Mula bandha yoga energy exercise. Mulabandha: benefits and contraindications

However, moola bandha is not as simple as it seems. At the beginning of the practice of mula bandha, as a rule, simultaneously with the tension of the muscles of the pelvic floor, the muscles of other parts of the body (hips, hands, shoulders or face) involuntarily tighten. Learn to avoid this and combine the creation of tension in some parts of the body (in this case, the pelvic floor) with relaxation in all others.

Mula bandha is shown to both men and women. You can start practicing it from about 16 years old and continue until the very old age. Even occasional moola bandha practice several times during the day is very beneficial.

Mula bandha is often combined with asanas, especially pulsating mula bandha. The pulsation of mula bandha means the implementation of successive contractions-relaxations of the muscles of the pelvic floor area with a frequency of approximately two to three times every two seconds. However, approach this frequency gradually. Do not neglect the quality of the exercise for the sake of speed: it is necessary to clearly fix in your mind the moments of tension and the moments of relaxation of the muscles of the perineum.

Mula bandha technique

First you need to learn to feel separately the muscles of the sphincter of the bladder, the anal region and the tendon center of the perineum / cervix. Tighten and relax them alternately. Differentiating sensations and mastering the control of different muscle groups will not be easy, but since you can practice at any time - it is completely invisible to others - with due perseverance, you will quickly achieve success.

However, for the full practice of mula bandha, one should take any of the postures used in meditation, preferably with crossed legs (Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana). If you don't feel comfortable in them yet, lie down in Shavasana with your knees bent. At the same time, the heels are separated to the width of the shoulders, and the knees are brought together and lean against each other. This position allows you to lower your lower back to the floor, which will help you better feel the necessary muscles.

Breathing is usually built as follows: on inspiration, the muscles contract, on exhalation, they relax. But, perhaps, the reverse scheme will be more convenient for you: inhale - muscle relaxation, exhale - tension. In pulsating mula bandha, the same number of contractions are usually performed on inhalation as on exhalation. Or choose your own breathing rhythm. In all cases, there is a prerequisite: the whole body is relaxed, except for the muscles of the pelvic floor.

In describing the execution technique, I adhere to the works of Swami Sivananda, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Anandakapil Saraswati. There is no complete unity in details among practitioners, but it is enough for you to adhere to the scheme below.

Here we will have to distinguish between mula bandha in the broad sense of the term, or mula bandha mudra, which consists of three basic yogic exercises for the lower pelvis, performed simultaneously: Vajroli mudra, mula bandha in the narrow sense of this term and Ashvini- wise.

The following muscles are involved in these exercises:

1. For Ashwini Mudra- muscles of the anal region: the external anal sphincter and the muscle that lifts the rectum, which consists of the pubococcygeal, iliococcygeal and pubic-rectal muscles.

2. For Mula Bandha the area between the anus and the scrotum / clitoris is reduced; the point of application is the tendon center of the perineum / cervix.

3. For Vajroli Mudra- muscles of the urogenital region: superficial transverse muscles of the perineum, ischiocavernosus, bulbous-cavernous, deep transverse muscles and sphincter of the urethra. When performing this exercise, in men, the penis is somewhat drawn in, and in women, the clitoris and muscles of the lower vagina and urethra are tightened.

Let us consider in more detail the technique for performing each exercise as part of the Mula Bandhi Mudra.

1. Ashwini Mudra- this is a rhythmic contraction of the anal sphincter - its consistent relaxation and tension. This movement causes prana to rise up the internal channels of the body, passing through all the internal organs, which has a powerful cleansing and strengthening effect on the entire body. Each push of Ashvini mudra raises prana to a certain level. This process is different for women and men. Women, in order to bring the stream to the crown, need to perform five pushes of Ashvini Mudra, men - four (masters raise the stream in one push, regardless of gender).

Thus, Ashwini Mudra is usually recommended for women to perform in series of five pushes, for men - four. The end of each series should be a feeling of an upward flow of energy, filling the head to the very top. Then you should relax, but do not let go of Ashwini Mudra completely after the last contraction of the anus, fix it for a short while, exhale calmly and slowly, watching how the prana rushes down all the muscles and bones of the body in a soft stream, and then concentrates inside the abdomen in the area slightly below the navel. If the downward flow is not felt clearly enough, it can be helped by sliding the Nabhi mudra and rotating the shoulders forward. After that, take a breath and repeat a series of pushes.

