City of the future project scientific work. Project "building a city of the future"

Subject: "City of the future"

The purpose of the lesson: develop the ability to work on a creative project; encourage students to understand universal human values, develop children’s creative abilities, and promote the development of students’ ability to work in a microgroup.

Lesson objectives:

1) develop in children creativity, imagination, ingenuity, ingenuity, imagination in the process of preparation and during the lesson;

2) expanding ideas about architectural forms, about color as an expressive means of architecture;

3) development creative imagination, spatial thinking;

4) formation of skills for sequential performance of work (development of a sketch, its implementation in the material);

5) developing the ability to create a three-dimensional fantastic image by combining objects of various shapes;

6) nurturing a sense of beauty.

Lesson type: master class

Forms of work: group, individual, independent.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal (conversation, dialogue), story, practical, introductory, ongoing instruction.

Interdisciplinary connections: the world, literature, fine arts.

Teacher Equipment:presentation, projector, city street layout, technological maps, musical accompaniment.

Equipment for students:Colored paper, glue, scissors, boxes.

Activities:a story about cities using visual aids, choosing and discussing a plot, clarifying the sequence of work, independent activity in groups, public speaking, release of the city project plan.

Lesson plan:

1.Motivation educational activities(2 minutes.)

2. Setting the lesson goal (2 min.)

3.Organization of work (3-4 min.)

4.Repetition of work safety rules (3 min.)

5.Practical work (30 min.)

6. Activity reflection (5 min.)

During the classes.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities


1.Motivation for learning activities

Creating psychological comfort.

Organizing time.

The lesson begins

It will be useful for the guys,

Try to understand everything

Learn to reveal secrets,

Give complete answers,

To get paid for work

Only a “five” rating!

Checking readiness for the lesson.

Checking readiness for the lesson, greeting the teacher.

Organize your own workplace in accordance with the purpose of completing tasks.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

- Today in the lesson we will learn what design is, what types of design there are, we will design equipment with you, what this means, we will create amazing cars (cars and trucks).

There are many on our land beautiful places, the creator of which was nature itself.In our Republic of Kazakhstan, designer – nature has created her unusually beautiful compositions. These are majestic mountains, endless steppes, blue lakes. We must protect and preserve such designer works of nature, because they are on our land, only in a single copy.

Concentrated, listening carefully to the teacher.

Participate in dialogue; listen and understand others, express your point of view.

3. Organization of work.

Who knows what is design?

Design - ( English word) means to design, construct, creatively build a comfortable living environment for yourself.

If a thing is beautiful and easy to use, then it is said to have “good design.” The art of design is learned through hard work, knowledge, and a sense of beauty.

Who is a designer?

Designer - a person who designs.

Okay, what materials will we need for the lesson?

So our work plan is

  • Trace around the template and cut out the blank.
  • Cover with colored paper.
  • Prepare paper for cars. Register the car.

Look, did you do your work in this order?

That's right, this plan is mixed up, restore the correct sequence of work.

Work plan:

3. Cover with colored paper.

4. Register the car

That's right, that's what our plan should be.

They guess what could happen.

A person who is directly involved in design.

Paper, glue, scissors, colored paper.

No, this plan is messed up.

Work plan:

1. Prepare paper for cars.

2. Trace around the template and cut out the blank.

3. Cover with colored paper.

4. Register the car

Determine a plan for completing tasks in lessons, extracurricular activities, and life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

Performing various roles in a group, collaborate in jointly solving a problem (task)

4.Repetition of work safety rules

Before starting work on the project, you must repeat the safety instructions in labor lessons. Attention to the screen:

(Rules for preparing the workplace before the start of the lesson)

(Rules for cleaning your workplace)

(Safety rules for working with scissors)

(Rule when working with glue)

For work, you can use a variety of materials that you have prepared in advance. 30 minutes are allotted to complete the work.

If you have any questions during the course of the work, please contact us.

Children carefully look at the interactive whiteboard, read the rules of work in the lesson and safety precautions with scissors.

Retrieve information presented in different forms.

5. Practical work

Let's get to work. Now I will give you templates for our work.

How do we use templates?

We place the templates on the edge and use paper sparingly.

Those who have made templates for themselves are trying to make a car.

