Why do you dream about a big carpet? Why do you dream about Carpet?

In many traditions, a carpet is a sign of fate. It was not for nothing that Marya the Artisan wove a carpet overnight to complete a difficult task. In many oriental tales, weaving a carpet is part of a maturity test for the heroine. Quite often, the carpets were woven with a life story, instructive wisdom, and a secret doctrine encrypted.

The heroes traveled by air on enchanted carpets; after staring at the carpet patterns, the heroes found themselves in magical lands. A carpet, like a book, can be perceived as an information carrier. The patterns on the carpet speak about your tastes and preferences. Initially, a carpet is a sign of wealth and luxury. In this case, the carpets can be rolled up and moved to another place. This is a sign of lightness of nature and mobility.

It is completely in vain that people on modern social networks laugh at photographs with carpets in the background, because a carpet actually contributes to the comfort and decoration of a home. It is comfortable and warm to lie on a floor with a carpet, it is pleasant to walk barefoot, walls with carpets retain heat better.

A Soviet traditional carpet in a dream means adherence to traditional patriarchal values. Perhaps in the modern world they are not always appropriate, but if a man wants to find a wife who knows how to cook borscht and does not insist too much on equality, perhaps he should pay attention to the girls with carpets in the photographs.

Let's look at what dreams of a carpet mean according to dream books, and what meanings this significant and useful attribute of life has in a dream.

Basic values

  • The main meaning of a carpet in a dream is quite predictable - it is prosperity, home comfort. You dream of luxury, comfort and excesses, you are not alien to some sybaritism, tactile sensations are important. It is quite possible that you are a sensual and sophisticated person. Your aspirations are to create a warm home with a like-minded loved one.
  • A plain carpet means consistency, exactingness and at the same time unpretentiousness in everyday life. A white or light fluffy carpet on the floor in a dream indicates a dreamer and perfectionist. Abstract drawings - you have not decided on your desires in life. Beautiful carpets with interesting designs, real woven paintings - their plot reveals your idea of ​​an ideal life. What is depicted on them - fruits, bookshelves, a city in the mountains or shepherdesses under an apple tree - depends only on you. A worn out, unclear drawing means that you have something to hide. Perhaps you are living a double life.
  • Animal skins, carpets in colors to match the skins - posturing, some arrogance, the enjoyment of victory.
  • Oriental patterns reveal a complex and contradictory nature. If the carpet is soft, it matches the character. Hard, prickly, unruly hair - stubbornness, possible scandalousness, spirit of contradictions. The most delicate silk oriental carpet with fine embroidery - at heart you are a real oriental princess from fairy tales, sophisticated, gentle and hardworking.
  • A worn, stained, torn, damaged carpet means difficulties in your personal life, financial problems and significant holes in your wallet. But it is also obvious that you do not give up hope for the best and over time you will be able to cope with difficulties.
  • Hiding trash and rubbish under the carpet, sweeping up or trampling down dust is a lie, creating a favorable impression. Unfortunately, a lie will not benefit you even if it is not revealed. It is possible that false information will damage your own business reputation and cause doubts about your integrity.
  • Rolling up carpets means preparing to move or leave your family.
  • If you spread carpets in the yard, on the grass during a picnic, this is a sign of a great warm and family feeling.
  • Carpet beating and cleaning is a favorable time for real estate transactions. Any actions related to cleaning the house indicate a possible change in fate.
  • The carpet that is placed under your feet means an attitude towards you. A patterned path is a sign of respect and kinship. A red, crimson carpet means almost royal honors, but it should be wary, since considerable demands will be put forward. If you lay a path or carpet under your feet, it is quite possible that you expect the person to actively and positively participate in their destiny.
  • If a child dreams of a carpet, he wants more tenderness and affection.

Authoritative interpretations

  • The women's dream book promises that you will soon become the mistress of your own home. Purchasing carpets in a dream means profit, joy and prosperity. Walking on carpets, especially barefoot, means enjoying and enjoying life.
  • Miller's dream book generally agrees with the women's dream book, but adds the acquisition of good friends who are ready to help if necessary. Selling carpets means travel, a new home, exciting adventures and pleasant experiences.
  • According to Freud's dream book, a carpet means family life. The softer, nicer and nicer he is, the more satisfied you are with your life together. A dirty carpet means mistrust and lies in a relationship. Gaps and abrasions indicate the possibility of rupture. Cleaning a carpet, seeing how it is beaten out or cleared with snow - to the refreshment of relationships.
  • According to the gypsy dream book, hanging a carpet from the floor to the wall is a complex sign that can affect business. But a carpet that comes down from the wall and covers the floor promises great luck.


Seeing a carpet in a dream is a positive sign of well-being and prosperity. Even a torn and worn carpet has a good meaning associated with successfully overcoming difficulties. Carpets in dreams always mean homeliness, comfort, and the desire for a calm, beautiful and dignified life.

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Women's dream book Why do you dream about a Carpet according to the dream book:

Carpet - A carpet in a dream can mean increased wealth, as well as wealthy friends who can help you in times of need. For a young woman, such a dream means that she will soon become the mistress of a beautiful home. Walking on carpets is a sign of happiness and prosperity. Buying carpets in a dream means huge profits. Selling them means a pleasant and at the same time profitable trip.

