What the most terrible snake in the world looks like. The most poisonous snakes

Snakes are one of the most amazing animals that occurred from lizards and live on Earth for more than 165 million years. Gada inhabit almost all continents, live on land and in aquatic environment. Today more than 3,600 species are registered, from which poisonous - about 25%. Most people have only appearance These reptiles causes stormy emotions.

And if one admires mysteriousness and stunning elegance, manifesting in each snake movement, then the only name enters the panic horror. But the fear of reptiles, unlike other phobias, has very significant justifications, since the meeting with poisonous snakes May entail serious consequences. Every year more than 2 million people suffer from snake bites, of which about 10% die, and another 10% are deprived of busting limbs and remain disabled.

Perfect killers

The main weapon of poisonous snakes - bent back, large and sharp domestic teeth, having a special groove or the inner channel, for which the poison enters the wound. The composition of the serpentine poison of various types of reptiles of unequal, but in any case negatively acts on human body, causing strongest allergic reactions and intoxication, hitting fabrics and internal organs.

In addition, these reptiles are perfectly masked, silently moving, swim well and easily penetrate into hard-to-reach places, which makes them perfect murder machines. Although for the sake of justice it is worth noting that the poison of the reptiles are primarily used for hunting, and not for self-defense. The aggressiveness in relation to man, as a rule, is manifest only in response to provocations and when protecting offspring. What kind of poisonous snakes is better to go around the party?

Poisonous Grads of Russia

In Russia, the most common violence is ordinary. She lives in wild forests and steppes, swamps and near rivers, including in the northern regions of the country, as it loves lower temperatures than her relatives. This is a relatively small reptile, the flat triangular head of which resembles the arrow tip. An unusual vertical pupils with obsessing supervisant shields give an evil and awesome look. Coloring can be the most diverse from grayish to coal-black. Along the back on the main background there is a clearly pronounced zigzag pattern.

When meeting with people, Vijuk usually freezes or starts to help quickly, never attack the first. The aggression exhibits only when they come to it, try to grab or begin to pursue. Her bite is potentially dangerous, but it rarely leads to death. It just spends a lot of energy and strength to produce poea viper, so injects him in his prey or the enemy is very economical. As a result, human mortality is no more than 1%, and in 70% of cases, the symptoms from the bite are held in a couple of days, although it is not necessary to risk once again.

The list of the most poisonous snakes found in the territory of the Russian Federation also includes urchings.

Representatives of this species, in contrast to the guadukov, have a special sense organ - a thermaltor, due to which they define even minor fluctuations in air temperature. This "device" allows you to successfully hunt warm-blooded, including at night. If the danger occurs, the urgents take a threatening position and begin to dynamically shake the tail tip with a rattle, which is old skin, which remains after molting. Drying horny loafers in vibrations make a characteristic cracking sound. By the way, the poison of rumor snakes is used in medicine to prepare a number of drugs and vaccines.

Poisonous and dangerous land snakes

In poisonousness 2 place is the eastern (mesh) brown snake, inhabiting in the eastern part of Australia, as well as in Indonesia. Color, despite the name, can be the most diverse from light yellow to gray and black. Reptile populates not only eucalyptus forests and wild steps, but also occurs in farms, with which a considerable amount of deaths are connected. When meeting with a person, a person does not run away, but aggressively raises his head, S-figuratively bent and immediately attacks. The victim can lose the creation already in a couple of minutes. If you are not in a timely manner and not to introduce antivenin to stop the consequences of intoxication, even the lethal outcome is not excluded.

Tipan McCoy or, as elsewhere called, a cruel snake - a representative of the Aspida family. This large reptile up to 2-2.5 m long lives predominantly in the deserts of Central Australia. The color of the body can vary from light yellow to dark brown, and the colors depends on the season of the year.

Taisan bite is the most dangerous among poisonous snakes living on land land. The poison has a neurotoxic nature of the impact on the body, so there is usually a redness or tumor, but neurotoxins are quickly affected. nervous system, stopping the neuromuscane. Death occurs after 8 hours and less from the paralysis of the respiratory center. Doses of 44 mg is enough to kill 250 thousand rodents and kill a hundred people, and half-liter dose (0.01 mg / kg) almost 200 times the poison of other family representatives, such as cobra. Fortunately, in the mid-50s. The last century was developed antidote to serpentine poison. Prior to that, the chances of survival after a bite were less than 10%.