Let's take it colored paper and select the appropriate colors for our buildings, someone takes the templates and traces them onto colored paper.

Fine. Now let’s take our boxes and glue them.

Let's see what else we are missing in our city?

Okay, cut it out of paper and glue it onto whatman paper.

Now let's arrange everything together.

Attach it to a piece of paper and trace it.

6.Reflection of activity

Project protection.

Did you enjoy working together? Why?

I completely agree with you guys. After all, good always triumphs over evil. You have built the city of the future today. Life is given to man for good deeds. And it depends on how you live, what kind of person you are, whether your dreams will come true. Our planet is ours common Home. And for it to be the way you built it depends on each of us.

And I want to end our lesson with these words:

“Look at the world with a reasonable eye,

Not the way you looked before.

The world is a sea. Do you want to swim?

Build a ship out of good deeds!”

Working together is more fun. The soul becomes happier from the work done. And it’s especially joyful when your project contains something good and good for people.

Analyze, compare, group various objects, phenomena, facts.

Answer simple and complex questions from the teacher, ask questions yourself, and find the information you need.


Self-analysis of a technology lesson

I tried to structure my lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, using information and communication technologies.

Lesson type: combined (repetition and systematization educational material, application of knowledge in new conditions).

Forms organization of cognitive activity: individual, group, work in pairs. The purpose of the lesson: to develop the ability to work on a creative project; encourage students to understand universal human values, develop children’s creative abilities, and promote the development of students’ ability to work in a microgroup.

During the lesson, the age and psychological characteristics of the students were taken into account. In the content of the lesson, I included elements of teaching schoolchildren universal educational actions: the topic and purpose of the lesson were determined (tried to be determined) by the students themselves. In this lesson, an activity-based teaching method was used, which was implemented in the following types activities: educational and activity-labor. Any process of cognition begins with an impulse that encourages action. Motivation is needed to encourage the student to begin the activity.

With this in mind, I tried to think through each stage of the lesson, composed assignments, and selected questions.

At all stages of the lesson, students were involved in active thinking and then practical activity; the children had to use their existing knowledge.

The lesson stages are traditional for a practical technology lesson. A situation of success was created for each student, which also helped to increase motivation and maintain cognitive interest in learning.

When asking questions and defining tasks in the lesson, I took into account the individual characteristics of the students, gave only positive characteristics to the results of their activities, which stimulated the children and increased their activity in the lesson. The educational information was attractive to the children. Due to the attractiveness of the content practical task, the students’ abilities to achieve their goals in the lesson have increased.

Study time in the lesson was used effectively, the planned volume of the lesson was completed.

The intensity of the lesson was optimal, taking into account the physical and psychological characteristics of the children. The children were satisfied with the lesson (dissatisfied, indifferent, ...) Activity was 100%, i.e. on good level. Such activity, in my opinion, is due to the fact that the structure of the lesson, its content, teaching methods and techniques corresponded this type lesson and age category Guys. Everything that was planned was learned by the children, therefore, I believe that the lesson achieved its goal. The results are optimal in my opinion.


To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in:

Slide captions:

Technology lesson City of the future.

Slide title Designers - graphic artists, specialists in the field of design; people involved in design, that is appearance, design of something

Slide title Work plan: 1. Prepare paper for cars. 2. Trace around the template and cut out the blank. 3. Cover with colored paper. 4. Register the car

Slide title Rules for preparing the workplace before the start of the lesson 1. Place oilcloth and a work board on the desk. 2. Prepare necessary materials and tools for work, a box or bag for products. 3. Put on work clothes. 4. Always keep a rag or napkin for your hands in your work clothes pocket.

Slide title Rules for cleaning your workplace 1. Place the product made in class in the product box. 2. Collect scraps of material and debris from the table and floor. 3. After working with plasticine, clean the work board and the lid of the desk if there are any traces of plasticine left there. Scrape off the plasticine stuck to the floor - throw the dirty one in the trash, put the clean one in a box. 4. Wipe the tools and desk lid with a cloth. 5. Dry your hands thoroughly with a cloth and wash them with soap. 6. Take off your work clothes. 7. Put away all accessories.

