Smart residents minecraft 1 6. Download family mod for minecraft pe

Reasonable inhabitants will be a wonderful innovation. By installing the family mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 - Comes Alive, real living residents will appear in the villages. New mobs look different, go about their business, have their own name and character. You can talk to them and develop relationships with them, which is a really amazing thing. The modification supports the Russian language, which makes it simply excellent.

With various townspeople, it became possible to start a family, live in the same house, negotiate deals, hire workers and much more. Players are even able to have a child with a mob they like. In addition to living residents, fifty different items have been added to the game, ranging from clothes to jewelry. A user-friendly interface will allow you to easily interact with sensitive residents. If you want to experience this wonderful addon, you just need to download the family mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 - Comes Alive and install it on the client.



How to install

1. Download and install Minecraft Forge
2. Download mod + RadixCore
3. Without unpacking, copy to C:UsersUSER_NAMEAppDataRoaming.minecraftmods
4. Done

(downloads: 48333)

Minecraft comes alive is a very interesting one that almost completely changes and complements the function of the village in the game. To be more precise, this mod concerns the villagers. Now, these are not monotonous big-nosed freaks who run from one corner to another, but a real society, with different people. But, this is just the beginning of the Minecraft comes alive mod. The player has the opportunity to court the girls of the village, as well as the opportunity to have family ties with them. In this way, the player character can have children of his own, and, over time, his children will also be able to have children of their own. All this greatly enlivens the gameplay, and creates a pleasant atmosphere of being in any village.

If you really want to diversify your game, not just with new mobs and crafting recipes, this mod is perfect for your requirements. So, the player enters a completely new world, where he has relatives who must be monitored. There are villagers who will become friends and acquaintances, and who also need to be protected from enemies and unpleasant situations.


Install Minecraft Forge
Place all files from the Place Contents in mods Folder into your mods folder
Place all files from the Place Contents in Minecraft JAR folder into your minecraft.jar
Place all files from the Place Contents in config Folder into your .minecraft/config folder

Villagers will turn into real likeness of live players. Family mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 - Comes Alive takes the concept of "intelligent mobs" to a new level. Each of the new townspeople has its own appearance, occupation, name, and most importantly - character. Now ordinary conversations with NPCs will turn into realistic conversations.

It doesn't matter if you don't know English, everything is translated into Russian. Choose a resident you like, get to know him, make friends, give gifts and soon you will be able to move into one house and start a real family. New types of items in the form of jewelry, clothes and other things will help you win friendship and love. Meet citizens from different fields of activity, discuss various events with them using a convenient dialogue menu, get married or get married and have children. To install this wonderful addition, just download the family mod for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4 - Comes Alive and soon you will be able to live in a truly lively village with intelligent inhabitants.

Video review Comes Alive

How to install?

  1. Download and install the required Forge from the mods section.
  2. Download the Comes Alive mod for Minecraft and move it to the %appdata%/.minecraft/mods directory.
  3. Launch the game with the Forge profile (selected in the launcher). All is ready!

Villagers from the cubic world are devoid of feelings, names and can’t talk, but it’s worth downloading the Comes Alive mod for Minecraft 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9 or 1.8, and these mobs will come to life. Players will be able to chat with villagers, recruit, give gifts, and build relationships. Real relationships are the main feature of the modification, because the family mod for Minecraft allows you to have a wife or husband and children! The spouse is either a villager or, in the case of online play, another player.

On this page, the Comes Alive family mod can be downloaded for Minecraft 1.8, 1.8.9, 1.9, 1.9.4 and 1.10.2. previous versions and crafting recipes is and .


  • Thanks to the Comes Alive mod, Villagers in Minecraft acquire human traits: names, can communicate, gender.
  • Residents accept gifts, communicate willingly and, at the request, follow the player, get a job.
  • Maud adds the ability to start a relationship and create a family.
  • Married couples have children who grow up and carry out the instructions of their parents.
  • Adult children also get married, get married and have children of their own.
  • Mod Comes Alive 1.8, 1.8.9, 1.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2 works on servers and allows you to create a family of players.

Video review


Important: You need to download the Comes Alive and RadixCore family mod. Both files need to be copied along the path %appdata%/.minecraft/mods.

Always wanted to become a typical family man, sitting with his hand in his pants on his favorite sofa in front of his favorite TV after a hard day's work (hello Bukin)? With the Comes Alive family mod for Minecraft (Minecraft) you have such an opportunity! Get married, have kids, watch them grow up and have kids of their own. You can download Comes Alive mod 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and other versions of Minecraft from us.

Key features

Thanks to the fashion for a wife, children and family, the villagers have evolved significantly and now ordinary people, male and female, are represented by more than two hundred unique skins. They can be interacted with in many different ways such as talking, asking to follow you, getting hired, giving gifts, and more. With the villagers, you can build relationships that go as far as getting married and creating a large family. Once you have a wife, you will be able to have children who will grow and mature and then have children of their own.

Crafting recipes in Comes Alive

To better understand how to use the recipes, watch the video review!

Video review of family fashion

How to install

1. Download the Comes Alive family mod for Minecraft of your version.
2. Install forge (if not already installed).
3. Launch the Minecraft launcher and switch the profile to Forge, start the game.
4. Exit the game.
5. We drive in the search% APPDATA% and press Enter.
6. Open the .minecraft folder and transfer the files of the Comes Alive mod that you downloaded to this folder.
7. We play, find a wife and create families, have children and rejoice.