Cases of attacks of intramicious Taisanov are primarily associated with the careless behavior of people. The main diet makes small animals, and with a man of the Gada try not to meet, unlike large, fast, very aggressive and also poisonous coastal taris. These reptiles also live in Australia and lead a daily lifestyle, hunting rodents near human settlements. When meeting with a person, such Tipan does not run away, but, on the contrary, it rises and shakes his head, and then the lightning time attacks and hits the enemy several times in a row.

Despite the invention, the antidote and today from the poison of this type of Tapanen, especially in the places of their mass habitat, each 2nd bite dying.

Poisonous snakes of water area

Same poisonous snakes our planet live not only on the surface, but also in the coastal waters of quiet and Indian Oceanov. Sea creeper have a length from 1.2 to 2.75 m, and the body ends highly flattened with the sides of the tail. Sea reels from anatomical point of view are very different from land relatives. Despite the absence of the gills, the reptiles do not suffocate under water. Great right light plays the role of the hydrostatic organ, and the nostrils have locking valves. Moreover, the reptiles can even breathe under water, absorbing dissolved oxygen with the mucous membrane.

Sea views have the strongest highly toxic poisons. This is due to the fact that their diet makes predominantly cold-blooded aquatic animals, which, in comparison with warm-blooded, are more resistant to the action of poisoning substances. But sideways powerful weapons marine Oracle Apply mainly for hunting and, if you do not provoke a predator, it is unlikely to bite. Otherwise will follow a lightning attack. The bite may cause the most severe consequences, and in some cases death. The most poisonous is the sea snake Dubua.

The largest snake

Royal Cobra is the largest poisonous snake, the body length of which can reach 5 or more meters. Back in 1937, a five-m-71 cm long was caught, which was found in the future for a long time in the London Zoo.

Cobra grows all his life, and this is 30 years and more. Basically live in the tropics of Asia. Before pounce on the enemy, these snakes raise their head vertically to a third of the front of the body, expand the cervical ribs, forming a cap of the hood, loudly publish with breathing motions the characteristic barking sounds, make a warning throw and "idle bite", trying to scare away.

Usually, cobras are very patient and can control the flow of poison, trying not to spend it in vain. At the same time, 7 ml of poison is enough to ensure that the adult person died within 15 minutes. When meeting with Cobro, it is necessary to sit at the level of her head and stop so that it does not see danger and calmly entered.

The most dangerous representative of the genus of real cobra is the Filipino, since its poison is very toxic, and the deadly dose is only 0.2 ml / kg. In addition, Philippine cobras are capable of a distance of 3 meters to shoot a poison into his enemy.

Where most dwells snakes on the planet

Residents of Africa share their continent with four hundred species of snakes, including the most poisonous in the world. For comparison in Australia, the reptiles live 2 times more. At the same time, the highest death rate from snake bites is registered in India, where more than 50 thousand people die per year.

With active increasing pace global warming The number of diverse cold-blooded organisms, including snakes inhabiting our planet, began to increase significantly. This is primarily due to the fact that heat ambient Creates conditions for high comfort for these creatures. This article presents all the most dangerous and poisonous varieties of snakes living in various corners Our planet.

The most poisonous snake

The most poisonous snake globe Tipan is considered right.

Reptiles dwell on the territory of Queensland and New Guinea and have such features:

  • on average, their body reaches sizes in 190-200 centimeters, has a monophonic color of a red, dark or light brown shade;
  • the head is often a little lighter torso, and the abdomen - white or yellow;
  • poisonous glands of Tapane, placed in the base of poisonous teeth, reaching a size of 1.3 centimeters, on average, contain from 120 to 400 mg of poison, which has neuroparalytic and coagulopathic effect.

Did you know? The largest representatives of this species discovered in the wilderness reached three meters.

This reptile prone to the daily lifestyle. The basis of its diet makes up small frogs and rodents, which is why Taisean can often be found to be unrelated from human dwellings and fields with sugar cane, where they often register cases of their attacks on people.

Having envy the potential danger, these reptiles raise their heads, slightly swaying it, and then make a series of sharp lightning lows towards the enemy, each of which ends with a bite. When unwise of appropriate assistance, death from the bite of this snake may occur after 4-12 hours.