Dream book of the witch Medea Carpet according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Carpet in a dream - A plain carpet or in an interesting pattern - this is the main point of the dream message. A monochromatic, especially threadbare, carpet promises difficulties in relations with your superiors. Red pattern on the carpet - happy family life. Selling a carpet is a difficult time in life.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about a Carpet in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing a Carpet - Walking on a carpet in a dream - the desire for comfort and luxury is unlikely to be realized in the near future. But you don’t have to worry about your health.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Carpet?

See in a dream

Carpet – A carpet seen in a dream is a symbol of a happy family life. Seeing a new carpet in your home means a holiday in your home, a blooming garden depicted on the carpet means love and happiness, figures of children means happiness in the offspring, fruits or things mean wealth and prosperity. A strange pattern on the carpet means something serious that concerns the whole family. A very rich and beautiful pattern on the carpet means money, selling it means lack of funds, walking on it means showing honor.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about a Carpet according to the dream book:

Seeing a Carpet in a dream - “Walking on carpet paths” - glory; “everything is in the carpets” (wealth), “flying carpet” (wonderful), “hide behind the carpet.”

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does carpet mean?

Carpet - Buy - for money; walking on the carpet means glory.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a Carpet:

Carpet - Seeing a carpet in a dream means profit and rich friends who can help you in times of need. Walking on the carpet means happiness and prosperity. - to dream that you are buying carpets means huge profits. If you sell carpets, you will have the opportunity to go on a pleasant and at the same time profitable journey. For a young woman, seeing carpets in a dream means that she will soon become the owner of a beautiful home.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Carpet:

To see a carpet in a dream - If you are on a carpet, you will build a new house, cottage, or buy a new apartment. Knock out, shake out, it's time to get involved in real estate transactions and real estate-related businesses. Weaving and drawing is a very successful undertaking that will lead to stable well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Carpet in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about a Carpet - Rest, peace, wealth - buy - to wealth - walk on the carpet - to glory

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Carpet - Glory; wealth; comfort.

Carpets - Seeing a lot of carpets in a dream means prosperity in the house.

Children's dream book What does Carpet mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about the Rug - You want comfort and peace, you are terribly tired of the last period of your life. Why do you dream about a rug - If you see a luxurious Persian carpet, and even more so, you walk on it or lie on it, it means that your path in the near future will literally be strewn with roses without thorns, and your life will be filled with happiness.


A carpet is a home furnishing item; it brings comfort and coziness to the living space. Dream Interpretation Felomena connects this symbol with family relationships and close circle.

If you dream of a carpet, this is a sign of favorable changes. He promises that you will find family happiness or that lost harmony will return to your home. According to another interpretation, the dream predicts financial abundance.

Where did you see the carpet in your dream? What did you do with the carpet in your dream? What kind of carpet did you dream about? How many carpets did you dream about?

Where did you see the carpet in your dream?

Carpet on the floor Carpet on the wall

What did you do with the carpet in your dream?

Clean the carpet

Buy a carpet according to the dream book

If you saw yourself buying a carpet, such a dream carries an encouraging message: changes will come in family life that will ultimately make everyone happy. Something unexpected and joyful is already on your doorstep.

Vacuuming a carpet in a dream

If in a dream you are vacuuming a carpet, then in the real world a difficult task awaits you. Two people you love will choose you to mediate a dispute between them, and it will be difficult to maintain peace and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

Washing a carpet in a dream

Why do you dream that you are washing a carpet? Intuition and a sense of rightness rarely let you down, thanks to this you regularly make the best decisions.

Those around you appreciate this and will soon trust you with control over a situation that is important for the whole team. Do not doubt yourself: you are ready for such responsibility and, most likely, you will do everything in the best possible way.

Seeing in a dream how you lay a carpet

If you dreamed that you were laying a carpet, this is a favorable sign. The series of changes has come to an end - your position is stable and business is going well. Now you can rightfully enjoy a calm, measured life.

What kind of carpet did you dream about?

I dreamed of a rolled up carpet

A dream in which a rolled-up carpet appeared means that important information is being kept from you. Someone close to you is planning to use your ignorance for their own selfish purposes.

Seeing a flying carpet in a dream

You dream of a flying carpet when you are tired of everyday life and want magic, celebration or adventure. Perhaps you really need a change of scenery. You can go on a business trip, visit friends or go on an unplanned trip.

Changing places will dispel boredom, you will have a good rest and return to your old life refreshed.

If you dream of a red carpet

If you saw a red carpet - plain or with a colorful pattern - such a dream predicts that you will be captured by a strong passion that will be very difficult to resist. Even long-term marriage ties will not protect you from ardent attraction.

Old carpet according to the dream book

If you dream of an old carpet, then now it is better for you to refrain from unnecessary spending. Your financial situation is currently precarious. The likely reason for this lies in disagreements with management.

Contain your emotions so as not to complicate the conflict, and, if possible, do not go beyond the financial plan.

New carpet in a dream

Seeing a new carpet in a dream is a forecast that an unexpected and joyful event will happen in the near future, which you will celebrate with your family.

How many carpets did you dream about?

Why do you dream about a lot of carpets?

