Meaning of the female name Ariadne. Ariadne's name day

Since childhood, we have heard the name Ariadne. Surely many, if they haven’t read ancient Greek mythology, have at least watched the Soviet cartoon from the section “Myths of Ancient Greece. Labyrinth." It very interestingly describes the ancient legend about the princess, who was called that way.

The legend itself

Once upon a time there lived an Athenian, young Theseus. He learned that the Cretans annually send seven beautiful girls and the same number of beautiful young men to the island of Crete as sacrifices to the terrible man-bull Minotaur. That monster lived in a labyrinth specially built for him. And not a single living soul could leave that labyrinth. Theseus decided to kill the Minotaur, and the daughter of Minos, Princess Ariadne, helped him in this. She fell in love with Theseus and gave him a sharp sword. With the help of her ball of thread, tied at the entrance to the labyrinth, Theseus, along with other victims, made his way inside, killed the monster and went back along the thread, freeing the others.

what does the name mean

There is still a catchphrase “Ariadne’s Thread”, that is, a symbolic key to resolving a difficult situation and a way out of it. The word Ariadne is associated with this legend - a name whose meaning in translation from Greek is “the one you like”, “ruling”, “faithful wife”.

The prototype of a girl with an amazing name

There is another legend: the name Ariadne was borne by the martyr, the slave of the ruler Primnisa Tertin. Because she disobeyed the ruler and did not make a sacrifice, they imprisoned her and starved her to death. Thanks to her fervent prayers, even the stone parted before her, and the captive fled from public reproach.


Ariadne. The name, meanings and characteristics of the women who wear it become clearer after studying the legends. This is a type of female nature that does not tend to feel comfortable in large companies, among strangers. These are rather modest, quiet women who honor their family and friends. Among her friends, most often there are reliable people, proven over the years. A woman with this name starts a family quite early. Even without finding a common language with her husband, Ariadne (a name whose meaning is associated with patience) meekly endures all hardships and does not complain about difficulties. Ariadne's selflessness is amazing: to do good to one's neighbor without receiving anything in return, not even gratitude - that is her nature. But you shouldn’t consider her indecisive and timid. The winter one differs from all others in its character and its origin makes it independent of other people's gossip.

She is patient and reverent even to the detriment of her interests and problems. She feels inner strength and wisdom, and it is possible to convince her only by presenting a weighty argument. She is tactful, does not listen to gossip and does not judge others. Here is a typical Ariadne - a name whose meaning is: “beloved”, “a woman who commands respect.” Thanks to her patience, Ada is unlikely to have any ill-wishers. This is a woman-mother who is capable of much for the sake of her children. A sense of justice and her own feminine dignity are inherent in her, which she strives to instill in her children. Ariadne celebrates her name day on the first of October. According to the zodiac signs, they are most suitable for her: Aquarius, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

The rather rare name Ariadne came to our culture from Ancient Greece. It came from the name Ariadne, which in turn was formed from “ari” - the intensifying prefix “pre-” and the word “adne”, which in translation takes on different meanings: “immaculate”, “sacred”, “pure”, “faithful” , “ruling”, “attractive”, “beloved”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries, Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Mars
  • Talisman stone: garnet
  • Color: crimson
  • Plant: onion, garlic, asparagus
  • Animal: cow
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

Modest, meek and kind, Ariadne has impressed her parents since childhood. She does not like noisy companies, preferring to relax at home with a book or watching TV. A selfless and sympathetic girl is always ready to help a friend, a stranger, or even a person who has offended her. But, despite all her shyness and modesty, she is absolutely independent of public opinion and is capable of a firm “no” when they try to put pressure on her. The girl is selective in choosing friends, of whom there are usually few.