Slide title Rules for safe work with scissors 1. Keep your work area tidy. 2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools. 3. Do not use loose scissors. 4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors. 5. Use scissors only in your own workplace. 6. Watch the movement of the blades while working. 7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you. 8. Feed the scissors rings forward. 9. Don't leave scissors open. 10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down. 11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face. 12. Use scissors as intended.

Slide title Rules for safe working with glue 1. When working with glue, use a brush, if required. 2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage. 3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it. 4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.

Inna Kravtsova
Project "City of the Future"

Project"Novosibirsk - city ​​of the future»

View project: group

Dates: short-term (3 months)

Number of participants: 30 pupils and their parents

Children's age: 5-6 years

Form of conduct

Collection of information (reading, looking at illustrations)

Observations on the streets of Novosibirsk

Exhibitions of drawings « City of the future»

Making a layout

Album release "My Novosibirsk"

Target project: fostering patriotic feelings for one’s native city, caring about future of the city Novosibirsk in the process of getting acquainted with the history, present of its cities

Tasks project:

1. Activate cognitive interest in objects social world(to see, find unusual, surprising in the surrounding reality of our cities).

2. Form cognitive and constructive skills: observe, model, compare, analyze and systematize; reflect the results of their research in creative activities.

3. Promote emotional, rich, meaningful communication between children and each other in play and productive activities.

Participants project: children, teachers, parents

Justification of relevance: Formation of universal human values: love for one's family city; taking care of future native land ; respect for the people who built this city.

In accordance with the research problem, the children, together with the teacher, set tasks for further research Problems:

Learn more about the sights of your cities(architectural structures that determine the appearance cities) ;

Creatively process information obtained during research and express oneself in various activities (game, productive).

What will work on project?

Children learn more about their city: stories cities, about sights, about traditions, about the multinational population, the uniqueness of folk culture, about the coat of arms and flag cities.

Children will have an idea of ​​how it was built city, and who built it.

Children will have a desire to take further part in the improvement cities(in landscaping, maintaining order, participating in environmental events).

During project children will master a variety of social roles in the collective life of peers.

Children will learn to cooperate, defend their judgments and compare themselves with others.

Children will develop a sense of responsibility for a common cause.

Children will learn to plan joint activities, coordinate their actions and opinions with partners.

Stages of work on project

Stage Objectives of the stage Forms of work

1 week Look at photographs of bridges city ​​of Novosibirsk, invite parents to take their children to bridges and look at them, discuss the name of the bridge, location, history of its construction.

View images of bridges future and invite children to fantasize about what the bridge will look like of the future Draw a bridge of the future

Exhibition of drawings.

Creating albums about bridges city ​​of Novosibirsk

Week 2 Look at photographs of theaters city ​​of Novosibirsk, invite parents to visit any theater, examine it, discuss the name of the theater, location, history of its construction.

Invite children to imagine a theater future. Draw a theater future

Exhibition of drawings.

Creation of albums about theaters city ​​of Novosibirsk

Week 3 Look at photos of kindergartens city ​​of Novosibirsk.

Invite children to imagine kindergarten future. Draw kindergarten future

Exhibition of drawings.

Week 4 Have a conversation about vehicles city ​​of Novosibirsk, in particular about buses. Invite parents to travel on the bus with their child. Draw a bus future

Exhibition of drawings.

Creation of albums about vehicles city ​​of Novosibirsk

Week 5 Have a conversation about electric transport city ​​of Novosibirsk, in particular about trolleybuses. Invite parents to travel on a trolleybus with their child. Draw a trolleybus future

Exhibition of drawings.

Creation of albums about electric transport city ​​of Novosibirsk

Week 6 Have a conversation about the metro and railway transport city ​​of Novosibirsk. Invite parents to take a trip on the subway with their child. Draw a metro station future, train future.

Exhibition of drawings.

Creation of albums about the metro and railway transport city ​​of Novosibirsk.

Week 7 Have a conversation about air transport city ​​of Novosibirsk, in particular about helicopters and airplanes. Invite parents to look at photographs of airplanes and helicopters, show children photographs of the plant named after. Chkalova. Draw a plane future.

Exhibition of drawings.