Any asana is suitable for mastering Ashwini Mudra, in which the spine is vertical and the torso is free from tension.

In the practice of yoga therapy, Ashwini mudra is used as a separate exercise, performed 10-20 times (i.e., two to five series of pushes) twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The frequency of contractions should be such that, according to the subjective feeling, the Ashwini mudra is as deep as possible. Between thrusts, the anus should be completely relaxed.

Action. In addition to the psychoenergetic action described above, Ashwini Mudra is very effective as a therapeutic agent for diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids, etc. In combination with other exercises, the practice of Ashwini Mudra helps to eliminate diseases of the urogenital area, as well as general disorders.

2. Mula bandha in the narrow sense of the term, it involves the contraction of the tendon center of the perineum / cervix. It must be emphasized here that in both men and women, the perineum is not one muscle, but a group of them. It should also be understood that the perineum and the “body of the perineum” are not the same thing. The "body of the perineum", or the tendon center of the perineum, is a small muscle-tendon nodule measuring 2.5 by 3 cm, which is located in the outer region from the rectum (in the tissues of the perineum) at a depth of about 5 cm. The muscles of the perineum are attached to it: superficial and deep transverse, bulbous-cavernous, external anal sphincter and levator rectum. Several muscle fibers also depart from the rectum to this vital formation that separates the urogenital region from the anal.

The tendinous center of the perineum plays a particularly important role in the female body. If, for any reason, it is damaged, then the woman develops prolapse (prolapse) of the uterus, ovaries and / or rectum.

The contraction of one group of muscles of the perineum entails an involuntary contraction of the remaining groups. Therefore, it is so difficult to do Vajroli Mudra or Ashvini Mudra without doing Mula Bandha. This provision is true for both men and women. And this is one of the reasons why a wide range of yoga practitioners are not encouraged to do the three components of Mula Bandha Mudra separately. It is very useful for the body to train differentiated control of each muscle group. However, this takes a lot of time. In order not to deprive your body of the enormous benefits that these exercises bring, it is advisable to practice the triple Mula Bandha Mudra as a synthesis of the three mudras - Ashwini, Mula and Vajroli.

3. Vajroli Mudra engages the same muscles that stop urination. Therefore, before starting the practice of Vajroli, one can train intermittent urination. The following is a technique for a simplified version of Vajroli Mudra.

TechniqueVajroli Mudras d for men:

  • Sit with a straight back. Place your hands loosely on your hips.
  • Concentrate on the urethra at the base of the penis.
  • Inhale halfway or two-thirds of your lungs.
  • Swallow your saliva and hold your breath.
  • Squeeze the urethra just where the flow of urine stops. At the same time pull the penis inward toward the pelvis. You can help yourself by simultaneously pulling in the lower abdomen and performing moola bandha.
  • Relax and repeat the cycle several times on one breath hold.
  • Then relax your stomach, inhale quite a bit of air and exhale calmly.
  • At the next stage, you can perform the exercises while standing.
  • In this position, you can feel how the penis shudders and rises a little with each contraction.

TechniqueVajroli Mudras for women:

  • Women perform Vajroli in the same way as men. The concentration of attention during the contraction of the muscles of the urethra should be the din, where the process of urination stops. It's just below the clitoris.
  • After some training, you can complicate the exercise. Before performing Vajroli, insert one or two fingers into the vagina.
  • Contract the urethra and pull it inward at the same time.
  • If the exercise is performed correctly, then you will feel how the muscles of the vagina firmly cover the fingers.
  • To achieve the full effect before Vajroli, it is necessary to draw in the lower abdomen and perform mula bandha.
  • Start with 10 repetitions of both. Add 5 repetitions every week until you reach sixty.

Moola bandha mudra effect

For those who are already confused: here I mean the effect that Mula bandha has on the human body in the broad sense of the term, meaning the simultaneous performance of three exercises - Ashwini mudra, Mula bandha in the narrow sense of the term and Vajroli mudra.

Therapeutically, the contraction of the muscles of the perineum leads to the harmonious functioning of the endocrine system, the improvement of the functioning of the nervous apparatus of the pelvic region and, as a result, the normalization of the work of the internal organs of the small pelvis. Mula bandha eliminates constipation, hemorrhoids, sperm incontinence, excessive sexual excitability with a lack of sexual strength, loss of appetite.