The image of the “hermit crab” becomes obsolete by high school age, when her leadership qualities begin to emerge. Until this time, parents need to instill in their daughter the ability to realistically assess their strengths and adequately perceive criticism addressed to them. As soon as Ariadne feels her “power” over her peers, and this is immediately noticeable by her sharply increased circle of acquaintances, you need to carefully observe her actions and, in some cases, adjust her chosen “model of behavior.” If you don’t do this, then after a while the girl will turn into a cruel cynic with inflated self-esteem.

Ariadne avoids disputes and proceedings, believing that she is above earthly squabbles and squabbles (quarrels over petty intrigues). She has remarkable analytical skills and a sharp, inquisitive mind, but the girl prefers to hide behind the world of illusions that she herself invented. Often she simply “goes with the flow”, and goals and aspirations arise as needed, without detailed analysis and elaboration of their implementation. This girl never rushes into the maelstrom of other people's problems, preferring to get on with her own life. At the same time, she is always ready to lend a helping hand if asked.

The secret of the name Ariadne is that its owner is unusually stubborn and truth-loving. If she stands up for the oppressed, then the “battle for truth” cannot be avoided. This is a practical, but not selfish woman. It is enough for her to have confidence in the stability of the situation. She has almost no enemies, since her innate diplomacy allows her not to rush to conclusions, and her ability to influence people is so great that many simply forget about their desire to cause mischief.

Interests and hobbies

Ariadne can only do what she chooses. She enjoys traveling, reading, helping people, and taking care of animals.

Profession and business

A woman given the name Ariadne easily changes her life orientations and type of activity. For her, a good choice is the profession of a teacher, business manager, leading economist, banking or customs specialist. Can make a career as a military man or writer.


Ariadne usually does not complain about her health, believing that it is low and unworthy of respect. However, the heart and kidneys still deserve special attention. She needs wellness treatments to cleanse her kidneys and bladder. To prevent colds, it doesn’t hurt to drink herbal teas from time to time.

Sex and love

Ariadne is quite practical about her sexuality and attractiveness. She understands perfectly well the impression she makes on men and tries to benefit from it. But if he falls in love, he completely turns off prudence and gives himself over to passion. A woman with this name is very creative sexually; her partner will never say that he is bored with her. However, she demands reciprocity, and if she does not enjoy intimacy, she immediately gets rid of the “passive” man.

Family and marriage

Ariadne can marry early, although not always successfully. For some time he takes a wait-and-see position without complaining or complaining about fate. True, as soon as she “wakes up” and looks at the situation impartially, she easily breaks off the relationship and can remarry. The representative of this name is a wonderful housewife, but is slightly careless in everyday life. A certain creative disorder is always present in the house, but this does not complicate her family life at all. The children are always neat and well-groomed, and her husband is always on her side.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Ariadne, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Ariadne

Short name - Rada

Synonyms of the name - Arianna, Eriedni, Ariana, Ariena

Origin - Greek, "ruling"

Zodiac - Pisces

Planet - Venus

Color - Purple

Animal - Monkey

Plant - Valerian

Stone - Garnet, ruby

The name comes from Ancient Greece, where it was the name of the revered saint Ariadne and the character of the ancient Greek myth - the daughter of the king of the island of Crete. The martyr Ariadne suffered for the faith of Christ, and the daughter of the Cretan ruler helped the mythical hero Theseus escape from the labyrinth of the Minotaur by giving him a ball of thread. The name has several meanings - “beloved”, “faithful wife”, “one who commands great respect” and “ruling”.

Love named Ariadne

This girl is always surrounded by a swarm of admirers, however, she does not pay too much attention to eloquent glances. You might think that deep feelings don't matter to her. But this is far from true. Due to her natural modesty and the high demands placed on a potential chosen one, she takes a long time and carefully selects a suitable candidate. He must have a certain amount of patience in order to understand the nature of his passion, since she herself will not be able to fully reveal herself, and besides this, be interesting to her. As a result, disagreements and misunderstandings may arise between the two lovers.

