Mother's Day guidelines. Guidelines for holding "Mother's Day" in educational institutions

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To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
The name of my angel is Mom INTRODUCTION We will forever praise the woman whose name is Mother! Moussa Jalil INTRODUCTION MOTHER'S DAY INTERNATIONAL HOLIDAYFirst day of spring


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MOTHER'S DAY IN RUSSIAB.N. Yeltsin Establish a holiday - Mother's Day and celebrate it on the last Sunday of November This Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication FROM PURE HEARTstyle.rotation

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CALL CARD HUGS RECOGNIZE THE FLOWER The flower is yellow-golden, Like a chicken, fluffy. Immediately withers from the frostOur sissy...
A lot of satin petals - Yellow, white, motley, red. Look at me, I'm called ... LEARN THE FLOWER
LEARN THE FLOWER A wonderful flower, It is like a bright light, Lush, important, like a pan, It blooms...
Let's do it in the middle of the swamp Wonderful photo: Picturesque picture - Blossomed here... RECOGNIZE THE FLOWER
He deftly turns his head behind the sun. The field is like in yellow waves. A flower grows here ... LEARN THE FLOWER
LEARN THE FLOWER We will weave wreaths in the summer For Oksana, Masha, Sveta, For Alyonka, two Natashas. All wreaths are made of...
We carried mushrooms in a basket And another blue flower.
Look - by the fence The queen of the garden has blossomed. Not a tulip or a mimosa, But a beauty in thorns ... LEARN THE FLOWER
style.rotation The one who is already seven years old Says: "School, hello! I have a bouquet in my hands - Festive ... RECOGNIZE THE FLOWER
style.rotation LEARN THE FLOWER Lush, round, like a head of cabbage, He shook his head at us. It blooms in summer, Wonderful...
LEARN THE FLOWERHedgehog in the grove, near the tussock Says to Mishutka: "Do you see the blue flowers? This is ...
In May - yellow, and in July - It is a fluffy ball. We blew a little on it - Soared ... RECOGNIZE THE FLOWER
LEARN THE FLOWER In September, the wheat in the field Was poured with an ear. And today we have a lot at school ...
It grows everywhere in the summer - In the field and near the tussocks. It is graceful, purple, It is ... RECOGNIZE THE FLOWER
LEARN THE FLOWER We decorate in the summer Flower beds, parks, flower beds We are our carrot color, And we are called ...

Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian State University of Communications" -
Tomsk College of Railway Transport
Savina I.A.
for the classroom
"The name of my angel is mom"
for teachers and students of secondary vocational education
Tomsk - 2016

Approved at the meeting of the cycle commission "I approve"
Minutes No. ___ dated "____" ____________ 2016 Deputy Director for BP
Chairman _______________ I.A. Savina ____________ L.V. Korosteleva
"____" _______________2016
Savina I.A., Lecturer at the Tomsk College of Railway Transport
The classroom hour "The name of my angel is mother" was developed in accordance with the plan of educational work of teachers. The event is dedicated to Mother's Day.

Event goals:
Development of the moral and moral qualities of the student Familiarization of students with the state holiday Mother's Day
Strengthening the foundations of the importance of the family and the role of the mother
Group rallying
Expanding the horizons of students in a fun way
The development of speech, erudition, curiosity among students Tasks:
Educational: to develop the skills and abilities to work with computer programs
Developing: to promote the development of individual abilities of students, to help them feel confident and active; develop thinking, attention, the ability to express their thoughts
Educational: to cultivate respect for the mother, reverence, respect and love for her
Formed general competencies:
OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.
OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 5. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
Computer, interactive whiteboard
Presentation "Mother's Day in the world"
Presentation "History of the holiday"

