Cancer Nutrition - What Causes Cancer? Diet for oncology

When we hear in the media or from acquaintances that there are anti-cancer products that are excellent ways to prevent cancer and even help to cure it, this causes some skepticism in many. Is it really? Whether the substances contained in certain foods can affect the processes in the body caused by cancer, we will try to study in this article.

The role of nutrition in the body

Gone are the days of food shortages and shortages. Today, the shelves of shops and supermarkets abound in a variety of products, for different tastes and colors. The life of people was made easier by the appearance of all kinds of semi-finished products, instant soups and cereals, which are enough to fill with water and the food is ready. Due to the changed rhythm of life, people eat on the go, snacking on a sandwich with sausage or sausage. It's so tasty and satisfying. But all this has a second side of the coin. Consumption of food containing carcinogens, dyes, flavors, a sedentary lifestyle, uncontrolled intake of certain medications, including antibiotics, suppress the human immune system and, as a result, leads to various kinds of diseases.

It seems to us that such a disease as cancer will never touch us, and even if someone close to us is diagnosed with cancer, we believe that this is a coincidence of circumstances beyond our control. But scientists, who have been studying the role of nutrition in our body for many years, have come to the conclusion that unbalanced and poor-quality nutrition often leads to the formation of all kinds of tumors. If, nevertheless, the disease has not passed, the role, especially at the stage of the patient's recovery, is invaluable.

A person loses a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, trace elements, which can only be replenished with a balanced diet. In this regard, scientists have developed a special diet for patients with cancer. On the advice of the oncologist, the patient must adhere to this diet. With some types of cancer, such as cancer of the stomach, throat, oral cavity, as well as after surgery, eating becomes extremely painful and in some cases impossible. In such situations, a special probe is used to introduce food.

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Consider, with the use of what kind of products of animal and plant origin, the risk of cancer is reduced or the body is restored faster during an illness.

Video: Food Against Cancer

Foods that can inhibit cancer cells

As you know, the treatment of cancer is a rather complicated process. The radiation used, which kills cancer cells, are certainly effective methods of treatment, but at the same time they strongly suppress the already weakened human immunity. How to defeat the disease, and what is the role of products in this difficult struggle, we will try to answer these questions. Experts advise to include in the diet foods that increase immunity and can suppress cancer cells. These foods are readily available and can be included in your daily diet.

Eating dairy products, scientists did not come to an unambiguous conclusion, since along with the content of useful elements such as calcium, milk and dairy products, they contain substances that provoke the development of cancer. Nevertheless, doctors recommend including in the diet low-fat dairy products, such as kefir.

Of particular note are foods that contain antioxidants.... These substances have a number of medicinal properties, in particular, and a rejuvenating effect. This effect is achieved by the ability of antioxidants to remove free radicals from the body. Scientists have found that antioxidants have cancer-preventing properties. The body itself is capable of producing antioxidants, but their amount is negligible. Nature has given us the ability to obtain antioxidants from many vegetables, fruits and berries. These include red berries: currants, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, cranberries, pomegranates, citrus fruits, cherries, strawberries, plums, some varieties of apples, nuts, dried fruits. This list is far from definitive. We will consider some of them in detail.


Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family, which contains the substance sulforaphane. Scientists at the University of Michigan (USA) have shown that sulforaphane is able to stimulate the growth of stem cells. Stem cells are not yet fully understood type of body cells. But it is known that these cells are capable of destroying.

Daily rate. Eating 300 grams of broccoli per week reduces the risk of bladder cancer by almost half and lung cancer by a third. Experts recommend consuming raw broccoli.


Berries contain substances called phytonutrients. These substances are capable of inhibiting. Most of this substance is found in black raspberries.

The peels and seeds of grapes contain the substance resveratrol. In the course of experiments on rats, it was found that this substance prevents genetic mutations in cells, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. And, as you know, inflammatory processes are the precursors of malignant tumors.


The red color of the tomato is given by the substances lycopene and carotenoids. It is these substances, according to scientists, that can be attributed to substances that help fight cancer cells. Namely, it is an excellent prophylactic agent for cervical cancer. Men who regularly consume tomatoes prevent their risk of developing. This is achieved due to the fact that lycopene suppresses the action of androgens. Androgens are hormones that form prostate tissue hypertrophy.

Daily rate. Consuming 30 mg of lycopene per day can reduce bowel cancer by up to 60%. Drinking one glass of tomato juice a week is an excellent cancer prevention measure.


Walnuts are a real remedy for preventing breast cancer, as well as in women. This effect is achieved thanks to the substance phytosterol contained in walnuts. Also in the composition of the walnut there is a substance irreplaceable for our body - selenium. With a deficiency of selenium in the body, a person's immunity decreases, the bones become fragile. A decrease in immunity, as you know, contributes to an increase in the number of cancer cells.

Daily rate is 100-150 g per day. To replenish selenium in the body, it is enough to consume 4-5 nuts per day.


Folic acid, phytosterols, resvaratrol, which are part of the legume - peanuts, have anti-cancer properties. Scientists have proven that niacin, which is part of peanuts, reduces the risk of colon cancer in women by 58%, in men by 27%.

Daily rate is 1/4 cup of peanuts per day.

Garlic and onion

The phytochemicals found in garlic and onions neutralize the nitrates and carcinogens found in many foods on the shelves today. Scientists have found that according to statistics, people who eat garlic and onions daily are 60% less likely to get colorectal cancer. For brain tumors, doctors recommend eating garlic.

