Is it possible to goat milk breast komarovsky children. Is it possible to give goat milk to children

Pediatricians do not recommend giving goat milk in its pure form up to the year. At first, it is desirable to feed the kid only with breast milk. However, if there is no such possibility, moms go to mixed or artificial feeding.

In this case, it is better to use special adapted milk mixtures. Mixtures on goat milk are becoming an excellent solution if a child is allergic to a cow protein. However, only a doctor may appoint such food. Let's find out in more detail if you can feed the children goat milk and with how many months you can give it.

Features of goat milk

The main advantage of goat milk is that it practically never causes food allergies. Therefore, it and mixtures on its basis become a real salvation for children-allergies. What to do if the baby has food allergies, see.

The goat milk includes a smaller amount of casein than in a cow. Casein forms in the stomach into a dense clot, which is digested hard and long. And the goat milk is a more homogeneous and soft mixture, which is easily and quickly digested and is absorbed by 100%. In the stomach, it turns into a delicate loose bunch that does not irritate the digestion. Goat milk is closer in the composition of the thoracic than the cow. This also simplifies the adaptation of the child's digestion to a new product.

Goat milk does not contain a dangerous cow protein, which often causes atopic dermatitis among babies. The composition of the product includes a large number of vitamins and calcium, which ensures the normal development and growth of infants. In addition, he establishes the work of digestion and restores the intestinal microflora, helps with constipation and.

Despite the beneficial properties and the composition, goat milk carries and danger. First of all, it is much greasy cow. In this case, the product does not contain a lipase, which splits fats. Such a composition causes problems in the work of the digestion of the baby and strongly fastened the stomach, so the children up to the year goat milk is defined with water.

When and how to give goat milk

Goat milk is unacceptable in nutrition of kids in the first six months, mixtures on goat milk at this age - you can only according to the testimony of a pediatrician. A newborn and baby up to six months simply will simply do not cope with the high fatness of goat milk, since the toddler's body is not yet adapted to such food. In addition, the children in the first months of life are very important folic acid and, which in goat milk is not enough.

Breast children should not give such a product to 9-12 months. In nine months you can cook porridge and cottage cheese on goat milk. Tabs on artificial feeding to start giving such products already in 6-7 months. It also plays great importance how to give a goat with breasts.

To avoid a negative reaction, be sure to dilute the product with water at least the first month. Start introduction is better with goat cottage cheese. Observe the rules for the inclusion of new products into the diet of infants, recommendations on the choice and storage of milk, for the preparation of dishes with this component.

Rules for introducing

  • Take only natural fresh goat milk, it is desirable that it was a home product;
  • If you use a purchased product, be sure to check the composition and shelf life, the integrity of the package;
  • Before entering the product, it is better to consult a pediatrician;
  • At first, divorge with milk with boiled water (three parts of water per part of milk);
  • For the first time, give the baby teaspoon of cottage cheese cooked on diluted milk. Watch for the child's reaction in two days. If there is no negative reaction, you can give foods with goat milk. With the worsening of the chair and the stomach problems, set aside the introduction of at least a month;
  • At first, give a divorced product as a component of porridge or cottage cheese;
  • Before feeding or cooking dishes, be sure to boil milk!;
  • When a child becomes slightly accustomed to a new product, the amount of water during dilution is gradually reduced. After 4-5 weeks you can go to clean milk, but the pediatricians are not recommended to do it earlier;
  • Milk can be stored in a glass, enameled or ceramic container at no more than two days at room temperature and up to one week in the refrigerator.

How to make goat milk cottage cheese

The recipe for cottage cheese for dust-estate infants includes a liter of goat milk and 700 grams of natural non-fat yogurt. The milk is poured into a saucepan and heat up to 40 degrees. Then pour yogurt and thoroughly mix the mass. You can breed yogurt in advance with a small amount of milk so that cottage cheese is soft and gentle.

Press to wrap in something warm and leave a lot overnight. In the morning, the mixture is stirred and cooking on slow fire, stirring regularly. Bring a lot of up to 80 degrees and cool, putting in a large container with cold water. Update cold water until the cottage cheese is cooled. Mass shifting into a colander with gauze. Marla tie and put cottage cheese along with colander for a day in the refrigerator. Purchased serum can be poured or used as a face mask.

Mixtures on goat milk

This is an alternative adapted nutrition for kids with allergies to cow proteins and problems in digestion. Such a mixture is given by the testimony of the doctor. It can be appointed with food allergies, lactose intolerance, constipation and frequent joins ,.

Since the goat milk is not quite suitable for food of children up to a year, the product contains only 45-46% of this component. The rest includes additives and components, among which probiotics and nucleotides, vitamins and minerals. Power contains two times less lactose than standard children's mixtures. It does not cause allergies and performs a number of important functions:

  • Reduces the load on digestion;
  • Sets up the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduces swelling;
  • Eliminates constipation;
  • Strengthens and develops bone skeleton;
  • Enhances immunity;
  • Prevents a set of extra kilograms and child obesity.