On the energy level, mula bandha contributes to the accumulation, purification and transformation of sexual energy, gaining control over sexual impulses. It is very important to remember that moola bandha is not just a contraction of the muscles around the prostate in men and the cervix in women, but also a “locking” of the mooladhara chakra. With this approach, the exercise causes a spontaneous attunement of the physical, mental and psychic bodies of a person.

For WOMEN, moola bandha can relieve dysmenorrhea (painful periods), however, if you suffer from amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), then refrain from this exercise until you consult a specialist - a doctor or an experienced yoga teacher.

Mula bandha has proven to be effective. A pregnant woman can perform mula bandha along with some other yogic techniques right up to the very moment of childbirth. This allows you to maintain the elasticity of the walls of the vagina and significantly reduce labor pain. Immediately after childbirth, women are strongly recommended to practice moola bandha, ashvini and vajroli mudra - this will help tone the muscles stretched during pregnancy.

Mula bandha is also an effective treatment for pelvic prolapse, leucorrhoea and stress urinary incontinence.

Scientists have found that menopause is closely related to the mental and emotional state. Sincere, healthy and open people go through menopause with no or minimal problems. In women, the physical changes at menopause are much more pronounced, so women in this period are much more likely to suffer from pessimistic mood, depression, anxiety and irritability. With the onset of menopause, a huge number of problems usually fall on the shoulders of women. Mula bandha levels the hormonal background, therefore it is able to soften the metamorphoses of menopause, prevent the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as lethargy, irritability, depression, arterial hypertension and dizziness. During menopause, people do not lose their sexuality - no matter what they say. The ability to manifest sexuality remains in a person until old age, and mula bandha ensures a healthy and fulfilling life.

For MEN, mula bandha helps to avoid inguinal hernia, eliminates the involuntary expiration of semen. This exercise controls testosterone secretion and sperm production, it calms the passions that lead to coronary disorders.

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Namaste, friends! I remember the first time I heard the phrase “keep a light Uddiyana Bandha”. In my head it started: “Bank? Gang? What is this bandha and where can I find it? In search of bandhas, I squeezed everything I could from my knees to my chin, so that I had cramps. Oh, these ambitious yoga goals are a road to nowhere. I am currently studied bandhas and their effect on myself I understand the technique better. And the article will tell you why you should not forget about them during practice.

"Bandha" literally means lock or seal and we have three locks in our body. Anatomically, these are neuromuscular locks that regulate changes in intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressure affecting internal organs.

They provide support and stability in the posture and help make the practice safe. By learning to work with your body inside and out, you will hold asanas longer, more stable in balance poses. They also distribute the flow of prana in the subtle body.

We have 4 main bandhas:

  • Mula Bandha;
  • Uddiyana Bandha;
  • Jaladhara Bandha;
  • Maha Bandha.

Ancient yoga philosophers said that by mastering all three locks, you will gain concentration in asanas, steady breathing, and a clear and calm mind. Bandhas help control and regulate all internal systems, hormonal, sexual, metabolic, digestive and more.

Note: bandhas should not be practiced during pregnancy.

Mula Bandha (root lock), how to find?

The most important for women, and no less important for men, nevertheless quite accessible in execution. Imagine that you are in the middle of a 3 hour traffic jam and the highway has turned into a parking lot, and you urgently need to urinate. Or you are a lady in white shorts, walking through the park, and the critical days began a day earlier than you expected. And here are the very muscles that you instinctively compress in such situations in order to tighten and hold what is about to begin, can be generally considered Moolay Bandha or at least that area of ​​Mula Bandha that needs to be tightened during practice.

This root lock, and contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. This technique is for those who want to improve the state of their body, and be filled with strength, vivacity, enthusiasm. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, and the perineum, directs energy upward.

Why strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? For women - it facilitates the course of pregnancy and childbirth, removes involuntary leakage of urine, helps to quickly return to shape after childbirth. For men, it is a guarantee of health and longevity. In the Pradipika it is written that even an old man becomes young.

With regular practice, the mind becomes alive, the nervous system is stimulated.

The whole truth is that Mula Bandhu needs to be maintained throughout the yoga practice. Yes, an hour or an hour and a half. And there are many reasons for this, including the blockage of energy that allows it to flow upward. Thanks to Mula Bandha, your energy will remain inside you, this will make you feel amazingly light after the practice.

It helps to focus on the process that is happening here and now. That state of awareness. During pranayama, you need to do Mula Bandha so that prana accumulates.


