Igor Prokopenko: Secrets of evolution. Igor Prokopenkosecrets of evolution Igor Prokopenkosecrets of evolution

The book by the famous television journalist Igor Prokopenko is dedicated to the origin of man and talks about different points of view on this problem. Experts from different countries will express their opinions on Darwin’s theory of evolution and present to the reader information about numerous archaeological finds that refute or at least cast doubt on this theory.
Where is the intermediate link between ape and man?
Who owns the giant bones found in various parts of the earth?
Is the dolphin a more suitable ancestor for humans than the ape?
Does God's DNA exist?
Who does the biblical Book of Enoch refer to?
Is it possible to raise an ideal child by removing the “bad” genes of the parents?
Did the prosimian Vanaras of ancient times live in Siberia?
Based on the facts, the reader will be able to conclude whether modern humanity, which has achieved success in scientific and technological progress, is progressing or degrading.

Photo by I. Prokopenko on the cover: Yu. Druchinina

Photographs used in the interior design: © PoohFotoz, Rene Holtslag, A7880S, Matyas Rehak, Dudarev Mikhail, JohnL, vallefrias, tan_tan, MarekPL, Leo_nik, RikoBest, lkonya, Harvepino, Sapsiwai, maxontravel, Sergey Uryadnikov, Kateryna Kon, Raimon Santacatalina, LianeM / Shutterstock.com.

Used under license from Shutterstock.com; © Dave Luchansky/Newsmakers/Hulton Archive/Gettyimages.ru; © Homer Sykes Archive / Alamy Stock Photo / Diomedia; © INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo / Diomedia; © AP Photo / EAST NEWS © Alexey Druzhinin / RIA Novosti

Prokopenko, Igor Stanislavovich.

Secrets of evolution / Igor Prokopenko. – Moscow: Publishing House “E”, 2017. – 352 p. – (The most shocking hypotheses with Igor Prokopenko).

ISBN 978-5-699-96107-8


There is a hypothesis (its most ardent supporter is the famous archaeologist and translator of ancient texts Eric von Däniken) that approximately 14 thousand years ago representatives of a more developed civilization landed on our ancient Earth. It was our ancestors who took them for gods, and spaceships for chariots of fire. However, there is another version, more earthly. Professor Zhou Li from Hong Kong, having analyzed ancient burials in the province of Si Chuan, put forward a sensational hypothesis that once on our planet both Darwinian apes and a population of highly developed prehistoric people who were representatives of the previous earthly civilization that died during global cataclysm.

These were the real prototypes for divine biographies and the fathers of all modern humanity. And the fact that our gods persistently worked to improve the breed of anthropoids is a scientific fact. All ancient mythology consists of stories about the love of the gods for earthly females.

As a result of this love, the ancient Greek Perseus appeared. As you know, he was the son of the god Jupiter and the earthly girl Danae. The children of the gods were the Egyptian pharaohs. Even Buddha, according to myths, turned out to be the fruit of the love of one young god and a simple girl whom he caught up with in the jungle.

What grounds do we have to accept the hypothesis that the modern human race is a derivative of the ape and distant representatives of a lost civilization?

All this, of course, smacks of science fiction. But don't rush to conclusions. Here's a simple example. It is generally accepted that the Egyptian pyramids are four and a half thousand years old. However, today scientists put forward another hypothesis: the pyramids may be at least seven thousand years older. It would seem, why don’t historians correct a long-standing mistake? However, in this case we will have to admit that the whole story is wrong. In this case, we would have to answer the question of who managed to build such grandiose structures 12 thousand years ago, when, according to official data, ancient man barely got up from all fours.

The book you are holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of the team of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN TV channel. This means that you will find a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information about evolutionary processes, from which each reader has the right to draw conclusions for himself.

Who believes Darwin today?

