What herbs increase potency in men. Useful herbs to strengthen the male power and health of herbal decoction for men ways to use

List of herbs:

Ginseng for potency

To improve the male sexual function, only the root of this plant is used. It has a comprehensive effect on the body. Ginseng is not only a powerful libido stimulator, its action is also aimed at the awakening of desire and enhance pleasure. The root of this plant contains special substances that contribute to the expansion of vessels and improving the blood supply to the penis, which affects the development and retention of the erection. The systematic use of ginseng for therapeutic purposes leads to improved sperm quality and greater sperm mobility, the entire genital system begins to work more efficiently.

The effect of ginseng is not limited to this. It stimulates and rejuvenates the body as a whole, relieves signs and helps to cope with the consequences of many diseases negatively affecting potency, such as various chronic diseases, jumps.

But the effectiveness of the drug largely depends on what form it is received. In particular, the alcohol tincture due to the high percentage of alcohol can not only have no positive impact, but, on the contrary, harm harm. Therefore, you should choose other dosage forms, especially since the ginseng root includes not only folk recipes, it is also an active component of many drug medicines.

This plant also has a number of contraindications to which are acute inflammatory processes, bleeding of various types, infectious diseases. At the reception of ginseng, the body can react with nausea, an increase in blood pressure, therefore it is impossible to begin treatment without coordination with the doctor.

Ginseng preparation recipes:

    20 g of dry crushed plant root poured with a glass of alcohol with a fortress of 70% and insist for a week. Take a tincture of 20kapil for half an hour before eating three times a day.

    Dry crushed rhizome ginseng mixed with honey, while 25 g of raw materials account for 700 g of beekeeping product. The mixture insists ten days and take on a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals for two months.

Ivan tea for potency

The alternative name of this plant is Cyprus. The composition of Ivan-tea is extremely rich in vitamins C, A and group B, it contains about 70 different microelements, 18 amino acids, bioflavonoids, pectin substances. All this allows Cypria to successfully clean the body from harmful substances, update and rejuvenate, fight various diseases and lead men's sexual activities to normal.

Stimulation of the endocrine system contributes to the development of testosterone, and the improvement of blood-forming processes contributes to a better blood supply to the critical organ. Ivan-tea has a soft soothing effect, helps to cope with the consequences of stress, which often negatively affects male sexual opportunities.

The listed qualities make Cypria an indispensable means in the fight against weak potency, especially since it copes with a disease that often serves as the root cause of sexual impotence, - adenoma prostate gland and other similar problems.

About other amazing medicinal properties of Ivan tea you can

The plant is not in vain wears such a name, this directly indicates the form of its use. In therapeutic purposes from dry Ivan tea, tasty and useful drink, which does not give side effects. Only the green mass of Cyprus in abundance contains caffeine, so in the fresh form it is better not to use it.

We offer several recipes for making medicines from this plant:

    The easiest way is to pour dry leaves Cyprusa boiling water, insist 5 minutes and drinking both tea twice or three times a day.

    The healing drug can be prepared on the basis of the root of Ivan-tea, dug in early autumn, washed and finely chopped. 2 tbsp. l. The resulting raw materials poured half liters of water and boiled about 20 minutes. The finished decoction is cooled and filtered, and then drink 2 weeks in a glass before breakfast and half an hour before sleep.

Root AIR for potency

This medicinal plant contains gum, ascorbic acid, camphor, as well as tubyl substances in significant quantities. The use of the root of AIRA is very diverse, but its ability to have a tonic and generalifying effects has a particular importance.

Men use this plant to stimulate the production of seed fluid, and as a means that leads to a gradual activation of potency. With therapeutic goal, they chew a small piece of dried root of Aira on an example of chewing gum or preparing tinctures, teas and decoctions based on it.

- The substance is potent, so its application must necessarily agree with the doctor and strictly adhere to the recommended dosage. Excessive use of this plant threatens strong vomiting. Fully abandon the idea of \u200b\u200btreating the potency of AIR's root will have to people suffering from gastritis with increased acidity and ulcer of the stomach in the stage of exacerbation.

Here are some ways to prepare drugs from the root of this plant:

    The tablespoon of the dried root of AIRA is steamped with a glass of boiling water, then insist and drink a quarter of a cup three times a day for half an hour before meals.

    For the tincture liter of vodka, 100 g of chopped root is poured, insist 2 weeks shaded cool place and use on a tablespoon before meal.

Petrushka for potency

It belongs to the group of aphrodisiacs. Contains all the necessary substances needed for male health: essential oils, trace elements, minerals, vitamins. In Petrushka there is a special component - apigenin, which has antioxidant properties and capable of reducing the concentration in the estrogen organism. Consequently, with the constant use of this plant, testosterone is significantly increased. Parsley also facilitates the improvement of the blood circulation of a small pelvic, which has a beneficial effect at the potency level. The root of this plant is a high-quality stimulator of male hormone production.

Greens and root use as arapeutic. A variety of dishes are placed by a plant, preparing infusions and mixtures from it.

Since parsley is a table vegetable, there are practically no contraindications to its use. But if there is a diagnosis, this plant cannot be used. Even healthy men should not be too fascinated by parsley and before use in the treatment for therapeutic purposes to consult with a specialist.

The ways of drinking parsley are very diverse, we give the most popular:

    In equal shares mix crushed dried or fresh parsley and cilantro. The remedy is eaten on a tablespoon with each main meal.

    This plant can enter the nutritional mixture, designed not only to improve the potency, but also to improve the body. Here is the recipe of this tool: 60 g of fresh parsley melted finely, add 100 g of pre-crushed, 250 g of any nuts, 300 g of wine and honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and stored in a shaded cool place for about 12 days with a periodic scarce. The finished agent take four times a day for half an hour before meals on a tablespoon.

Furge for potency

The grass of this plant contains ascorbic acid and oily oil. Relatives are related to food, medicinal and honey plants, so it can be used not only as a therapeutic agent, but also act as a food product with a certain processing.

The grass helps with weakened potency and increases the volume of sperm. There are no contraindications to its use, but with caution, the forgets should be used with those who suffer in high bleeding and has accretions in the kidneys or bladder.

We offer several recipes for using this wonderful plant to improve potency:

    Crumpled leaves, stems, coarse flowers in the amount of 1 tablespoon are brewed with a glass of boiling water, 3 hours insist under the lid, filtered and then take a quarter of the glass four times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is a month. The tool improves the viability and quantity of spermatozoa, increases potency.

    One and a half tablespoons of dry flowers and seeds of the reel is brewed with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours, then filter. Use for 2 hours of spoons about 5 times a day.

Nettle for potency

This plant is a valuable drug. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, acids, a range of micro- and macroelements, phytoncides and tanning substances. For the treatment of male problems, all the plant is used: leaves, seeds, roots. Of them are preparing infusions, decoctions, teas, mixes, add to food. Preparations created on the basis contribute to strengthening the potency, increase sexual attraction, normalize the activities of the urogenital system, are treated for some diseases associated with this area and leading to insolvency in bed.

When using this plant in medicinal purposes, it should be borne in mind that it leads to an improvement in blood coagulation, so people with thick blood and a tendency to the formation of thrombus from the use of nettle should be refused. Additional contraindications are diseases such as kidney disease and. Before starting the recreation rate, it is recommended to undergo a survey from a doctor and coordinate with him a medical program.

In traditional medicine, the following netties are used:

    The tablespoon of chopped leaves of the plant is sealed with a glass of boiling water, covered and insist 20 minutes, filter. Drink infusion for half an hour before meals at 70 ml.

    5 tbsp. l. The nettle seeds pour half liters of the vine-country port and boil 5 minutes, cooled and filter. Take a quarter of a glass before bedtime and on a tablespoon before each meal.

Another name of this plant is or shizandra. Its use has a tonic, stimulating, rejuvenating effect, it has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system, levels the effects of stress. Special substances, lignas included in its composition increase the production of activity hormones and act as antioxidants. Lemongrass Far Eastern is extremely rich in biologically active substances. This explains its specific impact on the gender system of men.

Shizandra solves several potency problems at once: prevents premature seeds, improves the erection, insures the impact manifestations, stimulates the production of sperm. Mature dried lemon berries are considered powerful malephrodisiacs. Of them are preparing infusions and teas, eat several pieces per day. The use of plant seeds to improve male health is practiced.

Take the Far Eastern lemongrass in very limited quantities, and it is impossible to use a metal container to store it, it can lead to poisoning. Men with, violation of work, high pressure and with nervous excitation from taking the drug will have to abandon, as well as people with individual intolerance to this plant.

Methods for receiving the lemongrass of Far Eastern diverse, consider the simplest of them:

    5 berries of the plant can be chewed an hour before sex, the effect will last about 6 hours. The seeds are preparing a powder that takes the flight twice a day after eating.

    To prepare a tonic beverage, a tablespoon of berries is brewed with a liter of boiling water, insist 11 hours, filter and drink, adding sugar to taste.

    The tincture is made of the seeds of the Limonnik of Far Eastern, taken in the amount of 10 g. They are poured 50 ml of vodka and insist 2 weeks, then flickering and take 30 drops before eating three times a day.

This plant is actively used to treat male potency problems. It can be used both separately and in the mixture with other herbs of this action.

The effect of the use of drugs on the basis of the Zvercaoy concerns many aspects of sex life. This grass with short-term reception, not exceeding 3 weeks, is able to positively influence the potency, awakened the desire for sex, strengthen the desire, to relate sensuality and fantasy. It turns out to be the most effective if the failures in sexual function are caused by a stressful state, since this plant is successfully fighting with the manifestations of fatigue, increases the mood. In combination with other phytopreparatics, St. John's wort is used to treat and prevent the diseases of the genitourinary system, which are also able to lead to sexual impotence.

But you should not be too carried away by means based on this grass, frequent their use is fraught with the opposite effect. The hypertension is in its composition toxic substances, the concentration of which can increase in plants collected in the areas unfavorable in environmental terms, so its systematic use must necessarily undergo in coordination with the attending specialist. This medicinal product increases blood pressure, so it is prohibited to take it hypertensive.

