Inclined leg press lying on the simulator: 4 options for setting the legs

The leg press trains all the muscles of the legs without exception. Working muscles: quadriceps, biceps femoris, buttocks, adductors of the thighs, calves.

Target muscles in the classic version - quadriceps thigh.

Leg Press: 4 Technique Options [Video]

The leg press is a basic exercise aimed at pumping the front and back muscles of the thigh and buttocks. It is performed lying on a special simulator with an inclination of 45 degrees. Depending on the position of the feet on the platform during the exercise, one or another target muscle receives the maximum load. Further in the article, we will talk about 4 basic techniques for performing a leg press in the simulator, how to do the exercise with a narrow and wide setting of the legs, and what muscles are involved in the classic version.

site 2017-11-26 Technique for performing leg press while lying in the simulator, correct positioning of the legs

What muscles work with the classical setting of the legs: load on a 10-point scale

Application of the exercise "Inclined leg press in the simulator"

To whom. Everyone from beginner to master, men and women.

When. At the beginning of a leg or butt workout. After the leg press, do isolated exercises for the quadriceps and hamstrings.

how many. 4 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8 reps.

How to do a leg press (classic)

  1. Starting position: sitting in the simulator. The legs are on the platform shoulder width apart. The knees are slightly bent. Hands hold on to the handrails.
  2. Inhale and lower the platform down until your hips touch your chest.
  3. Slowly lift the platform up to the starting position while exhaling.

Attention! To avoid heavy stress on the knee joints, the knees are always slightly bent at the top of the movement.

The main mistakes when doing the exercise:

  • Full leg extension. Not allowed! It is a dangerous movement, you can break your legs. Never straighten your legs completely. When fully extended, the leg muscles relax. The entire load is transferred to the knee joints.
  • Incorrect position of the body in the starting position. The back is bent or the pelvis is not in the seat. Try to sit on the seat and rest your back against the back of the simulator tightly. Fix this position.
  • Bringing the knees inward. In the classic version, keep your knees symmetrically at the level of your feet. It is not allowed to bring inside.
  • Incorrect range of motion. Sharp and swinging movements are not allowed. Shortened amplitude - not welcome. Do all movements smoothly.

Platform leg options

Depending on the target muscles, there are different options for performing the exercise. Choose the option that suits your workouts and perform the exercise according to the fitness trainer's instructions.

Leg press with an emphasis on the buttocks (narrow stance)

Target muscles in the exercise: buttocks and back of the thigh. It is performed as a classic bench press. The position of the legs is different.


  1. Foot stance: feet together on top of the platform, knees together. When lowering, do not spread your knees.
  2. Pushing the platform with the heels. We rest with an emphasis on the heels, the toes of the foot are slightly stretched over ourselves.
  3. The amplitude of movement is individual for everyone. It all depends on the mobility of the hip joints. If flexibility allows, do a full range of motion. Otherwise, give preference to a shortened one.


  1. Breeding the knees to the sides.
  2. Platform toe press.
  3. Low stance on the platform.

Target Muscles- Quadriceps of the thigh.


  1. Positioning of the feet from the bottom of the platform. The distance between the feet is 20-30 cm.
  2. The main emphasis of the foot falls on the socks. It is allowed to slightly tear off the heels 0.5 cm.

The errors are the same as in the classic version.

Advice. This exercise puts a lot of stress on the knee joints. If there is discomfort in the knees, refuse to perform.

Adductor Hip Leg Press (wide stance)

Target group- adductor muscles of the thigh.


  1. The stance is wide. The feet are turned to the sides.
  2. When lowering, we spread our knees to the sides. Breeding and bringing the knees together is a mandatory movement.


  • Incorrect positioning of the legs.
  • Lowering and lifting weights without breeding and bringing knees together.