  1. Hemorrhoids in the acute stage (in remission, vice versa) Mula Bandha shown);
  2. If you suffer from prostatitis and in general any inflammation in this area;
  3. If you are in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Uddiyana Bandha and its effect on the body

A little above Mula Bandha we have the second bandha, Oddiyana. Translated from Sanskrit as "fly up". That is, this is a flying castle, you ask? But no, not yet flying, but close to it. Taking off, it is called because your muscles lift up the chest, and internal organs. You will feel that the internal organs seem to have decreased. And the energy has risen even higher. Uddiyana massages the digestive organs.

Execution technique

Spread your legs slightly wider than the width of your pelvis, inhale through your nose and raise your hands to the level of your ears, exhale through your mouth with the sound: “Ha”, and place your hands on your knees. Without inhaling, close your mouth, straighten your elbows and feel how your abdominal wall and organs are pressed against your spine.

If you did it right, then looking at your profile in the mirror, you will see how your waist becomes stylish, petite, with prominent ribs above your stomach and navel. Maintain this position for as long as possible and exit the bandha by inhaling through the nose. Stand up straight, raise your hands up, then lower your hands down, exhale again.

Practice Uddiyana Bandha one that advances you in mastering your own body, and by using it during practice, you become an advanced practitioner.


  1. It protects the spine during twists and allows the body to jump, swim, bend and bend faster;
  2. Helps in the prevention of abdominal and gastrointestinal diseases;
  3. Eliminates constipation, stimulates the production of digestive juice, thereby increasing metabolism;
  4. Balances the adrenal system, relieving stress, lethargy and tension;
  5. It is used in yoga therapy for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, massage of internal organs, increases the fire of digestion, and activates the mind.

This bandha has contraindications:

  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumors, inflammation of the intestine;
  • increased body temperature;
  • performed exclusively on an empty stomach.

Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock) and technique

Jalandhara Bandha- this is perhaps the only case when you want a double chin, and try to do it. In Sanskrit, jal means throat, jalan means net, and dharan means stream. Thus, the meaning of Jalandhara Bandha can be considered to block the throat, and control the flow of energy in the nervous system and the flow in the blood vessels of the neck.

Execution technique

To find Jalandhar Bandhu, sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed and your palms on your knees. The back is absolutely straight. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, hold your breath, then pull your chin to your neck and lift your chest slightly. Press down on your knees, straightening your elbows, and maintain this position for as long as possible. To exit, lift your chin, inhale the rest of the air into your lungs and exhale. If you've got that nasty double chin or noticed someone taking a profile picture of you, you've done it right!

Unlike the first two, Jalandhara Bandha is usually performed in conjunction with specific breathing practices and is rarely done on its own.


  1. The pressure exerted on the receptors during bandha slows down the heart and calms the mind;
  2. Compresses the sinuses on the main arteries of the neck, and this helps regulate blood circulation and respiratory systems;
  3. It massages the thyroid and parathyroid glands, stimulating them;
  4. The practice of Jaladhara Bandha relieves stress, anxiety and anger;
  5. By itself, we get it in inverted asanas;
  6. Pressure on the throat normalizes metabolism.


Hyperthyroidism. It should be mastered only after the confident practice of the two previous bandhas, therefore, the contraindications are the same as those of Mula Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha.

And if no one is looking at you at work, do Jalandhara Bandha for mental relaxation, eliminating stress and anger.

Maha Bandha (Great Castle) and technique

This is a great castle. A combination of all three locks.

Sit in a comfortable position, cross your legs, place the palms of your hands on your hips or knees. Inhale completely through the nose and exhale completely through the nose to the very end. And without inhaling, perform Mula Bandha, then lift the chest and do Uddiyana Bandha, and pressing the chin to the chest, perform Jalandhara Bandha. When you want to inhale, raise your head, inhale and release the banhi from top to bottom.

At Maha Bandha benefits of all three bandhas, plus regulation of the endocrine system. Don't try to master Maha Bandha until you have mastered all three. Its benefits to spiritual seekers are indescribable as it is a powerful method of stimulating the flow of psychic energy and placing the mind in a meditative state.

Contraindications are the same as for all three locks.

If you want to study bandhas and mudras in more detail, and their beneficial effects on the body, Swami Satyananda has the book Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha. Namaste!

Many people today turn to yoga practices to achieve a balance between the spiritual and physical principles. One of these practices is Mula bandha, which helps to manage and direct one's own for healing both the body and the spirit.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the technique for performing this, consider its main aspects.