Did you dream about a lot of carpets? The dream means that in the near future your financial status will significantly increase. Moreover, you will be very surprised when you find out about the source of enrichment.


What does a carpet mean in a dream?

A dream book will help you truthfully interpret any dream. A carpet in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity, success and a comfortable life.

And to specifically find out what changes await you, try to remember all the details of the dream.

What was the carpet like?

If you dreamed of a carpet hanging on the wall, the dream book promises you a life of abundance and family happiness. The bright pattern on it symbolizes passion in sexual relationships. And the unusual abstraction suggests that in the future you will make good money using your talents.

The carpet on the floor characterizes you as a person striving for luxury and comfort. The dream book recommends that you do not rush things and do not expect everything from fate at once. To make your wishes come true, you need to work hard and know the value of every penny you earn.

The opportunity to improve your financial situation is what dreams of a high-pile carpet mean. If it is light and clean, then you will be able to quickly get rich. And dark colors indicate temporary difficulties at work, which can be overcome with the help of perseverance and perseverance.

  • A dirty rug on the floor means obstacles in a love relationship.
  • Traces on the surface indicate the arrival of guests.
  • Toys are scattered on the carpet - signifying a new addition to the family.
  • Rolled up - they want to deceive you.
  • A room hung with carpets is a sign of marriage.

The dream book interprets a rug on the floor in the bathroom as your desire to quickly get rid of problems and go on vacation. And if it lies in the hallway, then you have a long business trip ahead of you.

To see him on the threshold, according to the dream book, means to gather guests in your house. And the carpet that lies on the floor in the kitchen is a sign that you should improve your culinary skills.

Actions with the carpet

Walking along it in a dream, according to the dream book, means receiving significant financial profit. And lying on it means dreaming of a comfortable rest. Laying a carpet means not being afraid of hard work.

Experiencing joy and moral satisfaction is what you dream of about the carpet on which you are dancing. Sweeping garbage from the carpet in a dream means hiding some facts of your life from others. The dream book approves of this behavior. After all, if you tell too much about yourself, you risk getting hit by fake friends.

Vacuuming a surface - according to the dream book, means throwing unnecessary thoughts out of your head and getting down to important work. And wiping the rug with a rag is doing monotonous work.

  • Spill liquid on it and ruin your reputation.
  • Selling a rug means quarreling with a loved one.
  • Sweep the trash under it - be able to keep secrets.
  • Standing on the carpet is an expensive purchase.
  • Cleaning snow is an interesting activity.

If in a dream you buy new carpeting, get ready for changes in all areas of your life. They will especially concern your love experiences and work.

A beautiful, modern carpet promises pleasant changes and a good mood. But buying an old carpet means marking time in one place, afraid of a new life.

Having found out what the carpet means in a dream, you will be able to find out what events await you in the future and how to avoid possible troubles.


Rolled carpet

Dream Interpretation Carpet rolled up dreamed of why you dream about a rolled up carpet? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a rolled up Carpet in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Carpet - wealth, abundance.

A new carpet means new happiness.

Walking on the carpet is an honor.

Buying it is a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

The meaning of the carpet is clarified by the type of pattern and coloring.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

If shabby - to poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Seeing a carpet in a dream means profit and rich friends who can help you in case of need.

Walking on the carpet means happiness and prosperity.

To dream that you are buying carpets means huge profits. If you sell carpets, you will have the opportunity to go on a pleasant and at the same time profitable journey.

For a young woman to see carpets in a dream, it means that she will soon become the owner of a beautiful home.


Wash the carpet

Dream Interpretation Wash the carpet dreamed of why you dream about washing a carpet? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a carpet in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Seeing expensive carpets in a dream is a sign of honors, wealth and acquisition of property. To dream that a carpet is being laid for you means that important people are interested in working with you. Walking along it in a dream means great success and glory. Buying a carpet in a dream means a solid profit. Selling carpets in a dream is a sign of change and travel. Seeing a dusty, torn, dirty carpet in a dream means failure and collapse of plans. Dousing a carpet with butter, milk or sour cream in a dream means receiving gifts, meeting a dear friend, or having a pleasant time. And sometimes all together. If in a dream you are worried that you will not be able to clean the carpet later, then the dream predicts to you that your fears or suspicions are in vain. Covering yourself with a carpet in a dream is a sign of the respect that others show you.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

The carpet is a beautiful, clean carpet lying on the floor: a symbol of your strong, reliable position and successful progress in business.

Carpet with a hole: most often a warning: some carelessness threatens to harm your well-being.

A trampled, dirty carpet: encourages you to soberly assess the situation. Perhaps in real life your position is not as strong as it seems.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Carpet - wealth, abundance.

A new carpet means new happiness.

Walking on the carpet is an honor.

Buying it is a joy.

Since you like carpets and are going to buy a carpet, buy a flying carpet. This is such joy!

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

A dreamed carpet predicts prosperity and family happiness if you see it hanging on the wall. If it lies on the floor, it is a sign of profit and rich friends who are always ready to help with money.

Walking on the carpet in street shoes means happiness and prosperity, barefoot means an important event, the success of which will depend on how you behave in an extraordinary situation. Buying a carpet in a dream means you will incur large expenses in real life.