Recipes for using this plant in traditional medicine:

    10 g of fresh or dry crushed grass of the Hypericum poured a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. The finished infusion is filtered and take 50 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

    Grind 40 g of the Zverboard and poured half a glass of vodka. The drug insists in a dark cool place for 10 days, filter and take three times a day of 30 drops 15 minutes before meals.

Chabret for potency

Other names of this plant are also used, it is called Bogorod's grass. The content of a large number of vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, resins, tannings, timol, thymol, comedy, bitterness led to the effectiveness of this plant to strengthen male health. The presence in the list of microelements of zinc included in its composition allows you to successfully apply a chamber to solve genital problems. It serves to prevent and treat a number of diseases:, prostate adenoma, impotence, which have a direct impact on the sexual activity of a man. Enhances the erection and makes spermatozoa more movable.

Ways to use this medicinal product are very diverse. In addition to infusions and decoctions, as well as mixtures with other phytocomponents, it is used to prepare special oils and healing baths.

The frequent consumption of the vocabulary requires coordination with the doctor, since there are a number of contraindications to its use - these are various diseases of the kidneys (especially and), liver, thyroid gland ,.

Here are some ways to prepare medicines from this plant:

    To obtain a special oil, the fresh chamber is mixed with olive oil in a 1: 3 ratio, tomatifs one and a half hours on a water bath, and then leave for the night. The finished means is filled and stored in the refrigerator. The oil is rubbed into the crotch area to stimulate bioactive points.

    4 tablespoons of the chastard are connected to the soul and taken across the tablespoon. The mixture is falling asleep into the thermos, poured boiling water and withstand the night. The next day, the entire portion drinks, divided into several receptions per day.

The plant traditional medicine attributes "omnacity" because it has a pronounced exciting effect, it struggles with impotence and prostatitis, solves the problem of frequent pollutions. The effectiveness of drugs based on the presence of many active trace elements, essential oils and tanning substances. A concrete, tonic effect and beneficial effect on the urinary system makes it an effective means against low potency caused by various reasons.

Healing properties have champs and trickery of dry grass, which has some laxative action, so not recommended for receiving people suffering from diarrhea. In the presence of kidney disease, it is also not worth using a plant. All the rest can be safely used by the medicinal properties of this grass, since there are no side effects from the reception.

    5 h. L. The chopped dry herb of Dubrovnik is brewed with a glass of boiling water and insist 45 minutes. Ready infusion take three times a day at a quarter of a cup.

    In 300 ml of water throws 3 tbsp. l. Dubrovnik dry herbs and tomatifs on slow fighter 45 minutes, filter and drink 50 ml four times a day half an hour before meals.

Dill for potency

The benefits of this plant for male health were known to the leaders of antiquity, not in vain the famous Avicenna included him on the list of "lustful" herbs. The high content of useful for the potency of vitamins, minerals, fatty and essential oils made an indispensable component of the diet under the problems with sexual activity. The ability to expand the vessels makes it possible to improve the blood supply to the penis and promote a long and resistant erection.

Exciting sexual desire can only be properly prepared for the use of herb. The dill greens are encouraged solely on glass and ceramic surfaces. It is the fresh plant that contains the greatest concentration of nutrients and has a therapeutic effect, although recipes are found in the works of the healers of past centuries with the use of dried dill, which kept for about 5 years, the grass with such an excerpt was considered the most efficient.

Dill is actively used in cooking, therefore, to prevent problems with the sexual system, it is enough to include it in the daily menu. To enhance therapeutic effects, infusions, teas are prepared from it, and add to combined herbal fees.

Here are some recipes:

    A glass of dill seeds is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. Ground root and 2 cups of honey. All components are stirred, placed in a thermos and topped with boiling water to 2 liters. The infusion is defended by day, after which they take on a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

    The healing salad is prepared from several beams washed under running cold water of dill, finely chopped, slightly salted and fastened sour cream.

But dill is not so harmless, as it may seem at first glance, so before the start of treatment, this plant needs to be consulted with specialists. People with reduced pressure can not be used it, and allergies should be caution and pre-check the body's reaction to dill.

The impact of this plant on the body is very diverse and covers many areas of health. Strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous system, the increase in blood circulation contributes to solving such potency problems as weak and short erections or insufficient level of libido. The diverse composition of the useful elements contained in, improves overall health and adds an energetic person.

Therapeutic effects are decractions and infusions prepared from flowers and berries of the plant. It is impossible to use this means too long, it can lead to and lower blood pressure. The sharing of a hawthorn with heart glycosides should be under the strict control of cardiologists.

Here are some ways to use this plant to increase potency:

    The tincture makes from a tablespoon of crushed dry flowers of the hawthorn, boiled boiling water. They insist 15 minutes in a water bath, and then 45 minutes at room temperature, then fixed. Take a quarter of a cup three times a day.

    A tablespoon of fruits of this plant is poured 1.5 tbsp. Boiling water and boil half an hour on low heat. After cooling, they are filled and drink 50 ml before each meal intake.

Carnation for potency

This famous spice refers to the category of aphrodisiacs. Its systematic use enhances sexual attraction and improves erection. Such an impact is due to the large variety of useful substances that are part of this plant. In addition, the carnation normalizes the work of the body as a whole, restores the forces, has a soothing effect on the nervous system.

Spice is used to create healing infusions and add to dairy medicinal cocktails. But men with increased acidity of the stomach, as well as an ulcer or gastritis, such a means cannot be taken, it also concerns people who are experiencing nervous overexcitation.

We present several recipes for the preparation of drugs from this spice to improve potency:

    A tablespoon of honey, carnation and carrot juice add a glass of heated milk. Everyone is thoroughly mixed and drink 2 months before bedtime.

    A decoction from the ground part of the carnation of the grass, taken in the amount of two teaspoons and a bayed glass of boiling water increases men's consistency. It insists an hour and flickering, take on a tablespoon 20 minutes before rejoicing three times a day.


It is difficult to overestimate how important it is for a man to have a normal potency. The problems of "male part" are often the cause of insecurity and their forces, the feeling of completeness of life disappears, other severe diseases develop on the nervous ground. Modern medicine offers many decisions in violation of an erectile function, but they all lies mainly in the use of medicines having side effects.

At the same time, before using pharmacy drugs, it makes sense to try to use natural agents. For example, many know that it helps well for potency. What are the grass still exist, to increase men's power?

How effective plants are

The use of natural and vegetable components in the treatment of various diseases, including to improve potency, is more natural than the consumption of chemicals. This question is quite relevant, since in the current form the problem of erectile dysfunction is due to a variety of reasons, in addition to age-related changes:

  • constant fatigue;
  • quarrels and misunderstanding on the partner;
  • sleep disorders and constant lack of sleep;
  • irrational and defective nutrition;
  • bad ecological situation at the place of residence;
  • harmful habits (alcoholism, smoking);
  • chronic diseases and disorders of endocrine organs;
  • low motor activity.

In nature, there are many plants that positively affect the increase in potency in men. It is -, St. John's wort, Sage, Tmin, Nhealth, Horseradish. The use of caalgana, red root, greens also affects the potency.

Not only herbs apply to increase potency. An amazing property has a beaver jet, red pepper, pumpkin and other seeds and seeds. Such a plant as parsley also helps to improve potency. But before you prepare from them at home, you should consult with specialists (doctors or folk healers) to not harm their body.

How to help the bedroom plant Aloe

Aloe helps not only for potency in men, but also enhances the libido in women.

The plant causes a tide of blood to a small pelvis and increases pleasure and sexual sensations.. We give the best recipes for the preparation of funds at home, which includes Aloe:

  1. Aloe juice in an amount of 170 ml, red dry wine (400 ml), 120 grams of rose rose fruits in a powder state, finely chopped green parsley (50 grams), a glass of honey should be mixed thoroughly using a glass jar as a container. Then it must be tightly closed and put on 10 days in place, protected from sunlight. Once every three days a jar should be shaken. After opening and filtering, take this tool with aloe in front of breakfast, lunch and dinner on one large spoon. Means should be breed in milk (200 ml).
  2. Grind Polkilogram of the Walnuts of Walnuts, add aloe juice there (150 ml), Pasternak root in the amount of 70 grams and 400 grams of honey. Stir and eat along a large spoon in front of three main meals.
  3. First, you should take the Zvethoy (20 grams) and pour it with 1.5 liters of water, and after peak about five minutes. The decoction should cool, then it needs to be strain, add fresh aloe juice (30 ml), 15 grams of honey and red dry wine (150 ml). The resulting mixture should be dishes for one week. Treatment is carried out month. Two tablespoons, three times.
  4. To prepare the following means for men in order to increase potency, you will need fresh aloe juice, a rose robber in the form of a powder, honey, goose fat and butter. All components should be taken in the same quantities, mix, and warm up, without bringing to a boil. After stirring and cooling, use one big spoon, before eating, three times a day. You can dissolve in milk, or drink.

The effect of lemongrass on potency

Chinese lemongrass is a very well-known means to increase male power. It belongs to Afrodisiac plants. The berries of this plant are used in a dried or fresh form, brewing in tea or simply by using inside.

In addition to the set of elements and vitamins that increase the overall tone of the body, the lemongrass has in the composition of lignanes - special biologically active substances that stimulate spermatogenesis and improve the liver operation. Chinese lemongrass helps to monitor ejaculation.

  1. You can prepare tincture using plant seeds. They should be taken in the amount of 10 grams and pour 50 grams of ordinary vodka. Insist, strain and take 30 drops, three times a day.
  2. For the preparation of a quick-toning infusion, a lemongrass will need in the form of berries. One big spoonful of raw materials pour boiling water liter and insist for 3 hours. After polling, add honey or sugar to improve taste. Drink 50 ml, three times.
  3. Seeds can be taken as a powder, 0.5 grams on the tip of the knife, twice a day.
  4. The easiest way is when the lemongrass (berries) in the number of three or five pieces can be simply eaten before the sexual act. After half an hour, the effect will begin to manifest, and its duration will be about five hours.

It should be noted that the Chinese lemongrass cannot be taken immediately before bedtime. It is not recommended to use it at elevated pressure and excessive excitability of the nervous system.