Video: About the most poisonous snake in the world - Tipan

Poisonous and dangerous snakes

In nature, there is a mass of varieties of snakes, representing a significant threat to a person's life. At the same time, not only the poisonous representatives of this group of animals are dangerous, but also, for example, anaconda and pythons, which, despite their presence of rather impressive teeth, do not have the gloys responsible for the production of poison.

In addition to various ground reptiles, there are also marine and freshwater snakes, which are a potential danger to human life. Below we present to your attention a list that includes the names of the most dangerous sample species depending on the territory of their habitat.


In Russia, such poisonous representatives of the governors live:

  1. - The most common type of poisonous snakes of the middle strip of Russia. Most often it can be met in forest zones, on swampy terrain and on the shores of various reservoirs. The length of the body (sufficiently thick) rarely exceeds 1 meter. A characteristic X-like pattern is located on the head, and the line of dark color in the form of a zigzag passes along the ridge. Color can vary from reddish-brown to gray.
  2. - occurs in all steppes Russian Federation. Most often it settles in various shrubs, ravines, beams and roadside roads. The size of its body is very rarely reaching 60 centimeters, males slightly smallest females. The steppe sticky spin has a grayish-brown color, along the ridge there is a stripping band, which can sometimes be divided into separate fragments. The side pieces of the face of this reptile have pointed edges and slightly raise over the upper pole.
  3. - The length of the body is about 170-190 centimeters. The front edge of the face has a pronounced roundness. The body is covered with flakes of an olive shade. On the side surface of the body, especially in large individuals, a well-visible strip of a dark shade appears, the upper boundary of which is bold with a yellow or white dotted strip.
  4. - in its structure very much reminds steppe violence, but it is characterized by a thicker body and bright color. The body is usually brick-red or orange-yellow, and a zigzag strip of brown or black shade appears on the back.
  5. - The head of this snake is covered with quite large size to the shields, for which he got his name. Between the nostrils and eyes in such a reptile, there is a small deepening, which hosts a thermo-sensitive organ. They are characterized by color of a gray or brownish shade. The back is overtaken by transverse stripes of dark shades.
  6. - distinctive feature Its are covering top Skulls ribbed scales. This snake is the most dangerous of all reptiles, which inhabit modern Russia. The body size rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. The males of this species are inferior to females in size. The color of the body varies from gray to brown-red. Along the ridge there is a series of spots of orange or brown in the diameter. On the sides of the body there are rows of small spots of a dark shade.
  7. Ukraine

    In Ukraine, the following poisonous snakes meet:


    Violek ordinary is the only poisonous snake found in Belarus.

    Did you know? Steppe violets were almost completely extinct on the territory of Ukraine, since they are not adapted to life under conditions of treated fields.


    The following representatives of poisonous reptiles are distributed in Kazakhstan:


    The following poisonous reptiles live in Australia:


    In Brazil, you can meet such poisonous snakes:


    The African continent lives:


    In India they live:

    Important! India is one of the most densely populated snakes of countries, three million inhabitants of this country suffer from their bite, so be extremely careful if you went there with a tourist or working visit.


    In Thailand there is a danger to meet such poisonous snakes:


    Nameclasts, which are most often referred to in the United States with rattling snakes - the only kind of poisonous snake living in the United States. There are mainly in the desert and hot parts of this country.

    Other countries and continents

    In other countries, reptiles also live, a meeting with which can threaten the danger to a person:

    First assistance in the bite of a poisonous snake

    When biteing any poisonous snake should be guided by such rules:

    1. Enter the harness from the girlfriend (fabric, rubber band, rags, belt, etc.) above the bite space, in order to prevent the further spread of poison in the body.
    2. Drain the poison of the mouth, necessarily splashing, rubber pear or a syringe without a needle. It is necessary to suck until the snake from the RAS, the ordinary blood will not go (in the beginning there will be rolled bunches).
    3. Then treat the wound with an antiseptic and impose a aseptic bandage over.
    4. Take the victim to the doctor to provide further assistance and monitoring the patient's condition.

    Video: First Aid when snake bite We hope this article will help you recognize the most poisonous and dangerous snakes of our planet and avoid a meeting with them.

    Did you know? In Greenland, not a single case of meetings with snakes is documented.

    Remember that in most cases snakes will not attack you if you yourself do not break the limits of the permissible behavior. Respectively treat any representatives of flora and fauna - it will definitely help you avoid unnecessary troubles and visits to the doctor.