Mula bandha in direct translation means “hold”, “lock” is a practice that, by straining certain parts of your own body, teaches you to direct your energy in the right direction. When performed correctly, classes affect, help normalize the activity of the central nervous system, and strengthen the emotional state.

The physical effect of MB is the selective tension of the organs of the genitourinary system. Classes are useful for both, and for, having only slight differences in performance due to the physical difference in structure.

physical impact

The practice helps maintain health and eliminate problems in the functioning of the pelvic organs, digestive and reproductive systems.

By contracting various muscles of the perineum, a person thereby affects the nerve receptors of this area - with such a directed massage, the flow to the problematic organs improves, which stimulates their work.

Thanks to ongoing research in a group of people practicing MB, it has been proven that classes have a positive effect on the activity of the whole, have a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole.

When controlling your breath and energy, practice helps to achieve the following results:

  • blood pressure decreases;
  • heart rate slows down;
  • the work of the digestive organs is stimulated;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the organs of the urinary system, the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands and the pancreas are toned, in women, the prostate in men;
  • all biological processes of the body are normalized (women who experience problems during critical days notice a clear improvement in their condition).

Psychological impact

Mulabanha in yoga is a practice that heals not only disorders of the physical body. Since the physical and spiritual are inextricably linked, the impact on the physical body automatically affects the energy and spiritual principles.

Deep relaxation helps to get rid of anxiety, neuroses.
The correct execution of the technique releases (energy) and promotes it in the right direction.

The activity of the head improves, it becomes more and more alive, and creative abilities are stimulated.

How to prepare for moola bandha?

To master the mula bandha technique for women and men, before doing it, it is advisable to imagine the physiological features of the structure of the perineal organs and learn how to follow.


A general advice for beginners to practice: muscle contractions are made while inhaling, relaxing while exhaling.

Important! At the same time, it is desirable to maintain a state of relaxation, maintaining a calm pace and distributing attention to both the work of the lungs and physical efforts to reduce muscles. If you just breathe like at a therapist's appointment, there will be no effect.

Don't be afraid to seek your frequency and consistency when you breathe, in which you will feel complete harmony between physical action and calmness and mind.

In a comfortable position (suitable), relax the body, except for the point that is currently tense. Keep it even, try not to hold your breath, it should be even and calm.

Try to feel the tension as you inhale and as you exhale.


You should know that the muscles of the perineum are one whole, connected by connective tissues, and in order to learn how to control them, you need to master the techniques of ashwini mudra and varjoli mudra, with which mula bandha is closely related.

Briefly about the techniques:

  • Ashvini mudra is a compression of the anus without straining;
  • Mula bandha is a contraction of the tendon ligament of the perineum (the cervix in women, the point between the anus and scrotum in men);
  • Varjoli mudra is the tension of the urogenital region (in women, the clitoris and lower vagina are tense, in men the penis is drawn in).
The practice of mula bandha begins with the development of ashvini mudra: start contracting the anal sphincter from 30 times with your chosen breathing rhythm, for example, inhale - tension, exhale - relaxation.

Try not to focus all your attention on your breath.

Having mastered the first stage, your body itself will regulate the need for the number of contractions in sync with breathing. You can proceed directly to the MB.
Complete relaxation is also desirable here, since this stage will allow the body to get rid of problems in the pelvic area, from some tightness.

Varjoli mudra is performed when the body is already accustomed to the first two exercises, you have learned to feel every movement and control it.


In conclusion, having mastered the entire cycle of exercises, begin to alternate the tension of each muscle group in a circle. After completing each circle, rest, restore the normal rate of breathing, you should not feel dizzy.

Important! Try to turn off the mind control over the body: the maximum effect occurs when the entire cycle is automatically performed. The state should be akin to meditative.

Listen to your physical sensations, let go of unnecessary thoughts, subdue their flow.
By learning to control and synchronize mental and bodily activity, you will achieve the maximum effect of mula bandha, submission to your will of consciousness, and the physical body - practice leads to unity with the Universe, the Higher Mind.

Execution technique

The performance of mula bandha for men and women differs, however, the practice for both sexes is united by a sequence of stages: the first is physical effort; the second is the synchronization of breathing, heart rate and physical effort; the third is the sensation of vibrations in the muladhara chakra.

Muladhara is the storage center of the unconscious, located at the lowest point of the spine.