How many months can go goat milk to a child? In general, the goat milk is undoubtedly safer and more useful for little babies than, for example, a cow. But it is not desirable to give it to the infants, since this product may cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, as well as lead to anemia. Today there are all sorts of mixtures based on goat milk. But after a year, give milk goat children can instead of cow's milk.

Is the goat milk for children up to a year? Komarovsky on the rules for the introduction of goat milk in the child's lore.

Undoubtedly, a small spoon of goat milk, divorced in water, will not be harmful to the child, but it is not desirable to enter this product in lures in large quantities. Is it necessary to boil goat milk for a child? Unambiguously needed. Naturally, during boiling milk will lose most of its beneficial substances, including folic acid, but some part of it will still continue. With the introduction of a goat milk in the lord of a one-year-old child, it is also originally boiled, after which it is possible to breed with water and give the baby first on a teaspoon, and therefore increasing the portion. After a couple of weeks, at such a pace, you will give your own crumbs for 100 grams of dust.

Remember that goat milk for children up to a year will never become a favorite productBecause it has a very unpleasant smell. Be prepared that the child will simply refuse such a dust. In this case, you can try to add milk to the products that your baby is already eating.

Interesting online:

Discussing the topic How to give goat milk to children up to a year, you can not say about the beneficial properties of this product:

    The goat milk is saturated with minerals, useful for the development of the body, its growth, it is present in it vitamin C, A and D. This product has a favorable effect on the blood formation process, as it has vitamin B12, necessary for this. Goat Milk Strengthens Children's Immunity due to the presence of power acid, which is used to treat Rakhit. This milk is quickly and well absorbed by the organism of the crumbs, since in it fat balls have a minimum size, and in the stomach they split into miniature particles. In milk actually does not contain lactose, and therefore it can use kids who have intolerance to milk sugar. It means, What can go goat milk with allergies in a child. Due to the saturated composition of milk, it helps to fight with colds. Due to the regular reception of this product, you can prevent the appearance of gallstone disease, epilepsy and different dermatitis.

From here it is seen that the goat milk is distinguished by indisputable useful properties. Of course, the best power for the baby is Mother's milk, but in emergency situations it is possible to replace its goat, because in its composition this milk is most like a maternal one.

From what age can you give a kid goat milk?

Preferably, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since each crumbage has individual restrictions and features of health. The child must get used to goat milk, and therefore initially enter it in lure follows with small doses. With normal lactation, when the crumb does not have a lack of maternal milk, enter the milk of the goat in luxury from 9 to 10 months of age. In addition, doctors sometimes prescribe this product with risky categories of infants, for example, children with the likelihood of rickets, kids with weakened immunity and so on. For the children's body, the goat milk is extremely useful.

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Is it useful or no goat milk for infants? Natural, the best nutrition of the newborn is breast milk. But when, due to certain circumstances, the mother cannot feed the child with breasts, you have to look for alternative options.

Artificial blends on dry cow's milk choose the easiest way - the benefit of the product range of the category "Baby food" today is more than diverse. However, the natural goat milk for infants for all indicators is better and more useful.

What qualities of this natural product make it so valuable?

Does the flaws from the point of view of feeding babies?

In what form, doses, from what age you can give goat milk to a child?

All these questions are important and require detailed consideration. Reply to them in order.

Useful properties of goat milk

Let's start with the fact that the goat milk for infants is safer than a cow. It is 2 times less fat, for splitting which enzymes are required, missing in a non-formed digestive tract of infants.

Milk goat in the content of lactose and casein, chemical composition and structure more approximately to feminine, rather than milk cow.

In addition, the benefits of goat milk for young children are confirmed by such factors:

  1. By percentage of Taurine's content, the goat milk is approximated as close as possible to breast female, thanks to which the baby's body receives substances forming a strong immune system.
  2. The prevailing content of beta-casein (as in the milk women) reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction of the body.
  3. Contains vitamins A, B6.
  4. Like a female, when you get into the gastrointestinal tract, the goat milk forms loose flakes, soft homogenized clots and small, non-sticking balls of fat. Due to this, it is easier to digest, absorbed almost 100%, causes less joins.
  5. Contains a lot of amino acid useful for a child in breast age (cystin, histidine), which have a pronounced antioxidant property capable of binding salts of heavy metals.
  6. As part of goat milk, unsaturated fatty acids predominate, non-energy digestion and directly absorbed from the intestines into the circulatory system.
  7. It is useful to goat milk in that it contains less than human milk, lactose. Due to this, it is used to apply it in the nutrition of babies with lactose failure.