Creation of albums about air transport city ​​of Novosibirsk

Week 8 Have a conversation about water transport city ​​of Novosibirsk, in particular about helicopters and airplanes. Offer to take a trip to the river station cities, see photographs of watercraft that move along the Ob River Draw a motor ship future.

Exhibition of drawings.

Creation of albums about water transport city ​​of Novosibirsk

Week 9 Creating a collage "Kindergarten future» Bring newspaper clippings, photos and drawings of various kindergartens

Week 10 Creating different crossword puzzles topics: Transport, kindergarten, etc. Invite parents to explain to kid: what is a crossword puzzle

Week 11 Creating a layout « City of the future» made from salt dough Modeled from salt dough

Week 12 Creative application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Protection project Presentation of results

The result of the work:

1. Creating a layout from salt dough "Novosibirsk - city ​​of the future»

2. Replenishment of the PRS group with albums about native city

3. Instilling interest and love for family city, desire to take care of one's own city

4. Development of observation and memory of children (when traveling and walking around city remember famous and interesting objects)

5. Instilling the skill of cooperation with the team, with other children during joint work, and joint discussions

6. Deepening parent-child relationships in families of students during joint studies of certain objects

7. Development of creative abilities of pupils.


Defense of the project “City of Ecomasters: the future begins here!”

"Green Engineer"

Equipment :

2 screens on wheels in the shape of houses, shovels, a watering can, a wheelbarrow, flowers, trees, swings, car models, beads, a hat, a toy dog, a “no littering” sign.

The song “In Every Little Child” is playing in the recording. A boy comes out with a ball in his hands.

  • Trofim:

Mom let me go for a walk,

But I don’t know what to do with myself.

I want to play with my neighbor Mishka,

How can I invite Mishka outside?

Mishka, oh, Mishka, come out!

(Mishka looks out of the window wearing headphones with a joystick in his hands, the sounds of a computer game are heard)

  • Misha:

I'll answer you honestly

It's not interesting in the yard.

Why kick a ball with you?

I'd rather play here.

(The screen rotates against the background of a musical screensaver. The bear is sitting in the room playing computer games)

  • Misha:

On the computer all day

I'm not at all lazy to play,

I'll hang out in chats

I don't feel like going for a walk.

  • Mother:

Misha, go eat some pancakes.

(a boy with a ball walks across the stage)

  • Trofim:

It's been a half hour walk already

Maybe I should call Alice already

It will be more fun for me to miss her!

Alice! Come out! (Alice looks out of the window)

  • Masha:

Mom won't let me in

He says it's in the yard

Hooligans just walk around

Everyone learns bad things.

I'd rather stay at home

And I'll look out the window.

(The screen turns, music sounds. The girl has a mirror on the wall in the background of the room)

  • Masha:

I'm bored, I have nothing to do

Okay, I'll dress up

(music “Little Fashionista” sounds)

(the screen unfolds. A girl walks with a bag)

  • Trofim:

Oh, my friend Zina is coming,

He brings bread from the store.

Zina! Don't sit at home

Go for a walk!

(cars can be heard)

  • Zina:

I would go outside for a walk,

But the cars take up half the yard

No matter how you look, they are on my way.

Do not drive in the yard and do not pass. (the girl leaves the stage)

  • Trofim:

So year after year goes by,

Childhood will soon be over!

So from morning to evening

There will be nothing to remember!

Hey guys, general gathering! (children come out)

I’m calling everyone to the yard quickly!

Oh, let's all get together

Right here in this very place,

Let's set up a town.

So that everyone can play here.

  • Misha: (pushes his glasses up his nose):

A strict scientific approach is needed here.

Let's survey people in the area.

Do children need playgrounds?

How can we create comfort in the yard?

  • Zina:

There is another important point

We need a scientific experiment:

Choose a covering for the site,

Choose an irrigation system for the garden bed.

  • (The girl takes out equipment, watering cans, a basket of flowers):


The site should be cozy, not cramped,

But also environmentally beneficial.

To protect it from dust,

We need to decide what to use for landscaping.

  • (The boy comes out and puts out a “No Littering” sign)

Boy 1:

We'll put a barrier to the garbage here,

Garbage bags from the site out!

(A girl with a dog passes by)

  • Girl 2:

Let's respect our kids:

We ask you not to walk here with dogs!