Video "Sad story"
Video "Mammoth song"
Video "Moms are waiting"
Handout (suns, clouds, hearts)
Event plan
organizational part. Introductory speech of the teacher.
Main part
Gift preparation
1 Organizational part. Introductory speech of the teacher
We will forever praise
That woman whose name is Mother!
Moussa Jalil Before we start class, I want to know what your mood is. On the table you have a yellow sun and a blue cloud. If you are in a good mood, then raise the sun, and if you are in a bad mood, then a cloud. I really hope that by the end of our class hour everyone will be in a good mood.
One of the problems of today's youth is a rather cool, and sometimes indifferent, attitude of adult children towards their elderly parents. This is one of the facets of a large, topical problem - the lack of mercy.
Our class hour is dedicated to the dearest person on earth - mom. Each of us knows this word from the earliest years, and for many children it becomes the first word spoken independently. However, we rarely think about the real meaning of this word, as we are used to pronouncing it every day. The word "mom" is a special word. It is born as if together with us, accompanying all life.
Mom... She is our song...
She is our miracle!
If you are near, you will forget troubles.
Hands will stretch out, gently embrace,
Affectionately look - all sorrows will be removed!
She is a real miracle always -
The non-setting sun is home!
2 Introduction
Video "A child's conversation with God"
There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked through the centuries:
The most beautiful of women
Woman with a baby in her arms
From any misfortune conjuring
She doesn't do well
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, sublime mother
The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And since then she lives for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
Woman with a baby in her arms
Everything in the world is measured by traces,
No matter how many paths you walk
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children
May the sun applaud her forever!
So she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms!
3 Main body
Presenter 1: Mother's Day is a holiday in honor of mothers. There is such a holiday in almost all countries of the world. It has different traditions and a different history of formation, but it carries one common idea: gratitude to the mother for life, for all her efforts for the good of her children and just selfless love.
Presenter 2: The holiday is international, but in different countries this day falls on different dates. You have leaflets on your desks with the dates of the holiday in different countries. Voice them (students take turns calling countries and dates) (Appendix 1)
Presenter 1: And now listen to the report ____________________________________________________________ about how Mother's Day is celebrated in different countries of the world.
Mother's Day report in different countries
Presenter 2: What flower is customary to wear on clothes on Mother's Day in the USA and Australia? (on Mother's Day it is customary to wear a carnation)
Presenter 1: In which country do children kneel down and give their mothers jasmine? (in Thailand)
Presenter 2: In Russia, the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs came up with the initiative to establish Mother's Day.
Presenter 1: In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. It was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin in 1998. The text of the Decree is very short:
Presenter 2: “In order to increase the social significance of motherhood, I decide: 1. Establish a holiday - Mother's Day and celebrate it on the last Sunday of November. 2. This Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication, ”but thanks to him, Russian mothers received their official holiday.
Presenter 1: For us, this holiday is relatively young. It does not yet have established traditions; few people celebrate it in the family circle. But, perhaps, over time, the significance of this day will increase, because in terms of meaning and content, this is the most holy and touching holiday!
Poem (or other)
From the bottom of my heart, in simple words
Come on, friends, let's talk about mom.
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything together with her,
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.
We love her and for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it's worth coming with a guilty head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.
For always without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And just because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and dearly.
Presenter 2: Honoring a mother woman has a long history, which _____________________________________ will tell us about
Report History of Mother's Day
Presenter 1: How long has Mother's Day been celebrated in Russia? (since 1998)
Presenter 2: According to the legend of which country, as a result of prayers, dead children were returned to a woman? (India)
Presenter 1: Mother's Day is a professional holiday, because motherhood has always been considered hard work. Raising a good person is no less difficult than making a career. To do this, you need to lay down your whole life, give your child the best that is - physical strength, kindness, care.
Presenter 2: If on other holidays we often get off with official, formal congratulations, then this will not work on Mother's Day. Any person who sees the name of this holiday on the calendar will remember his mother and want to congratulate her, talk, send news.
Presenter 1: Unfortunately, it happens that children forget about how much their parents have done for them, especially their mother. I really want to believe that none of you will be able to act ungratefully with the most dear person. Listen to a sad story in verse.
Poem (video)
In more than once already darned robe
Made from brightly colored fibers
In a crowded hospital room
An old woman is standing, crying at the window.
Nobody comforts her anymore.
Everyone knows about the reason for these tears.
They visit neighbors in the ward,
And to her, only once, her son brought a dressing gown.
I forgot about the slippers, he said haltingly:
- I'll bring it tomorrow ... Will you be patient, mother?
- Of course I will. I'm on the feather
And I can lie in woolen socks.
Where can I go here? There is little space.
The nurses will bring food.
I've been sick so much,
What would I just lie down and rest.
The son sighed and looked away.
- Here ... You understand ... It's up to you ...
It's all very confusing and subtle...
But don't think badly of me!
Your apartment is empty
And my wife and I thought about
What are you here and there ... Alone ... Sick ...
If you get better, we'll take you with us.
And the grandchildren will be happy, you know
They do not have a soul in you, mother!
All! Decided! You are moving in with us!
We will sell your apartment!
He took out papers, said without a doubt:
-I thought of everything, trust me, mom ...
As soon as we see improvements,
From here you will immediately go to live with us.
What do you say here? He is her son, her own blood ...
And grandchildren are worth living for!
And signed without suspecting
How things really work.
Days go by, weeks go by...
There is no son. And he is unlikely to come.
The old woman was consoled and pitied ...
But who and what does not understand here?
And every day the old woman is getting weaker
And at night more and more dreams
As the porridge in the morning warms the son,
But he cries and does not want to eat.
And the first steps of a baby son,
And the word that he said for the first time
And the first scratches and bumps,
And kindergarten, and school - first grade ...
Doctors are silent, trying their best
At least somehow alleviate her suffering.
And relatives strictly forbade
Tell the old woman about the diagnosis.
She doesn't know this hospital is-
Not a city simple hospital,
That there is no more chance for a correction ...
But, for her, ignorance is not a nightmare.
"Hospice" sign on the wall at the entrance
She doesn't say anything bad.
Strange words have long been fashionable
And should anyone be blamed for that?
She doesn't know what son is doing right
Calls doctors, twice a week:
- You said - dying ... Strange,
That she is still alive.
She is alive. She waits and believes
That the son will come, hug, explain ...
Now the chamber doors will open,
She will understand everything and forgive everything ...
With the last strength she gets out of bed
Holding on to the wall, go to the window.
How much more patience does she have?
So to believe the indifferent son?
She is ready to try
And the forces that are not, she must find.
Will he suddenly come? She must wait!
He will come ... Well, how can he not come?
Standing and crying… Waiting for news from his son…
Just look at the sky casually
And tugs at the pectoral cross with his hand -
Like, wait, Lord, don't take it...
Presenter 2: Do not be cruel to mothers! There is an old saying: "A mother carries a child for nine months under her heart and all her life - at her heart." Always remember this, do not offend your mothers, they are not eternal, take care of them. Say warm words to your mothers, not only on the day of the holiday, but all the time. Take care of them, protecting them from excitement and trouble.
Presenter 1: My mother is the best kind, caring, always understands and forgives, supports in difficult times. And what is your mother like? Describe it in one word.
Competition "My mother is the best"
(affectionate, gentle, kind, generous, fair, strict, etc.)
Presenter 1: This year in Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on November ____. Don't forget to congratulate your moms!
Host 2: Traditionally, on Mother's Day in many countries, all children bring flowers, sweets, small gifts to their mothers to once again express their love and gratitude to them. What can (and should) be done on this day, and on any other day?
Presenter 1: Buy flowers. Mom is your favorite person. Give her at least one flower, and if there is no money, draw it, make it out of paper.
Presenter 2: Call your mother if you live far away, your mother will always be glad to hear that you are doing well, that you remember her.
Presenter 1: Dedicate a poem, a story or just good words on a postcard to your mother.
Presenter 2: Just hug your mother and thank you for having her like that, for the fact that she understands you and loves you wholeheartedly no matter what.
Presenter 1: All our mothers love flowers very much. Flowers give people joy. And in the summer they will not get bored, and in the winter they bring us freshness and warmth. Our game is called - "Recognize the flower." Your task is to guess which flower it is.
Presenter 2: The flower is yellow-golden,
Like a chicken, fluffy.
Withers immediately from frost
Our sissy... (mimosa)
Presenter 1: Many satin petals -
Yellow, white, colorful, red.
Look at me,
I am called ... (carnation)
Presenter 2: Wonderful flower,
He is like a bright light
Lush, important, like a pan,
Blooming... (tulip)
Presenter 1: Let's do it among the swamp
Great photo:
picturesque picture -
Blossomed here ... (water lily)
Presenter 2: Turns deftly
He is behind the sun head.
The field is as if in yellow waves.
A flower grows here ... (sunflower)
Presenter 1: We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alyonka, two Natashas.
All wreaths are from ... (daisies)
Presenter 2: We carried mushrooms in a basket
And a blue flower.
This wild flower
Thin gentle ... (cornflower)
Presenter 1: Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa
And in the thorns beauty ... (rose)
Presenter 2: The one who is already seven years old,
Say: "School, hello!
I have a bouquet in my hands -
Festive ... (asters) "
Presenter 1: Lush, round, like a head of cabbage,
He shook his head at us.
It blooms in summer
Wonderful... (peony)
Presenter 2: Hedgehog in a grove, near a bump
Mishutka says:
"Do you see the blue flowers?
This is ... (forget-me-nots)"
Presenter 1: In May - yellow, and in July -
He is a fluffy ball.
We blew a little on him -
Soared ... (dandelion)
Presenter 2: In September, wheat in the field
It poured into an ear.
And we have school today
Many ... (gladiolus)
Presenter 1: It grows everywhere in the summer -
In the field and at the bumps.
He is elegant, purple,
This is ... (bell)
Presenter 2: Decorate in the summer
Flowerbeds, parks, flower beds
We are with our carrot color,
And we are called ... (marigolds)
Presenter 1: Today we propose to prepare small gifts for your mothers.
Presenter 2: We have prepared felt-tip pens and colored hearts for you. Write affectionate and tender words to your mother on hearts.
4 Preparing gifts
(sound the song Mammoth)
Presenter 1: On Sunday, be sure to read these words to your mother expressively with warmth, love, and believe me, there will be no more expensive gift for your mother than the one you prepared today.
Presenter 2: And in conclusion, listen to a poem by Sergei Yesenin, who, even as an adult, did not hesitate to be affectionate and gentle with his mother.
Poem S. Yesenin Letter to mother
Are you still alive, my old lady?
I'm alive too. Hello you, hello!
Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light.
They write to me that you, concealing anxiety,
She was very sad about me,
What do you often go to the road
In an old-fashioned ramshackle.
And you in the evening blue darkness
We often see the same thing:
Like someone is in a tavern fight for me
He put a Finnish knife under the heart.
Nothing, dear! Calm down.
It's just painful bullshit.
I'm not such a bitter drunkard,
To die without seeing you.
I'm still just as gentle
And I only dream about
So that rather from rebellious longing
Return to our low house.
I'll be back when the branches spread
In spring, our white garden.
Only you me already at dawn
Don't wake up like eight years ago.
Don't wake up what you dreamed
Do not worry about what did not come true -
Too early loss and fatigue
I have experienced in my life.
And don't teach me to pray. No need!
There is no return to the old.
You are my only help and joy,
You are my only inexpressible light.
So forget your worries
Don't be so sad about me.
Don't go to the road so often
In an old-fashioned ramshackle.
Video "Moms are waiting"
Host 2: Our Mother's Day class is coming to an end. Let's find out if you enjoyed the class hour? Raise the cloud (if you didn't like it) or the sun (if you liked it).
5 Conclusion
When a baby is asked how he loves his mother, he clenches his fists, tenses up, closes his eyes tightly, holds his breath and, finally, kisses the air: they say, I love you so much ...
You need to love your mother tenderly, take care of her so that your word, your act does not hurt her, you need to respect her, caress sincerely and touchingly .. Do not forget mothers (last slide)