Every day brings scientific sensations that contradict our ideas about life. The latest discoveries by archaeologists refute history textbooks. The newest discoveries of astronomers completely destroy knowledge about the Universe, and the achievements of biologists destroy seemingly unshakable truths even about life and death.

In 1859, in London, naturalist and traveler Charles Darwin announced his discovery, which the very next day blew up the entire scientific world. Darwin's main thesis was the assertion that all living organisms descended from a single ancestor, they simply changed over time, and the ancestor of man was a monkey. The very next day after such a statement by the scientist, cartoons appeared in the press depicting Darwin as a monkey. The naturalist was ridiculed, and his theory was called “bestial philosophy.” But Darwin soon found many supporters, and gradually scientists around the world began an active search for artifacts that could confirm the hypothesis of the British naturalist. After all, if the ancestor of man was a monkey, then the transitional forms from primate to man should have been preserved. Evolutionists had no doubt that in the near future archaeologists would find not only the remains of the ape-man, but also living individuals that still live on Earth.

By ironic comment Doctor of Medical Sciences Oktara Babuna, “evolutionists, in the absence of factual evidence of the theory, constantly resorted to juggling facts and falsifying remains”. The manipulation of facts began actively at the beginning of the 20th century - in 1904, a photograph of a pygmy named Ota Benga from the Mbuti people, who lived in the Belgian Congo, appeared on the covers of famous magazines. The pygmy was captured by evolutionary researcher Samuel Werner. Despite the fact that this short man posed no danger to others, was married and had two children, he was chained and placed in the same cage with various species of monkeys. Thus, evolutionists seemed to clearly demonstrate that the pygmy is a living transitional form between man and primate - half-man, half-ape. Ota Benga became an exhibit of the anthropological exposition held as part of the World Exhibition in the American city of St. Louis. Then the pygmy was transported from city to city so that everyone could look at living proof of Darwin's theory. Two years later he was moved to the Bronx Zoo in New York, where the director, Dr. William Honeday, often spoke in his speeches about the honor of having such a rare “transitional form” in his zoo. Zoo visitors, accordingly, treated the pygmy like an animal, and in the end, unable to bear the humiliation and shame, Ota Benga committed suicide.

Charles Robert Darwin is an English naturalist, the founder of the evolutionary doctrine of the origin of animal and plant species.

However, the tragedy that happened was soon forgotten, and in December 1912, British evolutionary archaeologist Charles Dawson discovered a jaw bone and part of a skull that clearly belonged to a person near the village of Piltdown. This find was recognized by the entire scientific world, and the skull of the Piltdown Man began to be exhibited in the most famous museums in the world. Scientists have announced that they have finally found the remains of a unique creature - an intermediate evolutionary link between ape and man, and now there is no doubt about the reliability of Darwin's theory. For half a century, the “Piltdown Man” was passed off as our distant ancestor and displayed in museums around the world.

The Piltdown Man skull was examined only by Charles Dawson himself, despite the fact that many scientists insisted on a more detailed study of the remains. Since the find generated so much controversy, the staff of the British Museum decided to lock up the skull of the “Piltdown Man”, and instead of the original, those interested were given plaster casts of the skull. Perhaps the question of the authenticity of this find would have remained open for a long time if in 1949 Kenneth Oakley from the Department of Paleontology of the British Museum had not decided to test a new method of determining age - taking a fluorine sample.

According to the ecologist Altu Berkera, “It turned out that Piltdown’s jawbone did not contain fluoride, which indicated that the bone had lain in the ground for no more than a few years. The skull, which contained very little fluorine, was likely underground for only a few hundred years. And all this indicated that this skull was just a skillful fake.”.

Secrets of evolution Igor Prokopenko

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Title: Secrets of Evolution

About the book “Secrets of Evolution” Igor Prokopenko

The book by the famous television journalist Igor Prokopenko is dedicated to the origin of man and talks about different points of view on this problem. Experts from different countries will express their opinions on Darwin’s theory of evolution and present to the reader information about numerous archaeological finds that refute or at least cast doubt on this theory.