Treatment by Shalfehee

To eliminate the problem of men, sage is widely used. There are its tops with inflorescences, shoots and leaves:

  1. Sage must be taken in the number of two large spoons (the leaves of the plant are needed), and pour the glass of boiling water, then bring to readiness in a water bath, from about a quarter of an hour. Take a fluent and chilled.
  2. The grass in the amount of one tablespoon is flooded with boiling water (200 ml) and insisted in a thermos about half an hour. Portion is divided into three receptions.
  3. It will help at home with premature ejaculation bath with gods such as sage, chamber, chamomile and calendula. For cooking you need to take all the ingredients in equal parts, pour boiling water and insist forty minutes.

Fees and grass

Herbs for potency can be used alone. But much more efficiently, if they make fees and accept according to recommendations. What plants can be used to increase men's power?

  1. A rather popular means contains a decoction of the same number of ingredients. Mint and nettle ride him. A tablespoon of the prepared mixture must be pouring a liter of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Strain and divide into several techniques during the day.
  2. It also helps with violations of the erectile function not only the grass, but also of nettle seeds, they are brewed in crushed form as tea (a small spoon on a glass of water) and take 30 minutes before meals, or in an hour after. A mixture of nettle seeds, honey and red wine taken in equal proportions is well affected on male strength. The nettle helps in the treatment of urinary organs, including prostatitis, increases immunity and purifies blood.
  3. To increase potency at home, black cumin is used. It is grinding on the coffee grinder and mix the teaspoon of raw materials with a large spoon of olive oil. The resulting mixture is divided into three techniques and accepted during the day. Treatment continues month. Cumin in the same dosage can be mixed with chicken egg and take every morning before breakfast.
    It is good to use butter, which is obtained from such a plant as Tmin. To do this, you need to take it in an amount of 25 drops on a large spoonful of honey. Take three times, not less than 1.5 months.
  4. If you remember other herbs to normalize the sexual function in men, the Kalgan root should be mentioned. It has a property to improve the work of the heart muscle and remove the consequences of stress. Kalgan's root needs to be thicker, take one big spoon, and pour the glass of water. Boil for 20 minutes, but the fire should be weak. Insist two hours, take the answers of Calgan three times a day for two big spoons for a quarter of an hour before meals. The use of Calgana is contraindicated at elevated temperature and leakage to thrombosis.
  5. A positive effect is red pepper. Regular use of this product leads to an improvement in blood flow to a small pelvis and strengthening desire. There is a recipe that allows you to quickly help with male weakness. Before going to bed, you should use a drink, where sugar and burning red peppers protrude as ingredients. They are mixed in equal shares and half a small spoon dissolve in a glass with milk. Such treatment should be continued during the week.
  6. In traditional medicine, many diseases use pumpkin seeds and other components of this useful product. To increase potency, simply eat pumpkin seeds in the amount of 30 pieces, but regularly and daily. Before use, they are recommended to be dried. You can make pumpkin balls. To this end, seeds need to be skipped through a meat grinder and mix them with honey. In the morning, it should be dissolved such a ball, half an hour before breakfast. Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin itself in any form should not be used in disorders of sugar exchange, ulcerative disease and low stomach acidity.
  7. For some men, a positive property has a grass hunter. To prepare the brave of this grass, you should take 10 grams of raw materials and pour the glass of boiling water. Take St. John's wort in such a form after insistenceing for 30 minutes, three times per day for 1/3 cup.
  8. Rapid potency and drug based on such a plant as horseradish. For the preparation of effective medication take root (half a kilogram) and grinding. The finished raw material is put in a tank of three liters and pour half liters of boiled water. Street in the water should be attacked one week, then add honey (0.5 kg), squeeze the juice of three medium size of lemons, mix and retain for another seven days. The infusion in the amount of one large spoon is used before the first and last meal. Khrens are not used in violation of the work of the kidneys and digestive organs.
  9. This plant is widely known as a hawthorn with disorders of erection in men. From it you can prepare a vitamin tincture at home. Hawthorn should be taken in the amount of one glass (the plants berries are broken) and pour 200 ml of alcohol. Sometimes inflorescences are used, but they need four large spoons on the same amount of alcohol. You need to insist the hawthorn three weeks, after strain and drink on a small spoon to three times a day, after eating. Can be powered by water or juice.
  10. It is possible to improve the potency to use a chamber. For preparation, 30 grams of grass should be taken and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist two hours. Drink a chabret in the form of a branch in a glass early in the morning and in the evening in front of a night rest. The duration of treatment is up to 14 days, then it is necessary to take a break and repeat if necessary. It is best to use a chamber in a fresh form.

There is a plant as a penny, on the basis of which a red root preparation was created. This is a natural agent for increasing male strength and endurance. It is easy to take at home, as it is packaged in scolding bags. Red root helps to normalize urination processes, prevent inflammation of prostate, facilitates the condition of the prostate gland adenoma in men.

Unique properties has a beaver jet. This substance is produced by the glands of these animals and contains a lot of useful substances. It removes inflammatory processes in the urinary sphere, normalizes the hormonal background, soothes the nervous system. For the preparation of a beaver jet insist on alcohol. Before use, it should be diluted in half with water. The main property that the beaver jet possesses is the strengthening of the vascular wall, which is very important for the normalization of potency. You can also purchase a finished extract in the pharmacy network.

Despite the fact that medical development in the field of treatment and increasing potency stepped far ahead, many representatives of strong sex are in no hurry to buy drugs in pharmacies, and preference to folk, grandmother ways to get rid of the illness.

Medicinal herbs and plants have been used for many centuries in a row to increase male strength, eliminate impotence and improve male health as a whole. Some of them are effective in themselves, they prepare tinctures and decoctions, apply inside and outside.

And some work only in a complex with other natural components. Recipes such fees great sets. What grasses increase potency, reinforce the erection, give performance and endurance? This will be discussed.

The composition contains a huge number of useful trace elements, vitamins and minerals that work efficiently, without harming to other organs, without causing allergic reactions. It is a pity that traditional medicine still does not include this plant in the formula of drugs for the male part of the population.

Cooking the infusion of the root: a tablespoon of a finely chopped esparcet poured a quarter of a liter of boiling water and boiled on a small fire for about six minutes. After keeping the night in a dark cool place, to be blown, filter. Drink during the day according to the scheme: in the morning - 50 g, at lunch - 50 g, for the night - everything that remains.

Yatrynik Male

Grass to increase the potency, which has long been famous for its unique properties and abilities. The man's body tones, prolongs youth, improves libido and sexual opportunities. The root of this plant is especially useful, which is used to prepare tincture.

The recipe from the root of the Yatryshnik:

  • 10 g of raw materials are thoroughly crushed, half a cup of pure medical alcohol add.
  • The glass jar is tightly closed and removed on 14 days in a dark place. It is advisable to mix the contents every day.
  • After the expiration, the liquid is filled. Store in the refrigerator.

We drink thirty drops for half an hour before meals are eating three times a day. The course continues within a month.

Kornevy Aira Bolotnaya

About his amazing abilities to eliminate male weakness wrote also Avicenna in his writings. It has long been included in the list of medicinal herbs for men who increase the potency and warning risk of many male diseases associated with the genitourinary system.

We are preparing a tincture of the house: buy AIR Bolotnaya in a pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself. Take 10 g of rhizomes, finely cut, rub, pour 100 ml of medical alcohol. Pour the mixture into a tightly closing container and insist three weeks.

After that, strain, take 25 drops three times per day for half an hour before meals. The course should not exceed thirty days. And even better, if you receive a doctor's advice before taking the tincture. Overdose by the drug threatens with vomiting, diarrhea, other unpleasant symptoms.

Herbs to increase potency: scented root

From it you can cook a delicious fragrant infusion that you need to drink instead of tea.

For this, a spoonful of raw materials pour a glass of boiling water, wait about five minutes and enjoy the drink no more than two times a day. Excellent tonic that increases potency.

Grass for the potency of Levsay Safflorovoid

Another name is Marali Root. It has long been famous for extending youth, stops diseases, including infertility and impotence. In antiquity, they said that Marali root could cure 14 diseases. And this is actually so. Used both tinctures and decoctions from one plant and fees with its addition.

The extract is sold in pharmacies already in the finished form. But if you decide to make it with your own hands, then it will take about 50 grams of a finely chopped root and a quarter liter of high-quality vodka. Mix, wait, hold two weeks, filter. Use daily 25-30 droplets three times a day before meals.

Preparation of the beam: the tablespoon of finely chopped roots is mixed with a quarter of a liter of boiling water, it is maintained in the water bath of half an hour. Filtered and accepted three times a day in two tbsp. Spoons before meals. The course is no more than two weeks. After a month, it can be repeated.


Refers to strong natural aphrodisiacs, is able to raise sexual opportunities on the most peak of their manifestation. Since natural root is available to a little, it is easiest to buy a ready-made tincture of it in a pharmacy.

Drink on thirty-forty drops added to a small amount of simple water in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment is long, but without side effects.

Grass to increase potency called Dubrovnik

Take five spoons of grass, add to a glass with boiling water, insist for 45 minutes. Barber glass drink in three or four receptions over the day. You can take no more than two weeks.


It takes a special place in a row of herbs for potency. Contains a huge amount of minerals, essential oils, vitamins and other useful trace elements, which contribute to the increase in potency, generation of men's hormones, strengthening blood flow in the field of small pelvis and penis.

Use the grass and roots of the plant, prepare all sorts of infants and decoctions, add fresh in the fresh form to many dishes, are used as part of numerous fees. Excellent remedy - just mix equal amounts of parsley and kinse green and add to the diet with each meal.


This grass is rich in vitamin C and oily oils. With thermal processing, you can make a variety of dishes.

Effectively increases potency, increases the amount of semen produced and improves its composition. Use all parts of the plant - leaves, stems, roots.

The infusion is prepared as follows: the tablespoon of finely cut grass is poured with boiling water to the volume of the glass, withstand three hours, filtered and take 50 g four times a day before meals.

Nettle for male health

Products of trace elements: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, phytoncides, tannins, vitamins and minerals. All parts of the plant, and even seeds apply to improve sexual possibilities. Use nettle and food. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of the urogenital system, normalizes its activities.

