Statements of Freud about men and women. Freud Quotes

The famous founder of psychoanalysis is Sigmund Freud. Quotes from this man are of great interest among readers and simply curious people. Freud’s statements can be re-read many times, to agree with them or not.

Whoever lacks sex speaks of sex, the hungry man speaks of food, the man who does not have money speaks of money, and our oligarchs and bankers speak of morality.
Sigmund Freud

The mystery of the human soul lies in the mental dramas of childhood. Get to the bottom of these dramas and healing will come.
Sigmund Freud

A man never refuses anything; he simply replaces one pleasure with another.
Sigmund Freud

Envy is destructive.
Sigmund Freud

My world is a small island of pain floating in an ocean of indifference.
Sigmund Freud

The more impeccable is the person outside, the more demons are inside him.
Sigmund Freud

The masses never knew the thirst for truth. They require illusions without which they cannot live.
Sigmund Freud

In psychosis, the fantasy world plays the role of a pantry, from where psychosis draws material or samples to build a new reality.
Sigmund Freud

We adults do not understand children, since we no longer understand more than our own childhood.
Sigmund Freud

When they criticize me, I can defend myself, but I am powerless against praise.
Sigmund Freud

We enter the world lonely and lonely leave it.
Sigmund Freud

Loafers rarely go to a busy person - flies don’t fly to a boiling pot.
Sigmund Freud

Unfortunately, repressed emotions do not die. They were silenced. And they from the inside continue to influence the person.
Sigmund Freud

Loving many - knows women, loving one - knows love.
Sigmund Freud

When it comes to matters of religion, people take the sin of dodgy insincerity and intellectual incorrectness.
Sigmund Freud

The only person with whom you must compare yourself is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is you now.
Sigmund Freud

A dream never deals with trifles; we do not allow the insignificant to disturb us in a dream. Outwardly innocent dreams turn out to be not harmless if we deal with their interpretation; so to speak, they always have a "stone in the bosom."
Sigmund Freud

In our dreams, we are always one foot in childhood.
Sigmund Freud

You do not stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should search in yourself. They were always there.
Sigmund Freud

People find the reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining themselves the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality translates these desires into reality. The weak lives in this world of hers and her fantasies are embodied in the symptoms of various diseases.
Sigmund Freud

Everything you do in bed is beautiful and absolutely correct. If only it would please both. If there is this harmony, then you and only you are right, and all those who condemn you are perverts.
Sigmund Freud

The stranger the dream seems to us, the deeper the meaning it carries.
Sigmund Freud

Each person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires in which he does not even confess to himself.
Sigmund Freud

Depression is frozen fear.
Sigmund Freud

Only the realization of a childhood dream can bring happiness.
Sigmund Freud

Neurosis is the inability to bear uncertainty.
Sigmund Freud

How courageous and self-confident is one who becomes convinced that they love him.
Sigmund Freud

The first person who threw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.
Sigmund Freud

At this session of psychoanalysis and Freud's quotes ended!

Sigmund Freud: “A truly fulfilled childhood dream can make each of us truly happy.”

The Scylla of Liberty and the Charybdis of the prohibition contain the secret of learning. The path between them is the perfect upbringing.

Allegations of freedom of choice, mental freedom are not backed up by any scientific facts. It is necessary to destroy these theories and adopt the laws of determinism.

A real woman makes a man softer. All the rest are weaker. - Z. Freud

When we move from pleasures to harsh, everyday reality, only dreams and immersion in the world of our own fantasies can save us.

If we determine the causes of all human anxieties and fears, we will get a spotlight, with the help of which it will be possible to brightly illuminate the whole psychology of a person, psychic essence and background. Light - and carefully consider.

Freud: “Qualities, traits, even if they change, then very slowly, slowly. The only exceptions are that people change quickly during wars and revolutions. ”

The surefire way to destroy introspection is to tell everyone you know about it.

Continuation of quotes and aphorisms of Sigmund Freud read on the pages:

A husband is almost always only a substitute for a beloved man, not this man himself.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.

Every normal person is actually only partly normal.

Truth will set you free.

Every culture is forced to rely on coercion and the prohibition of drives.

We want to exist, we are afraid of non-being, and therefore we invent wonderful tales in which all our dreams come true. An unknown goal waiting for us ahead, the flight of the soul, paradise, immortality, God, reincarnation - all these are illusions designed to sweeten the bitterness of death.

