How to lose weight in lyashki in a week: an integrated approach to solving the problem at home

A chiseled figure is every woman's dream. However, not all of the fair sex can boast of perfect proportions. Nature has endowed us with different physiology: some ladies, in order to stay in shape, do not need to put in almost any effort, for others a slender figure is a truly titanic work that requires daily training.

However, if you give up on everything and let it go, then the result will not keep you waiting for a long time: a saggy belly and fat deposits on the legs are unlikely to add attractiveness.

Lyashki - the problem area of ​​the female figure

Excess pounds in women, as a rule, are primarily deposited in the abdomen and on the legs. This is due to the peculiarities of female physiology; in men, fat deposits rarely accumulate in this area. In addition, it is the lyashki that are most susceptible to the manifestations of cellulite. And this phenomenon, as you know, does not add beauty either.

There is a huge amount of advice on how to lose weight in lyashki in a week. But let's be prudent: there are no miracles and extra pounds, lovingly accumulated for many years, will not go away in a week (unless, of course, you are going to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon). In addition, weight loss in lyashki is rather slow, since fat in this area is extremely reluctant to leave. The surest solution is to prevent the emergence of a problem, rather than fight it later.

But what if the legs are still far from perfect? In this article, we will look at all the effective ways to combat body fat on the legs, which can be carried out either independently at home, or with the help of massage therapists and cosmetologists.

Before describing all the ways to deal with obesity, I would like to recall three simple rules necessary to achieve the best result:

  • systematic - classes must be regular, otherwise the result will tend to zero;
  • rationality - do not rush to extremes, calculate the load taking into account the state of your health;
  • an integrated approach - we use all available methods and tools.

Changing the diet

The first and most important path to success is a properly balanced diet. Perhaps everyone knows the rules of a healthy diet. The main thing is to learn to adhere to them.

So, if you seriously decide to start the fight against fat deposits on lyashki, then first of all you should exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • pickles, since they retain water in the body;
  • carbonated drinks and beer;
  • flour and confectionery products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty meat and smoked meats.

It is not recommended to go on a rigid diet, as in this case the body will experience stress and will begin to accumulate fat primarily in the area of ​​the legs and buttocks. It is better to introduce into the diet more low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, lean poultry, whole grains, fish, and eat food in small fractional portions 5-6 times a day.

In order to lose weight in lyashki quickly, you can reduce the total calorie content of the daily diet to 1200-1500 kcal, or arrange a fasting day once a week. And don't forget to drink water. The average daily allowance for an adult is 8-10 glasses of pure non-carbonated water. However, you do not need to drink all of your daily water supply in one sitting - this will only create additional stress on the kidneys. We use water in small portions throughout the day.

The benefits of exercise

In order to lose weight in Lyashki quickly, you need to combine proper nutrition with physical activity. After all, even if the extra pounds go away thanks to the diet, the skin and muscles will still remain flabby.

We bring to your attention a small set of fairly simple, but very effective exercises. 20-30 minutes of classes a day - and in a week you will notice improvements and lose weight in lyashki.

Exercise "Squat":

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with your heels flat on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees at an angle (90 degrees) and hold this position for a few seconds.
  3. Take the starting position.
  4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your back straight.
  5. Bend them at an angle (90 degrees) and, without getting up, turn the body to the left. Move your center of gravity to your left leg.
  6. Now turn the body to the right, transfer the center of gravity to the right leg.

  1. Take the starting position: legs together, back straight.
  2. Lunge forward onto your left leg.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. Lunge on your right leg.
  5. Return to starting position again.

To complete this exercise, you will need some kind of hill (step, for example):

  1. Starting position: the left leg is on a hill, the right leg is on the floor. Posture is straight.
  2. We perform squats in this position.
  3. We straighten the body, lifting the right leg as high as possible.
  4. We return to the starting position.

The last exercise and the Plie squat engage your inner thigh.

To enhance the effect, these exercises can be performed with dumbbells, as shown in the photo. We perform each exercise for 10 approaches. When you can easily cope with this load, the number of approaches will need to be gradually increased.

In addition to the above complex, so-called cardio exercises are important for losing weight in lyashki, namely:

  • walking;
  • swimming;
  • jumping rope.

Read also:

Of course, you want to achieve ideal proportions in the shortest possible time. How can you lose weight quickly in lyashki without harming your health? In addition to balanced nutrition and physical activity, the following procedures will help to achieve the cherished goal: massages, wraps, water sessions.

Massage (lymphatic drainage or cupping)

Regular massage sessions will significantly improve the condition of your legs and buttocks, and the results will be noticeable within a week. Lymphatic drainage massage removes excess fluid from fat deposits, and cupping massage reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat and eliminates cellulite. For the sessions, it is better to use the services of a professional massage therapist. If you decide to do can massage at home, then instead of glass cans, it is better to take latex cans, which are much more convenient and safer to use.

Home massage technique:

  1. Shower with a scrub.
  2. Apply any massage oil to your legs and buttocks.
  3. Take a jar in your hands, squeeze it lightly and apply it to your skin.
  4. Begin to slowly drive on the legs from bottom to top without stopping (so that a hematoma does not form from the vacuum).
  5. After the procedure, apply an anti-cellulite cream to the skin.

One session on each lyashka should last no more than 7-8 minutes. In addition, you cannot massage under the knees, on the inner thigh and in the groin area. Cupping massage is contraindicated if a woman has varicose veins or skin diseases.

Wraps can be easily done even at home. In the fight against cellulite and obesity, blue clay has proven itself well. Also, cosmetologists advise using kelp, cocoa powder and such a popular product as honey for these purposes.

Home wrapping procedure:

  1. Immediately before wrapping, it is advisable to visit a bath, sauna, or at least take a shower, since the pores on the skin should open up well.
  2. The skin must first be cleaned with a scrub.
  3. Then it is necessary to apply the mixture for wrapping on the frogs and wrap them with cling film or cosmetic film. The duration of the procedure is usually 20-30 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, take a shower and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Water procedures

For weight loss in lyashki, an ordinary Russian bath helps well. During your stay in the bath, the intensity of sweating increases several times and, together with excess fluid, toxins are removed from the body, and skin cells are saturated with oxygen and useful substances. In addition to the bath, effective water procedures also include water massage for weight loss (or hydromassage), water aerobics. All of the listed procedures will not only help in getting rid of extra centimeters in lyashki, but will also have a great effect on the condition of your skin, give you a charge of vivacity and energy.