Where is the intermediate link between ape and man?

Who owns the giant bones found in various parts of the earth?

Is the dolphin a more suitable ancestor for humans than the ape?

Does God's DNA exist?

Who does the biblical Book of Enoch refer to?

Is it possible to raise an ideal child by removing the “bad” genes of the parents?

Did the prosimian Vanaras of ancient times live in Siberia?

Based on the facts, the reader will be able to draw a conclusion whether modern humanity, which has achieved success in scientific and technological progress, is progressing or degrading.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Secrets of Evolution” by Igor Prokopenko in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Photo by I. Prokopenko on the cover: Yu. Druchinina

Photographs used in the interior design: © PoohFotoz, Rene Holtslag, A7880S, Matyas Rehak, Dudarev Mikhail, JohnL, vallefrias, tan_tan, MarekPL, Leo_nik, RikoBest, lkonya, Harvepino, Sapsiwai, maxontravel, Sergey Uryadnikov, Kateryna Kon, Raimon Santacatalina, LianeM / Shutterstock.com.

Used under license from Shutterstock.com; © Dave Luchansky/Newsmakers/Hulton Archive/Gettyimages.ru; © Homer Sykes Archive / Alamy Stock Photo / Diomedia; © INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo / Diomedia; © AP Photo / EAST NEWS © Alexey Druzhinin / RIA Novosti

Prokopenko, Igor Stanislavovich.

Secrets of evolution / Igor Prokopenko. – Moscow: Publishing House “E”, 2017. – 352 p. – (The most shocking hypotheses with Igor Prokopenko).

ISBN 978-5-699-96107-8


There is a hypothesis (its most ardent supporter is the famous archaeologist and translator of ancient texts Eric von Däniken) that approximately 14 thousand years ago representatives of a more developed civilization landed on our ancient Earth. It was our ancestors who took them for gods, and spaceships for chariots of fire. However, there is another version, more earthly. Professor Zhou Li from Hong Kong, having analyzed ancient burials in the province of Si Chuan, put forward a sensational hypothesis that once on our planet both Darwinian apes and a population of highly developed prehistoric people who were representatives of the previous earthly civilization that died during global cataclysm.

These were the real prototypes for divine biographies and the fathers of all modern humanity. And the fact that our gods persistently worked to improve the breed of anthropoids is a scientific fact. All ancient mythology consists of stories about the love of the gods for earthly females.

As a result of this love, the ancient Greek Perseus appeared. As you know, he was the son of the god Jupiter and the earthly girl Danae. The children of the gods were the Egyptian pharaohs. Even Buddha, according to myths, turned out to be the fruit of the love of one young god and a simple girl whom he caught up with in the jungle.

What grounds do we have to accept the hypothesis that the modern human race is a derivative of the ape and distant representatives of a lost civilization?

All this, of course, smacks of science fiction. But don't rush to conclusions. Here's a simple example. It is generally accepted that the Egyptian pyramids are four and a half thousand years old. However, today scientists put forward another hypothesis: the pyramids may be at least seven thousand years older. It would seem, why don’t historians correct a long-standing mistake? However, in this case we will have to admit that the whole story is wrong. In this case, we would have to answer the question of who managed to build such grandiose structures 12 thousand years ago, when, according to official data, ancient man barely got up from all fours.

The book you are holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of the team of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN TV channel.

This means that you will find a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information about evolutionary processes, from which each reader has the right to draw conclusions for himself.

Chapter 1
Who believes Darwin today?

Every day brings scientific sensations that contradict our ideas about life. The latest discoveries by archaeologists refute history textbooks. The newest discoveries of astronomers completely destroy knowledge about the Universe, and the achievements of biologists destroy seemingly unshakable truths even about life and death.