Daily rate. One clove of garlic per day is enough. Onions - one small onion, weighing about 10 grams. Ray and garlic are best eaten raw. Certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are contraindications to use. Also, do not use when taking medications that thin the blood, as well as before surgery.

Beans and legumes

Whole grains

Oats, brown rice, and wild rice are high fiber foods. Fiber, as you know, is the real "broom" of our body. Studies have shown that eating foods rich in fiber protects women from. Also, the use of cereals from whole grain products is recommended for oral cancer,.

Green tea

Contains polyphenols. Laboratory studies have shown that these substances are powerful against and (melanoma). Doctors advise drinking green tea instead of coffee and black tea.

Daily rate. Nutritionists recommend drinking three cups of green tea a day. Contraindicated in certain cardiovascular diseases. During pregnancy and lactation, you should limit the amount of green tea you drink.


In addition to antibacterial and antiviral properties, some types of mushrooms have anti-cancer functions. Known for its medicinal properties, the Reishi mushroom is grown for medicinal purposes. This mushroom powder is added to modern anticancer drugs. Reishi mushroom not only boosts immunity, but also prevents the spread of cancer cells.

Olive oil

Contains a huge amount of antioxidants. Doctors recommend using olive oil when. The inclusion of olive oil in the daily diet significantly reduces the risk of cancer. Experts recommend oil - extra first cold pressing.

Daily rate- 25 g per day.

Red wine

Red wine contains polyphenols that stop the formation of cancer cells in healthy tissues.

The substance resvaratrol, which belongs to polyphenols, contributes to the formation of the so-called apoptosis. Apoptosis is the self-destruction of harmful cells. The use of red wine by women helps to regulate hormonal levels.

Daily rate. Despite the beneficial properties of red wine, it is still an alcoholic drink and its daily intake should not exceed 50 g. This is enough to prevent the formation of various kinds of tumors.

A fish

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish play an important role in the metabolic processes of the body, and also have anti-carcinogenic properties. In addition to normalizing fat metabolism, omega-3 fatty acids also prevent the formation of free radicals. Doctors most often recommend eating fish meat to patients after radiation and chemotherapy.

Daily rate is 150 gr. any seafood .


US scientists, in laboratory and clinical trials, have concluded that daily egg consumption reduces the risk of breast cancer by 24%. Experts associate the beneficial properties of eggs with the choline contained in their composition.

Daily rate. Oncologists recommend eating 2-3 eggs a day. A contraindication is a protein-free diet prescribed by your doctor.

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* Only on condition that data on the patient's illness is received, a representative of the clinic will be able to calculate an accurate estimate for the treatment.

Rose hip

It is one of the leaders in the content of antioxidants. Tannins, organic acids, fluvanoids, as well as quercetin, which are part of rose hips, can get rid of free radicals and also prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Daily rate. Rosehips should be taken raw in the form of gruel. It is not worth brewing rose hips, as boiling water eliminates many of the beneficial properties of rose hips.

Leafy greens

Greens such as spinach, celery, and parsley also contain antioxidants. Leafy greens are recommended especially for ovarian cancer, as such patients should follow a vegetarian diet. It was found that greens have the properties of slowing tumor growth.

Daily rate greens is 100 gr. Can be added to salads and is best eaten raw. But be sure to rinse the greens well before use.


It is a real storehouse of vitamins. In addition to vitamins C, B, E, kiwi contains flavonoids that have anti-cancer properties.

Daily rate... Including 1-2 kiwis per day in the diet lowers blood cholesterol, and is also an excellent preventive measure against cancer.


According to Japanese scientists, ripe bananas with a peel beginning to turn black are considered useful. The substances that make up bananas are capable of activating human immune cells. They also contain neutrophils and macrophages, which are responsible for the production of a protein, the so-called. This protein has an inhibitory effect on cancer cells.

Daily rate. It is enough to eat one banana a day. It is not only healthy, but also delicious.


Seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and lignan. Lignan is a hormone that can block cancer cells from dividing and spreading throughout the body. In addition to sunflower seeds, pumpkin, linseed and sesame seeds have the same beneficial properties.

Daily rate seeds are small. It is useful to eat 50-60 g per day per day.

Cancer patients, after sessions of radiation or chemotherapy, lose a large number of calories, which is why they quickly lose weight. Despite some food prohibitions and prescribed diets during cancer treatment or rehabilitation, doctors allow the inclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates and glucose in the patient's diet, such as baked goods, chocolate, dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, prunes), honey. Sweet things can sometimes be a kind of psychological therapy for a patient who is exhausted by the treatment processes. The patient often lacks appetite.

To improve appetite, the patient's menu can be supplemented with seasonings (cloves, cinnamon, parsley, ginger, etc.), adding them during the cooking process.

For each type of cancer, a special diet is provided, developed by specialists, where you can find recipes for dishes and foods that can be included in the patient's diet, and especially cooking.

Cancer-promoting foods

Along with healthy products, we will indicate products that are not recommended, and in some cases are prohibited for consumption, in order to avoid various diseases, including malignant tumors.

The list of products that contain anti-cancer ingredients and the list of cancer-causing ones is incomplete. In any case, you need to know when to stop in everything and when buying products, carefully study the composition. Fortunately, now it is possible to find out all the names of the substances that make up the products encrypted by manufacturers. It has long been proven that proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle prevent the occurrence of many diseases, including cancer.

Video: Nutrition for Cancer
