful appearance decorated the botanical gardens of rich people.

There was no winter garden in large cities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in which a special rhubarb would not be paid.

Description Rhome

The plant described by us relates to the family of buckwheat. In general, experts counted about 20 diverse types of rhubarb, which can be used both as a medicinal basis and in cooking.

The rhubarb is a perennial who has a thick stem and a branched root, whose height can reach up to 3 meters. And from year to year the plant is strengthened and increased in size. From the root to the sides, the roots of the side type and many tubers are departed. As for the stems, they are intended for one season. The next grow new. Flowers rhubbish with small flowers on a bulbous inflorescence with a green or white tint. Then the fruits are ripened - three-edged nuts of a wide or narrow-colored form.

Food is more often used roots and large leaves of the plant. They are added to compote, salads, soups, extinguished, boosted jam, cheers, marmalade, used as a filling for pies. The pharmaceutical industry more often use root and rhizome grass.

Chemical composition of rhome

Spicy grass, unfortunately, is not so common in our country as overseas. Residents of Canada, the United States does not represent their diet without this product and do the right. In addition to the fact that rhubarb is tasty and nutritionally, it also contains a colossal amount of beneficial substances.

The product presents 92% of water, as well as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, ash and dietary fiber.

Vitamin Row decorate such names like choline (B4), beta-carotene (a), phillohonin (K), thiamine (B1), tocopherol (E), riboflavin (B2), ascorbinka (C), niacin (B3 or PR) , folic acid (B9), pyridoxine (B6).

From the macro and trace elements there are zinc, potassium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, sodium, iron and phosphorus.

IMPORTANT: 100 grams of rhubarb contains only 21 kcal, which make the product especially dietary.

It is worth noting that the volume of vitamins in the rhuber exceeds such useful vegetables such as cabbage, etc.

An interesting fact: in order to cover the daily rate of vitamin C - ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat only two pets of the useful product.

The grass also includes useful and vital types of acids: lemon, apple, rutin, glycosides, organic types of acids, tanning particles, healing resins. In the plant there are many catechins - substances responsible for the prevention of cancer and mental disorders.

Therapeutic and beneficial properties of rhubarb

Tasty and useful grass has been widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to the content of such a substance as chrysobarin, drugs produce preparations for the treatment of complex disease - psoriasis.

  1. The dried and crushed in the root powder is shown in colds, infectious illness. Also, the drug has a binder, excites appetite and controls the activity of the GCT: regulates digestive processes, relieves from Qatar, dyspepsia.
  2. Of the rhubarb, products with a choleretic action are produced as a laxative.

    Important: In case of serious diseases and the elderly people are often observed in the stomach. With the help of a jealous powder, you can adjust the chair and get rid of constipation.

  3. The drug from the rhizomes is shown when hemorrhoids and cracks in the rectum. Anthraglycosides in their decay turn into chrysophanovy acid and rein. These components have a soft laxative property.
  4. Representatives of traditional medicine also often use grass with such dangerous diseases like tuberculosis. The reason for this is the presence of antioxidants, vitamins, catechins and minerals that increase human immunity. Also, the components have expectorant, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, sweetest, antifungal and antiviral properties.
  5. The cleansing property of the grass helps to remove toxins from the body, slags. Substances can soften the fenders, destroy the colonies of putrefactive bacteria and also effectively withdraw them from our body.
  6. Rhubarb has a choleretic property, dissolves some types of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.
  7. The climbs of the rhizome are saved by the liver from hazardous states: cirrhosis, hepatitis, fat hepatitis, etc.
  8. Due to the diuretic action, water balance is regulated in the body.

Infusions and crushed dried rhizome are used to treat hearts. The tool cleans blood, dilutes it, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, eliminates plaques. Thus, the prevention of strokes, heart attacks, varicose veins, thrombosis is made.

What is the rhubarb for pregnant women

It is no secret that the diet of the future mother is an important indicator of the formation of the fetus. From this, by the way, it depends on how the kid will perceive this or that food after birth. And if the neat milf during the field of fetus was abused by any product, then allergic to his child in the future is possible. So the issue of food takes an important place in the life of the future mother.

So, at the moment we are studying the useful properties of rhubarb and its contraindications. Find out in detail whether it is possible to eat it with pregnant women, and in what cases it is better to abandon healing herbs.