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On you or someone from your acquaintances ever attacked the snake? We hope that there is no, because one of the most dangerous bites, as you know, a person receives from snakes. And although not all snakes are poisonous, some of them have sufficient potential to kill a person for half an hour. These are the ability of the most poisonous snakes on the planet.

They can be found everywhere - from arid deserts of Australia to tropical terms of Floridian mansions. Those who were not lucky to become a victim of the snake describe painful symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, numbness and failure of the internal organs. This is a relatively painful way to die.

And although there is an antidote, thanks to which many people managed to survive, if you immediately do not take the necessary actions, then the bites of many poisonous snakes can carry life in a very short time.

From the chain viper to black mamba, in front of you - 25 of the most poisonous snakes living on our planet.

And to make clarity, let's say that most (if not all) poisonous snakes are not going to attack a person. Usually they just want to not be disturbed. It must be taken into account by a person who faced a dangerous reptile. Of course, if he is the road life.

25. Ordinary Jararaka

Ordinary Zharatoka is the most massive and most famous poisonous snake in the densely populated areas of Southeast Brazil, where 80-90% of serpentine bites account for its share. Flower outcome is 10-12% without rendering medical care.

24. Gadyuk.

Vijuki are considered one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet. They feed on small animals (such as, for example, rats), in which they hunt, inflicting a strong blow and introducing into their victim a fatal paralyzing poison.

23. Green Mamba, or Western Mamba

Green Mamba is very vigilant, irritable and extremely fast snake, which predominantly lives in coastal wet tropical forests, thickets and wooded regions of West Africa.

Like all other mamba, Western Mamba is one of the most poisonous species of the Aspid family. Her bite can kill several people at once in a short time, if you immediately not introduce the antidote.

22. Nobolovochaya Mamba.

Like other representatives of the family of Mamba, the usuroolate mamba is a very poisonous animal. One bite may contain enough poison to kill a few people.

The poison acts on the nerves, heart and muscle, quickly sucking through the fabrics. After the bite, the dangerous symptoms characteristic of the bites of mamba are quickly manifested: the scene of the bite, dizziness, nausea, difficult breath and swallowing, irregular heartbeat, convulsions and, ultimately, respiratory paralysis.

21. South-China Multibone Child

Based on several studies of LD50 (dose, leading to death 50% of individuals), South-China multi-bands are one of the most poisonous land serpent in the world. This species was first described by the English zoologist Edward Blitte in 1861, and since then has been recognized as one of the most dangerous snakes for a person.

20. Naucookery Gaduk

These reptiles are found in lowlands, often near human dwellings. Their neighborhood with a human habitat may be the reason that they are considered the most dangerous for him, even though their poison is not so fatal as the poison of other snakes. Jacques are the main cause of incidents associated with snake bite, in their habitats.

19. Viguka Russell, or chain viper

Viper Russell is one of the most dangerous snakes throughout Asia, being the cause of thousands of deaths annually. After the bite, a person is experiencing a wide range of symptoms, including pain, edema, vomiting, dizziness and renal failure.

18. Black and white cobra

Not so sadly known as its Indian "cousin", this fast and irritable snake is considered very dangerous. Feeling a threat, she takes a typical warning position for Cobra, raising the front part of his body over the ground, placing a narrow hood and making a loud hiss.

These snakes bite a person less often than other African Cobra due to a number of factors, although their bite is life-threatening, demanding immediate medical intervention.

17. Tipan, or Coastal Tipan

The coastal is considered the most dangerous snake in Australia. This is an extremely irritable and vigilant snake that reacts lightning speed to any movement nearby.

Like any snake, Tipan prefers to avoid conflicts and quickly elude if such a chance appears. However, if it is caught in surprise or driven into the angle, it will be fiercely defended, and its poison will most likely lead to death in just a few hours.

16. Sea Snake Dubua

This floating snake is found in the territory from the North-West Coast of Australia to New Guinea Islands and New Caledonia. And although the Yad of the Marine Snake Dubua is one of the most fatal of all known, during the bite, less than 1/10 milligram is introduced, which is usually not enough to kill a person.

15. Challenge Botrops Schlegel

A typical predator, an ambush forward, a challenge Botrops Schlegel is patiently waiting for his unsuspecting sacrifice passing by. Sometimes he chooses a specific place for ambush, and every year returns there for the time of spring migration of birds.