And this can not but affect the strengthening of libido, improve potency, increasing endurance. Before use, we advise you to examine the doctor and take advice from him how to use nettle, and can you do it at all. Since there are contraindications for its use.

The leaves of nettle to cut, pour boiling water to the volume of glass, withstand half an hour, filter. Take seventy grams before eating three times a day.

Grass of lemongrass Far Eastern

It is also called the chinese lemongrass. Real pantry vital useful substances, including for comprehensive improvement in male health. Beneficially acts on the nervous system, increases erection, prevents premature ejaculation, improves the quality of seed fluid.

The lemongrass berries have long been recognized as a powerful Aphrodisiac, but it is worth it to be dosed, otherwise poisoning or violation of the nervous system activities can occur, which will cause insomnia or the oppressed state and a sense of fear.

Very simple way to use berries: an hour before the planned proximity to eat five berries of the plant, carefully span them. The result is the normalization of potency up to six hours in a row, healthy sex without misfire and shame.

Or a berry table spoon brew in a thermos a liter of boiling water, hold the minimum of 12 hours, filter and take tea with sugar.

Herbs to increase potency: fees

Useful fees occupy a special place in folk medicine. After all, the people gathered the best in them, which gave nature, applied in their recipes not tolcolometric herbs for men, but beekeeping products, other natural ingredients to get rid of erectile dysfunction, sexual weakness, lack of sexual attraction.

Consider some of them:

  • the composition consists of: AIRA rhizomes, pjershnik seeds, yarrow. Ingredients Mix in the ratio of 1: 1: 2, it is good to confuse. Three spoons of the mixture add 500 ml of boiling water, withstand no more than one hour. Drink 200 ml three times a day. Experts recommend using such a mixture as an additive to any gastronomic dish;
  • in Composites for potency: St. John's wort, mint, nettle, clover. Take two tablespoons of each ingredient, pour five glasses of boiling water in a thermos, insist 30 minutes, drink three times a day with 200 ml;
  • in the preparation of collection, the chamber, mint and rosemary herbs participate. We take in the 4: 2: 1 ratio, mix, pour boiling water to the volume of the glass, we wait until you cool, and drink;
  • decoration from berries of rosehip and rowan. You can take dry raw materials, 20 g each, pour boiling water directly in the thermos, to withstand 7 hours and drink half cups three times a day;
  • the mixture of aloe juice, parsley and berry seeds are prepared as follows: take two thirds of a glass of fresh juice from aloe, twenty grams of semen parsley, half a cup of rose hips, you can dry. True this mixture. Mixed with 250 g of liquid honey and 350 ml of red wine. The mixture is spread to the jar, closed tightly and put in a dark place for 14 days, timefully shaking the bank. Then drink on a spoon three days a day 30 minutes before meals.

Parsushka collection recipe


  • crushed green parsley - 60 g;
  • crushed rosehip berries - 100 g;
  • any nuts - up to 250 g;
  • natural honey - 350 g;
  • natural wine - 350 g.

Method of preparation: All ingredients are carefully disappeared, the mixture is blown into the glass container, closes tightly and costs twelve days in a dark and cool room. Preferably at least once a day to shabby.

After the expiration of the ready-made infusion drink on a tablespoon four times a day before each meal.

When selecting a folk agent that has a positive effect on an erectile function, plants and herbs come to mind first. To increase the potency in men, many recipes with the use of plant components are invented. The result depends on the selected ingredients and the correctness of the preparation. Many biographic supplies, the essence of the work of which boil down to raising the erection, affect the body of a man just at the expense of herbs in the composition and other natural components.


The plant itself has a fairly widespread use in folk medicine (mainly China and other Eastern countries). To increase potency, ginseng root is most often used. It is in it that contains a number of bioactive substances that are needed for high-quality stimulation of sexual activity.

The most common method of using ginseng is the preparation from its root of the alcohol tincture. Another rulers in the olden times used such a natural tool to ensure the opportunity for a long time to satisfy their women.

Preparation of tincture provides for the use of 50-70 g of dried raw materials. It is poured 200-300 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol. Further the vessel closes tightly, it is left in a dark dry place for 2-3 weeks. After this period, it is necessary to shake the liquid well, after which it is ready for use. It is necessary to use 10-15 drops once a day for 1-2 months.

Many men for persistent increase in potency add tincture of ginseng in coffee or tea.

The main effects that the plant has a plant on the human body:

  • Erection stabilization.
  • Raising libido.
  • Strengthening pleasant sensations during sex.
  • General raising potency.

Thanks to all the above, the peculiarities of ginseng is considered the best plant to normalize the quality of the sexual activity of a man.

You can buy a dried root or finished tincture in a pharmacy, which makes it easy and easy to achieve the desired result at an affordable price.


Speaking about herbs that increase potency, you must remember Creeps or Ivan tea. A plant with a fairly wide range of positive effects, which are especially valued by folk healers.

Important of them:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Anesthetic.
  • Reduced edema.
  • Normalization of microcirculation.
  • Blood thinning.
  • Stabilization of metabolism.

As for the sexual function of men, in this case, the most important is the improvement of blood properties with increased blood circulation in the field of small pelvis organs and penis. As a result, the patient marks more frequent and persistent erection.

It is easiest to cook with leaves Cyprus ordinary tea. Regular use of such a beverage contributes to a significant increase in potency in men.

But on this plants, increasing potency do not end, men who want to improve their sexual opportunities awaits many more interesting things!


Natural Stimulator Libido - Eleutherococcus. In terms of its effectiveness, the ginseng is like a similar impact. Regular use of drugs from Eleutherococcus facilitates erection stimulation.

The most important components of the plants that are responsible for the normalization of the sexual function are vitamins, trace elements and other bioactive substances included in its composition.

To prepare a truly effective infusion of herbs to increase potency in men, it is better to use a certain herbal collection. At the same time, it is important to compose the most effective plants.

Comprehensive application is justified:

  • ginseng;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • hawthorn.

Such a "bouquet" contributes to a good increase in potency in men of any age. Use infusion or decoction from these plants should be regularly for at least 1-2 months. It was not necessary to wait for the result.


Specified a little higher grasses collection to enhance potency contains such a plant as a hawthorn, which is also famous for the properties of mighty aphrodisiac.

Particularly useful for men who are parallel to the pathological fluctuation of blood pressure. The hawthorn contributes to the discharge of blood, the tone of smooth muscle fibers in the vessels. As a result, the normalization of blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis is observed.

The main positive effects developing from the regular use of the hawthorn are:

  • stabilization of erection;
  • extension of sexual intercourse;
  • improving the functional activity of the prostate with a decrease in the scene of the gland in the presence of the inflammatory process.

The hawthorn is mandatory contributed to the lists where medicinal herbs appear to potency and extend the sexual intercourse.


Fast increase in potency is possible with the use of such a medicinal plant as AIR. To stimulate sexual function, its root is used mainly.

Refers to particularly potent natural substances, so the reception of any medicines and means on the basis of AIR should be agreed with the doctor.

The simplest and most effective method of using the root of this drug product to increase the potency is a simple boiling of one tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water.

You can also prepare a tincture of the root of Aira, for this:

  • 100 g of dried root poured 500 ml of vodka.
  • Leave everything to come in a dark place for a month.
  • Focus the tool.
  • Use 50-100 drops directly in front of the sexual act.

With the help of such a simple, but effective folk drug, thousands of men around the world managed to increase potency.


Often men are interested in whether there are herbs for instant potency increase? No, there are no such. Especially if we talk about the development of the effect for up to half an hour. The fact that medicinal plants differ from modern drugs that can ensure the occurrence of erection in a very short period of time that they work relatively slowly.

Most often to achieve the relevant result, it is necessary to use some particular type of grass for one or two months. An excellent example illustrating such a situation is the usual parsley.

Many have heard of her positive effect on the human body. The increase in potency is achieved by minerals, vitamins, tannings and esters that are part of.

To achieve the relevant result, it is necessary to simply use a parsley to prepare culinary dishes.


Useful for the potency of herb must be included in their list known to all nettle. This is a universal product that has found widespread use in traditional medicine.

The nettle is difficult to call the specific stimulant of sexual activity, however, it can significantly increase the efficiency of other medicines.

The main positive effects remain:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Reduced edema.
  • Normalization of microcirculation.

The list of characteristic velocities resembles other herbs, which causes the same principle of its use to achieve the relevant end result.


The natural stimulator of sexual activity, which has a general toning effect on the entire human body - lemongrass. It is loved to use for the rehabilitation of patients after stress or depression due to a good impact on the nervous system.

It is this feature of the lemongrass that makes it so popular when correction of sexual activity.

Bioactive substances that are part of the plant contribute to:

  • Improving nerve impulses from a member to the brain.
  • Normalization of microcirculation.
  • Enhance stress resistance.
  • Normalization of the overall condition of the body.

All this allows you to apply alcohol tinctures or aqueous beams from a lemongrass on an ongoing basis with achieving a good end result in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.


The grass that can be used to normalize potency only in a complex with other similar plants - St. John's wort. By itself, it slightly affects sexual activity, but significantly improves the efficiency of other means.

It is best to cook herbal teas, infusions and decoctions from several flora medicinal representatives. The first results should be expected no earlier than one month. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for a sufficiently long-term process of therapy.

In general, the St. John's wort will help a man:

  • normalize the work of the CNS;
  • slightly increase the level of testosterone;
  • improve the work of the vascular system.


Grass, which manifests a comprehensive effect on the entire body - a chamber. The focus with increasing potency is made on spermatogenesis. There is a lot of zinc in the chasty, which is one of the main components used by the organism for the synthesis of genital cells.

Accordingly, than it is more, the better. Therefore, many doctors recommend to use brazers from Cabin at regular basis. It will contribute to improved quality and increase the amount of sperm.

It is obvious that the grass increases potency, there are a large number of diverse representatives. Their use is justified in the complex therapy of the problem. Alone they will be able to provide the necessary effect only under the condition of the weak degree of expression of pathology.

From Thyme, the easiest way to prepare a decoction to improve the erection:

  • pour boiling water (approximately 350-400 ml) 20 g of dry raw materials;
  • let it stand for 1.5-2 hours;
  • strain.