In 1859, in London, naturalist and traveler Charles Darwin announced his discovery, which the very next day blew up the entire scientific world. Darwin's main thesis was the assertion that all living organisms descended from a single ancestor, they simply changed over time, and the ancestor of man was a monkey. The very next day after such a statement by the scientist, cartoons appeared in the press depicting Darwin as a monkey. The naturalist was ridiculed, and his theory was called “bestial philosophy.” But Darwin soon found many supporters, and gradually scientists around the world began an active search for artifacts that could confirm the hypothesis of the British naturalist. After all, if the ancestor of man was a monkey, then the transitional forms from primate to man should have been preserved. Evolutionists had no doubt that in the near future archaeologists would find not only the remains of the ape-man, but also living individuals that still live on Earth.

By ironic comment Doctor of Medical Sciences Oktara Babuna, “evolutionists, in the absence of factual evidence of the theory, constantly resorted to juggling facts and falsifying remains”. The manipulation of facts began actively at the beginning of the 20th century - in 1904, a photograph of a pygmy named Ota Benga from the Mbuti people, who lived in the Belgian Congo, appeared on the covers of famous magazines. The pygmy was captured by evolutionary researcher Samuel Werner. Despite the fact that this short man posed no danger to others, was married and had two children, he was chained and placed in the same cage with various species of monkeys. Thus, evolutionists seemed to clearly demonstrate that the pygmy is a living transitional form between man and primate - half-man, half-ape. Ota Benga became an exhibit of the anthropological exposition held as part of the World Exhibition in the American city of St. Louis. Then the pygmy was transported from city to city so that everyone could look at living proof of Darwin's theory. Two years later he was moved to the Bronx Zoo in New York, where the director, Dr. William Honeday, often spoke in his speeches about the honor of having such a rare “transitional form” in his zoo. Zoo visitors, accordingly, treated the pygmy like an animal, and in the end, unable to bear the humiliation and shame, Ota Benga committed suicide.

Charles Robert Darwin is an English naturalist, the founder of the evolutionary doctrine of the origin of animal and plant species.

However, the tragedy that happened was soon forgotten, and in December 1912, British evolutionary archaeologist Charles Dawson discovered a jaw bone and part of a skull that clearly belonged to a person near the village of Piltdown. This find was recognized by the entire scientific world, and the skull of the Piltdown Man began to be exhibited in the most famous museums in the world. Scientists have announced that they have finally found the remains of a unique creature - an intermediate evolutionary link between ape and man, and now there is no doubt about the reliability of Darwin's theory. For half a century, the “Piltdown Man” was passed off as our distant ancestor and displayed in museums around the world.

The Piltdown Man skull was examined only by Charles Dawson himself, despite the fact that many scientists insisted on a more detailed study of the remains. Since the find generated so much controversy, the staff of the British Museum decided to lock up the skull of the “Piltdown Man”, and instead of the original, those interested were given plaster casts of the skull. Perhaps the question of the authenticity of this find would have remained open for a long time if in 1949 Kenneth Oakley from the Department of Paleontology of the British Museum had not decided to test a new method of determining age - taking a fluorine sample.

According to the ecologist Altu Berkera, “It turned out that Piltdown’s jawbone did not contain fluoride, which indicated that the bone had lain in the ground for no more than a few years. The skull, which contained very little fluorine, was likely underground for only a few hundred years. And all this indicated that this skull was just a skillful fake.”.

Three years later, the Frenchman Marcelin Boule proved that the jaw found by the archaeologist actually belonged to a monkey. And eight years after that, it was proven that the so-called Piltdown Man skull was nothing more than a manipulation of scientific facts. It turned out that Charles Dawson artificially aged the bones using potassium dichromate. In addition, on the monkey's jaw, when examined under a microscope, traces of file processing were found - this is how Dawson personally tried to give them a look reminiscent of human teeth. After this revelation, the professionally made fake “Piltdown Man,” which dozens of scientists spent more than 40 years researching and writing more than 500 scientific papers, was hastily removed from the exhibits of the British Museum with numerous apologies.