Features of technology for women

For women, there are two options for the mula bandha technique, consider both:

  • First option

Sitting in the lotus position (back is straight, hands are on the knees), while inhaling, strain the anus, while imagining how your energy is directed upwards in a column, direct it as high as possible with an effort of will.
Try to stay in this position until you feel a tremor in your body. The more vividly you visualize the flow of your own energy through the spine, the more clearly you will feel the physical manifestations.

The mouth will fill with saliva, the skin will tingle, and heat will spread in the pelvic area. Relax completely as you exhale. Do the exercise five to seven times.

  • Second option

The starting position is “standing”, feet shoulder-width apart, hands can be lowered along the body. Trying not to use your hips, tighten your buttocks and anus while inhaling, try to pull it up as much as possible.

Tighten the vagina, while you should feel how the clitoris extends, the area surrounding it tenses. Perform tension and relaxation for a minute.

It is useful to perform this exercise several times a day, and over time you will feel how your hidden energy wakes up - the highest manifestation of creativity and beginning.

Features of technology for men

Consider the technique of performing mula bandha for a man:

Sit on the floor or on a chair with your spine straight and your palms on your hips.
Feel the surface with your buttocks, take a shallow breath and hold your breath. Try to strain the anus as much as possible, directing the tension up to the reproductive organ.

In this case, the scrotum and testicles move forward. Hold this position for as long as you can, then take another shallow breath, relax and exhale. Repeat the cycle up to seven times.

The constant practice of this technique will allow men to cope with many problems: involuntary ejaculation, sexual weakness, inguinal, will control the production of testosterone.

Did you know? Some of the yoga techniques, in particular, breathing practices, are used during the training of specialists in risky professions: submariners, astronauts, rescue services, intelligence officers and elite military units.

Signs of incorrect execution

The biggest mistake of beginners is to try to tighten the muscles as much as possible: this leads to unconscious sexual arousal. As a result, the body submits exclusively to this attraction, the rhythm of breathing changes, and the emotional mood gets lost.
If this happens, you should rest until the calm state is fully restored and then repeat the lesson, taking into account the previous mistake.

It should be remembered that everything will not work out right away, the technique is mastered gradually, stage by stage, therefore it is divided into the three cycles listed above, the first of which is ashwini mudra.

It is recommended that you first choose a suitable breathing rhythm and learn how to turn off the control of consciousness over the action. Another recommendation is to find the most comfortable position in which you feel maximum relaxation.

Consider the main factors that should not be while working with equipment:

  • overheating in the perineum;
  • failure in the rhythm of breathing;
  • inclusion in the work of other muscles;
  • pain or discomfort in the area;
  • sexual arousal;
  • tension in the eyes (the eyelids should be relaxed).

Mula bandha, like any serious practice that affects health, has contraindications:
  • Women should not take up the execution during critical days, without the supervision of an instructor.
  • In case of gynecological diseases, you should seek the advice of a doctor (preferably familiar with the practice).
  • It is not advisable to take classes with infectious diseases, with high pressure and the presence of dizziness.
In conclusion, advice for all beginners: if it’s hard for you to figure out the peculiarities of the technique yourself, it’s better to contact a practicing mentor. Remember that it’s more effective to exercise a little and regularly: set aside 15-30 minutes for practice every day.

Today I will tell you about Mula Bandha. First, let's understand what bandhas are. These are also certain yoga exercises, which are also called locks.

The word "bandha" means "to hold, hold, bind". It very accurately describes the physical actions required to perform these exercises. Various parts of the body gently but powerfully contract and tighten, which has a massaging effect on the internal organs, removes stagnant blood in them, stimulates and regulates the functioning of the nerve tissues that innervate these organs, improves the functioning and health of the body as a whole. Mula Bandha is the root lock, one of the main bandhas in hatha yoga.

Although bandhas are physical actions, they have a subtle effect on energy centers and the flow of energy. The practice stimulates the flow, and the bandhas direct it to the right areas of the body, preventing it from scattering.

Today I will tell you about one of the bandhas - Mula Bandha. Mula Bandha helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum, directs energy upward.

Why strengthen these muscles? Firstly, it facilitates the course of pregnancy and childbirth for women. Secondly, it prevents various diseases. Thirdly, it removes involuntary leakage of urine due to the weakness of these muscles. Helps to quickly return to shape after childbirth, makes it easier for a woman to achieve orgasm during sex. It's safe to say that strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will make your sex life more vibrant and fulfilling.