14. Boomslang.

Many poisonous representatives of the family appearance, to which the boomslang belongs are harmless to people because of small poisonous glands and inefficient poisonous teeth. However, the boomslang is a notable exception to the toxicity of the poison, which is in poisonous teeth located in the middle of the upper jaw.

During the bite, boomslangs can open their jaw at 170 °, releasing a large number of A poison, which usually leads to the death of the victim due to internal and even outdoor bleeding.

13. Coral Aspid

The bite of this poisonous Eastern snake at first glance seems weak: there is almost no pain or edema, and other symptoms may occur only after 12 hours. However, if not to introduce an antidote, neurotoxin begins to destroy the connection between the brain and the muscles, causing a violation of speech, bone in the eyes, paralysis of the muscles, and, ultimately, ending with eating or heart failure.

12. Western Brown Snake, or Guardar

Western brown snake is very fast and very poisonous species ASPID families living in Australia. Its coloring and pattern is largely changing depending on the location, but poison and mortal danger, which represents a threat to the life of the victim (including for a person), is standard.

11. Efa, or Sandy Efa

Efus are small, but very irritable and aggressive snakes, and the deadly poison makes them very dangerous. Usually they very quickly strike, and the death rate from their bites is very high.

In the regions of their habitat (Africa, Arabia, South-West Asia) Efa are responsible for large quantity Human deaths than all other types of snakes combined.

10. Hardening Snake

Despite the fact that bites rattle snake It is rarely fatal for a person with a timely manifold medical assistance (including antidote), they are nevertheless the most frequent among the bites of all stems.

The greatest concentration of rattle snakes is observed in the south-west and north of Mexico, while Arizona is the area of \u200b\u200bhabitat as much as 13 species of rattle snakes.

9. Point Snake, or Indian Cobra

This snake is perhaps the most popular in the world. Possessing a highly toxic poison, it feeds on rodents, lizards and frogs.

Indian Cobra, besides bites, can also attack or defend against the distance "spit" of its poison, which, if the enemy falls into the eye, causes harsh and severe pain, inflicting heavy damage.

8. Black Mamba.

Black mothers are very fast, irritable, deadly poisonous and, if the danger occurs, very aggressive. They are considered culprits of numerous human deaths, and African myths exaggerate their ability to legendary proportions. So it is widely assumed that they are the most deadly snakes on the planet.

7. Tiger snake

Up to the territory of Australia, tiger snakes have a truly awesome reputation across the country, where they are considered one of the most dangerous predators for a person.

These reptiles are very dangerous due to their aggressiveness and toxicity of poison. However, tiger snakes are characterized by a high ability to survive, perfectly adapting to one of the most severe conditions in Australia.

6. Indian Children, or Blue Bungrus

Blue Bungrus, which is often found in Thailand, is considered one of the most dangerous snakes in the world, since more than 50% of all its bite leads to a death rate, even taking into account the introduction of antibodies against the antigens of the serpentine poison (antidote).

5. Eastern Brown Snake, or Mesh Brown Snake

This snake is considered the second most poisonous land snake on the planet, according to the indicator of LD50 (measure of the deadly dose of toxin) in mice. It dwells in the territory of Australia, Papua - New Guinea and Indonesia, where the deadly horror of people.

4. Death Snake

The deadly snake is the genus of poisonous snakes from the Aspid family, found in the nature of Australia. This is one of the most poisonous land in Australia and all over the world.

Unlike other snakes, the deadly snake in anticipation of its prey can spend many days until the victim appears. She hides in the foliage, and when the victim approaches, quickly attacks, introducing his poison, after which it is waiting when the prey will die to proceed to the meal.

3. Filippine Cobra

Of all kinds of Cobre, according to experts in toxicology, the Philippine Cobras may have the most toxic poison. As a result of the bite of this snake, the death of a person may occur in half an hour.

Her poison has a deadly feature to interrupt the transfer of nerve signals and damage the respiratory system, which makes it one of the most deadly and poisonous snakes in the world.

2. Cruel snake

This snake from the genus Tapane is also known as intramaterial or desert typan. An impressive feature of this snake is not even high toxicity of poison, but the speed with which she bites his prey.

Usually she kills his victim a series of fast and accurate blows, during which it introduces its extremely toxic poison deep into rodent. Its poison for toxicity does not have equal among all the snakes living on our planet.