An old, moth-eaten carpet foreshadows a forced trip without a penny in your pocket. Beating carpets or cleaning them with snow - in reality you will do cleaning, repairs or something else in the same spirit, just to take your mind off the heavy thoughts that have overcome you.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dreams about carpets are very favorable.

Seeing carpets on the wall, on the floor, walking on carpets, buying a carpet - have wealth, peace, fame, the patronage of influential people, interesting and useful hobbies.

Selling carpets is going on a journey that is profitable and exciting at the same time.

For a woman, a carpet is a symbol of prosperity in the home and the strength of the marriage.

An old and worn carpet means things will get worse.

Looking closely at the intricate patterns of the carpet is a sign of gossip (for women) and intrigue (for men).

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

The meaning of the carpet is clarified by the type of pattern and coloring.

A plain carpet or in an interesting pattern is the main point of the dream message.

A monochromatic, especially threadbare, carpet promises difficulties in relations with your superiors.

A red pattern on the carpet means a happy family life.

Selling a carpet is a difficult time in life.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

If the carpet is new - to wealth.

If shabby - to poverty.

A richly decorated or oriental carpet means wealth.

Old worn carpet - hard times await you.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

If you dreamed that you were embroidering a pattern on a carpet (weaving a carpet, hemming it, buying it, selling it), then any purchases you make now will turn out to be very profitable. To maximize the benefits, sprinkle 3 handfuls of coarse salt under the carpet for 3 days.

If you dreamed that you were cleaning (knocking out, washing) a carpet, then very soon you will have to restore your honor and reputation. To avoid this, burn an old photo of yourself and eat the ashes.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Carpet - wealth, luxury, rich friends.

Buying a new beautiful one is a profit.

Selling a carpet profitably is an unforgettable journey.

Walking on them means buying a big, beautiful house or earning good money.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

If you wash dirty clothes, a new employee or official will arrive.

Wash the bedspread from the bed - portends great happiness.

You wash, clean your clothes - in all cases, to happiness.


Sweeping carpet with trash

Dream Interpretation Sweeping a carpet with garbage dreamed of why you dream about Sweeping a carpet with garbage? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Sweeping a carpet with garbage in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Seeing expensive carpets in a dream is a sign of honors, wealth and acquisition of property. To dream that a carpet is being laid for you means that important people are interested in working with you. Walking along it in a dream means great success and glory. Buying a carpet in a dream means a solid profit. Selling carpets in a dream is a sign of change and travel. Seeing a dusty, torn, dirty carpet in a dream means failure and collapse of plans. Dousing a carpet with butter, milk or sour cream in a dream means receiving gifts, meeting a dear friend, or having a pleasant time. And sometimes all together. If in a dream you are worried that you will not be able to clean the carpet later, then the dream predicts to you that your fears or suspicions are in vain. Covering yourself with a carpet in a dream is a sign of the respect that others show you.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

The carpet is a beautiful, clean carpet lying on the floor: a symbol of your strong, reliable position and successful progress in business.

Carpet with a hole: most often a warning: some carelessness threatens to harm your well-being.

A trampled, dirty carpet: encourages you to soberly assess the situation. Perhaps in real life your position is not as strong as it seems.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Carpet - wealth, abundance.

A new carpet means new happiness.

Walking on the carpet is an honor.

Buying it is a joy.

Since you like carpets and are going to buy a carpet, buy a flying carpet. This is such joy!

Dream Interpretation - Garbage

Probably, to see garbage in a dream means that in reality you will become the subject of gossip, gossip, and general discussion, since this dream symbol is closely related to the saying: “washing dirty linen in public,” that is, to flaunt personal problems and family affairs.

If in a dream you see mountains of garbage, then this dream foreshadows that in the near future you will be in a gloomy and depressed mood, so you should not start new things or plan joint family entertainment.

Picking up trash - in reality you will cause disagreements in your family or team at work, although you won’t even notice how you will involve everyone in the conflict.

If in a dream you carefully collect garbage in a dustpan, and it wakes up again on the floor, then this means a major quarrel with a loved one or a reprimand from your superiors; in any case, try to control yourself and do not add fuel to the fire.

If you dreamed of construction debris, this means that after a conflict or unpleasant conversation you will be able to restore your previous relationship.

Seeing in a dream how the wind lifts garbage into the air is an unpleasant dream that foreshadows discord with others, which will become known to everyone.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

A dreamed carpet predicts prosperity and family happiness if you see it hanging on the wall. If it lies on the floor, it is a sign of profit and rich friends who are always ready to help with money.

Walking on the carpet in street shoes means happiness and prosperity, barefoot means an important event, the success of which will depend on how you behave in an extraordinary situation. Buying a carpet in a dream means you will incur large expenses in real life.

An old, moth-eaten carpet foreshadows a forced trip without a penny in your pocket. Beating carpets or cleaning them with snow - in reality you will do cleaning, repairs or something else in the same spirit, just to take your mind off the heavy thoughts that have overcome you.

Dream Interpretation - Garbage

Seeing a lot of garbage in your apartment in a dream foreshadows annoying troubles from slander.