  1. Rhubarb is a low-calorie product, 100 grams of grasses are only 21 kcal. This means that the plant will not allow to gain extra kilograms.
  2. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting, which is very important for a woman before childbirth.
  3. The roots are perfectly helping without pills to cope with high pressure, which is quite often observed in the ladies in the "interesting" position. And such a situation may cause preeclampsia and cause miscarriage.
  4. According to Chinese scientists, the rhubarb reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and does not produce thrombam.
  5. In the grass, the enormous amount of calcium, which participates in the structure of the skeleton of the fetus and preserving teeth, bones, skin and hair of the future milf.
  6. Pregnant women as well as everyone is subjected to infectious, colds. Vitamin C - antioxidants and minerals increase the protective forces of the body and helps it easier to cope with illnesses.
  7. Women often torment constipation, so as not to take tablets, you can drink a computer with a jealous and apple and the laxative effect will be provided.
  8. In Rhube, a lot of vitamin A is not only for the update of cells, but also vision.
  9. Grass Iron participates in blood formation and increases hemoglobin levels, which prevents the formation of a baby hypoxia.
  10. Coupe with magnesium iron also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthens it. Thanks to this action, the dream of a pregnant woman is improving, fears, anxiety, depression go away.
  11. The diuretic grass effect helps to get rid of the excess fluid from the body and get rid of edema.

Is it possible to eat rhubarb children

Given the useful and therapeutic quality rhubarb, of course, I want to include it in the diet of my beloved Chad. With it, the bones, the baby's teeth, normalizes the peristalistic and the chair is normalized and the chair is adjusted. But let's find out what you think about this doctor. We clarify - is it possible to give a child rhubarb?

  1. According to experts, useful spicy grass has a lot of advantages:
  2. There are few calories in the product and protects the child from obesity.
  3. Food fibers are removed from the body toxins and slags.
  4. Thanks to the laxative property, constipation is prevented.
  5. Revelation helps to increase hemoglobin, improve blood quality, increase clotting.
  6. Ascorbinka and minerals increase the body's protective forces and help to bypass the sideways, infectious diseases.
  7. Due to acids, the secretory function increases, which positively affects the digestibility of food and nutrients.
  8. Rhubarb is useful for respiratory diseases.

Contraindications are universal for any gender and age.

Important: like any product, rhubarb need to be used in optimal doses and not abuse.

From what age you can give rhubarb children

If parents have been harvested to feed the baby with spicy grass in medicinal purposes, it is worth considering this process seriously.

Important: Before feeding the child, a consultation with a pediatrician is needed. The specialist will specify in more detail on contraindications and harm from the product.

For the first time, supplement the baby's jealous dish is not earlier than 1 year old. But it is necessary to feed only if the testimony is constipation, problems with blood, etc.

We draw the attention of the parents to the fact that it is impossible to give grass in the raw form, only as a compote, morse, jelly, etc.

How to cook rhubarb for baby

Rewrite thoroughly and clean from the skin. Squeeze juice, add boiled water, other fruit juices. For the first time you need to give just a couple of droplets of the drink. If there is no negative reaction - increase the pair of drops. Walk 2 times a week.

Razki (urticaria), itching, redness, swelling, colic, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, capriciousness, tearing and other negative moments may indicate an allergic reaction. In such cases, you need to stop accepting and urgently consult a doctor.

What is the rhubarb for men

Doctors advise the strong half to delve into the beneficial properties of rhubarb and start using it in any form in the absence of contraindications. And there are no restrictions in age. Moreover, for elderly, the rhubarb is shown as a great way to get rid of constipation. Also, the product is necessary:

  1. If there are memory problems. Antioxidants, minerals improve blood condition.
  2. Rhubarb is the prevention of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, lowers the level of harmful cholesterol.
  3. Most men, unfortunately, abuses alcohol and low alcohol drinks, smoking. In order to get rid of negative consequences faster, it is necessary to regularly eat rhubarb, both in the cheese and in the form of compotes, hots.

Contraindications of rhomeage use

The product we studied also has a number of contraindications that need to pay special attention to.

  1. Excessive consumption of rhubarb can provoke an increase in the tone of the female uterus, which may be the cause of miscarriage.
  2. Spicy herb is categorically contraindicated with acute phases of liver disease.
  3. It is impossible to include the rhubarb menu in the presence of a certain type of kidney stones.
  4. The product should also be included in the diet at elevated acidity, acute phases of pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis. Rhubarb can provoke the aggravation of diarrhea.
  5. Excessive use can lead to severe pains in the stomach, nausea and vomit.
  6. Both raw and finished rhubarb, compote, soups and kisins from the plant can not be used by people with diabetes.
  7. Doctors forbid to include rhubarb during internal bleeding menu.
  8. Rheumatic diseases, gout, peritonites, acute appendicitis, oxalura, hemorrhoids with bleeding, etc. are also contraindicated.