Holiday calendar [Electronic resource] - Access mode:
Eremenko N.I. Cool watch. - Volgograd: Uchitel-AST, 2005. - 105 p.
Sharina L.V. Class hour "Mother's Day" [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

Appendix A Dates of Mother's Day in different countries
in Lebanon, on the first day of spring;
in South Africa, on the first Sunday in May;
in Lithuania - on the first Sunday of May;
in Greece on May 9;
in Norway, on the second Sunday of February;
in Poland on May 26;
in Ukraine - on the second Sunday of May;
in Estonia, on the second Sunday of May;
in the USA, on the second Sunday of May;
in Malta, on the second Sunday in May;
in Denmark, on the second Sunday in May;
in Finland, on the second Sunday of May;
in Germany, on the second Sunday of May;
in Italy, on the second Sunday of May;
in Turkey, on the second Sunday of May;
in Australia, on the second Sunday in May;
in Japan, on the second Sunday in May;
in Belgium, on the second Sunday in May;
in Sweden, on the last Sunday of May;
in France, on the last Sunday of May;
in Belarus - October 14;
in Argentina, on the third Sunday in October;
in India, at the end of October;
in Spain on December 8th;

Annex B Handout

Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory

State Educational Institution "Krasnodar Regional Institute of Additional

Professional Pedagogical Education"

Unified All-Kuban class hour in educational institutions and classes in preschool educational institutions

At present, the concepts of “modern national educational ideal” and “basic national values” are becoming fundamental in pedagogical practice, which are formed on the basis of socio-historical, cultural, family traditions of the multinational people of Russia and are passed down from generation to generation.