Throwing trash in the trash means your wishes will come true. Raking garbage into piles - in reality you will do a poor job with the task assigned to you. Burning dry garbage means receiving an unexpected inheritance. Smoldering or smoking damp garbage means that in real life you will actively engage in social activities to the detriment of household chores.

Seeing a garbage pit in a dream foretells an increase in prosperity with stable income. Carrying garbage into it on a cart means family troubles. Falling into a garbage pit foretells that a wonderful prospect will soon open up in front of you if you do not prevent it yourself.

Seeing a garbage truck in a dream means that you will receive disappointing news from distant friends. Using a garbage chute is a sign for an upcoming family celebration.

Dream Interpretation - Sweep

If in a dream you see a janitor sweeping the street, this foretells that you will soon become the owner of a rich inheritance.

If you yourself sweep a yard completely covered with fallen leaves with a broom, it means that in reality you will not know how to get rid of an annoying admirer whom you cannot stand.

Sweeping with a broom in the apartment while doing the cleaning means that you will streamline your relationships in the family, where there has recently been a clear discord. If, while sweeping, you found a long-lost gold earring or something like that, you will soon witness how your ill-wishers will expose themselves and put you in an absurd position.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

Dreams about carpets are very favorable.

Seeing carpets on the wall, on the floor, walking on carpets, buying a carpet - have wealth, peace, fame, the patronage of influential people, interesting and useful hobbies.

Selling carpets is going on a journey that is profitable and exciting at the same time.

For a woman, a carpet is a symbol of prosperity in the home and the strength of the marriage.

An old and worn carpet means things will get worse.

Looking closely at the intricate patterns of the carpet is a sign of gossip (for women) and intrigue (for men).

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

The meaning of the carpet is clarified by the type of pattern and coloring.

A plain carpet or in an interesting pattern is the main point of the dream message.

A monochromatic, especially threadbare, carpet promises difficulties in relations with your superiors.

A red pattern on the carpet means a happy family life.

Selling a carpet is a difficult time in life.

Dream Interpretation - Carpet

If the carpet is new - to wealth.

If shabby - to poverty.

A richly decorated or oriental carpet means wealth.

Old worn carpet - hard times await you.


Lots of carpets

Dream Interpretation - Lots of fish

There will be big profits.

Dream Interpretation - Knitting and carpets

Knitting stockings, weaving lace is something joyful.

The carpet is a symbol of a happy family life; happiness that seemed lost or lost will be preserved.

Everything that happens to the carpet in a dream will correspondingly happen to your family happiness.

Seeing a new carpet in your home is a celebration of a joyful occasion in your home.

Garden and flowers on the carpet - love and happiness.

The figures of children are offspring.

Fruits, vegetables located or depicted on it - wealth / prosperity in the house.

A strange pattern on the carpet means something significant about your family.

Dream Interpretation - Spread out on the carpet

Get a good job at someone else's expense.

Dream Interpretation - Spread out on the carpet (carpet)

When the situation is happy for you, take advantage of it.

Dream Interpretation - Spread out on the carpet (lie down, carpet)

Receive a serious warning from your boss.

Dream Interpretation - Monad inside a square or carpet ornament space

Self, integrity, the whole world.

A wise old man (in a man’s dreams) or a great mother (in a woman’s dreams).

A square table has the same meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Laying fluffy carpets

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Sitting on the carpet

Dream Interpretation - There are many irises

To see a lot of irises, iris fields - communication with beauty, life in art.

Dreams are a special world into which we plunge every night.

But we are not always able to remember what appeared to us in a dream.

If the dream was colorful and memorable, it is worth finding out its interpretation.

Why do you dream about a carpet - basic interpretation

Any acquisition in a dream, be it a gift or a purchase, promises acquisitions and positive events in reality. Even if in a dream the purchase did not bring the necessary joy, you should not be upset, in reality you will still receive benefits in any case, even if it seems to you that everything is lost and everything is gone - in reality you will eventually acquire everything you need.

Since a carpet is part of the household, taking care of it in a dream, or purchasing a new one, definitely means that in reality you will start arranging your home. There is no need to waste time on minor hassles and worries. It’s worth directing all your energy to big things, to improving your life.

If in a dream you embroider a carpet with your own hands, and you really like the pattern, everything you bought will come in handy now. All your agreements are being implemented. But you shouldn’t sit in one place - if you don’t take any action, positive changes won’t come into your life.

It is worth noting, that any cleaning is interpreted by the dream book as global changes. If in a dream you dreamed that you were cleaning a carpet and you couldn’t do it for a long time, in reality you will carefully try to hide your sins. Your problems will not give you peace. You and your actions will literally be on display.

Carefully monitor everything you say, how you evaluate the people around you and the events happening in your life. If you are diligently discussing someone yourself, stop doing it. Just take care of your home and resolve your issues, otherwise the dream in which you are cleaning your carpet will turn into your total exposure.

If the carpet shimmers with beautiful colors in a dream, then your waking life will also be bright and colorful. You shouldn’t waste time being depressed, and even if things aren’t going well in your life right now, soon everything will be back to normal, you will become easier to relate to those things that previously bothered you so much.

Covering the floor with a fluffy carpet and carefully stepping on it signifies the need to have ground under your feet, the need for protection, and the desire to have your own home. It’s worth thinking about what you’re missing out on in life. Affection, care, attention?