  • Boy 2:

Big brothers and sisters, for you

We'll find a place on our site,

Together we can walk and play,

But just don’t break anything!

  • Boy 3:

Before asking adults for help,

We need to assemble a model from Lego.

  • Trofim:

If we all try, me and you,

We can build the site of your dreams!

(everyone gets to work, takes out swings, trees, flowers. They take shovels, plant and water trees and flower beds. Create the playground of their dreams)

  • Girl 3:

Well, it's in my dreams,

What can we do now?

  • Girl 2:

We will plant what we already have!

Maybe when everyone sees this,

They will also be drawn to beauty!

  • Together:

Adults, you must understand

Children need a playground

To play! (parents come out and sing the song “In Every Little Child” with their children, the children dance)

We all love to fantasize about the future. What will our planet be like in 50 years? How will the climate change? What will we become? And, of course, one of the integral questions in this chain is the question: where will we live? What is it like, the city of the future?

This question is not new. Scientists, writers, architects, and probably each of us have thought about it. Now let's get acquainted with some of the most interesting projects of the city of the future and, of course, share our impressions.

1. A city without cars

This idea is far from new. After all, everyone knows that cars cause a lot of harm to the environment, but China is the first country where the idea of ​​​​building a city in which there will not be a single car arose.

The city will be designed for a population of about 80 thousand. All residential complexes will be located in the city center, and offices, service centers, shops and other facilities will be built up from the complex and further to the periphery. The city will have a park infrastructure, thanks to which residents will be able to get to its outskirts in just 10-15 minutes. Getting around in such a city will be done by bicycle or on foot.

According to forecasts, the city, which, by the way, will be called Great City, which means Great City, will consume much less water and electricity. And its emissions will be almost 90% lower than other cities of the same size.

2. Low carbon city

And here United Arab Emirates let's go even further. The city in the United Arab Emirates, Masdar, will not only be without vfiby, but it will also be missing skyscrapers. And the brilliant idea is that this city will completely do without conventional energy sources. Instead, the needs of city residents will be met thanks to natural sources, including solar energy, as well as wind energy, and geothermal sources. As a result, the amount of waste harmful to the environment will be reduced to a minimum.

3. An oasis city in the desert

Masdar is not the only city of the future in the UAE. If Masdar is a project that will be created from the very beginning, then Dubai is really existing city, known to everyone. And now specialists from one of the leading architectural companies have created a project to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
It is planned to build 550 buildings for various purposes in Dubai (from residential buildings to public institutions). And the energy for these premises will be generated using, attention, 200 square kilometers of solar modules. The city also plans to introduce transport that will not litter environment.

4. A city with empty buildings

Another project to “remake” an already built city into an environmentally friendly one is the project of the Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture bureau. The idea of ​​the project is to fill the city of Gothenburg, which is located in Sweden, with dense buildings. And to save even more space, it is proposed to place areas for growing vegetables, solar panels and windmills on the roofs of houses. This will help meet the needs of residents at minimal cost.

5. Vertical city

Australian architects have proposed a rather extraordinary design. According to their idea, the city of Melbourne will develop not horizontally, but vertically, both up and down. And over the city itself they plan to build a transparent cover, which will be intended for accumulation solar energy and growing fruits and vegetables. Movement in the city will be carried out in two ways: underground and in the air.

6. Pedestrian city

Another city that plans to phase out cars is San Juan, Puerto Rico. The city is experiencing a decline in the number of residents, and this has become the impetus for investment in the city's redevelopment project. According to the project, beautiful park areas will be created in the city, and cars will be completely excluded from use. This will make the city attractive to both tourists and permanent residents. The project will cost approximately one and a half billion dollars.

7. A city with a center of relaxation

The Greeks also became “infected” with the idea of ​​stopping the use of cars. A competition was held for the best project to change the city. Such a project was found, and now it is planned to create a “green corner” in the city center, which will serve as a place for recreation and walking. Also, minor redevelopment will be carried out, as a result of which it will be possible to move to different parts of the city on foot.

8. Glade city

The next "city of the future" in China is Shan-Sui. The city plans to build many skyscrapers to increase population density. But that is not all. In the skyscrapers themselves they plan to create various public spaces and green corners where skyscraper residents can relax and escape from everyday worries.