With constant practice of Mula Bandha, prana and apana unite, urination and stool decrease, and even an old man becomes young.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

All practices that combine two opposing forces, prana and apana, generate and release a huge amount of heat in the body. This increases the rate of metabolism in the body for a short period of time, which reduces the intensity of cell death and decomposition; the absorption of nutrients and their assimilation are improved and the nervous system, blood circulation and brain functions are strongly stimulated. The mind becomes more alive, sense desires and the need for sleep are reduced, and even during sleep there is greater awareness. When Mula Bandha is practiced regularly, the physiological need for food decreases and the same symptoms appear that are due to perfection in pranayama and uddiyana bandha.

mula bandha - performance techniques

In the initial stage of Mula Bandha practice, there is a tendency to contract two areas, namely the perineum and anus. Mula Bandha takes place in the center of the body, neither in front nor behind. Then compresses directly. Controlled systematic contraction of the perineum or cervix produces heat in the subtle body and this awakens the kundalini potential.

Technique 1

Sit in a comfortable position with your body completely relaxed and your spine straight.

Men should squeeze the area exactly inside the perineum, so it's best to concentrate on that spot for a few minutes at first. Women should focus on the cervix, as the muscles of the vagina and cervix should contract.
After a few minutes of concentration, begin to gradually contract and relax the muscles of the perineum or cervix.
Muscle contraction should last for a few seconds.
Breathing should be normal. Perform up to twenty cycles of muscle contraction and relaxation.

Technique 2

Prepare as for the previous practice. Contract the muscles of the perineum or cervix and hold this contraction.
Hold the muscles in a contracted state for as long as possible, then relax them. Perform up to twenty times.

Technique 3

The contraction should begin gently and only partially. Slightly tighten your muscles and hold this state without relaxation.
Then contract the muscles a little harder. Continue to gradually increase the tension of the muscles until, in ten spasmodic changes, you reach their full contraction.
Hold full compression for as long as possible; try to keep your breathing normal.


Mula bandha, or "Root lock" - is a contraction of the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor. Such an action, simple for the practice of yoga, has a powerful effect on the entire pranic system. But Mula bandha is not only for “fanatic” yogis, this technique, which is not difficult at first approximation, can help literally everyone who wants to improve the condition of their body and be filled with strength, vivacity, and enthusiasm. With regular correct practice, Mula bandha improves health very noticeably, and in line with yoga, it allows you to take the practice to a new level. How does this happen and how to perform this technique correctly?

The classical texts on yoga say the following about this bandha:

“Pressing the yoni (perineum) firmly with the heel, squeeze the anus and lift the apana up. This is how moola bandha is performed. (Hatha Yoga Pradipika, 3.60)

"Pressing the yoni again and again with force pull up the air." (Hatha Yoga Pradipika, 3.62)

"Press the heel of the left foot to the perineum, squeeze the anus, then carefully press the navel to the spine (pulling in the stomach)." (Gheranda Samhita, 3.14)

“Place your right heel on the genitals. This age-destroying mudra is called mula bandha.” (Gheranda Samhita, 3.15)

The best postures for performing mula bandha are siddhasana for men and siddha yoni asana for women, because. in them, the heel strongly presses on the region of the muladhara chakra, which contributes to physical contraction. It is also possible to use any meditative posture in which the knees are firmly on the floor.

So, sit down with a straight back, hands on your knees. Close your eyes and relax your whole body. We try to feel the floor with the buttocks and anus. We take a deep breath, hold our breath and perform jalandhara bandha.

Slowly squeeze the anus with the maximum possible effort.. Pull the muscles of the anus from the periphery of the circle to the center and up. Women can extend the force forward to the vijayna and men to the scrotum.

Concentration on the Muladhara Chakra.

We hold the tension on holding the breath for as long as we can. Then we relax the pelvic muscles, stop jalandhara bandha, raise our head and exhale gently.

If you wish, you can perform the practice with an external delay - bahir kumbhaka - i.e. exhale first and then perform jalandhara bandha. However, in this case, it is not possible to hold the breath for as long as with internal retention - antar-kumbhaka.

Mula bandha affects the so-called Apana - a subspecies of prana, this is a stream of energy that flows down and is responsible for the perception of the "lower" centers that stimulate a person to develop on the material plane: earn money, procreate and build a family, equip a house, secure yourself from all sorts of misfortunes, protect your health, as well as for the tendency to apathy, laziness. One of the facets of the impact of Mula bandha is that it removes the blocks that hinder our implementation in these areas, harmonizes all these areas of life. Mula Bandha also "seals" the lower end of the Sushumna Nadi (Central Channel), preventing energy from leaking through the lower centers. At an advanced level of practice, Mula Bandha awakens the Muladhara Chakra, and awakens the powerful dormant Kundalini energy.