How to grow rhubarb

The plant can be propagated both in vegetative and seed. Culture sowing is usually produced, as a rule, in April or in autumn - in November. Plant by rows, a distance of 30 centimeters, depth - 3 centimeters. On the 25th day, shoots will appear, and if they are planted densely - you can break. It is necessary to periodically loose soil, add fertilizers. After about 3 months, the seedlings will be ready, which can be planted for a permanent place.

The root method requires their excavation and cut into several parts in length. On one root there must be at least 2 kidneys. In the soil, make a deepening and put the root, moisturize the soil and press the hands around the plant. As it grows it, you need to dip plant. The crop will be able to receive for the second year after the first landing.

Application of rhubarb in cosmetology

To improve the appearance mainly use stalks, grass roots.

  1. Rheuble juice is an excellent natural way to get a tan. To do this, squeeze the juice and a wide soft brush to apply on the body, wash off with water in 10 minutes. The procedure cannot be carried out in the open sun.
  2. To get rid of pigmentation and freckles, it is necessary to mix in equal shares of jealous juice and kefir, lubricate the skin for 10 minutes and washed with warm water.
  3. A tablespoon of ground dried roots fermented with a liter of boiling water. This composition rinse the hair and curls will acquire glitter, pomp and silkiness.

Slimming on rhuber - 5 kilograms per week

Immediately it is worth noting that unloading begins with cleansing enema. The composition of the water you need to add a tablespoon of pressed from leaves and roots. The procedure is repeated twice during the day. Just not be afraid, the grass will begin the cleaning process and the body get rid of the colossal number of slags and toxins.

After the procedure, take a horizontal position and take a break for 2 hours, and completely refuse any physical exertion. Felt lightness and freedom in the gastrointestinal tract, go to the kitchen and proceed to cooking useful dishes for a diet.

Cook apples (green), rhubarb stems, cabbage (white), cucumbers, parsley and kinza. All vegetables in equal proportions cut into cubes, the greens are finely rubbing, mix and sprinkle 10 grams of nuts. We put in a cold place (refrigerator) for 30 minutes, season olives (not salt) oil. You need to eat as much as you need to quench your hunger. Feel what I founded - clean in the direction of the salad. Next reception with a sense of another attack of hunger.

Recipe for rheuskin soup

This dish, judging by the legend, was very loved by our great poet. To prepare soup we will need:

  • glass of raspberry;
  • paul liters of apples juice (fresh);
  • 2 tablespoons (sugar),
  • 70 grams of jealous cuffs;
  • third cream glasses;
  • lemon juice (halves);
  • badyan, Kortz and Coriander.

Apple juice with spices warm, then strain and attach other components, boil and remove from fire. Grind the ingredients and insist, until it thickens. Decorating mint leaves, fresh raspberries.

Compote from apples and rhubarb

Prepare up to 300 grams of fresh cuttings, clean from the peel and chopped into cubes. Wash and cut down 2 green juicy apple slices. You will also need vanilla, sugar, hammer cinnamon and lemon floor.

Pour 2 rhubarb and apples with 2 liters, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add lemon zest, before removing from the fire add sugar, a little vanilla and cinnamon. Insist the drink about 5 hours.

Medicinal recipes with rhubarb

Despite the enormous set of useful qualities, rhubarb is not quite a simple plant. It is bred by positive and negative properties, and for this reason it must be treated with extreme caution. With the right approach, the benefit will be obtained and will be able to avoid side effects, which are a lot in spicy grass. And yet, it is not necessary to get involved in one product for the improvement of the body. There are a lot of stunning in their composition and qualities of the gifts of nature, which will enrich the diet and will give good health, beautiful appearance and longevity.

Rhubarb belongs to the family buckwheat. A perennial plant is a thick stem on which a large sheet is located. Subsequently, inflorestection is formed, and then the fruit is formed in the form of a nut. This is rhubarb, whose value has been studied repeatedly. But does he have contraindications? Let's try to figure out together.