Sexuality of the name Ariadne

A somewhat pragmatic and calculating woman, she tries to extract certain benefits for herself in love. She understands perfectly well that she is attractive to members of the opposite sex, and her sexuality is quite high, so she prefers active partners who can fully satisfy her needs. A woman knows how to give intimate relationships an interesting coloring; many can envy her imagination and ingenuity, although she does not pretend to be a leader in sex. Ariadne waits for a response from her partner and if he is passive, then she immediately stops all contact with him.

Marriage and family named after Ariadne

Marriage for the bearer of this name comes early, however, the first marriage is not always strong and successful. Despite the fact that a woman strives with all her might to preserve family relationships, forgiving her husband a lot, his craving for alcohol can ultimately lead to divorce. She demands little from her husband, is completely unpretentious in everyday life and can be content with little. He never complains to anyone about his family problems, preferring to sort things out on his own. It cannot be said that her house is always in perfect order and crystal clean, but there is always tasty and fresh food, and the children are neat. In addition, she is closely involved in raising children, promoting their intellectual and physical development. And my husband doesn’t pay too much attention to some clutter.

Business and career

This woman can succeed in various fields of activity, but she is closer to creative professions, where she can fully reveal her talents. She will do only such work with pleasure, receiving moral satisfaction. Otherwise, she will simply have to force herself to get up and go to a job she doesn’t like by sheer force of will. But even here she will prove herself to be an executive and responsible worker. A widely educated and inquisitive woman can choose a profession that requires her encyclopedic knowledge. She will be able to manage her own business. This lady generally easily adapts to any life circumstances.

The meaning of the name Ariadne in character

This woman’s character has many positive traits. This is a kind-hearted and charming lady who, along with her gentle character, has a strong and firm will and independent judgment. She always knows how to find a way out of any difficult situation, using her intuition, life experience and versatile knowledge. She will persistently and patiently pursue her goal, not paying attention to the advice of others. We can say that she has a share of arrogance and self-confidence. Often strives to take a leadership position, especially in relation to the spouse. She has a high sense of self-esteem, and rarely can anyone speak impartially about this lady. In the same way, she has a negative attitude towards judging another person, even if the whole society is against him.

Teen Ariadne

From an early age, the girl grows up calm, inquisitive and friendly. He studies well at school, has many friends and friends, but only one faithful friend becomes close, who in her type is the complete opposite of Ariadne. It is extremely important for a girl to feel the love and care of loved ones, this gives her more confidence in her abilities, and their opinion is very important to her. She avoids noisy companies, does not attend parties, preferring to be more with her family and friends.

Successful people and stars:

Ariadna Atiles - Venezuelan and Spanish fashion model

Ariadna Diaz - Mexican top model and actress

Ariadna Shengelaya - modern actress of Russian cinema and theater

In mythology, Ariadne is the daughter of the Cretan king Minos.

Ideal compatibility: Gregory, Milan, Rodion, Ruslan

Unsuccessful compatibility: Averyan, Adrian, Efim, Kuzma, Nikifor


The female name Ariadne is not very popular in the territory of modern Russian-speaking states, but it was once in demand, although not in great demand. It has simply excellent significance and can endow the future woman named by him with a huge number of necessary and important qualities. It has good symbolism, an influential interpretation, and excellent compatibility...

History and origin of the name

The topic of the meaning and origin of the name Ariadne is quite interesting and is fraught with many secrets, which, among other things, have been solved by researchers of the last century. But first I would like to note that it has many different forms of pronunciation. It takes such forms as Arinka, Arochka, Arisha, Arishka and many others...

The interpretation indicates that the source of this name form is located in ancient Greek culture. Borrowed from mythology, and translated from the language of Ancient Greece means “the most attractive.”

Mythology says that this name form was awarded to the daughter of the mythical king Minos, and that it was she who helped Theseus, the hero of legends, escape from the ominous labyrinth of the Minotaur. At the time the myth was written, this name was given to newborn girls much more often, although it sounded a little different.