1. Sea Snake Belcher

According to many experts, the poison of the sea snake Belcher is almost 100 times more toxic than the poison of any other snake on the planet.

So that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe toxicity of her poison, let's say that one drop of poison royal Cobra More than 150 people can kill, while only a few milligrams of the yase of the sea snake leather can deprive the lives of more than 1000 people.

The good news is that this snake is considered very timid, not aggressive - you need to try to really try to provoke it on the bite.

Have you ever wondered what the most poisonous snake in the world? Technically snakes are not poisonous, kills their poison. In this article we have compiled a list of the most poisonous snakes in the world.

It is known that the most dangerous bites come from snakes. Although not all snakes are poisonous, some have the opportunity to bring you a death sentence in 30 minutes. This is the power of the most poisonous animals in the world.

They live everywhere, from arid deserts of Australia to the tropical backyard Florida. Those who were subjected to attacks and survived, described agonizing, such as difficulty breathing, vomiting, nausea, numbness, failure of body organs. This is a relatively painful way to die.

Although there are an antidote that provide survival, but if the bite of poisonous snakes does not treat he takes life. We present the 25 most evil snakes of the world from Vijuki Russell to Black Mamba.

Not all poisonous snakes are aggressive and will pursue you. Most often they just want to stay alone. This desire, to which you need to listen, if someday meet them. If appreciate your life.

Sea Snake Belcher

According to many experts, Belcher is about hundreds of times toxic than any other snake in the world. To give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow poisonous it is, we give an example: one drop of poison of the royal cobra is able to kill more than 150 people, and several milligrams of the yase of the sea snake leather can kill more than a thousand people. Well, what is considered very timid and will require a lot of provocations to make her bite you.

Did you know? Most of the sea snakes are completely harmless thanks to the calm moral and lack of poison.


When most people think about poisonous snakes, a rattling snake comes to mind pretty quickly. Meet everywhere in northern and South AmericaThirteen trephists live in Arizona, more than in any other state. They are the type of viper. The name comes from the rattle, which is at the end of the tail and creates a special noise.

Eastern is the most poisonous of all the trembles. Fortunately, only about 4% of bites lead to death, due to the rapid treatment. Without it, anyone. The poison may cause continuous damage to organs and even lead to loss of limb.

The largest view The rattles of the snake is the eastern combidal ridge (Crotalus Adamanteus), reaching 2.4 meters (8 feet) in length, weighing 1.8 - 4.5 kilograms (from 4 to 10 pounds).


You probably know the famous legend about Cleopatra, who used the snake to kill himself? The type of snake, which she allegedly applied, was a viper. Meet all of Australia, New Guinea and other regions. Bite leads to paralysis, stopping the breath and death in just six hours. For fast treatment The patient is unlikely to die, but without treatment about 50% of the bites are fatal. These viper hunt for other snakes.

Inner Tipan.

It is difficult to understand how Inlan Tipan learned about the concentration of poison in the bite of snakes in the "Belcle Sea". The poison of one bite of Taipan can only kill 100 people! Nevertheless, they usually avoid contact with people, you are unlikely to ever encounter it. An impressive fact about this snake is not only how she is poisonous, but also how quickly bites. Tipan kills the victim of a series of fast accurate blows, with the help of which he managed to injected his extremely toxic poison in the rodent.

Internal Taipan has excellent eyesight and smell, which are used to detect production. Its diet consists of rodents, small mammals and birds.

Eastern brown snake

This type of reptile is one of the few, which are actually aggressive. It is usually found in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It lives in populated areas, such as cities, and not only in remote places. If a brown snake perceives someone as a threat, hesitates this person on its territory.

Snakes do not leave anyone indifferent, causing either delight or panic fear. They inhabit the whole land, excluding only Antarctica, Ireland, New Zealand. It's some of the most hazardous beingsand do not forget that poisonous only about 8 percent of all serpent of the world. They attack them infrequently, because a person is too large for them prey.

If you want to know what a snake is the most poisonous in the world, and this question is relevant and causes undoubted curiosity, then we will try to answer it. But scientists have no consensus on how to arrange in the ranking of these deadly beauties. We present the top 10 of the most poisonous snakes in the world.

10 rattling snake

The rattling snake most often contributes to this list. Live animal B. North America. For a long time Mortality from the bite of this snake was very high, but since then a lot has changed, as a result, the victim's timely rendered to help will almost certainly remain alive.