You need to take at least 2 times a day, 15 minutes before meals, 50-75 mg. For two to three weeks. Further it is recommended to make a monthly break.

Problems with potency A few decades ago began to bother men after 45-50 years. Today, erectile dysfunction, the impossibility of carrying out a full sexual intercourse and obtaining a bright orgasm in some cases comprehends representatives of the strong half of humanity significantly earlier.

It is caused by stress and overwork, a low-tech lifestyle, the presence of bad habits and other adverse factors.

Among the many numerical methods of treating and preventing male impotence for a long time and still occupies the use of medicinal plants. Herbs that increase potency and prepared on their basis dishes, decoctions and tinctures give although slow but a powerful effect. Let's figure out what plants will help restore male health and how to use them correctly.

Advantages of the use of herbal

Herbs to enhance potency apply from ancient times. This method of prevention and treatment of male impotence has a lot of advantages before applying tablets and other methods of treatment:

  • natural composition;
  • relative harmlessness for the body;
  • accessibility for buying and cooking yourself;
  • the possibility of use at any age;
  • general strengthening and toning effect;
  • low risk of developing side effects;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level;
  • prolonged action;
  • extension of sexual intercourse, improving the erection and brightness of sensations during orgasm.

Important! Sometimes the use of medicinal herbs that enhances potency is not enough to obtain the desired therapeutic effect. Folk recipes will help prevent the emergence of problems with male health and become a good assistant during comprehensive therapy.

The main features of the use of medicinal herbs

Plants and herbs to improve potency have their own features of application. It is important when using folk recipes to remember and comply with the following rules:

  1. To obtain the maximum effect of medicinal plants, it is necessary to comply with all the recommendations specified in the recipe and take the composition regularly.
  2. It is impossible to reduce or increase the duration of the course of treatment, as well as the dosage.
  3. Herbs that improve potency must be properly stored. The acquisition of plants on the market can lead to poisoning and non-treatment of the desired effect. Therefore, it is better to buy herbs for potency in a pharmacy or a specialized store. If you prefer to collect herbs yourself, then grow the necessary plants in your area at the cottage or near the house, as well as collect in the forest area away from the road.
  4. It is necessary to avoid independent use of recipes in which poisonous and relatively poisonous (with long-term use or in large quantities) of the plant are present.
  5. Herbs to increase potency in men need to be used inside only before meals for 1-1.5 hours. In this case, the beneficial substances are better absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and provide their maximum beneficial effect.
  6. You can not interfere with several recipes at once and try to get a quick effect by using several fees or tinctures at once. It is better to choose a tool and pass it a full course of treatment.
  7. It is better to resort to the help of a specialist. Only he can suggest which grass to drink potency in your case. Visit the doctor is necessary to diagnose the disease and identify the reasons for its appearance. Sometimes only a relaxing and soothing effect for restoring sexual function in a man, and in some cases only surgery or a course of treatment with strong drugs can solve the problem.
  8. It is important to take into account contraindications that many medicinal herbs have. Some plants are prohibited in the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver, tumors and neoplasms. And it is necessary to treat it very seriously: herbs in their own power of exposure to the body are superior to medicines.

It is not necessary to wait that the treatment of herbs will bring a visible effect after 1-2 days after the start of applying the selected recipe. Only a full course of treatment will give its results.

What herbs for potency most effective

All herbs for potency, possess different positive effects on the body:

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  • soothing and relaxing;
  • immunostimulating;
  • replenishing the deficit of vitamins and minerals;
  • improving the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • promoting the normalization of the human urogenital system.

We decided to choose for you the selection of the most effective and safe to increase the potency of herbs indicating popular recipes for the preparation of medicines.

Parsley, Kinza, Dill and Celery

Applied to prepare a drug both leaves and rhizomes. As part of these plants, oils, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, so necessary for the restoration of male health. Parsley and celery are powerful aphrodisiacs, which, with regular consumption in food, help a man never experience problems with potency.

To obtain an effect, you can eat these herbs and their rhizomes in the fresh form, as well as drink brazers with them in the composition. Other plants, such as rosehip and nuts, can be added to such funds. Parsley, Kinza, Dill and Celery improve the blood supply to the small pelvis organs, are saturated with useful substances, but are not recommended for use to people with onco-scabers and kidney problems.


Aloe is a plant with anti-inflammatory and immunosumulating effect. Its use normalizes blood supply to the organs of the small pelvis and in the penis itself, it helps to restore libido and erection. The composition of aloe juice includes many a wide variety of useful substances that normalize the balance in the body. But this plant is very powerful, it must be applied only after consulting a doctor.

Here is one of the recipes with aloe for potency. The washed lower leaves of aloe hold out for several days (at least 5) in a dark cool place, and then squeeze juice with the flesh. At 100 g of this mass take 0.4 kg of honey, 0.6 kg of chopped walnuts, juice 5 medium lemons, mix everything thoroughly. Take this medicine is necessary on a large spoon three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.


This Grass for male potency will have a positive effect only with proper use. Overdose will worsen a state of a man, will cause different problems. St. Johscoy successfully struggles with fatigue and consequences of stress, normalizes the work of the sexual system, blood circulation and metabolism, increases the libido and the brightness of sensations during orgasm, copes with the problem of incomplete erection and premature ejaculation.

For the preparation of the means to increase the potency based on the Zverboard, there will be no effort. 10 g of chopped dry grass pour boiling water (200 ml), cool, strain and take a quarter of a cup three times a day for 1-2 weeks. It is recommended to drink decoction 20-30 minutes before meals.


Ginseng for a long time is considered one of the most important herbs for the potency of a man. To normalize the operation of the urogenital system, only the rhizome of this plant is applied. This is a powerful stimulator of sexual desire and excitement.

Ginseng helps strengthen the sensation of a man during sex, strengthen the immune system, gives a charge of cheerfulness and energy. But it is necessary to apply it neatly, since in the presence of tumors, bleeding, inflammatory processes, problems with the cardiovascular system, its use can lead to serious problems and deterioration of health.

The most popular is considered a recipe where dry rhizome is crushed and mixed with honey in proportions 1:28, that is, a 25 g of the root is needed to take 0.7 kg of honey. The mixture is insteaded in a cool dark place 10days, after which a man is accepted on a small spoon three times a day before meals. Successfully helps to restore the potency and alcohol tincture of ginseng, which you can buy in a pharmacy or prepare yourself.

Blooming Sally

The second names of the Ivan-Tea plant - Cyprus. The composition of his leaves is rich in useful substances, including vitamins C and A, Group B, bioflavonoids, amino acids, useful minerals, pectins.

Ivan tea helps to remove toxins and normalize metabolism, improve blood circulation and blood formation, leads to normal the sexual activity and functioning of all organs of the urogenital system. It is especially important that the plant gives a soothing effect and improves the work of the prostate gland, which is a friend and is a source of "male impotence."

Cooking Ivan-tea is simple. It is enough to pour a spoon of this plant with a glass of steep boiling water and give it under the lid. You can drink it 2-3 times a day like tea. Also, the rhizome is used to increase the potencies of herbs. 2 large spoons of chopped root pour 0.5 l of water and boil on slow heat for 15-20 minutes. The decoction to drink in half a cup before the first eating and as much as 30 minutes before sleep for 2 weeks.


Remember, before applying any of your chosen recipes, find out what herbs increase potency, how they affect the body, whether restrictions are used.

Before using them, be sure to seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor is able to find out the reason why problems with erection, durability and quality of sexual intercourse, as well as many others began. A specialist will also tell what herbs are useful for potency in your case.

It is important to remember that most often only the use of grasses for potency will not give the necessary result. To improve the health of a man, it will be necessary to completely reconsider his lifestyle and replace to a healthier, abandon the bad habits, avoid stress, overwork, supercooling, lack of sleep, is balanced. Only in this case will be able to restore health and enjoy sex with your beloved woman.

Everyone has long known that any failure in the body is caused by a disadvantage or absence of any element. What of these are responsible for male strength and in which plants can they find them?

Elements male male strong

  1. Chromium. Improves the exchange of carbohydrates, raises endurance, contributes to increasing expressive muscles. Rich: Cambodian Garciniacambogia (Garciniacambogia), blueberry leaves, ordinary gold masters, the fruits of the silk.
  2. Zinc. He protects the prostate from oncology, serves support for an erectile function, creates conditions for the normal operation of the sex glands, helps produce high-quality cum. At the same time, Zinc is also important for sight. Sources: Horsetail, Spotilla, Calendula (marigold), sage, rosehip, Toloknyanka leaves, lingers, birch.
  3. Magnesium. Cuts from stress, improves the activity of spermatozoa, accelerates metabolism. Rich: Rosehip, Pijma, Black Emersion Root, Timeline Violet, Three-Sheet Watch, Reason Real (White).
  4. Testosterone. The main hormone contributing to the change of the child in a man. Its decrease threatens the reverse process. Plants, increasing testosterone: Eleutherococcus, ginseng, dandelion leaves of medicinal and nettle, Chinese lemongrass.
  5. Ginger. Consuming it with tea, coffee or food makes men with full strength, strong, confident. Perfectly activates muscles and serves as support in intellectual and physical activity.

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    Task 1 of 13

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    Task 3 of 13

    Task 4 of 13

    Task 5 of 13

    Task 6 of 13

    Task 7 of 13

    • No matter
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Usually
    • Sound from the account
  1. Task 8 of 13

    Task 9 of 13

    Did you have an unpleasant feeling or pain in the crotch?

    • Did not have
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always
  2. Task 10 of 13

    • Never
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always
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    • Do not affect
    • Almost do not interfere
    • To some extent influence
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    • Did not think at all
    • Almost did not think
    • Sometimes
    • Often
  5. Task 13 of 13

    • I would not pay attention
    • I would normally live
    • Satisfactorily
    • Mixed feelings
    • Very bad
    • Terribly

Best men's assistants

The most popular assistants in the treatment of adenoma, prostatitis and in a duel with erectile dysfunction are such natural helpers:

  1. Mokha Pallas (Fisher) or a man's root. Stabilizes hormone exchange and imputed to potency. It is recommended for men, a sick protracted prostatitis, a prostate tumor, a variety of inflammations of eggs and other pathologies that reduce the erectile function. You can drink with infertility of a man.