It is impossible to do without minority domination over the masses, because the masses are stagnant and short-sighted, they do not like to give up drives, do not listen to the arguments in favor of the inevitability of such a rejection, and individual representatives of the masses encourage permissiveness and licentiousness in each other.

Love is the most proven way to overcome feelings of shame.

If one could not find anything in the other that should be fixed, then both of them would be terribly bored.

It is human nature to value and desire above all that he cannot achieve above all else.

Sexual restriction goes hand in hand with a certain cowardice and caution, while fearlessness and courage are associated with the free satisfaction of sexual needs.

Neurosis is the inability to bear uncertainty.

Education should seek its way between the Scylla of complete freedom of action and the Charybdis of prohibition.

A man is recovering, giving vent to his sexuality.

There is nothing more expensive than a disease and its neglect.

A tolerant attitude towards life remains the first duty of all living beings.

If a person becomes interested in the meaning of life or its value, it means that he is sick.

Neuroses are caricatures of the great social products of art, religion, and philosophy. Hysteria is a caricature of a work of art, a neurosis of obsession is a caricature of a religion, paranoid delirium is a caricature distortion of a philosophical system.

If we recognize the fact that all life dies, returns to inorganic, for internal reasons, as an exception, then we can only say that the purpose of all life is death, and going further that inanimate existed before life. Our instincts, these watchmen of life, were originally death companions.

People, by and large, are experiencing their modernity as if naively, not paying tribute to its deep content.

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain and bring pleasure as a substitute. For this we must accept without complaint when, in conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered.

People are more moral than they think, and much more immoral than they can imagine.

In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of (preferably unforeseen) satisfaction of a long time of pent-up needs.

The ego is not the master in its own home.

We enter the world lonely and lonely leave it.

The Russian psyche ascended to the conclusion that sin is clearly necessary in order to experience all the bliss of God's mercy, and that sin is basically God-pleasing.

Fate accepts no excuses.

When it comes to matters of religion, people take the sin of dodgy insincerity and intellectual incorrectness.

The sole purpose of life is the very process of existence, i.e. the eternal struggle for survival.

The first person who threw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.

Nothing is as expensive in life as illness and stupidity.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.

When it comes to matters of religion, people assume the sin of dodgy insincerity and intellectual incorrectness.

In our dreams, we are always one foot in childhood.

Being completely honest with yourself is a good exercise.

The intention to forcibly overturn religion by force and one blow is undoubtedly an absurd undertaking. First of all, because it is unpromising. The believer will not allow his faith to be taken away either by reason of reason or by prohibition.

Recognizing a problem is half the success in resolving it.

Most people really do not want freedom, because it involves responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility.

The psyche is vast, but it does not know.

Neurosis is a partial victory over the Ego, after the Ego failed to attempt to suppress sexuality.

We are not always free from mistakes, for which we laugh at others.

If you want to be able to endure life, prepare for death.

The peculiarity of the spiritual past is that, unlike the historical past, it is not squandered by descendants.

In a sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of satisfying long-term pent-up needs.

Why don't we fall in love every month with something new? Because when we parted, we would have to lose a particle of our own heart.

Wit is an outlet for hostility that cannot be satisfied in any other way.

Religion - a universal obsessive neurosis

A true masochist will always put his cheek where he has the prospect of getting hit.

Science is not an illusion. It would be an illusion to believe that from somewhere else we can get what it is not capable of giving us.

The ego can treat itself as with other objects, observe itself, criticize itself, and even God knows what to do with himself.

In a love relationship, you can not spare each other, as this can only lead to alienation. If there are difficulties, they must be overcome.

A dream never deals with trifles; we do not allow the insignificant to disturb us in a dream. Outwardly innocent dreams turn out to be not harmless if we deal with their interpretation; so to speak, they always have a stone in their bosoms.

Anxiety is a fundamental phenomenon and a central problem of neurosis.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. Reality is a reflection of dreams.

You should not be surprised that I have accumulated a lot of new information regarding our hypotheses about the phenomenon of anxiety. It is not surprising that all this information does not yet lead us to the solution of this complex problem.

The program to become happy, to which the principle of pleasure compels us, is not feasible, and yet we should not, no, we cannot - give up efforts to somehow fulfill it. Happiness - in the moderate sense in which we can recognize its possibility - is the problem of individual libido saving. Here advice is impossible that would suit everyone: everyone should tailor their happiness to their own style.