The poison contributes to the change in the blood formula, preventing its coagulation, which is why extensive bleeding occurs. The bite is experiencing strong malaise, nausea, salivation, suffocation. After some time, paralysis occurs.

The rattling this snake is called because of thickening on the tail resembling a rattle (it is clearly visible in the photo), and strange sounds that make scales.

Some researchers believe that the tenth should be made of repository - not the most dangerous Australian snake with poison, oppressing the activity of lungs. Now the antidote has been developed, so that people die from bites quite rarely, before dying every second.

9 Crouching Sea Snake En Hydrin

One of the most poisonous snakes living in the water, Enhydrine, can be found near Madagascar, Seychelles, as well as in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of India. It is an excellent swimmer, moves very quickly, dives at a significant depth, may not come to the surface of five hours.

At the sight of man, enhydrine usually rushes into the water and seeks to hide. Her poison is eight times stronger than that of Cobra, but above it is never put on the rating, because this creature is completely non-aggressive, on the contrary, the crochetic snake herself suffers from the aggression of fishermen who prepare from meat of this snake to themselves.

Some scholars are equally excluded from the ranking of Enhydrine, giving the ninth place of boomslangu - african Snake with beautiful emerald color and darling poison (Palsy after her bite in the bird comes in minutes); There are boomslars of olive, brown, black.

This reptile is a stunning conspirator: it has a magnificent ability to mimicry under the tree branches. And since from the whole game, the boomslangs prefer the birds, the hunt is always successful. Other bird, having gone, can even sit on the snake, accepting her over the branch.

But if not lucky to such an extent, the boomslang has a lightning throw: he can grasp mining right on the fly.

8th place in the list of the most poisonous snakes - Harlequin ASPID

Most researchers give the eighth place in the rating of the most poisonous snakes in the world of Harlequin aspid. He received its name for an unusually bright and spectacular color consisting of a red, black, yellow or orange stripes.

It dwells this creature in Mexico and some areas of the United States, feed on frogs, lizards, insects. The reptile completely small (up to a meter long), does not show special aggressiveness, prefers to escape by flight.

If the snake bitten, it could be very dangerous: despite the short-lived teeth, the asp is able to deeply injected the poison, since he is very stivering his jaws.

So, Efa is strangely crawling, somehow sideways, leaving traces that lead to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe clinopy. At the sight of a person or a large animal, Efa tries to scare, publishing a strange crack, which occurs when he blows special rings against each other.

Pupil ephon elongated, like a cat. In addition, Efa is a borious snake: brings at a time from 10 to 15 small ephras. Live in desert places and, although very poisonous, never attack people without aggression from the latter.

7 Filipino Cobra

The serpent inflating his collar, indeed, amazing the imagination of anyone who saw it, and the poison has a nervenithic effect, so it is extremely dangerous. There is nothing special in the Cobra collar: the animal is trying to scare the enemy in this way, deciding the case of the world.

Mistakes on the patch of the points of the points, as scientists consider, perform the same function. The cobra poison is very strong, and his such solid dose is injected, that it is even a waste: 250 mg! It is enough to kill a few middleweed people.

Death can be used for half an hour after misfortune, although effective antides have already existed for quite some time. Paralica respiratory system Sometimes it is already impossible to stop.

Surprisingly, that philippine Cobra Not only bites, but also aiming sprinkling poison, hitting the enemy at a distance of three meters.

6 Tiger Snake

The sixth position occupies a tiger snake. Lives beauty in Australia and tries not to come across people's eyes. If it happened, the tiger snake may be extremely aggressive, possessing a lightning throw and very strong poisonparalyzing cardiac activity.

The two-meter chummy or reddish collar has insect strips throughout the body, hunts on insects, rodents, small reptiles. This reptile is also a vivory, one brood can be up to 30 snakes.

The poison of the tiger snake is so strong that he kills a small animal in a few seconds, and an adult man was released for about an hour, a maximum of the day. Even the antidote acts not always, so mortality is very high.

5 Black Mamba.

Black Mamba is rightfully among the dangerous snakes in the world, which is among the largest and most largests, reaching a length of 5 meters. Giant lives on the expanses of South Africa.

It's amazing that his name is not at all for the color of the body, which is actually gray or olive, but for coloring oral cavity. It also looks scary, and Mamba is used for this purpose: to scare away major enemies.