Perhaps you don’t have enough of your own space in the house where you live and it appeared to you in a dream how you would improve your own home by covering the floor with a carpet? You need to understand the current situation, you need to change something in your life to get what you want. What to change - the dream will also tell you about this.

It is important to interpret all its symbols and hidden clues. If in a dream you give a carpet from your home to a stranger, it means that you will entrust secrets to the wrong people. You should pay more attention to secret knowledge, the hidden meaning of your actions. You shouldn’t tell everyone about what’s going on in your life. The majority will not understand, otherwise they will even judge. If you give a carpet to a friend or relative, it means that he needs help. Think about how you can help him? Ask the person directly. If you are given a huge fluffy carpet, get ready to welcome guests. The meeting will be warm, and it’s worth preparing for it in advance, since the house will really be full of people.

Why do you dream about a carpet according to Freud’s dream book?

Why do you dream about a carpet? Freud's dream book says that a carpet in a dream symbolizes a home and life together. If it is soft and fluffy and you see yourself and your significant other walking on the carpet in a dream, then in reality you will decide a lot together.

If a young girl dreams of scrubbing dirt off a carpet and not being able to do it, her partner doesn’t believe her, doesn’t believe in their relationship. Any ties may soon be broken. It’s worth seriously thinking about what the relationship lacks, what her partner asks her for all the time, but she doesn’t do it. Perhaps you should give in now and do as your loved one asks, rather than reap the fruits of your pride later.

Why do you dream about a carpet according to Grishina’s dream book?

Grishina’s dream book says that one dreams of a carpet as a symbol of a long and happy family life. If shortly before sleep it seemed to people that everything was lost, that they would no longer see happiness, then such a dream promises the improvement of relationships. In reality they will take the path of reconciliation together. It is also worth considering the actions that occur with the carpet in a dream. Often they are repeated in reality.

If you dream about someone stealing a carpet from your home, in reality you will lose your family happiness. This will be due to the intervention of a third party. It is not necessary that the husband will take a lover; such a dream may indicate that the wife can also take a lover. In this case, you should take a close look at the plot of the dream; perhaps in it you will find tips on how to avoid a breakup and how to save your family.

If in a dream you dream that a dirty carpet suddenly becomes clean, then in reality your relationship will be renewed, your relationship will become free from quarrels and disagreements, it will simply shine with purity and spiritual beauty. But this moment should be felt and not missed, because if you allow yourself to slack and during the period of renewal of relations remember old quarrels and grievances, you may no longer get such a wonderful chance to improve relations.

If you suddenly find a carpet in the hallway in a dream, then a holiday will come into your life and this will be a joyful occasion.

If the carpet depicts a pattern in the form of flowers, an entire garden, it means that prosperity, success, and happiness will reign in the house;

If the carpet depicts various figures of people and children, you may soon have offspring;

If there are a lot of vegetables and fruits on the carpet, there will be prosperity in the house, bins full of wealth.

If the pattern on the carpet is worn out, it means something needs to be carefully hidden. You should be attentive to the demands of loved ones and not traumatize them with bad news; it is better to solve all the problems yourself and not drag loved ones into this.

The dream book also says that a carpet should be a sign of prosperity and big profits. This means that you will have generous friends who will improve your life and help you change a lot in it. If you dream about walking on a soft carpet, in reality your road in life will also become pleasant, and you will easily overcome everything on it.

The dream book also says that buying a carpet may indicate the acquisition of patronage. If in a dream you sell a carpet, on the contrary, in reality you will go on a long journey. A young girl seeing a carpet in a dream means purchasing her own home.

Why do you dream about a carpet according to other dream books?

In the gypsy dream book It is said that a beautifully embroidered and rich carpet symbolizes a luxurious life in abundance, but an old and worn carpet symbolizes poverty and misfortune. If in a dream the carpet changes before your eyes, your life will also change.

If you do not lay the carpet on the floor in a dream, but hang it on the wall, then in reality you should strengthen your position in business, because it may shake. The Chinese dream book says that the very process of laying a carpet in a dream in reality promises strengthening of home well-being.

In the eastern women's dream book it is said that the carpet definitely promises profit. Friends with income will help you get additional income.

If in a dream you step on a carpet, in reality you will become a successful and rich person;

If you buy several carpets at once, you will make a good profit;

If a young woman saw in a dream carpets hanging on the street, she should beware of gossip and rumors and not wash dirty linen in public;

If you bargain for a carpet in a dream, it means that you will not get happiness right away, you will have to fight for it.

In Tsvetkov's dream book It is said that buying a carpet in a dream promises money in reality. If you walk freely on the carpet, glory awaits you in reality. In order for it to illuminate your life path for a long time, you should take care of your reputation now.

It is worth notingthat any dream about a carpet tells a person that he really needs to start improving his home and reconsidering his priorities. If the dream is clearly negative in nature, the reasons for this should also be sought within oneself. Perhaps you behaved incorrectly with loved ones or did not appreciate what you had - it’s time to change that before it’s too late.

The presence of a carpet in the house has always been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, seeing this piece of furniture in a dream is a good omen.

But to be convinced of this, it is necessary to remember the details of the dream, which can significantly affect the correct understanding.