Useful properties of rhome

  1. Rhubarb loved many for low calorie. At 100 gr. Plants are only 17 kcal. Thanks to the dietary qualities, the product is often entered in the power menu of people with obesity and people who seek to lose weight. Rhubarb restores the water balance, accelerates the metabolism, helps to lose weight.
  2. It is also valuable quality - the ability of the plant to improve the operation of the urinary system. Regular admission of rhubarb displays small formations from the urinary bubble cavity and kidneys. And the diuretic properties of the plant advise people to eat rhubarb to reduce tissue's ethony. It is especially important for women who carry the fruit.
  3. In the composition of raw materials there are organic type acids presented in the form of apple and lemon. They affect positively on the production of gastric juice, improving heavy food digestibility. The rhubarb is shown to receive people with low secretory activity.
  4. If you take rhubarb with intestinal disorders, you can improve the state. But in this case you will have to use the maximum daily rate to achieve the binder effect. In diarrhea, the plant warns the washing of beneficial substances from the body.
  5. The laxative properties of the product become possible only if they take it in moderate volume. You can easily get rid of the constipation, reduce the number of cases when the food remains to wander in the esophagus. The rhubarily removes putrefactive phenomena, eliminates grasp and intoxication.
  6. It is useful to eat the product category of citizens who have liver problems or a bubble bubble. Rhubarb enhances bile outflow, normalizing the patient's condition. It is advised to eat in food during gout, strong poisoning and in a period of hangover to improve well-being.
  7. Due to the fact that in a long-term plant there are many salts of phosphorus and magnesium, as well as iron, prevention and treatment of anemia are carried out. This disease is accompanied by a deterioration in blood composition. The rhubarb enhances the production of blood cells, suppressing unpleasant symptoms at the stage of its origin. Ascorbic acid is useful for making vessels of elasticity and integrity.
  8. The value of the plant is not limited to all. Rhubarbust is used as a natural immunostimulator, which increases protective forces during season shift periods, with avitaminosis, flu epidemics and an ARZ, frequent business trips or travels. The product must be entered into the nutrition of the persons who often get sick from birth.
  9. The plant positively affects the organs of the respiratory system. It is taken with tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, protracted cough. Rhubarb will quickly reveal the respiratory tract from mucus, relieves pain and throat.
  10. Widely used in the area of \u200b\u200bcosmetic orientation. Face masks make skin smooth and smooth, contribute to maintaining natural pigmentation. Rhubarbiness is even used in vitiligo disease, accompanied by "dying" of individual areas of the skin.

Rewack for diseases

Valuable qualities are not limited to the above properties. The plant has a positive effect on different organs and systems. All this leads to therapeutic and preventive goals of many diseases.

  1. Doctors ophthalmologists advise to introduce a plant in food to those who suffer from the decline of vision and the painfulness of the eyes. To relieve fatigue, strengthen the muscles, contribute to the production of natural tears, prevent the cataract and glaucoma, eat the plant daily.
  2. Recently noted the useful effect of the product on the skin. If there are old wrinkles or the first signs of fading, the plant must be used externally to enhance the collagen generation.
  3. Specialists from the sphere of gastroenterology recommend their patients with gastritis against the background of low acidity include the product in everyday power. Rhubarb enhances the release of juice and relieves unpleasant symptoms.
  4. To improve blood composition, as well as carrying out the prevention of thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, juice, decoction, infusion on rhubarb.

In traditional medicine, the plant is very popular. With the help of rhubarb, you can get rid of most well-known pathologies. Also raw materials strengthens human health fully and prevents the development of cancer. The product is positively reflected in the cardiovascular system, liver, respiratory organs and blood composition.

Rewack when laying
With such a problem, it is not worth a hurry to root the body with medicines. With his task, root root will cope well. The finished agent has a soft laxative effect. Connect 50 gr. raw materials and 250 ml. water. Grind the roots and send to the fire with liquid.

After boiling, leave the decoction for some time to insist. Perfect the tool and take 80 ml. Each time before the meal. Consider, with prolonged reception of the composition, the laxative effect is lost, so the decoction should be alternating with other folk remedies.

Rewack at diarrhea
If you suffer from frequent diarrhea and stomach disorders, it is worth resorting to the help of the presented plants. You will need rooted product. Wash the raw material and get rid of the excess moisture. After that, the product is finely. Spread the composition on paper in a hot place without access direct sunlight.

As soon as the roots are completely dried, skip them through a coffee grinder. As a result, you must have a homogeneous powder. To cope with the problem, you should take powder twice a day in the amount of "on the knife tip." It is important to drink a sufficient amount of mineral water without gas.