Similar “imaginary discoveries” appeared from time to time in order to somehow support Darwin’s theory, but they all failed. So far, no direct evidence of Darwin's theory of evolution has been found, and this raises the question - if we did not descend from apes, then who was our ancestor? Or are we still the creations of different heavenly creators?

According to author of the biology textbook Sergei Vertyanov, “now scientists are divided into two large camps: some believe that life appeared somewhere unknown, came to Earth by accident, in the form of a conditional meteorite, and then multiplied, while others are inclined to believe that life owes its origin to the Supreme Intelligence”.

Turkish theologian and writer Harun Yahya I am sure that humans cannot be a descendant of apes, since no direct evidence in favor of Darwin’s theory of evolution has yet been found: “All 350 million fossil remains found show the immutability of life forms, among them there is not one that would show otherwise and would bear traces of so-called evolutionary changes. How, in this case, can we talk about some kind of mythical evolution of life, how are these words confirmed? In the absence of evidence, Darwin's theory is simply outright demagoguery.".

In 1922, the famous American geologist Henry Osborn found a molar tooth during excavations. The scientist decided that it belonged to a creature strongly reminiscent of a human, but still with the features of a monkey. Based on the found tooth, the skull and body of the “Nebraska Man,” as the owner of the tooth was called, were reconstructed. It seemed that the missing link in evolution that Darwin's supporters had been looking for for so long had finally been found. Perhaps “Nebraska Man” would have remained the ancestor of modern man if not for the discovery that scientists made five years later. In the same place where the tooth was found, archaeologists discovered other parts of the skeleton. And soon a detailed analysis of the find yielded an unexpected result - it turned out that the tooth did not belong to a person, or even a monkey... but to an extinct species of wild boar. After that, silently and imperceptibly, the example with the tooth of the “Nebraska Man” and the drawings of his imaginary family were hastily removed from all biology textbooks.

Similar “imaginary discoveries” and falsifications appeared from time to time in order to at least somehow support Darwin’s theory, but they all failed. So, on November 24, 1974, the world was shocked by another discovery by paleontologists - in the valley of the Awash River in Ethiopia, a French-American expedition found the skeleton of a female specimen. The find was named Lucy, in honor of the famous Beatles song “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds,” which the expedition members constantly played in their camp.

According to paleontologists, Lucy was no longer a monkey, but not yet a human... She lived more than three million years ago and was the first representative of her species known to science. Her height was only 105 centimeters, and her weight was only 27 kilograms. Lucy had a small brain, and her pelvis and lower limb bones were very human-like. This meant that representatives of this species already walked on two legs. Scientists are again convinced that Lucy is the missing link in the evolutionary chain from ape to man that they have been looking for for so long. In addition, in the same area of ​​​​Ethiopia, the remains of thirteen more individuals were soon found, which most likely died from a volcanic eruption or flood. Scientists did not understand what place Lucy occupied in human evolution, and they decided to leave the half-woman, half-monkey alone until new discoveries were made. So far, Darwin's theory is considered the official version of the origin of man, but, according to... Tyunyaev, despite its inconsistency in some positions, there is no alternative theory at all...

* * *

Few people know that Darwin’s theory of evolution began to be pieced together even before Darwin himself, taking some facts and ignoring others. In the mid-19th century, it was assumed that our common ancestor was Dryopithecus tertiary, a fossil ape found in 1856 in France. She was immediately appointed as the predecessor of humans, gorillas and chimpanzees. This was later refuted, but the Darwinists could no longer be stopped. Over the course of one and a half hundred years, classifications and theories were rewritten many times, and with each new discovery there were new contenders for this role. The discoveries multiplied until they began to contradict themselves.