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day. For example, in the USA, Japan, most European countries it is celebrated in May, in Belarus - in October.

In Russia, Mother's Day is a relatively young holiday. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998, Mother's Day is celebrated in our country on the last Sunday of November.

This year, in November, in educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory, as part of events dedicated tomother's day , the Unified All-Kuban class hour will be held"The Earthly Life of the Most Holy Theotokos" , which can and should become an effective means of practical consolidation of the all-Russian tradition.

The class hour is aimed at introducing the child to the world of spiritual, cultural and family values, traditions of his people and awareness of the need for continuity of generations.Purpose of class - to support the traditions of a caring attitude towards a woman, to consolidate family foundations, to emphasize the importance in our life of the main person - Mother. Acquaintance with the Earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos and its comprehension, organized in accordance with the age characteristics of students and taking into account the fact that they may be members of families belonging to other faiths, should be of a cultural, explanatory and educational nature.

The theme of the relationship between the Heavenly Mother and the Earthly Mother was not chosen by chance. It is well known that Christianity, like any other religion, considers maternal love sublime, sacrificial. All over the world, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos is revered - "the most ancient song of motherhood", asideal mother women. Being the earthly Mother of the Savior Jesus Christ, she foresaw the coming sufferings of her Son. Eternal maternal compassion acquired the highest fullness from her, her heart, “pierced” by the great torments of the Son, forever responded to countless human suffering. This is confirmed by the statement of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus': “Every person can turn to Her for help, as to their Mother, because Her Motherhood extends to all of us. The Mother of God is the Mother of all mankind, who loves us no less than our own mother.”

We recommend that you pay special attention to the fact that the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos in many ways resembled the life of a simple person, but at the same time it was distinguished by humility, diligence, meekness, self-sacrifice and mercy. From childhood, Maria was not like the others. Everyone around was struck by the extraordinary development of Her mind and heart. Every day of the Virgin Mary was distinguished by special purity and diligence. Following the established order, she got up at the dawn of the morning, prayed three times a day. The rest of the time she was engaged in reading the books of the Holy Scriptures and needlework: she spun linen and wool, embroidered with silk, surpassing all her friends in natural intelligence, developed reading, and in the art of crafts. Everyone was amazed at the perfection of Her soul. She was humble in heart, prudent in conversation; she spoke little and only what was necessary, she was diligent in reading, always industrious, and respectful to everyone. She showed mercy to the poor and suffering and refused to help anyone.

The basis of the story about the Earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be an acquaintance with the Orthodox Mother of God holidays (the Nativity of the Virgin, the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, the Protection of the Virgin, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin), carried out taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren. At any age, the word "holiday" evokes positive emotions, and its meaning is clear and accessible to everyone. However, attention should be paid to the originality of church holidays, their educational and moral significance.

It is preferable to organize this special class hour by teachers of the fundamentals of Orthodox culture together with parents (primarily mothers), with the support of school psychologists. It is advisable to invite the clergy.

When preparing and holding an event, one should move away from the formal presentation of the material, focusing primarily on the emotional state of the students. The main thing is to reach out to the consciousness and heart of every young Kuban citizen. Traditional forms should give way to creative finds, both by teachers themselves and by schoolchildren. It is desirable to create initiative groups uniting children and adults. The class hour should become a collective creative affair, leave a mark on the minds of children for a long time, make them think about the mission of a woman-mother.

Leading tasks will be productive. Preschoolers and elementary school students can be offered to prepare drawings, photomontages, collages about mom; compose an oral story on the topic “My mother and I!”, “My mother is the best in the world!”, Or learn poems about mother, grandmother. In middle and high school, it is preferable to use the technology of working in groups to complete tasks of a search character. For example, to collect material about the feasts of the Most Holy Theotokos, tracing Her earthly path, or about the meaning and role of individual Mother of God icons that defended Holy Rus' against enemies; prepare multimedia presentations on the topics “Iconography of the Most Holy Theotokos”, “Mother of God Churches”, etc.

Making a gift for mom or younger family members during the lesson will be of significant educational importance.

The event held must be reflected on school websites, in the school-wide printed organ, or on stands.

Atoffice design We recommend that you write the name of the holiday on the board "Mothers Day "and the theme of the class hour"The earthly path of the Most Holy Theotokos ». Equipment can serve:

    an exhibition of creative works of students that have become the result of the lead task (drawings, photomontages, collages, mini-essays, messages, illustrative support for research projects);

    exhibition of literature on the theme of the class hour (a list of recommended publications is attached);

    reproductions of the Mother of God icons;

    thematic exhibition: "Craft of the Virgin" (satin stitch embroidery, beads);

    thematic multimedia presentations;

    musical accompaniment (for example, S.V. Rachmaninov “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice!”; A. Fomin “Virgin Mother of God”; G.F. Ponomarenko “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”) (see appendix - disk);

    fragments of the video film “Our Lady of Vladimir” from the cycle “Tretyakov Gallery. The history of one masterpiece. WMO "State Tretyakov Gallery" 1999 (see Appendix - disk);

    fragments of the audiobook "Earthly life of the Blessed Virgin for children." Publisher: Deonika LLC. 2007 (see appendix - disk);

The proposed recommendations for conducting a classroom hour will allow the teacher to design his own version of its implementation, focusing on the needs of students in a particular class, their age, level of preparedness, choosing one concise storyline.

Pupils of the preschool educational institution of senior preschool age

The conversation can be accompanied by music that causes joy, surprise, admiration, festive elation or slight sadness, which promotes active empathy, affecting feelings and consciousness. During the lesson, students can be invited to reflect their vision of what they heard in the drawings. It is important to further consolidate the information received in everyday work with children, in all types of children's activities. In a conversation, it is very important to constantly address questions to children, trying, through concepts and phenomena familiar to them, to convey the deep meaning of the Earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos.