Jewish with hypertension
To cope with high arterial pressure, it is recommended to use a decoction of plants from stiffers. For cooking, it will take 40 grams. dried raw materials and 400 ml. water. Boil the liquid in the saucepiece of the appropriate size, pour out the cut.

Weganize the components on the minimum fire of order half an hour. Remove the container from the fire and wait for the natural coolement of the composition. After that, straighten the decoction. Means need to drink throughout the day. The course is installed independently as well-being.

Avvitamin rhubarb
To propagate or cope with vitaminosis, the plant juice should be taken regularly. The drink is pretty simple. For this, the prepared cutters of rhubarb and honey will be required. Skip the components of the plants through the juicer.

We mix the required amount of bee product to drink. To cope with the nuisant in the form of avitaminosis, it is enough to take a drink of 400 ml. During the day. Wellness course is not limited. Watch out for well-being.

Contraindications of rhome

  1. Some personalities will have to strictly limit or abandon the presented product at all. Rhubarily sour plant, so it is customary to eat with sugar. In the aggregate, such components are not acceptable to people who suffer from diabetes.
  2. In addition, the plant is categorically contraindicated when heartbuilding, renal disease, acute appendicitis, gout, rheumatism, gastritis, allergic reaction and leaning to bleeding. Also, the abuse of the product can also play a joke with you.

Rhubarily refers to the number of unique plants. The product gained wide popularity in traditional medicine at the expense of rich composition and healing qualities. With the help of raw materials, you can prepare fairly effective means in the fight against various pathologies. Before applying the rhubarb, it is important to take into account the list of contraindications. You should also not lean the product in unlimited quantity.

Video: What is the rhubarb

Hello friends! In today's article, it will be about what rhubarb is useful.

I heard a lot about him, about his useful properties, but I didn't use it for so long ago, I don't even remember what the taste of him and where it can be applied ... Just

So let's remember this together ☺

From this article you will learn:

What is the cost of rhubarb for human health?

Botanical Plant Help

Rhubarb is a perennial green plant from the Buckwheat family.

Leaves of green color, collected in a socket.

Pretty juicy and fleshy leaves. We use them into food. Skin on the cutters has a reddish or light green color.

It is believed that his leaves of poisonous.

Basically, the rhust is used in the recipes of traditional medicine and in cooking.

Rewal plant - beneficial properties of the plant

So let's consider in more detail what jealous is useful:

  • rhubarb's sweets contain a set of vitamins, minerals, organic acids;
  • very dietary product, which contains practically no fats. It has calorie content in 16 kcal. per 100 grams of the product;
  • contains in large quantities useful pectin and coarse plant tissue;
  • it has a light diuretic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the urinary system, eliminates the edema of various origin;
  • helps with anchorance during pregnancy, when medicinal preparations are extremely undesirable;
  • apple and lemon acids contained in the composition, having a beneficial effect on the good work of the entire digestive tract, enhance the release of gastric juice, increase its enzymatic filling;
  • increases food digestibility, the quality and speed of its digestion improves;
  • good tool with intestinal problems. Restores motor activity in the intestine, eliminates constipation, cleanses it from deposits, removes toxins, destroys the grinding processes;
  • a small amount of rhubarb has an astringent effect and is recommended for diarrhea. And a large amount has a relaxing effect and is recommended for constipation;
  • excellent means for lifting immunity, with avitaminosis, with small-class, with reduced hemoglobin, decline for forces, chronic fatigue, weakness;
  • we are needed for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Strengthens the walls of the vessels, makes capillaries more durable, nourishes the heart muscle;
  • contributes to the saturation of blood oxygen;
  • active cleansing body, removes the linency of all organs and systems;
  • it has a very strong gile effect, therefore it is useful in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, well helps with hepatitis;
  • beneficially affects the respiratory system, especially needed with tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis;
  • contributes to the discharge of blood, thereby facilitating the state at elevated blood pressure;
  • perfectly strengthens the nails, has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, heals them, improves appearance;
  • helps with vitiligo;
  • active rejuvenating agent, has strong antioxidant properties.

RECepta folk medicine with rhubarb

Under what diseases are useful to eat rhubarb:

  • Rewack from constipation

As the main component - root of rhubarb.

It must be rinsed thoroughly, crushing, pour steep boiling water. Cover, insist how herbal tea is 20-30 minutes.