The task of making a person happy was not part of the creation plan.

How courageous and self-confident is one who becomes convinced that he is loved.

Sigmund Freud, whose quotations characterize the world and the person in it with the mercilessness of a doctor and the irony of a philosopher, are especially popular in modern society. Check out the precise, soulful aphorisms of the great psychiatrist. Perhaps new facets of life situations and understanding of the behavior of others will open.

Sigmund Freud: quotes about women, love and relationships

The Viennese psychiatrist, who stirred up the world in the 19th century by observing the manifestation of an unconscious in human behavior, laying the foundations of modern psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, was distinguished by a peculiar attitude towards a woman.

She was not for him the Great Mother, the Goddess. He was far from deifying, reading, chanting her, as it was fashionable to do in literature, painting of that time. For a long time he studied the hysteria of women and came to the conclusion that they are the embodiment of the subconscious. They are driven exclusively by instincts and complexes.

But at the same time, Freud was madly in love with Martha Burneys - an Orthodox Jew. Although she became his wife, he was not sure of it to the end. Moreover, Sigmund Freud could not find an explanation for some aspects of female nature. He devoted his research to this.

The father of psychoanalysis tried to explain the mechanism, the nature of love and solve the woman’s secret: does she really love, what drives her in love, what women want.

His concern about how to please the lady of the heart, the subtlety of the love relationship between women and men, the understanding of their nature were transformed into winged sayings that sound both as a diagnosis and as a recommendation to act:

“The great question I still cannot answer, despite my thirty-year study of the female soul, is:“ What does a woman want? ”
  “He who loves many knows women, he who loves one knows love.”
“A husband is almost always only a substitute for a beloved man, and not by this man himself.”
"Love is fundamentally and now as animal as it has been from time immemorial."
"If one could not find in the other what should be fixed, then the two of them would be terribly bored."
"We do not choose each other by chance - we meet only those who already exist in our subconscious."
"A man loves what his‘ I ’lacks to achieve the ideal."


“It is terrible when two loving hearts cannot find either a worthy form or time for tender words. They seem to cherish tenderness in case of unexpected trouble, when the situation itself will force them to do so. Do not skimp on tenderness. "
"A woman should soften, not weaken a man."
  “We are never so defenseless as when we love, and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or its love.”
“In a love relationship you can’t spare each other, as this can only lead to alienation. If there are difficulties, they must be overcome. ”
“Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month?” Because when we parted, we would have to lose a particle of our own heart. ”
"Love itself - like suffering, deprivation - reduces the feeling of self-worth, but mutual love, possession of a favorite object increases it again."

Sigmund Freud's maxims on the relationship between women and men reveal the essence of his method: the liberation of nature from the cult of reason and will. Love is a wonderful feeling that requires a tender and reverent attitude from both women and representatives of the strong half of humanity, wisdom and mutual understanding.

The Austrian psychiatrist was sure that the two sexes should organically complement each other in order to be happy. This is the meaning of love.

Sigmund Freud: quotes and aphorisms about life

Freud is not just a psychiatrist, but also a child of the era of modernism, the time of the dominance of Nietzsche's ideas, which was famous for skepticism and a cynical attitude to eternal human values.

The essence of the irony in the assessment of important everyday phenomena, which is characteristic of Sigmund Freud, is not to ridicule human errors, but in a bitter awareness of the tragedy of human existence.

His aphorisms are recipes for a harsh but correct understanding of life that free a person from illusions, allow him to accept his nature and become happy.

“The task of making a person happy was not part of the creation plan.”
“Illusions appeal to us because they relieve pain and bring pleasure as a substitute.”
"Nothing happens by chance, everything has a root cause."
"Only the realization of a childhood dream can bring happiness."
"Neurosis is the inability to bear uncertainty."
“The only person with whom you must compare yourself is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is you now. ”
"Every normal person is actually only partially normal."

“It is human nature to value and desire above all that he cannot achieve.”
“We live in a very strange time and note with surprise that progress is keeping pace with barbarism.”
"A tolerant attitude towards life remains the first duty of all living beings."
"The goal of all life is death."
“A man never refuses anything, he simply replaces one pleasure with another.”
"Envy is destructive."

Read the statements of Sigmund Freud. Perhaps in them lies the key to self-knowledge or resolution of a difficult life situation. These aphorisms will allow you to better know yourself and people around you, to understand the motives of actions, their and their aspirations, desires.