If there was no tradition of acquaintance with the basics of Orthodox culture in the preschool educational institution, the educator can focus on only one plot, for example, “Entering the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple”, focusing on Her virtues that appeared from an early age, or “The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”, allowing you to understand the purpose of the Mother as the protector and patroness of her children, her people and the whole human race. Such an activity can become the first of a whole cycle of introductory thematic conversations that tell about other episodes from the Earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos.

1 - 4 GRADES

Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren, we recommend building a classroom scenario from plots related to educating students in a sense of love and respect for their mother, developing the ability to take care of their family members, about loved ones to form an idea of ​​the traditions of Orthodox culture, the importance of icons Holy Mother of God in the history of the country.

A class hour for an elementary school may contain elements of an informative conversation, an oral journal - a presentation, or take place in the form of an acquaintance with the Orthodox Mother of God holidays based on the search activity of students.

Based on children's ideas and attitudes towards mother, it is preferable to reveal the image of Motherhood in a conversation on the topic “Why is my mother the best in the world?”. Having formed a certain emotional mood, the teacher can offer the attention of schoolchildren a story-presentation about the Mother of Jesus Christ, her life and destiny as the Mother of all mankind.

5 - 9 GRADES

The most important goal of a class hour in grades 5-9 is cultural and educational. The class hour should be aimed at continuing work on the formation of spiritual, moral, patriotic and civic qualities of middle-level students, based on knowledgefoundations of Orthodox culture, literature, Kuban studies, history, MHK, fine arts, music.

It seems appropriate to use interdisciplinary connections, paying attention to the historical function of icons. One of the most revered icons of the Russian land is the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir from the beginning of the 12th century. Over the centuries, the Holy Image has saved the Russian land from enemies more than once. IN XIVV. Russian people with her help stopped the invasion of Tamerlane. At first XVII V. expelled the Polish and Swedish invaders. During the Great Patriotic War, near Stalingrad, they managed to radically turn the tide and go on a counteroffensive against the Nazi invaders. Other icons with the Image of the Mother of God had similar miraculous power. "Our Lady of Kazan" kept our soldiers during the Patriotic War of 1812, patronized M.I. Kutuzov. The "August Mother of God", located today in the Catherine's Cathedral in Krasnodar, patronized the Cossacks during the harsh years of the First World War. "Grebenskaya Mother of God" defended Mozdok from Shamil's raids in XIX V.

In high school, you can beat the situation of looking at the pages of an album dedicated to the life path of the Virgin.

The album may have several sheets, or maybe two or three. It all depends on the time frame of the class hour, the number of classes, the amount of content, the preparedness of the teacher and children.

Second sheet of the album may be devoted to information about the great feasts dedicated to the Theotokos.

Third sheet of the album is Holy Mother of God as Mother Intercessor of the Russian Land.

Fourth sheet of the album introduces the image of the icon of the Mother of God in literature, in the works of Russian artists.

Fifth sheet of the album - final. It tells about the connection between the content of the class hour and today's realities.

The themes of the album sheets and their content are varied, one theme can dominate the others. The main thing is that children feel the significance of this event, admiration for what they heard and join the treasures of the cultural heritage of mankind.

Other forms are also possible, involving the use of elements of game technology, for example, an excursion to the Museum of the Mother of God Icon or a journey through the pages of Biblical stories related to the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos.

10 - 11 grades

The classroom hour in high school should be aimed at implementing the principle of the feasible inclusion of students in the discussion of real social and moral problems, the manifestation of social, spiritual and moral maturity.

A class hour can consist of two interconnected modules, each of which has its own task.

I module -informational . It forms an idea of ​​the life path of the Mother of God, as a cultural and spiritual value of Russia. In the process of work, students should be able to find the required information in various sources, interpret and systematize it, and express their own point of view. The direction of their thoughts and searches can be determined by the following areas of conversation: “The Most Holy Theotokos in the fate of Russia”; “The Most Holy Theotokos in Old Russian Literature and Folklore”, “The Most Holy Theotokos in Secular Fiction”, “The Most Holy Theotokos in Fine Arts”, “The Most Holy Theotokos in Musical Works”.

II module -debatable involves the inclusion of students in the discussion of real social problems relevant to modern and future mothers in the form of a philosophical table, or a literary and musical living room in the areas of "Your ideas about the Blessed Virgin", "The meaning of the Image of the Blessed Virgin in your family", "The feat of motherhood" and others

Compiled by: KKIDPPO specialists: Galutvo L.M.,

Basiy V.N., Chup O.V., Bubnova D.S., Ivanova G.G.,

Kiseleva N.A., Borisova N.V., Shikhova T.I.

List of literature recommended for use.

When preparing and conducting the All-Kuban class hour “The Earthly Life of the Most Holy Theotokos”, one should take into account the “Information on the activities of representatives of non-traditional religious associations in Russia” of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2000 No. 549 / 28-16; recommendations of the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated December 15, 2005, No. 15-1066 "On countering extremism and the dissemination of theological literature."

When choosing and using literature, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the “recommended or approved” stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the presence of recommendations from the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory, the Spiritual Censorship Committee, the blessing of the Holy Patriarchs of All Rus', etc.

We give an approximate list of publications and Internet resources to help prepare the All-Kuban class hour.

    Barskaya, N. A. Plots and images of ancient Russian painting [Text] /

N. A. Barskaya - M .: Education, 1993. - 223 .: ill.

    Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Text] // Borodina A.V. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture: the world around and within us: textbook. allowance for grade 2 in 2 hours - Part 1 / A. V. Borodina. - ed. 2nd, rev. - M .: Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 136 p.: tsv. ill.

