The best time to exercise

We consider the pros and cons of training at different times of the day

Analyzing the indicators of human biorhythms, the level of hormones and the temperature of our body at different intervals of the day, we come to the conclusion that our functional state changes during the day. The highest working capacity in humans is observed from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18 hours.

Interesting: Experts are of the opinion that at noon and in the early evening, our body temperature is higher than the body temperature immediately after waking up. Training during this time period is optimal, as it reduces the risk of muscle strain and injury.

But not everyone and not always succeed in doing sports in the middle of the day. Work and study take time, and we are left with two options: to train in the morning or in the evening.

Physical activity will benefit anyway, because there is no specific time for sports. But at what time will it be possible to achieve maximum results? We propose to consider in detail the most optimal and convenient options.

1) Morning workouts:

Playing sports in the early hours, immediately after waking up, is difficult only for the first time. Over time, the human body gets used to systematic morning exercises, and after several such workouts, you can easily wake up without an alarm clock to the time allotted for classes. Immediately after sleep, a person's body temperature is lowered, therefore, during morning workouts, more energy is spent, which contributes to increased fat burning by the body.

Also early workouts perfectly speed up metabolism, which makes it possible to burn more calories throughout the day. Plus, the body after morning physical activity is in good shape, which makes it easier to endure the afternoon, during which it usually tends to sleep and performance is lost.

But there are also weaknesses: unheated muscles are easy to injure, so before morning workout, you must definitely do a good warm-up for all muscle groups. Despite the fact that in the morning exercise contributes to the rapid burning of fat, with a low temperature and hormones, calories are burned more slowly during the very morning workout than during the evening. If you exercise in the morning, then get into the habit have breakfast an hour and a half before training and once again provide the body with food after.

Ideally, to achieve a noticeable result, you need to do at least 1 hour daily. Morning exercise improves blood flow to the brain that stimulates its functioning.

2) Day training:

Such training quickly becomes a habit. At this time, the most effective will be strength training, stretching, crossfit and other exercises that require endurance and strength.

In the afternoon, body temperature and hormone levels rise. Muscles become pliable and more flexible, and after noon workouts will bring good results, while reducing the risk of muscle tension and, as a result, muscle pain.

Day workouts are great for those looking to increase muscle strength and endurance levels. They need to be properly planned, taking into account the obligatory meal. Lunch, in case of physical activity, should be divided into two meals: one and a half to two hours before and one hour after training.

Of the cons we will highlight a busy schedule of study or work. Not everyone can afford to spend time training at lunchtime (40-50 minutes). The lesson can be "crumpled" and ineffective because of the desire to have time for everything and at once for a minimum period.

3) Evening training:

After 4:00 pm, the muscles are in their best shape.... Strength training with dumbbells or a barbell will be effective - that is, this time is more suitable for drawing the relief than weight loss.

Evening workouts practically do not differ in effectiveness from late afternoon ones. At a later time, fitness clubs are usually densely filled: everyone rushes after work and study to go in for sports and relieve emotional stress. But it is worth considering the fact that physical activity provokes the body to produce adrenaline... If it's too late to study, then such exercise can cause sleep disturbances. The optimal time for an evening workout is 2-3 hours before bedtime.

To consolidate the results of your workout, we recommend drinking a protein shake that contains a large amount of protein necessary for the formation of muscle relief, and also has an active regenerative effect on muscle tissue, relieving muscle tension and pain. At the same time, protein shakes are easily digested and digested due to their liquid consistency, thus ideal for recovering the body after an evening workout, without being deposited in adipose tissue and without creating a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Drinking protein shakes is recommended 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Important: Remember to eat before strength training, as they are really dangerous on an empty stomach.

Whatever time you choose to do sports, remember, the main thing is the regularity of your workouts! With periodicity at least 3 times a week the results will not be long in coming.

In order to contact an individual consultant who will draw up a training and nutrition plan for you, go through link. 18 November 2016, 17:56 2016-11-18