Drink 1/3 cup before bedtime.

  • From diarrhea

To do this, it is necessary to have a pre-prepared powder of dried roots.

When the intestinal disorder take the powder on the tip of a teaspoon twice a day, drinking water room temperature.

  • From hypertension

To do this, make a decoction from the cherry. The proportions - on two tablespoons of chopped dried cuffs are needed one and a half cup of water.

Boil on a very slow fire for 20 minutes. Drink no more than 1.5 glasses per day.

In fairly short time it effectively reduces blood pressure.

  • From Avitaminosis

For this, freshly squeezed juice from Cherchi helps.

Wash the cutters in cold water, clean them, dried on the towel. Slit juice with the help of juicer, it is better to fit the screw in this case.

Optionally, you can add a honey to drink.

Excellent remedy for improving immunity, saturate the body with useful minerals and vitamins.

Culinary recipes S.rubber

From the rhubarb, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes: compote, jam, cocktails, the amazing pies and pies bake with it.

Compote with rhubber

  • Black is thoroughly rinsed, clean, cut into small pieces. Wash apples, clean, cut.
  • Put everything in a saucepan, add cinnamon stick, mint twig.
  • Pour boiling water, wait when water just starts to throw and immediately remove from the fire.
  • It is good to bite a saucepan with compote, give it to launch at least 6 hours.
  • Drinking with honey by adding it to the cooled, no longer hot compote.

Fruit cocktail

  • Banana and apple cut into pieces, add strawberries or pieces of pineapple and compote from Revel In such a quantity, which is necessary for the glitter of the cocktail you need.
  • You can add honey to taste and cinnamon.
  • Be a blender.
  • Such a cocktail is perfectly ill, tones. It is perfectly quenched hunger, saturate the body with vitamins, give strength and energy

Rewal - Contraindications for use

Friends, it is impossible to eat rhubarb if you suffer bleeding and if you have chronic diseases currently under the exacerbation.

Let's deal with what can be prepared from a rhome and what it is useful. If the standard garden kit "Tomato + Cabbage + Cucumber" appeared to hell, chewing zucchini, beets and carrots are no longer forces, it's time to go to exotic vegetables and herbs. We propose to diversify the menu by adding rhubarbing the benefits and harm of this plant from time immemorial to be known to the doctors and coils of the East, it was recognized in Europe in Europe, in the XIX century - brought to Russia. Only for most of our gardens is exotic, or altogether weed. Admit whether you tried dishes from rhubarb? Surely no. Let's correct omission with our recipes!

Rewal: General Information

Rhubarb is a grass that botany belong to the family of buckwheat. But even in official sources, there are references to him as a vegetable. About 20 varieties are officially registered, but in nature there are much more, which is explained by a high propensity to hybridity. Vegetable and medical varieties are distinguished in the form of leaves: in the first case, they have smooth edges, in the second - blade or cut.

The plant is unpretentious, distributed in Eurasia and on the American continent. It is actively cultivated in Britain and the United States. Scope: Cooking, Medicine, Agriculture, Landscape Design.

Large leaves are similar on them, they feed the cattle, used with compost workpiece. Mature fruit resembles a nut. From a medical point of view, the root is useful. Nutritional value is characteristic of jealous stems, which makes the sour-sweet desserts and other sings. Buds are also used in cooking, but rarely, as a delicacy.

The collection time is the entire warm period, but with the condition: the plant should not bloom, the buds are cut into a state of microscopic embryo. The correct answer to the questions, what rhubarb to eat when you can eat rhubarb: year-round (in winter in the form of a zuchats and jam). True, the taste of the stems varies depending on the season.

In the early spring, they are sweet, due to the content of apple acid, in the middle of the summer, the acid is more pronounced, as the organic formula changes. Green lovers are experimenting with nylby juice with young leaves from May to July. Roots digged in September. Their billet involves several stages:

  • washing;
  • removal of thin "hairs" and spoiled segments;
  • cut;
  • drying.

What is the benefit and harm jealous

Let's understand what the benefits and harm is jealous. The body is also useful for the body, and the roots of this wonderful plant. They are used both in folk and traditional medicine.

Rhubarb root contains glycosides, oxal and chrysophone acids, tanning components, resins.
Basic properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • urine and choleretic;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • stimulating peristaltics.

The intestinal action depends on the dosage of the medication. In small quantities (≤ 0.5 g), it is attached, large (≈ 2 g) has a laxative effect.