    The Bible retold for beginners. - M .: "The Ark", 2006.

    God-chosen maiden [Text]: a script dedicated to the earthly life of the Virgin / Shorygina T. A. Orthodox holidays for children: a guide for teachers at the beginning. and high school. - M.: Liberia - Bibinform, 2008. - 144 p.

    Borodina, A. V. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture[Text]: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: for preschool children / A. V. Borodina. - M .: Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 16 p.

    Borodina, A.V. The House of the Virgin: Holy Rus': Lesson 32-33 // Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture: Orthodoxy - the Culture-Forming Religion of Russia / A.V. Borodina. – Ed. 3 - e. - M .: Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, 2007. - S. 196 - 206.

    Borodina, A. V. Religious art // Fundamentals of Orthodox culture: textbook. allowance for basic and high school / Borodina, A. V. - Ed. 5th. - M.: Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - P. 161 - 208.

    Borodina, A. V. About the Nativity and earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos: “By festive icons we remember the Gospel” // Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture: what the icon and the Bible tell about: textbook. allowance for 3 cells. / Borodina, A. V. - Ed. 2nd, correct. - M.: Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, 2007. - P.63 - 73.

    Grichanykh S.I. [and others] “This eternal word is mother”: literary and musical living room / S. I. Grichanykh [et al.] // Class teacher. - 2009. - No. 3. - S. 3 - 7.

    Defender of the Russian land [Text] // Borodina A.V. Orthodoxy is a culture-forming religion in Russia / A.V. Borodina. - ed. 2nd, rev. - M .: Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 208 p., col. ill.

    The earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos / comp. S. Snessorova. - Yaroslavl: 1994.

    The earthly life of the Blessed Virgin // As a gift to mother and daughter - M .: Ladder, 2003. - P. 3-25.

    Kostrova L. “Anna and Joachim lead Mary to the temple…”: lesson-theatrical performance / L. Kostrova. // Spiritual and moral education. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 100 - 103.

    Lepakhin V.V.. The meaning and purpose of the icon. - M., 2002.

    Mertsev, D., priest. Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos / D. Mertsev // Free Kuban. – 1998.

    An unforgettable cute image: a literary hour for Mother's Day for students in grades 7-8 // Creative experience with a book: library lessons, reading hours, extracurricular activities / comp. T. R. Tsymbalyuk. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - S. 44 - 64.

    On the Nativity and earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Text] //

Borodina A.V. What the icon and the Bible tells about: textbook. allowance for grade 3 in 2 hours - Part 1. / A. V. Borodina - M .: Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, 2006. - 104 p.

    Semyonova, G. The August Icon of the Mother of God: Zealous Intercessor / G Semyonova, // God's Peace. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 8 - 9.

    Semenova G. Icon of the Mother of God Sweet Kiss: Zealous Intercessor / G Semenova // God's world. - 2009. - No. 6. - S. 8 - 9.

    Sivareva T. Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary / T. Sivareva // Candle. - 2008. - No. 12. - P. 5.

    Chekulaeva, E. O. Nativity of the Virgin [Text]: one hundred great holidays / E. O. Chekulaeva. – M.: Veche, 2009. – p. 10-13.

    Chuprina V.I. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” / V.I. Chuprina. - Krasnodar. Rarities of the Kuban. 2003 - 32 p.

    Shevchenko, L. L. Orthodox culture [Text]: experimental textbook. allowance for elementary grades obscheobrazovat. schools, lyceums, gymnasiums. Book. first / L. L. Shevchenko - M .: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2004. - 112p.

    Shipov, Ya. A. Orthodoxy [Text]: a student's dictionary. - M .: LLC publishing house ROSMEN, 2004. - 320 p.

    Encyclopedia of Orthodox Icons. St. Petersburg, 2005.

    I know the world. Christianity [Text]: encyclopedia - M. : AST: Astrel, 2005 -398 p.


A. Kuraev's blog, materials on the textbook "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture"


Mother's Day will be celebrated on the last Sunday of November in Russia. This holiday was established in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 No. 000 "On Mother's Day".

At present, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 No. 000 approved the Concept of the Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. In this regard, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a statement emphasizing that "holidayMother's Day symbolizes society's attention to the enduringhuman values, confirms the great importance of womenmothers in maintaining stability and goodness in today's world."

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day. Unlike March 8, only mothers and pregnant women are honored on Mother's Day, and not all women, as the fair sex.

On this day, it is advisable to hold various events with parents and children in preschool educational institutions.

The main goal is to support the traditions of caring for a woman-mother, to consolidate family foundations, to emphasize the importance in our life of the main, dearest and closest person - Mom.

It is advisable to devote the content of educational work with children and communication with parents to the values ​​of happy parenthood in order to honor motherhood as a unique phenomenon in human life.

Building a thematic program of festive events sets the following socio-pedagogical tasks:

Focus on the unique role of the mother in the harmonious development and successful socialization of children;

Thematic surveys, testing, express polls mothers and fathers in order to involve adults in the discussion of the problem of modern parenthood: "Mothers through the eyes of fathers"; “For which I respect my wife as the mother of a child”; “What is, in your opinion, a modern mother”; What does an ideal mother look like?

Interviews, ethical conversations in order to form in preschool children ideas about the peculiarities of people's behavior depending on gender: interview “Why do dads and moms exist”; ethical conversations “Dad and I take care of mom”, “Mom and I are caring women in the house”; compiling stories (including the type of unfinished sentences): “In what ways are men and women similar and how they differ from each other.”

Exhibition of domestic toys: What did our mothers and grandmothers play in childhood?

Sports and leisure activities and entertainment with the participation of children and adults: "Competition of the brave, dexterous and attentive", "Hospitable hosts", "Let's show our ability to needlework", "Pleasant gifts for mothers", "We know proverbs and sayings about the family."