Paleoanthropologist Alexander Belov believes that modern finds contradict this theory, and it needs to be reconsidered - for example, when the director of evolutionary morphology and president of the Paleontological Society of South Africa, Francis Thackeray, demonstrates the discovery of a giant 10-million-year-old femur found in a cave in South Africa. It is not clear where to put the australopithecines and all the conclusions based on their existence. The discovery of Gigantopithecus, made on the island of Java by the German-Dutch anthropologist Gustav von Koenigswald, can be added to the same collection of contradictions - he discovered not only the well-preserved bones of the already known Pithecanthropus, but also the teeth of Gigantopithecus. The reconstruction showed that Gigantopithecus could be three to five meters tall and weigh up to 500 kilograms. The most interesting thing was that, apparently, this creature was upright. Another scientist, Franz Weidenreich, entered into a debate with Koenigswald and suggested that it was not a monkey, but rather a man of enormous stature - a gigantic anthropologist. Weidenreich went further - he developed the gigantoid theory of human origins and published the book “Monkeys, Giants, People” in 1946. The book caused a lot of noise and eventually ruined his reputation - scientists stopped communicating with him, believing that people could not possibly be descendants of giants.

Director of the “Origins of Civilizations” group Alexey Komogortsev

refers to the ancient Greek tradition and specifically to the history of the Trojan War:

“A very interesting point is connected with the fact that the giants survived after the Trojan War on some extreme western islands, where, according to Geosides, Zeus moved them. What was then in the minds of the ancient Greeks in the West? Associated with the West, of course, was the legend of Plato’s Atlantis, a huge island-continent located in the Atlantic Ocean. And recently in America, scientists have discovered and properly preserved the remains of several two-meter creatures. The studies found no traces of any diseases, and the remains were sent for additional examination to Germany.”

And in the farthest west from us, South and North America are geographically located, and legends about giants were very widespread there. The name of the region Patagonia (in other words, Southern Argentina) comes from Indian words that can be roughly translated as “big foot”. This is how Magellan designated the local residents, who, according to the navigator, were real giants - the difference in height between them and the Europeans reached up to a meter. Even if the European conquistadors found certain tribes that were distinguished by their abnormally large growth and extreme belligerence, then what can we say about the natives themselves, among whom ideas about divine giants were widespread, with whom they periodically fought! In the 19th century, numerous skeletal remains of large humanoid creatures were found in South America, which, however, either disappeared, burned, or disappeared in an unknown direction. They wrote a lot about this in newspapers, and they were most often found by builders or workers. Some things were added to the museum, but many artifacts were simply thrown away.

Modern discoveries that do not fit into established concepts and cause fierce debate include the discovery in 2003 in Indonesia on the island of Flores of the remains of people who were initially called hobbits. Their size, on the contrary, is small compared to modern humans - their height is within one meter, and their brain volume is three times smaller. Scientists have two assumptions: either it is a Cro-Magnon degraded in conditions of island isolation, or a variety of dwarf Pithecanthropus.

Darwin asked many new questions that have not yet been answered. He believed that there must be some common source, or connecting link, in the existence of which, perhaps, lies the answer to all questions. But did he exist at all, this common ancestor, or could there be several of them? Is it possible to give a clear answer to this question? There is still no definite answer! Suffice it to say that the five previous candidates for this role, who appeared in different years, lived in parallel at approximately the same time. It even allowed the German anthropologist Franz Weidenreich to put forward the theory of polycentrism at the 1939 World Anthropological Congress, according to which different races were descended from different archanthropes or erectus. Europeans in this theory descended from Neanderthals, Negroids from Australopithecus, and the Mongoloid inhabitants of Asia came from Sinanthropus - Chinese man and Pithecanthropus, which was discovered on the island of Java.