Frames, flew into powder, with additive vinegar, honey or lemon juice are used in home cosmetology. Of these, they prepare whitening masks and tonic, lotions against acne and guns.

The useful properties of the stems of the doctors are explained by the content of pectin in them (3.2%), the vitamins of the group C (at a concentration of 10 mg / 100 g), in less than in, E, PP, organic acids (oxal, apple, amber). An important trace element is iron. Among the macro elements, doctors highlight calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Calorie 16-26 kcal.

Drugs and dishes containing this plant component are recommended for increasing immunity in the period from ARZ, stabilization of digestion and soft cleaning of the intestines, strengthening bones and walls of vessels, with anemia and the pathologies of respiratory organs.

According to unverified data, medications are prepared from the plant, which help with oncology. His athletes are advised to build muscle mass.

The freshly squeezed juice of the girl-beauty wipe the face, fueling the skin with vitamins and whitening it.

Rhubarb leaves do not have therapeutic properties. In the cooking, they are rarely used, as an unusual filling for pies or the secret component of salad with greens.

Like any medicinal grass, this has contraindications to use, namely:

  • internal bleeding, including abundant menstruation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • urine and bile disease;
  • hyperucid pathology of the stomach and intestines.

Due to the possible turbulent reaction of the digestive organs on pectins, the plant is not recommended pregnant, nursing mothers, people who are restored after any abdominal operations.

The easiest way to eat: Clear fresh young cutters from the peel, and chew, mapping in sugar or honey.

What to cook from a jealous delicious? From the stems with a variety of additives, you can prepare a set of variations of stuffs for pies, buns, cupcakes and other baking. The same product will become a spicy highlight of home ice cream, compote, jelly. In addition to desserts, it is added to the first dishes and snacks of salads.

And now go directly to recipes.

Compote from Revel

It is not just a delicious drink, but also a wonderful tonic, the compote from the rhubarb will help to quickly come to themselves with a hangover.


water - 3 l, cutters - 0.4 kg, sugar or honey - to taste.

You can add any acidic or sweet berries, apples, citrus, mint, ginger to enhance taste.


purified water with sugar or honey boost in a large saucepan;
add stems and berries;
Cook for 15 minutes.

When using citrus components, they are first pressed, mixed with raw water. The zest is put in compote 3-5 minutes until readiness (as well as mint).

Salad of Revel

What else to cook from rhubarb? There are many variations of satisfying and light salads from rhubarb. Taste features depend on the auxiliary ingredients and refueling. As the latter, lemon juice and vegetable oil, honey and cream, yogurt, complex sharp sauces can be used.

We offer the simplest recipe for spring "green" salad of rhubarb leaves. Cooking this dish takes a couple of minutes, but it quickly saturates, excites the appetite, cleans the intestine.

Likewise and required:

young leaves thoroughly wash, cut into strips, fill.

Those who have no problems with weight, we recommend adding cream and sugar to the green mass (2 spoons per 300 g of phyto inindulations). The gentlemen who are sitting on a diet are used to refuel lemon juice and a drop of honey to at least somehow sweeten life.

Vegetarian jerky soup

Fashionable recipe for soup from rhubarb:

cook in a liter of water 400-500 g sliced \u200b\u200bstalks with kegs (until soft);
add as much liquid;
pour 25 g starch;
to withstand on fire before thickening, constantly stirring;
Salt and sweeten at the same time (100 g of sugar).

To enhance taste, it is possible to spit cinnamon.

Those who do not like to experiment, we offer a recipe simpler.

Welcome in the water of petioles, carrots, potatoes, parsley green and green peas. Naturally, rooted roots must be clean and cut.
Salt the vegetable broth.
Cut the cutlets, finely grind the windscreen with the boiled boiled eggs. Add the resulting mass + greens in soup a few minutes before readiness.

Cooking jam from rhubarb

Such blanks like jams are made of rhubarb, and at the beginning of summer, while the plant has not poured oxalic acid.


purified stems and sugar in an equal ratio, for example, by a kilogram of both.

Preparatory stage.

Stems wash, dry, crush large cubes.
Put the workpiece into the plastic bowl, pour sugar, retain for 24 hours.