Visual activity children and adults in kindergarten and at home: “We draw letters of love and gratitude to mothers and grandmothers”; vernissages of children's drawings: “Portrait of my mother”, “My mother is the best”, “May there always be a mother!”, “All kinds of mothers are needed”; exhibition of family collages "Mom's Favorite Activity"; "Drawing of a family in the form of a house."

Quizzes with the participation of children and parents:"Who, where and when celebrates Mother's Day"?

Musical-poetic and folklore evenings:"Motherhood sung in literature, music and painting"; Traditions and rituals of maternal education of past generations.

Creation and display of thematic videos:"Maternal Folklore in Family Education". Preparation of thematic booklets: "Fidelity to maternal duty", "So that there is consent in the house."

Family competitions:“Photograph of mother and child from a family photo album”; "The best script for a family holiday" and others.

Honoring mothers: Presentation of certificates, letters of thanks to mothers who show parental responsibility and social activity; giving parents "awards" for loving children, made by teachers and children. Photo panorama: "The wisdom of mothers".

Stock:“Let there always be a mother”, “Mothers are important”, “Mothers with many children” and others, taking into account the categories of parents in the kindergarten, including single-parent families. As part of the promotions, greeting cards made by the hands of children can be distributed, SMS sent in the form of concise reminders, prompts, neutral information about the promotion is posted on the kindergarten website, and so on. In choosing the means of promoting the ideas of responsible motherhood, it is important to be delicate and tactful, to respect the boundaries of people's private lives.

Discussion meetings and debates about the role of the mother in the family: "Feminization of education - pluses and minuses"; “Genderless personality, nothing more than an abstraction! What is your opinion?"; “On the upbringing of a “chivalrous” attitude towards a woman in boys”; "An example of a mother for a daughter" and the like. It is important to raise relevant questions that may be more valuable for the participants of the meeting than the “correct” answers.

Examples of exercises and game tasks for parents during discussion meetings, quizzes and other events:

Task in pairs: “Come up with a metaphor that characterizes modern motherhood”;

Collective exercise with cards: "We rank words and phrases about the role of mother and father in the family." Course of the exercise: Parents receive cards with phrases and attach them to demonstration silhouettes, then, in a general discussion, justify their choices.

An example set of phrases: Defended by work, Shows tolerance, Provides security of life, Shows indulgence, Introduces household chores, Uses physical punishment, Overuses judgment, Gives up, Overuses criticism, Shows short temper, Stroking, Kissing, Forgiving, Develops femininity, Develops masculinity, Disciplines, Caresses, Develops feelings, Feeds, Provides emotional support, Protects, Controls, Adores, Protects, Cares, Abuses power, Provides physical care, Leads parenting, Develops responsibility and efficiency, Makes demands, Encourages freedom and independence, Plans for the future, Shows detachment, Subdues , Protects, Plays, Punishes, Develops the body, Develops the mind, Is an example to follow, Provides material support for the family, Shows connivance, Shows weakness, Shows tenderness.

It is advisable to create an object-game environment in age groups for organizing amateur games of a family-domestic orientation, for example: “The family receives guests”; participation of mothers and fathers, grandparents in game sessions; conducting didactic, verbal, board-printed and folk games.

The proposed forms of celebration of Mother's Day are exemplary.

Pedagogical teams of preschool educational institutions have the right to determine the form of conduct and its content on their own, based on their own vision of the problem and the existing system of work with the families of pupils.

Lyubov Makarova
Methodological recommendations for holding Mother's Day and a summary of the lesson on spiritual and moral education for Mother's Day

Feast of the Holy Mother of God

Today, the feast of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated as the Day mothers.

At all times, people were worried about the image mothers. Therefore, it is no coincidence that artists - painters, icon painters, graphic artists in their work turned to this image. Even in the works of folk craftsmen, in the early types of folk art, a female image was one of the common motifs.

So the main figure in embroidery, painting and wood carving was a woman - this is the cult of the great goddess of everything earthly. This image was called "Mother - cheese - earth".

Virgin Mary - Mother of Jesus Christ.

The Russian people called her the Mother of God. Madonna is called in Europe. Her image was painted by Russian icon painters, glorified in paintings by the great and nameless painters of all Christian countries. Many Russian icons are dedicated to the Mother of God. One of them - « Our Lady of Vladimir» - is considered the patroness of Russia.

On classes and in conversations, children are invited to consider embroidered products depicting a female figure. Attention is drawn to female images of different character.

You can see reproductions of icons and paintings by artists ( « Our Lady» , V. Vasnetsova, K. Petrova-Vodkin).

Children's attention is drawn to subtle, spiritual traits of the Mother, femininity, sadness, caring for a child, anxiety for the fate of your child.

And with all this sadness and sadness, the face Our Lady of the Beautiful.

On the basis of a verbal description and representation, children draw an image of their mother.

Synopsis of a lesson on spiritual and moral education with

older preschool children

"The Most Holy Theotokos - protector and patroness of people"

(educator MBDOU DS OV No. 21 st. Azov MO Seversky district

Makarova Lyubov Dmitrievna)

Program tasks:

Encourage children to understand the relationship Mother of Heaven and Mother Earthly through the veneration of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos as a prototype women mothers;

To form in children a careful and respectful attitude towards the dearest person - mother;

Contribute to the increase of cognitive interest;

To form in children emotional responsiveness, a desire to help each other and those who need help;

- bring up respect and reverence for all that is sacred.

preliminary work:

To introduce children to the Bible for children, illustrations of icons, lamps;

To acquaint children with the tradition of veneration of icons; teach to recognize the Mother of God, Jesus Christ on the icons;

Introducing children to concepts "visible world" And "invisible", "world creation";

Learning poems about mother;

Visiting the children's circle "Bell" village church; conversations with a priest.