Recipe number 1: 1 pp. Support of rhizomes of herb wheezing to coat with boiling water (0.4-0.5 l). It is half an hour, filtered and drink 3 times a day before meals on a tablespoon.

Recipe number 2: Grinding herb root (50 g) to coat with vodka (2.5 l). They insist ten days in a dark place, after being filled. Drink by clean water, three times a day 15 drops for taking. The dosage gradually (1 drop) rises, reaching up to 30 drops. Then reduce the same principle, bringing up to 15 drops. The course depends on the degree of development of the disease. For example, with adenoma and chronic inflammation of the prostate, as well as with eRtemic dysfunction, it is advisable to take at least 3 months.

Salep (Spotted, Male Yatryshnik). Adjusts the function of genital glasses, CNS, adrenal glands. Used when impotence caused by a decrease in the amount of testosterone. In Russia, the rhizoma of the Yatryshnik was "drink of love". The strength of grass lies in a young root that concentrates the useful substances to the end of flowering.

Recipe: Grinding Salepa root (0.5 h. Such) are poured with warm (15-25 ° C) boiled water (200 ml). Insist 60 minutes, mixing periodically. As a result, a colors-like mixture should be obtained. To improve taste, you can add syrup or honey. Take no less than a month with equal portions in the morning and in the evening. Such a mucus can also be used in the form of microclism (50 ml) with bowel glands and urinary tract. Important: It is necessary to use in the prescribed dose, because Excessive consumption can lead to an immeasurable sexual pulse.

Copechnik (red or blood root). It has long been noticed that after healing with infusion, decoosity or just a powder of a blood root, male power grows regardless of age. A penny, unlike the rest of the hormone-containing herbs, non-toxic, his whole body perceives and absorbs.

Recipe: 50 g of the dried root insist 5-7 days at T 15-25 ° C in vodka (0.5 l), filter. The remaining raw materials can be pouring again and insist 2 weeks. Drink three times a day at 0.5-1 h. Such for 30 minutes. Before meals, dissolving in a glass of warm tea or pure water. Evening reception should be no longer than 3 hours before the rest. The period of application is 3 months. You can reapply after the thirty-day interval.

Golden root (Rhodiolarose - rhodiolarosea). It can give the hope of many men who have already far in the past their sex life.

Recipe: 50 g Riniol root is poured with vodka (0.5 l), defend in a dark place for 2 weeks, filter. They drink 3 times a day at 20-30 drops, divorced in clean water for half an hour before receiving food.

Eleutherococcus (free-flow) spiny. The infusion of this grass is characterized by wound-healing, soaring, reducing and antiflogistic quality. Improves an erectile function.

Recipe: Eleutherococcus rhizomes (50 g) poured 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 15 days. Keep in a dark cold place. Drink three times a day at 20-40 drops on a glass of simple water for half an hour before receiving food.

Asparagus medicinal. Used with prostate tumors, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, liver cirrhosis, gouty arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, impotence, hemorrhoids. It gives a sedative effect in epilepsy and tachycardia.

Recipe: 5 asparagus berries to cover a glass of boiling water, uphold in thermos for 8 hours. Drink three times a day across the tablespoon.

Ruta smelly (fragrant). Harvest grass in the flowering season (June-July). It helps strengthen the walls of the vessels and, in addition, improves sexual function.

Recipe number 1: Fresh root is poured with vodka in terms of 1: 5, it insists in a dark place for 10 days. Drink ten drops on a tablespoon of water three times a day.

Recipe number 2: 1 h. A spoon of the dried ruta is poured 0.4 liters of cooled boiled water. It is night. Drink 0.5 cups four times day.

Recipe number 3: 1 hour. The root is covered with a glass of boiling water, it is 10 minutes. And drinks in return for tea or coffee.

Pasternak meadow (sowing, ordinary). It is useful for strengthening sexual activities in fresh or dried.

Recipe No. 1: Pasternak cuts into small parts and dried at T 50 ° C. A dessert spoonful of chopped pastener is poured with two glasses of water and cope with 15 minutes. Cool. Drink every 4 hours on the tablespoon.

Recipe number 2: 2 st. Supplements of crushed raw materials and 3 st. Supplies of sugar are poured with a glass of water and cope with 15 minutes. Insist eight hours. Drink every 4 hours on the tablespoon.

Peppermint. It is used to activate the digestive glands, treatment of hepatitis, neurological disorders associated with a violation of sexual function.

To preserve health and male potency can use healing herbs not only separately, but also in the mixture.

An excellent effect has such a herbal mixture:

  • 4 portions of sheetspring-nut, 3 portions of Pasternak, hunter hormour grass, fragrant celery, Fennel seeds, for 2 portions of the grass of the yarrow of the medicinal, the root of Aira Bolotnaya, the berries of the rosehip, 1 portion of licorice, the immorter of sandy, peeons of peony, marigold berries Stir. The teaspoon of the mix is \u200b\u200bpoured with a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. Drink young sips during the day.

Remember: plants, infusions and decoctions of them can not only give a tide of men's strength, but also harm. For example, ordinary mint can turn a man in impotent.

The advantages of herbal treatment

The use of herbs in the treatment of impotence, except for an effective result, has a number of advantages:

  1. Efficiency. Of course, today in any pharmacy you can find drugs to increase potency, but they sometimes scare them. And in order for the life of a man to be full, such drugs must be purchased regularly. Infusions and brazers of herbs are an order of magnitude cheaper.
  2. Reliable and continuous effect. Medical preparations are often short-term influence and are directed exclusively on the instantaneous attack and maintenance of erection. Herbs help in solving such issues as weakened (missing) erection, low libido, early ejaculation. Reception of natural assistants gives a reliable result that is preserved for a long time, if the man does not use alcohol.
  3. There are no side results. It is no secret that the male floor is mainly fear of regular use of chemical medicines, since it is aware that such drugs for an increase in erection have a lot of deficiencies, which the authors often silence. It has long been confirmed that the use of such drugs may pour into solid complications in the kidneys and liver. Herbal medicines although it is impossible to call absolutely harmless, but negative influences and restrictions on them are an order of magnitude lower.

Medicinal herbs - the most powerful weapon on recovery, however, only when it is used clearly for their intended purpose and, subject to the study of all extraneous effects and contraindications. Treat your health carefully and men's power will not leave you.

Prostatit Test

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In inflammation of the prostate gland there are specific symptoms. During the inflammatory process of iron swells and increases in size, which contributes to the increase in urination. If a man has such signs, it is necessary to immediately go through the prostatis test. Then you can evaluate the condition of your body and visit specialists in time.

The prostate test can be found at home. With inflammation of the gland, not only problems with the outflow of urine appear, but also deteriorates the erectile function, which leads to infertility. Early prostatitis diagnostics will avoid the development of serious complications.

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  • All right.

    The results of the test passed show that you have moderately pronounced signs of prostatitis. Contact your specialist and pass the survey. Do not forget that most health problems can be eliminated already in the early stages!

    You must urgently consult a doctor!

    You have a clearly pronounced symptoms of prostatitis. Certain your doctor as soon as possible!

  1. With the answer
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    Task 1 of 13

    Did you have an unpleasant feeling or pain in the crotch?

    Task 2 of 13

    Did you have an unpleasant sensation or pain in the scrotum?

    Task 3 of 13

    Did you have an unpleasant feeling or pain in the sexual penis?

    Task 4 of 13

    Did you appear for the past week an unpleasant feeling or pain at the bottom of the abdomen?

    Task 5 of 13

    Have you had such signs of prostatitis as a last week, a feeling of burning during urination?

    Task 6 of 13

    Have you ever had such signs of prostatitis as pain or discomfort during ejaculation?

    Task 7 of 13

    How many times over the past week there were pain or unpleasant feelings in the above places:

    • No matter
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Usually
    • Sound from the account
  1. Task 8 of 13

    No matter how you rated the intensity of pain while they were disturbed on a scale from 1 (there are no pain) to 10 (the pain is unbearable).

  2. Task 9 of 13

    Did you have an unpleasant feeling or pain in the crotch?

    • Did not have
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always
  3. Task 10 of 13

    Did you often have a desire to empty the bladder earlier than two hours after the previous visit to the toilet?

    • Never
    • Seldom
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Always
  4. Task 11 of 13

    How the above signs of prostatitis affect your familiar lifestyle?

    • Do not affect
    • Almost do not interfere
    • To some extent influence
    • Significantly violate the usual lifestyle
  5. Task 12 of 13

    Did you often think about your signs of prostatitis over the past week?

    • Did not think at all
    • Almost did not think
    • Sometimes
    • Often
  6. Task 13 of 13

    How would you live if the above-mentioned symptoms of prostatitis would disturb you throughout life:

    • I would not pay attention
    • I would normally live
    • Satisfactorily
    • Mixed feelings
    • I would have felt unsatisfactory
    • Very bad
    • Terribly

In the life of each sexual life plays an important role. And for success on the personal front, a strong male health is needed, however, due to the modern lifestyle, male power often gives a failure. To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to know some secrets: what herbs to increase potency exist, as in what form to use them and what other effects they may have.


Treatment of herbs is the main aspect of traditional medicine, which is used almost to each disease, including to enhance the sexual function, returning men's strength. But some men appear confusion - and is it true of the fees of herbs so effective, as they declare about it? If you compare tablets and herbs, you can select the following features:

  • Safety. This is the most important point. As a rule, medicinal herbs do not harm with proper use and do not have side effects, providing increasing. But men's pills, gels and ointments can cause complications associated with the internal organs, or to "deliver" a man with a rash after local application. Whether they are completely vegetable - no side effects would have been observed.
  • Availability. In pharmacies, you can purchase a variety of herbal fees from herbs that enhance male strength, for a small price, if compared with the means of traditional medicine. Moreover, plants can be collected by himself, but before this you need to know the places of their growing and time suitable for collecting.
  • Prolonged effect. Plants - a natural product that does not contain any chemical impurities. Also herbal fee affects the body comprehensively: the grass stabilize the work of all internal organs and increase immunity, allowing you to strengthen the desire. A weakened state of health, as is known, one of the reasons for reducing potency.
  • Easy to use. Decorations and tinctures in herbal fees usually drink 2-3 times a day, so it is not necessary to memorize complex reception schemes, as often happens when using tablets.