It is important to consider that Mula bandha, like other "energy locks", works not only at a gross level, and it is not only the contraction of the muscles of the perineum. Bandhas block (restrain) movement at five levels: muscular immobility, cessation of breathing, cessation of sensations, thoughts and consciousness. While doing Mula bandha, we simultaneously “compress” the Muladhara chakra. In this way, we can treat physical illnesses, digestive problems, and sexual disorders (such as frigidity, impotence, etc.). Several authoritative treatises on yoga (“Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, “Shiva Samhita”, among others) state that Mula bandha relieves decrepitude at an older age, and some adepts with its help even completely conquered old age, keeping up to “gray” years the physical condition of the body is completely "young". This is partly manifested even in many modern experienced yogis and yoginis, who have a strong, attractive and “young” body even at the age of “over 60 years”. The ancient texts (Tantras and Upanishads) and modern authoritative authors such as Sir John Woodroffe (Serpent Power) and B.K.S. speak of Mula Bandha with great respect. Iyengar ("Clarification of Yoga") among others. In short, the practice of Mula Bandha is very beneficial.

The yogic text "Gheranda Samhita" describes this technique in some detail: "Press the area between the anus and the genitals with the heel of the left foot, and squeeze the anus ...". This can be done at the end of your regular asana and pranayama routine, or separately during the day (if sleep is restless, don't do it at night).

Practice is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Sit in a comfortable posture, preferably Padmasana or Siddhasana. The back is straight, do not lower the head.
  2. Close your eyes and relax for 1-2 minutes, observing the process of natural breathing.
  3. We collect our attention at the point of the perineum and genital organs. Now, taking a slow breath, we compress this area - the pelvic floor. We strain the entire area: the genitourinary system, genitals, anus (at the basic level of mastering Mula bandha, you need to compress this entire area: that is, Vajroli Mudra, Mula bandha and Ashwini mudra can occur to one degree or another).
  4. With an exhalation, gradually relax everything that was compressed.
  5. Squeeze again (on inspiration).
  6. We relax again (on the exhale).
  7. We do 5-25 such contractions-relaxations, then we rest. Breathing should not be too intense (so that the head does not spin).

      Sit in a comfortable position.

      Place your palms on your knees.

      Close your eyes and relax your whole body.

      Take a deep breath.

      Then hold your breath and do bandha

      Contract the muscles in the mooladhara chakra.

      Pull the muscles up as far as you can, without undue tension.

      Constantly fix your attention on the point of contraction.

      Hold this contraction for as long as possible.

      Then stop cutting.

      Stop bandha.

      Raise your head and exhale.

This is one cycle. If necessary, wait until breathing returns to normal. Then do a few more cycles.
Maintain awareness. Don't overstress.

Mula bandha for men

In men, Mula Bandha strengthens the main muscle that holds the Lingam (penis) up. This muscle runs throughout the Lingam below and is attached at its base to the pelvic bones. To train this muscle, one more is added to the usual version of the Mula bandha of the tantrikas. They do the exercise when the Lingam is about 50% excited.

Basic execution technique. The initial stage of the exercise is performed in the same way as the main version: sitting with a straight back, hands on hips. Feel the floor or seat of a chair with your buttocks and bring your attention to your anus. Inhale half the volume of the lungs, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly contract your anus muscles to your limits. Spread the tension from the anus along the underside of the Lingam forward and upward. You need to feel how the scrotum, together with the testicles, rose up. Hold tension for as long as possible. Take an additional small breath, relax all the involved muscles and exhale completely calmly.


    If you wish, you can practice with external breath holding (bahir kumbhaka); that is, one can exhale first and then perform jalandhara bandha. However, this alternative method has the disadvantage that it does not hold the breath for as long as with internal retention.

Advanced practice may include (after mastering the basic technique!) contraction with pulsation of 4-5 levels in each contraction and the same relaxation; very slow contraction and equally slow relaxation; long retention of Mula bandha - against the background of it, other practices can be performed: for example, with Mula bandha, with problems with the lower back, all backbends are performed; and on a light Mula bandha, you can do Surya Namaskara and almost all individual asanas.