Buying and selling a carpet in a dream

Buying a carpet in a dream symbolizes wealth. There is a possibility that you will soon receive a large inheritance.

Selling carpet promises something pleasant. Pack and prepare for your upcoming vacation, which will give you a unique experience.

In case They gave you a carpet, soon you will meet your loved ones. Think about your friends and... You will have the opportunity to establish relationships with them. Forget about conflicts and grievances. This is the only way you can achieve understanding and support on their part and strengthen the family hearth.

New beautiful carpet promises you good luck and improved financial affairs. You will make influential friends who can play an important role in your well-being. Your business will go uphill, a promotion is expected in your career, which will have a positive effect on the growth of your salary. Perhaps you will have a successful one.

If you walking on the carpet, which means that in reality you are going in the right direction. Success is guaranteed for you, do what you need to do and stick to your goal. Such a dream may be a sign that you are striving for comfort and coziness. If, in addition to everything else, you experience a pleasant feeling while walking on the carpet, many joyful events, fame and happiness await you ahead.

But in the case when the dream shows you old shabby carpet on the floor, pay attention to your spending. Be more economical, otherwise you will run out of money much faster than you think. You should be careful in the workplace, perhaps someone is applying for your position.

On the wall

If the carpet hangs on the wall, get ready for the holiday! Financial takeoff and family happiness await you. In your dream, was the carpet surprisingly bright and with a fancy pattern? This is for wealth. The carpet depicted children's drawings or silhouettes of children - this is.

Lying on the carpet

Are you enjoying your holiday? on the carpet– You need to understand that there is a limit to everything. Most likely, you are abusing your superiors' favor. Don't go too far! Be more modest. Unexpectedly, your boss may terminate your employment relationship without giving a reason.

In this case, be prepared to take responsibility. Soon You will become the mistress. There is no need to be afraid, because such a dream means that you will perfectly fulfill your obligations as the owner of a home. Surround your family with care, create coziness and comfort, taking into account the wishes of others. Perhaps you will have a rich patron who will fulfill your wishes. But know when to stop, otherwise he will quickly find a replacement for you.

Carpet plane

This bright fairy-tale symbol resembles about your dreams and aspirations. They will definitely come true, but only if you make an effort and don’t give up! Learn patience, continue to be purposeful and then your success is just around the corner! Another interpretation of what he saw in a dream of a flying carpet– this is the desire to plunge into something magical and unusual. Your body is hinting to you that it’s time to take a break! Diversify your weekend with an interesting activity that will be filled with unforgettable impressions. A fairy tale is just around the corner, just reach out!

If you succeeded fly on a magic carpet, don't get your hopes up too much. This sign will help you take a closer look at yourself in time.

Most likely, your ambitions are too unrealistic. You should lower the bar a little and reconsider your plan of action. Move gradually and slowly, otherwise you can make a lot of mistakes.

red carpet

In a dream Have you cleaned the carpet?– this is a good trend. The efforts you make in reality will not be in vain. Be patient!

Rolled carpet

Interpretation of such a symbol from a dream is a bright sign for your attention. Someone is not telling the truth and is trying to hide important information from you. There is no need to panic and suspect everyone indiscriminately. It makes sense to start by taking a closer look at relatives and friends. By hiding the truth from you, a person will try to benefit from it.

Generally, symbolism of a carpet in a dream- This is a completely benevolent parting word. Luck, family well-being, financial stability and career will bring you happiness and amazing adventures.

But remember, dreams are not things that fulfill your wishes. Dreams give us clues and help us aim for results. Understand what you want. Structure your opportunities, create a clear action plan and don’t fuss. You will achieve success when you put in the effort and don't give up halfway. Your life is in your hands!

Carpets have been giving people warmth and comfort for many years. They symbolize power and wealth. If you dreamed of a carpet, then be sure to pay attention to this dream and remember everything down to the smallest detail. This will help lift the veil of the future and find out what awaits you in the near future.

Interpretations of dream books: Vanga, Miller, P. Leiman and others

  1. English. You can get rich.
  2. Vanga. Fate will give you a gift.
  3. Oriental. Make a profit.
  4. Children's. Tired of active activities and dream of peace and comfort.
  5. For the bitch. You will be surrounded by rich friends and luxury.
  6. Winters. Your position in society will strengthen, things will go uphill.
  7. Idiomatic. To fame and fortune.
  8. Islamic. Thanks to your generous friends, you won't face poverty.
  9. Magical. You will suddenly become rich.
  10. Miller. You have friends who will always come to the rescue in difficult times.
  11. Newest. The income that is expected to be received soon will exceed expectations.
  12. Family. Wealthy friends will provide financial support.
  13. Simone Kananita. Calm, measured life, financial stability.
  14. Modern. Thanks to the assistance of rich friends, the dreamer's earnings will increase.
  15. For the modern woman. Increased prosperity thanks to wealthy friends.
  16. Solomon. Comfortable and well-fed life.
  17. Wanderer. Prosperity and prosperity.
  18. Peter Leyman. You dream of wealth and comfort. Soon there will be an opportunity to make your dreams come true.
  19. Esoteric. To build or buy a new home.
  20. XXI century. Family life will be filled with happiness and joy.