Despite the above-mentioned advantages of herbal fees in traditional medicine, if problems arise in sexual life, you need to see a doctor. Only a specialist may indicate what herbs will be more effective for male health and will be positively influenced by health. You can also not forget about the individual intolerance of the components by a male organism.


Experts claim that traditional medicine is most effective in the treatment of initial stages of diseases and is able to qualitatively improve the situation in non-expressed problems. Herbs lead to strengthening slightly weakened potency, but the doctor may assign such treatment and during the embedded cases of erectile dysfunction. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to launch the disease, the timely start of treatment will affect the more efficient work of the increase in properties.

The following symptoms can be a signal to the fact that the potency weakening:

  • A weak erection that does not allow to complete the sexual act;
  • Premature ejaculation, noticeably reduced duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Sudden loss of erection to sexual intercourse;
  • Excitation of the penis in the absence of desire, and on the contrary - the inability to achieve an erection with a strong psychological desire;
  • Lack of seeds.

In addition, the signs of erectile dysfunction may include fatigue, lethargy, depression; A man is unable to take himself in hand. Problems with potency can also manifest themselves against the backdrop of colds, quarrels, workload at work and whatever stressful situations.


Herbs increasing men's potency, not so harmless as it may seem. They can not be a help to the enemy. For this reason, a man needs to know some rules to get the desired effect of therapeutic herbs and fees, and not to reduce their own immunity.

Observe the diet during the treatment of alternative medicine. Failure to alcohol and harmful food improves the effect of medicinal herbs.

Treatment of herbs is appointed only after the examination, since the reasons for the reduction of potency are a set. It is necessary to choose herbal fees that affect the cause of the illness. It is also necessary to remember the possible allergic reaction, which is capable of lowering the quality of treatment.

It is necessary to realize that the grass begins to improve sexual life after a long time, and in no way after a couple of days, as promised when tablets. You need to be patient and take chasters and tincture on herbs and roots by recipe.

Useful herbs

It is worth noting that many herbs and roots contributing to the increase in potency - hypoallergenic, which is especially important for men of older. After all, for them, a list of possible funds is limited due to the danger of occurrence of chronic diseases, so it is important to know what herbs can be drunk.


This grass is deservedly considered one of the best funds of traditional medicine to increase potency. It is enriched with zinc, chrome, selenium, a variety of vitamins to strengthen and maintain male power and such useful elements such as apigenin - a substance that reduces the volume of estrogen in the blood and enhances the blood flow in the field of small pelvis, improving the excitation of the penis.

Parsley is good in that it can be used to achieve her therapeutic effect to use freshly a beam or constructed to a salad.

A recipe based on parsley and honey is especially useful. It is necessary to prepare the following ingredients for it:

  • Grinding parsley (or parsley seeds) 100 g;
  • Honey of any grade 200 g;
  • Rosehip fruits dried 100 g;
  • Dry red wine 200 ml.

Initially, rosehip needs to thoroughly grind in a coffee grinder. After that, it remains only to mix all the ingredients and put in the refrigerator for the week. Take three times a day of 1.5 teaspoon on an empty stomach. The therapeutic course lasts 3 weeks.


This multi-year medicinal plant is widely used: with various diseases and for cosmetics purposes. For men's potency, the mixture of aloe and honey insist. Requires:

  • Aloe (its juice) 180 ml;
  • Red wine 400 ml;
  • Shredded to powder fruits of rosehip 120 g;
  • Parsley 50 g;
  • Honey 250 g

All ingredients need to be mixed in a glass jar and stored in a dark and cool place for 10 days. Once in three days you need to shake a jar with tincture. After the mixture is imagined, strain it and breed it in a direct welcome in 200 ml of milk. Drink three times a day across the tablespoon.

Chinese lemongrass

Berries of this plant are rightfully in the list of products useful for men. They are considered a strong aphrodisiac, as they affect sexual desire, increasing it. Its composition contains substances that improve the quality of sperm.

Useful recipes based on Chinese lemongrass:

  • Pour 10 g of plant seeds 50 ml vodka. Insist and drink 30 drops 3 times a day;
  • You can grind seeds and take powder twice a day with food;
  • Lamyonnaya berries (3-5 pcs.) You can eat before sexual act, while the berries will act 5 hours.

Chinese lemongrass is often used as the ingredient of men's dietary supplements, which only confirms its effectiveness and reinforcing the potency of the property.


In order to improve male health, use shoots, leaves and inflorescences of plants. SHALFEY-based recipes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Fill with chopped grass and pour 200 ml of boiling water into thermos. It is half an hour. Drink 1/3 of thermos three times a day;
  • Sage leaves (2 art. L.) Pour 250 ml of boiling water, bite 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool and drink during the day.

Sage helps to get rid of many other diseases. Plant leaflets reduce the activities of malicious bacteria and viruses during cold. He also has proven his downstream properties.


The plant has an antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Effectively with problems with the urogenital system, affects the quality of sperm. The chamber is familiar to many like a reinstalling testosterone drug. Effectively treatment with medicinal ointments, for this you need:

  • Pumpkin oil (grape, linen, etc.) 300 ml.

Chabret pour oil. In the water bath boost, then give it to remove 5 minutes. From the finished mixture to remove the remains of grass. Apply for a sexual member for a month every second day.


The plant improves blood circulation, strengthening the vessels and eliminating them from excess cholesterol. Especially effective alcohol tincture. For her it will be necessary:

  • Fruits hawthorn 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vodka without impurities 400 ml.

After mixing the ingredients insist during the week. After that, on the hungry stomach, drink 30 drops 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 1 month.


The tincture with the root of ginger and honey in the ratio of 20 g per 100 g of honey increases the quality of sexual life, saturates the body with useful substances and strengthens the immune system. A dried ginger root and tea with ginger and lemon are also useful not only for male power, but also to reduce high temperatures during a cold.

Folk Medicine keeps many secrets for the treatment of various diseases. For the treatment of men's potency, herbs prepared and various recipes based on them. With a not launched stage of sexual dysfunction and proper reception, therapeutic herbs will strengthen male potency and strengthen immunity. So that such a method of treatment has not become malicious, you need a mandatory advice of the doctor.

Reducing sexual attraction, no potency is a fairly common problem of a strong half of humanity. Such a situation in oppressively acts on men, the confidence disappears in their abilities, arguing a person to depression. There are many drugs to help solve a delicate problem. But pills can harm other organs. Consequently, it costs to help the help of traditional medicine. There are vegetable components, grass, using which you can strengthen your male health and not harm other organs.

You can restore male health by simply changing the usual mode of life, which most is not always healthy. Harmful habits, alcohol abuse, small physical activity are not healthy potency satellites. Sometimes, simply revising their personal attitude towards this, the power of a man is restored and no drugs will need no preparations for improving potency.

But often it happens that the cause of losses are:

  • consequences after diseases;
  • injuries;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • reception of medication drugs;
  • supercooling;
  • avitaminosis;
  • negative environmental impact;
  • severe working conditions;
  • age changes;
  • household quarrels;
  • emotional stress.

Help from nature was looking for our ancestors many centuries ago. And she responded every time, helped in solving multiple problems. It is just necessary to know which herbs increase the potency and how to take them. Potentially depends on the process of blood supply to the genital organ. Therefore, the reason may be associated with heart disease. Before starting the treatment of male potencies, you need to know the reason for this. Install this will be able only to the attending physician. Despite the delicacy of the problem, the visit to the urologist or the Andrologist is not worth postponing.

Important! Despite the fact that herbs may seem harmless tool, some of them can help, and some harm.

Herbs to increase potency in men

Folk medicine provides many ways to increase potency in men herbs. Their use recommends traditional medicine for complex treatment, for prophylactic measures.

  1. Ginseng. Restores libido, the work of the cardiovascular system is improved, the nervous system calms down, the resistance of the immune system increases.
  2. Hawthorn. Improving the work of the heart system, increases blood flow to the genital organs, which is important for men's power. In Germany, this agent use men to eliminate their sexual problems.
  3. Lemongrass. Used to treat impotence, prostate adenoma. Medicine recommends applying a plant in pure form, as well as as part of fees to strengthen the immune system, improving the work of the heart muscle.

  1. Ginkgo Biloba, used since ancient times by Chinese men. It is often used in the means of Chinese medicine to enhance potency. Improves the work of the heart, providing a greater influx of blood to the brain and genital organs.
  2. Katuab. Powerful natural aphrodisiac. Increases potency in men, strengthens the sexual attraction in women. It is often used by the population in Brazil, which proves their high sexual activity. Infusions, fees, decoctions from the leaves of this evergreen plant warn premature ejaculation.
  3. Jochimbe. Disclaimers, folk healers call plant vegetable, natural Viagra. But decoctions, infusions do not give side effects that have a title drug. Increases potency, significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse, raises the libido. On the basis of this plant, all known drugs are manufactured for the treatment of erectile dysfunctions.
  4. Palmetto. The plant that has yet been used by ancient Americans to improve sexual sex functions. Modern medicine recommends ragners and tinkers for the treatment of prostate, urogenital system, cardiovascular diseases.

Studying the list, any man may think that all this is some kind of exotic from tropical countries. Does our plant world are so scooped? This is not true! Our latitudes give herbs to increase potency in men even in more. Among the main things you can note the products and herbs that increase the potency in men, it is:

  • parsley;
  • ginger;
  • st. John's wort;
  • the root of AIR;
  • raspberry leaves, currant, strawberries;
  • dubrovnik;
  • sage;
  • caraway;
  • thyme;
  • leaves and berries lingonberries;
  • aloe;
  • horseradish;
  • walnut;
  • rosehip;
  • nettle.

The list can be continued to infinity and each plant growing in our latitudes will have a beneficial effect on the male organism.