The implementation of such a project will also make it easier to travel around the city itself. Residents will be able to quickly and easily get to various parts of the city on foot or by transport.

9. 3D city

Another project to reduce the building area and increase population density is the NeoTax project. Its essence is to build multi-storey buildings not only vertically, but also, starting from a certain height, also horizontally. This will help preserve green spaces and the environment, as well as provide housing large quantity population while consuming a minimum area. Such houses will be built below according to the principle of traditional high-rise buildings, and above they will branch in different directions. Quite an original project.

10. Stone Town

An interesting project was developed by the Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut for the Chinese city of Shenzhen. The Belgian was inspired by natural piles of stones and proposed building houses in the form of stones set on top of one another.
This will not only save space, but also reduce the role of transport. You can also install a solar module on each “stone wing” and grow a vegetable garden.

As we have seen, there are many most interesting projects“cities of the future”, some of which may become reality in the near future. And, perhaps, their large-scale implementation will help us preserve the Earth’s resources and improve the state of the environment.


Reason for choosing the project:

    continuation of work on ecology “Better stop littering now, children!”

    one of the topics for studying the world around us is “Look around..”

    children's interest in working on the previous project “Better stop littering now, children!” because While working on the project, the children discovered environmental problems.

Subject: lesson activities, lessons on ecology, the environment, technology, fine arts, one of the long-term projects “Our Class”.

Goal: identification environmental problems modern cities and finding ways to solve them.

    expanding knowledge on the topic “Ecology”;

    identification of components of the ecological system of modern cities;

    finding ways to solve environmental problems of modern cities;

    instilling a feeling of love and care for hometown;

    formation of environmental consciousness;

    development of speech, fantasy, logical thinking"

    formation of an active life position of students.

Project specifics: practice-oriented.

Type of project in terms of complexity: interdisciplinary.

Type of project by nature of contacts: intraclass.

Classification by duration:

Two weeks.

Practical focus:

    development of practical competencies;

    development of fantasy, speech, imagination of children;

    development of communication skills;

    development of aesthetic taste;

    developing the ability to work with information sources.

Key skills: information and communication, practical.

Expected results:

    awareness by students and adults of the significance of the city’s social and environmental problems;

    instilling a sense of responsibility for the environmental condition of the city;

    developing skills to work with various information sources, being able to highlight the main thing;

    development of speech, imagination, creative skills of students;

    acquaintance with the city's administrative apparatus.

Project participants:

    students of 3 "A" class;

    class teacher 3 "A" class;

    parents and relatives of grade 3 “A” students.

Project abstract:

Stage 1. Goal setting.

This project is a continuation of the project “Better stop littering now, children!” While working on the project, the children came to the conclusion that city pollution is only one of the problems of our city. And we decided to identify these problems, outline ways to solve problems and, using our imagination, create a project for a new modern city, in which we would like to live.

Stage 2. Project development.

Part of the ecology lesson is devoted to developing an action plan to achieve the intended goals.

Dividing the class into groups at the request of the students, followed by a change of activity if the students want to change it.

    Dividing the class into groups:




    design engineers;

    railway workers;


    Determination of the type of activity for representatives of each profession.

    Prepare messages on the topic.

    In technology class, make house models.

    During the technology lesson, make models of trees, flower beds, and other green spaces.

    In technology class, make models of animals.

    In technology class, make mock-ups of cars.

    During art lessons, paint models of houses, cars, plants, animals made during technology lessons.

    During the technology lesson, make models of electric trains, rivers, and fountains.

    Develop questionnaires together.

    Select a form for the summary of work on the project.

    Involve parents in working on the project.

    Actively involve parents in working on the project.

    The teacher should prepare a presentation for the lesson.

Stage 3. Project implementation.

Work on the project according to the previously planned plan. The result of work on the project is to choose an open lesson-project “Building a city of the future”

Application of acquired knowledge:

Actions when working on a project can be considered as an analogue of the business activities of adults (professions: architect, ecologist, zoologist, biologist, design engineer, landscaper, designer, builder, mayor), as well as familiarity with the management structure of the city.

Stage 4. Summarizing.

Find out whether project participants are satisfied with their work? The result is considered a lesson in a non-standard, lesson-project.