If children were sitting on the carpet seen in the kingdom of Morpheus, then in reality there will be a new addition to the family. Sleep is especially favorable for those married couples who have not been able to have a child for a long time. Soon your cherished dream will come true, you will experience the joy of motherhood or fatherhood.

For creative people, a carpet seen in a dream promises an excellent opportunity to become famous and get rich.

A man, woman or girl has a dream

  1. To a girl. You will marry a respectable and wealthy man and become the mistress of his house.
  2. To a woman. A relationship with a loved one that has reached a dead end will improve. Next to him you will experience boundless happiness.
  3. Pregnant. In any endeavor, your loved ones are ready to support you and, if necessary, help you.
  4. Married. Family life will improve and sparkle with new bright colors. Dream Interpretation from A to Z: wealth will increase.
  5. To a man. Things will go uphill. There is a chance to take a high-paying position or achieve a salary increase.

If you dreamed that horses were depicted on the carpet, then thanks to your energy and hard work you will achieve great heights

A lot of carpets in rolls - an extremely favorable dream. He promises a life full of joyful events and a happy life. The dreamer's well-being will increase.

Did you see a carpet in the form of a puzzle in a dream? It is better to solve problems that arise in reality in a non-standard way.

Color: red, green, white, gray, black

  1. Red. Family life will be long and happy. If an unmarried girl or a single man had a dream, it means a passionate relationship that will bring a lot of positivity.
  2. Green. The dream indicates stability. In the dreamer's immediate circle there are faithful friends, and the loved one remains faithful.
  3. White. Night dreams speak of the spiritual purity of the dreamer, who always puts the interests of others above his own.
  4. Grey. No matter what you do, nothing pleases your heart and soul.
  5. Black. You are an uncommunicative and categorical person, but you are ready to go to great lengths for dear people.

The indefinite color of the carpet from night dreams indicates the experienced spiritual emptiness and feeling of loneliness. You need to pull yourself together and fill your life with meaning.

Where was the carpet in the dream?

  1. On the floor. The dream indicates a desire to relax and improve your home so that it is always cozy and warm.
  2. On the wall. Make a profit. Something good will happen in life.
  3. On the ground. A calm and carefree existence awaits.
  4. On the ceiling. An incredible incident will knock you out of the measured flow of life. It will not be easy to regain the former calm.
  5. On road. The planned trip will be successful.
  6. In the house. Change your place of residence soon. The new home will be beautiful and comfortable.

Flowers painted on a dreamed carpet promise mutual love and romantic encounters.

To see a carpet on the floor in a dream: the dream indicates a desire to relax and decorate your home so that it is always cozy and warm.

The dreamer's actions: cleaning, vacuuming, sweeping

Be sure to remember what you did with the carpet in your dream.

  1. Clean. To achieve what you want, you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you had to clean the carpeted floor, the profit received will exceed all expectations.
  2. Vacuuming. For a woman, the vision portends an acquaintance with a rich and generous lover.
  3. Sweep with a broom. Get rid of something unnecessary. For sick people, a dream promises healing.
  4. Wash. A symbol of well-developed intuition. Always listen to yourself - your instincts will not deceive you.
  5. Wash. You will undertake repairs, which will entail a lot of hassle.
  6. Knock out. A good time for real estate transactions. You will be able to earn some good money.
  7. Carry. You have to work long and hard, only in this case will you be able to increase your well-being.
  8. Buy. You can get rich. There is a chance to receive a large inheritance. Women's dream book: unexpectedly get a big profit.
  9. Walk on the carpet. You are on the right track. Stick to your goal and don’t waste your time on trifles. This will go a long way. Vanga's dream book: prosperity awaits you.
  10. Sit on the carpet. An exciting journey lies ahead.
  11. Lie. Moderate your requests and behave more modestly. This is especially true for relationships with your superiors, whose favor you are clearly abusing. This could lead to job loss. Jewish dream book: to receive good news.
  12. Sell. Hit the road. The trip will not only be interesting, but will also help improve your well-being.
  13. Receive as a gift. There will be a meeting with relatives soon. It's time to forget old grievances and improve relationships with family.
  14. Weave. You will take part in an important matter that will bring good dividends.
  15. Choose. You are at a crossroads because it is difficult to make a choice between your career and your personal life.
  16. Lay. A period of stability and peace will come. All adversity and worries will remain in the past.

A strange pattern seen on a carpet seen in night dreams indicates a significant event that will soon happen to your family.

Seeing a corpse wrapped in carpet in your night dreams is a bad sign. Intrigues are being woven against you, so be on your guard.

I had to pull needles out of the carpet in a dream: in reality, a person from close circle wishes harm to the dreamer and tries in every possible way to harm.

If a carpet was stolen in a night vision, it means a deterioration in the financial situation in reality, up to complete ruin.

Did you dream that a dead person brought you a carpet? Be careful with investing money, there is a chance to burn out.

If fruits were drawn on the dreamed carpet, then the family will soon become rich.

Red carpet in a dream - the dreamer’s family life will be long and happy

Having seen a carpet in a dream, you can safely start new businesses, conduct real estate transactions, or go on a business trip. Whatever you have to undertake, luck will be on your side.