Important! Some herbs that increase the potency in men can cause diarrhea. Therefore, before independent preparation of funds, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Most herbal decrains improve the work of the heart, normalize the urinary system, cause disgust for alcohol, which is important in the treatment of potency. For example, a chamber is used in the preparation of decoction for the treatment of alcoholism. Permanent use shows a persistent disgust for alcohol. Alcohol is the worst enemy of a full sex life.

Herbal fees used to treat potency

Herbs that increase the potency in men are most effective if used for this purpose fees from therapeutic plants. In modern pharmacies, you can find ready-made dry fees containing all the necessary herbs. Such sets to use most efficiently, as the raw material is grown and assembled in specialized farms or in environmentally friendly zones. Do not try to do it yourself, purchasing herbs in the natural markets.

Most effective herbal fees

The most popular and effective fee is a set of herbs, which include:

  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • nettle;
  • st. John's wort

In the finished form, such a decoction or water infusion has a fairly pleasant taste, being a powerful aphrodisiac. A mixture of herbs (3 tablespoons) is poured with a liter of boiling water and insist about thirty minutes. Strain and drink the entire volume by dividing on equal portions during the day.

Dry leaves of berry shrubs

No less useful qualities and pleasant flavors have chasters from lingers, raspberries, currants, strawberries. A mixture of dry leaves (3-4 tablespoons) needs to be pouring boiling water and withstand about twenty minutes in a water bath. Then the decoction to cool, strain and take one glance for fifteen minutes before meals. The decoction will be more pleasant if adding honey to it. Sugar use with champions is contraindicated, it simply destroys all the healing properties of the bravery, infusions.

Rowan and rosehip in the treatment of potency

One, two tablespoons of berries should be pouring steep boiling water in the amount of one liter. Infusion to withstand about six hours. It is best for the preparation of infusion from these fruits to use a thermos and take it in a warm form. But he takes the highest healing force precisely after six hours. After that, the decoction is filtered and accepted by half a cup every three hours. The drink is pleasant to taste, so it will take pleasure. You can add honey.

Potency will not stand in front of ginger

A unique root that is applied in many recipes. Many healers call him the root of love. The ginger contains a huge number of essential oils, vitamins, amino acids, minerals. It is recommended to eat daily in raw form and in the form of water info. According to its strength, the impact on the male organism, the ginger is compared with Viagra, but without manifestation of side effects.
Root rubbed on a small grater, added to food, teas, brewed with boiling water. In any form, he does not lose its healing properties. After regular use, a person feels:

  • tide of vitality;
  • strengthening sexual entry;
  • lack of fatigue;
  • a longer sexual intercourse.

Ideal vegetable tools for maintaining cardiovascular activities and improving immunity. The root is able to increase the level of testosterone in the blood, which entails an increase in libido.
But it is worth remembering that ginger has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use people at high body temperature suffering from ulcerative diseases, hypertension. The root has diuretic properties, so patients with stones in the kidneys approach such a treatment method with caution. Preferably consult with the doctor.

Men experiencing problems with potency should keep track of parsley (root or greens) attended regularly in dishes. The earlier the diet will be complemented by this plant, the better for male health. But for the preparation of this product, seeds of parsley are used. There are three aloe sheets, which has already been more than three years old. They are washed and cleaned from the peel. The flesh must be softened with a fork and add two teaspoons of parsley seeds. This mixture is necessary to pour out a liter of natural red wine and insist in a dark place for two weeks. Ready infusion can not be filtered, the whole composition will be at the bottom. Take before eating on one tablespoon.

The fruits of chestnuts are absolutely not deserved under their feet in the parks and squares of our cities with the onset of autumn. The properties of chestnut fruits are simply unknown to many people. It helps in the treatment of varicose veins, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, heart, vascular, infectious diseases, prostatitis. After forty, each man can safely use chestnut for a longer sex life. After all, there is no wonder the effects of chestnut's effect on the body compare with the power of a horse. Property from chestnut fruits can improve blood circulation in the pelvis area, which is favorably affects the treatment of prostate, erectile dysfunction.

For cooking, the fruits of young trees will be needed, which are not more than three years old. Harvesting nuts must be started at the end of July. Before cooking tincture, the chestnut is crushed together with the peel and dried in a dark place. High raw materials (2-3 teaspoons) poured a bottle of vodka or alcohol. Increase in a dark place for about ten days. After that, you can not merge and take one teaspoon before eating, diluting the tincture with water. Also for the preparation of therapeutic tinctures use flowers and chestnut bark.

The problem lies not only in the "root" and

Before treating potency treatment by folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Self-medication has never gave positive results. Well, the independent reception of the funds of traditional medicine is effective for preventing potency. Treatment is a set of measures using drug treatment, exercises of the exercise of the exercise, prevention. To cure potency only by folk remedies is impossible. Perfect treatment it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause of the disease. Not always sexlessness is associated with the urogenital system. This state may be caused by diseases of other organs or systems. Modern Andrologists, urologists define several main reasons responsible for potency:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • regular nervous stress;
  • severe physical work;
  • power violation;
  • disorder sexual bonds.

If you normalize these few points in your life, you will not need to look at the "root". But there are diseases that are responsible for the sexual activity of a man. Careful drug treatment is already required here, accompanied by the means of traditional medicine.

Each man who collided with this delicate problem should be understood, to obtain a persistent effect it is necessary to take funds from traditional medicine for a long period. Mode of life and nutrition should be completely changed.
It is not necessary to explain that alcohol and unintelligible sexually inappropriate. Power is worth diversifying and enrich it with products with elevated phosphorus content. It:

  • sea fish and seafood;
  • nuts, especially hazelnut and cashew;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • non-large varieties of meat;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • vegetables fruits.

It is worth paying attention to men for the benefit of carrot juice. In a glass of freshly fed juice, you need to add one teaspoon of vegetable oil. Juice has a strong diuretic property, so it is better to drink an hour for three hours before sleep. Regular reception, at least one cup per day, improves the work of the urogenital system, effectively treats potency, cardiovascular diseases. Not less effective in prevention and treatment of potency disorders, other vegetable juices. Strong influence on the male body has celery juice. It is not so delicious as the rest of the juices, but its effectiveness is quite high. It is worth remembering that the juices for prevention and treatment should be only freshly squeezed. Healthy lifestyle, proper full nutrition, consistency will allow men to be preserved sexual activity for 80 years, and maybe longer. Be healthy!

Full sexual life is one of the important components of male health. It increases self-esteem of a strong sex. However, under the influence of negative factors, problems in the field of sexual system may appear:

  • constant stress;
  • irritation;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

The presence of such discomfort in men begins to cause the oppression of the nervous system, which contributes to the undermining of faith in its power, then all the shades of life seem dim. To solve this issue, you can use special herbs for male health.

Ginseng Effectiveness

Popular recipes based on natural components are very popular for the treatment of impotence, adenoma and prostatitis. Such useful herbs for men help to quickly and effectively deal with similar states.

Ginseng is a powerful stimulator of male libido. His natural strength is aimed at a significant strengthening of desire. In addition, the root of the plant has an integrated effect, which allows you to continue to heal other organs of the human body.

The grass is distinguished by a unique chemical composition, which has a beneficial effect on the extension of the vessels. The plant improves the blood supply to the male body, which helps to increase and keep the erection. Regular use of this drug for therapeutic purposes helps to improve the quality of sperm and activate their mobility. The men's sexy system begins to function better.

Ginseng root as well:

  • rejuvenates the body;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • removes symptoms of stress;
  • reduces poor impact on the body from chronic diseases.

However, the healing force of the plant largely depends on the method of its application. If a tincture with a large alcohol content is used for treatment, the effect may not appear at all. Men can expect the most serious consequences for all health. In this regard, the patient is worth choosing such dosage forms that gently affect the sexual sphere. When using this product, it is also necessary to take into account contraindications:

  • acute inflammation;
  • bleeding of different types;
  • infectious diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypertension.
  • To resort to treatment through ginseng, only after consulting a doctor.

Molds of use of ginseng:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Dry root, exterminated in powder, should be pouring 200 ml of alcohol with a fortress of 70%. Contents need to be insisted within 7 days and take 20 drops per hour before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Dry powder of ginseng root powder Mix with honey in such a ratio of 25 grams for 700 g. The composition must be withstanding about 10 days and drink 1 tsp. Before the meal for one third of the hour. The duration of reception is two months.

Foreign techniques of healing

For men's strength, French homeopaths offer to increase libido, as well as improve potency with such a recipe:

  • you need to take a chamber in crushed form - 4 chips;
  • half a smaller volume of mint;
  • one pinch of rosemary;
  • the composition is pouring a glass of boiling water, to insist about 20 minutes;
  • drink before bed.

The hawthorn is considered a very useful product for the health of a strong sex, since the plant not only helps to increase the libido and ensure a quick erection, but also:

  • maintain blood vessels and heart;
  • normalize blood pressure jumps;
  • eliminate insomnia.

Many healers recommend using this plant in a complex of specialized plant preparations designed to strengthen sexual desire, erectile function. You need to use such a medicine per day for 1-2 capsules.

To prepare a healing drink from the collection of herbs, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. Special composition and pour glass boiling water. The tool must be insisted within 30 minutes and throughout the day, distributing this volume into several receptions.

Learn your potency level

Complete the free online test, which is used in international practice to determine the level of potency

For each question, select only one answer. At the end of the test you will receive a conclusion.

5 ordinary

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Plants helping prostatitis and infertility

If the man appeared signs of adenoma, prostate or infertility, which can negatively affect the sexual system, it is necessary to take urgent measures. For this purpose, you can use the Rhodium root (red brush), successfully copes with such problems of male health. Regular use of the tincture will help:

  • improve sperm quality;
  • normalize fertile capabilities of the patient;
  • increase the motor activity of spermatozoa;
  • remove inflammation;
  • destroy infections in the urinary field;
  • reliable from cutting and difficulty when urination.

Conclusion and conclusions

To restore sexual harmony, you should give preference to safe tools that will be able to provide a stable and persistent result. Special attention to pay for the prevention of diseases of the male sexual sphere. You can warn sex life disorder using:

  • timely treatment of diseases;
  • elimination of psychological disorders;
  • lifestyle changes;
  • balanced nutrition;
  • use medicinal plants to improve male power.