In 1950, the Soviet paleontologist and famous science fiction writer Ivan Efremov published the book “Taphonomy and the Geological Record,” which refutes the classical ideas about the theory of evolution, or rather, explains why not everything can be based on excavation data over the previous century. Their data was simply misunderstood and, as a result, misinterpreted. Efremov, using the example of rock destruction, convincingly and quite elegantly showed that the deeper on the time scale we dive into the geological past of the Earth, the more rocks are erased. This erasure of rocks occurs from top to bottom due to water erosion and weathering, and it is clear that the stages of destruction of sedimentary rocks correspond to the stages of so-called evolution. This means that it was not the fish that came to the mainland, which was empty before that time, but simply the mainland and sedimentary rocks were not preserved. They were destroyed because a lot of time had passed since the Upper Paleozoic. Therefore, we do not have continental sedimentary rocks, in which there were remains of fossils of land forms. And this does not mean that there was evolution! It’s just that the stages of destruction of rock sediments are mistakenly taken for the stages of evolution, which Darwin took for granted.

Some scientists even believe that there was not evolution on Earth, but degradation! A classic example is the enormous difference between early and late Neanderthals - the early ones were much closer to modern humans. Soviet anthropologist, Professor Alexander Zubov came to the conclusion that late Neanderthals apparently lost speech - this is evidenced by the flat base of the skull, high larynx and practically no chin, which was observed in their early ancestors. The loss of speech and the simultaneous reduction of the parietal and frontal association areas of the brain, which are responsible for rational activity, show that a process was observed that is directly opposite to evolution. Paleoanthropologist, Candidate of Biological Sciences Alexander Belov, simplifying the situation somewhat, says that “in the scale of geological time it was a very modest moment, and during this moment they degraded and turned into new monkeys and climbed into the trees again”. The fact that in the supposed evolutionary history of primates, great apes appeared and disappeared many times, and had no relationship with each other, also prompts thought. They appeared 27 million years ago and seven million years ago, and more recently gorillas and chimpanzees appeared - the age of their appearance is not determined, because no fossil remains of gorillas and chimpanzees have been found.

Soviet paleontologist Alexei Bystrov wrote that, despite the fact that several forms of fossil apes have been found in Africa, and such a highly organized ape as the chimpanzee currently lives there, it cannot be assumed that the first people arose on this continent. The climatic features of Equatorial Africa could not create conditions that would lead to the transformation of monkeys into people - this required an incomparably more severe environment. But the reverse transformation under such conditions could take place quickly and, by historical standards, almost unnoticeably.

In 2015, a new species of human fossil was officially introduced to the world, found two years earlier in South Africa in the Rising Star Cave near Johannesburg. He received the name Homo Naledi, which translated from the local Zulu dialect means “star man.” Professor Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg said that for a person, even a primitive one, the small size of the brain is surprising. Since the age of Homo Naledi has not yet been determined, official science has recorded him as one of the next ancestors of man. However, everything may be quite the opposite - this is precisely the transitional link from man to monkey. As Alexander Belov argues, the skeletal features of Homo naledi are crooked collarbones and long arms, which are similar to apes, and the primate’s legs are completely human, as evidenced by the longitudinal and transverse arches of his feet. The homo naledi foot is completely human, without an abducted big toe. The similarity of the upper part of the skeleton to that of a monkey was due to the fact that the primate needed to actively climb trees, which primarily requires hands. From this, the researcher concludes that Homo Naledi demonstrates the process of turning people into monkeys.

The book by the famous television journalist Igor Prokopenko is dedicated to the origin of man and talks about different points of view on this problem. Experts from different countries will express their opinions on Darwin’s theory of evolution and present to the reader information about numerous archaeological finds that refute or at least cast doubt on this theory.

Where is the intermediate link between ape and man?

Who owns the giant bones found in various parts of the earth?

Is the dolphin a more suitable ancestor for humans than the ape?

Does God's DNA exist?

Who does the biblical Book of Enoch refer to?

Is it possible to raise an ideal child by removing the “bad” genes of the parents?

Did the prosimian Vanaras of ancient times live in Siberia?

Based on the facts, the reader will be able to draw a conclusion whether modern humanity, which has achieved success in scientific and technological progress, is progressing or degrading.