Equipment: photo exhibition "My beloved mother", icon of the Mother of God, exhibition women's needlework, bell, candles, music center, multimedia equipment, slides of icons of the Virgin

In the hall, photographs of mothers hang on the wall, and an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos hangs in the center.

Children enter the hall, sit on chairs.

Leading: How many words of relatives and friends!

But among them the most expensive

Pain in the heart word "Mother".

Mother - too strict, better "Mother",

We started with him in childhood,

And the older they got

They also called me mom.

Children, each of us has a mother, the most beloved and dearest.

There is no one closer and dearer in the whole world.

Lovely women! Dear mothers!

All the flowers are for you today,

With love, warm gratitude

Guys praise your names.

What is the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What is the most important word?

It is never misspelled.

On the first page it's in the primer,

It is said everywhere with a smile

And every kid talks in the yard...

What is the first word (referring to the child) Artemka?

What is the brightest word, Xenia?

What is the most important word, Dasha?

Whisper it softly, Polina.

Say it loudly, Nikita,

The main word of any child ...

Children. Mother!

Song dramatization "It's good to be with mom"

music Filippenko sl. Volgina.

Photos of your mothers hang in our hall, in the most honorable place, and among them there is an unusual photograph, it is correct to call it an icon. The face of whose mother is depicted on this icon?

Children, maybe one of you knows? (children's answers).

This icon is called - the Most Holy Theotokos, as every son or daughter of all people is closest to his own mother, so is the Most Holy Theotokos - the Mother of Jesus Christ.

We examine the icon of Tenderness (slide 37)

Look how tenderly the Mother of God presses the Son to Herself, with what tender and sad eyes full of great love she looks at Him.

With what meekness and tender sorrow

Pure, looks from the canvas!

The coming hour of sorrow inevitable

How does she feel...

She holds the baby to her breast

And admires him, sad about him ...

Like a god, he looks through eternity

And carefree as a child!

Today I will tell you about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It was a very long time ago. Just like you, she was a child, and they called her Masha - Maria. Maria grew up in a particularly pure and deeply believing family in God. She was very kind, smart, obedient, friendly with everyone. And when she was three years old, her parents arranged a holiday. They called her girlfriends, dressed them all in the best white clothes, gave them lighted candles, and together they went to the temple.

Lights, as if on a great holiday, are burning.

And the young maidens are all in white

Mary's parents lead to the temple

And they will give her to the temple by vow.

In the church, Mary was met by a priest. Since then, Mary began to live in the temple. Here she prayed, read sacred books. Engaged in needlework: spun linen, wool, embroidered with silks. This skill was passed down from generation to generation and our mothers also learned this skill and will teach you. Look at what beautiful works are made by the hands of your mothers.

The host draws the attention of children to an exhibition of needlework.

Maria was a kind child. She was surrounded by angels and loved to play with her very much. Let's play too.

Everyone was amazed by the perfection of Mary's soul. She was humble in heart, respectful to all, diligent. But more than anything else, she loved God and prayed to Him!

And then one day the archangel Gabriel appeared before her in a wondrous light, sparkling with clothes and wings. He brought her good news:

"Rejoice, Mary! - he said to her -

You will Mother of God

You will give birth to God for people!”

The time has come, and the Divine Infant, Jesus Christ, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Now everyone began to call her the Mother of God. Listen carefully to this word GOD-BORN.

It was a great event for all people.

Great poets, artists, sculptors, musicians, icon painters depicted Jesus Christ and the Mother of God in their works.

Show 1-2 slides with icons: Upbringing(15, Miraculous (54)

Time passed... Jesus grew...

Maria was very kind and affectionate mother. She pitied her Son, taught while he was small, and then learned from him. And infinitely strong and tenderly loved, as your mother loves you.

Church choir sings a song "Mother"(Collection spiritual chants / Composition. Hieromonk Stefan (Kiselyov).

After the death of the Son, the Most Holy Theotokos helped his disciples, she, along with them, helped the poor, the poor, the wretched, the sick, who were in sorrow, difficulty. She walked the earth and preached - told people about God. Mother of God Mother - Jesus Christ is closest to Him, and therefore, she asked Her Son for all the people in the world.

But, all the time, she yearned for the Son, asked in prayers that He would take her to Himself in heaven. But Jesus Christ wanted the mother to live longer on earth, helping people who turned to her for help, praying with all their hearts, with all their souls.

... Pray, ask with tears

To give us life

For the repentance of time

He gave a little more.

So that your just anger

At the mercy of us changed

Enemies soul salvation

He conquered us sinners.

The Mother of God went to her Son in heaven, but did not leave our Fatherland. If one of you fell ill, or your loved ones, are saddened by something, faced difficulties, then you can wholeheartedly turn to the Mother of God with a prayer - a request for help. She will definitely help and Jesus Christ, through the prayer of the Mother of God for us, will not leave us in sorrow.

... She didn’t die - she fell asleep,

And you live in eternity

For all the people in the world

Shedding tears in prayer.

After all, you are our mother,

Pray for us pray:

We without your prayer

You can't save yourself...

Russia became the House of the Virgin. There are thousands and thousands of icons of the Mother of God in Russia. Many of them have become miraculous, healing, protecting.

Show 1-2 slides with icons: Healer (42, Bread Defender (45)

Prayers light a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin and ask for help. The veneration of the icon is an expression of our love for God, the Mother of God. In Rus' they believed that mother God especially protects children. Therefore, in every house, her icon hung over the child's bed, and the children prayed in front of her in the morning and evening.

(Light the candles and repeat the prayer)

Holy Mother of God, save us!

They go around the hall and put candles on the table of the Mother of God.

The concluding remarks are made by Priest Sergius, rector of the stanitsa St. George's Church.