Pour the standing mass into the copper pelvis or tin pan.
Lovers of dense jam and jam we advise add pectin or confident.
Bring to a boil on slow fire.
Weganize 15 minutes.
Evel into pre-pasteurized banks. It is possible to cover with metal, and plastic covers. Store in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb is often found in garden sites. It is distributed in the wild. This grass is used mainly for compotes, although its useful properties and tastes allow you to get a variety of dishes. And you can use not only fleshy stems, but also leaves with roots. Despite the harmless appearance, the rhubarb has contraindications to the use of which, first of all, should be remembered by the elderly.

What is rhubarb?

This grass in Central America is called a "pyrogram" plant. It is connected with love to use in the preparation of baking finely chopped rhubarb stems. The sour-sweet taste they have, like many. At the same time, most often people do not know what rhubarb is useful and is there any contraindications to its use.

The plant itself relates to the family of buckwheat. His homeland is considered China and Mongolia. In Russia and in Europe, the Revenue found out quite late in the XVI century.

From early spring, it begins to appear anew from the Earth and quickly reveals his huge lops. That it is time to cook dishes with a rhome, will tell his stems. If at the base they have a rich red color, you can boldly cut them. Even if you completely remove the stems, the plant will quickly restore its magnificent foliage.

During the flowering period, white or pink caps are revealed. The decorative function they are not capable of performing. Flowers are more reminded of wild origin of the plant.

Rhubarb root does not go deep into the earth. Its stiffes are spread over the surface. If it is necessary to prepare a meaty root for treatment, it is better to pre-pour a plant. This will simplify the task.

What is useful in the plant?

The inclusion in the menu of this unique herb is usually not due to the fact that it has therapeutic properties. It is convenient to use stalks that give a unique taste with a dish or drink, and the plant's care is particularly required.

Rhubarb, useful properties is due to vitamins that are part of, and natural acids. Therapeutic arsenal includes:

  • vitamin C, the number of which successfully allows you to fight spring vitaminosis;
  • vitamin E and nicotinic acid (2 mg in 100 g of grass);
  • group vitamins in;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • folic and oxalic acid;
  • pectins;
  • microelements, among which phosphorus, calcium, magnesium are distinguished.

Using rhubarb, you can not be afraid for extra kilograms, because its calorie content is only 21 kcal. Only one should not excessively sweeten the dishes with its content.

Rhubarb root is considered more effective for treatment, because vitamins and trace elements are accumulated in it.

What will the product help to cope?

Increased grass is able to rejuvenate the body, both outside and from the inside. Antioxidants, pectins and acids included in the composition allow you to remove toxins, improve the metabolism and stimulate the growth of new cells.

Therapeutic properties of the plant also allow:

Thanks to Chrysorabina, the plant allows you to fight psoriasis. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are valuable. Rhubarb root is used to treat hepatitis C and to improve bone splicing after fractures. Leaves of grass, not past heat treatment, are able to cope with hangover syndrome.

Cosmetology mask with rhubarb allows you to remove pigment spots and freckles, as well as improve skin tone. When the hair is dropped, it is recommended to use shampoo in which the root of the plant is turned on. You can rinse the curls with a decoction by everyone who wants to give them shine and get rid of the sequential ends. We only need to keep in mind that under the influence of natural organic acids, painted hair can change the color.

Methods of use

In the cooking, the most common option for using grass stems is their inclusion in:

  • compotes;
  • pies;
  • complex side dishes;
  • sauces.

In cosmetology, it is customary to make masks and decoctions. At home, you can create a rhubarb basis tonic. If you use a decoction when washing the hair, then light curls it is able to give a natural straw color.

Pharmaceutical companies often include a plant in various vitamin preparations. However, the natural product is able to bring more benefits, since pills may have harmful impurities in their composition.

Who feared the plants?

Sorrelic acid existing in the plant, with excessive accumulation, can harm the human body. Therefore, contraindications to the use of rhubarb are mainly due to the volume included in the menu, it was not large. Do not use the plant if:

  • there is an aggravation of hemorrhoids with bleeding;
  • installed diagnosis of diabetes;
  • stones in the kidneys and liver are revealed;
  • there is inflammation of the bladder;
  • there are bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • there are problems with joints due to age-related changes in the body.

Rarely, the individual intolerance of the plant is found. Rhubarb root is contraindicated for pregnant women and those who feed the breast. Often it is able to cause an increase in body temperature.

The first leaves of the plant are more useful than those that grow up after cutting. If it is not long to eliminate stems, then dangerous oxalic acid accumulates.

The conclusion is simple: if you use rhubaries in moderate quantity and strictly follow the recommendations of professionals, you can help the body to cope with different ailments.