It is known that it is capable of endowing the baby it named with extraordinary strength and ingenuity in the future, and character can be endowed with a huge number of truly necessary qualities.

Meaning of the name Ariadne

This name is of ancient Greek origin and translates as “the most attractive.” The question of the meaning of the name Ariadne is much more complex than the interpretation of its origin, and is fraught with many more secrets and various important aspects. So, according to the legend, the girl given this name is characterized by such traits as thoughtfulness, prudence, prudence, talkativeness and eloquence, savvy and insidiousness. But they will all appear gradually, as they grow up and get on their feet...

In early childhood, this is a child surrounded by attention and care, moreover, from everyone who meets on the path of life. She does not know how to remain silent, chats endlessly and has fun, and she also has optimism, with the help of which she wins the attention of even those who are unpleasant to her. He never gives in to his parents, obeys in everything and tries to meet their requirements, does not show persistence and love of freedom, but cannot stop being pampered and having fun, which is why he often finds himself punished by mom or dad. He has an incredible number of friends, but not all of them are real - he does not know how to distinguish between good and bad, and has equal feelings for everyone without exception. Already at this age, her main characteristic manifests itself, which is both a plus and a minus - gullibility. Plus, because thanks to her she attracts people and acquires true comrades who follow her throughout her entire life’s path, and minus, because she also attracts selfish people who want to take advantage of this dignity of hers in the name of their own good.

Like any male or female name, this also affects the teenage stage. Here, too, openness will manifest itself, playing a positive and negative role at the same time. Selfish people will constantly appear in her life, then ordinary well-wishers will help her cope with this. In general, she has many friends, and everyone will contribute to her existence. Relations with teachers at school and other educational institutions are normal, but not good, and all because of her inability to behave exemplarily and pay due attention to her studies - craving for fun, self-indulgence and playfulness, inability to concentrate on what is important and reluctance to achieve new heights in her studies are playing against her. Although she herself has diligence, responsibility, and diligence, it’s just inconstancy that hinders her.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Ariadne

The name Ariadne is of Greek origin and means “faithful wife,” “causing great respect,” “ruling.”

The patroness of Ariadne is the martyr who bore this name, who was a slave of the ruler Tertin. The girl opposed sacrifices in temples, for which she was imprisoned, and then persecuted by the pagans.

The girl, named Ariadne, will always please her parents. She is gentle and kind, modest and compliant. Problems with such a child usually do not arise: both at school and at home, the girl behaves calmly and restrainedly, there is practically nothing to scold or punish her for.

However, Ariadne does not shine with any particular success in her studies, studying everything superficially and not being interested in anything specific.

Growing up, the girl notices that men are paying attention to her, and, having chosen a worthy mate, she “throws herself headlong into the pool of love.”

The feeling that she is loved, cherished and adored gives Ariadne great pleasure, which is why it often happens that a girl gets married early.

The marriage will be happy if the spouse does not look for adventures “on the side” and does not have an addiction to alcohol.

The woman named by this name is a wonderful wife and caring mother; she will take great pleasure in housekeeping, while feeling happy and in demand.

Congratulations to Ariadne on her name day in verse

Ariadne, Ariadne, you are smart, slim and fine,
Our joy is unearthly, happy name day, dear!
May health be eternal, years have no power,
We wish you endless joy and happiness!

Bright, fiery, active
You are in life, Ariadne, be!
Brave, joyful, perky, creative,
And, of course, don’t forget your friends!

The name day holiday has arrived - God has sent an angel!
He helps Ariadne and doesn’t leave her in trouble!

SMS congratulations to Ariadne on her name day

Bathe, Ariadne, in happiness,
So as not to know bad weather,
We wish you joy, luck,
Much love and respect!

Angel Day is a very kind and personal holiday. I want to wish you, Ariadne, that the wings of an angel will always protect you from suffering and cruelty, gently hug you and warm you. Happy holiday, my love!