In goat milk is much larger than in breast, easily digestible macro and trace elements (calcium, molybdenum, manganese, iron, copper).

Official medicine This product is counted for the category of dietary and from all natural substitutes of breast milk is considered the best. Plus, the goat is less susceptible to such dangerous diseases as brucellosis and tuberculosis, so goat milk for children is safer than cow.

Disadvantages of applying goat milk for infants

For all the value and benefits of the goat milk, some characteristics are forced to limit its use as an independent product in the diet of infants. So, it is impossible to give goat milk to children with allergies to milk protein. Allergens in it are less than in a cow, however, their quantities are enough to provoke a painful response of the body.

By cons of the product, as a substitute for breast milk include:

  • casein, even in a minor quantity, leads to the flow of milk in the stomach, which is why the newborn can arise colic;
  • high percentage of fatty. This indicator is reduced by water dilution, as a result of which the content of the useful substances in goat milk is significantly reduced;
  • high, compared with the milk woman, the concentration of vitamins, micro and macroelements creates an increased burden on the kidneys, an excretory system of a baby;
  • small iron content increases the risk of developing anemia in a child.
  • disadvantageous percentage of folic acid content for normal blood;
  • vitamin D deficiency can provoke the development of rickets.

Considering the foregoing, the decision about whether it is possible to give a goat milk to a breast child, you can not accept yourself. Consultation of the pediatrician in this case is necessary. Only a doctor, appreciating the condition of the baby, possible risks and contraindications, can recommend or, on the contrary, prohibit the use of goat milk for infants.

Rules for applying goat milk for infants

Since the breast child digestive system has not formed, it is important to know, from what month you can give him goat milk. In this matter, pediatricians are unanimous: the diet of the children-artificials to six months should consist only of adapted dairy blends. It is impossible to feed the whole goat milk babies to 6 months.

Attention! Translate a newborn at the age of 0-6 months to feed the natural milk of the goat is extremely dangerous.

Entering inquitaming and giving a baby's milk in pure form is permitted aged 9-12 months. In some cases, on the recommendation of the pediatrician, these deadlines are moved to the age of 3 years. On the milk goats are porridge, soups, make cottwoman, are used for feeding in kind.

There are certain rules how to give goat milk to infants. They are as follows:

  1. Start lore from 1 tsp. If the baby feels fine, the kid's goat allergic does not occur, the dosage can be gradually increased by bringing the daily portion to 100 ml.
  2. Non-adaptized goat milk boil in enameled, glassware.
  3. Be sure to dilute with water (also boiled) in the ratio of 1: 3. As the body is addressed to the body of the kid to a new form of food, the proportions of milk and water are aligned to the indicators 1: 2.
  4. The whole goat milk can be given to children after a year, after 1-1.5 months from the beginning of the dust.

Store dairy products designed to power the breast child, only in glass, ceramic or enameled tanks.

Criteria for selecting goat milk for nutrition

No less important point - where, who and when you can buy a goat milk. Specific smell and taste is considered as one of the product quality indicators. The main rules are as follows:

  • acquire dairy products only on the recommendation, from proven sellers;
  • if there is an opportunity, look at the animal, to make it possible to make sure that the goal is contained in normal conditions;
  • buying milk on the farmer market is not expelled to ask the seller's certificate from the veterinarian;
  • by making purchases in the store, to certainly study the composition of products based on goat milk.

But most importantly, you can never not buy dairy products, the shelf life of which has expired or comes to an end. If you approach the issue of feeding responsibly, goat milk for infants is the best alternative. Do it right, and your crumb will feel great!

Milk is a key product in the diet of young children, and in the first days and months of life it is an indispensable and only food for kids. Finding an alternative to female milk in the absence of breastfeeding or as a prepaculation option is an important and responsible task. The ability to use goat milk for infant and its useful properties are widely investigated today.


Applying goat milk in babies nutrition

Animals that feed the young milk are very different among themselves in a lifestyle, habitat, metabolic speeds, food preferences. Each species has a specific composition, structure and energy value designed to best meet the needs of the growth and development of offspring. Therefore, there is no full-fledged substitution for women in nature.

The centuries-old search for suitable food for babies, for various reasons of the mother left without milk, led to widespread use for this purpose cow's milk. However, the experience of generations suggests that the use of goat products is safer than cow. The goat is a clean and active animal, it is much more resistant to tuberculosis and brucellosis than a cow. The dietary properties of its milk is officially recognized, it is recommended for baby food to the Paris Academy of Medical Sciences. At the Congress of Pediatricians in 1906 it was also named and the best natural substitute for female breast.

Modern studies confirm the effectiveness of its use as auxiliary means:

  • for rehabilitation of weakened and often ill children;
  • for the treatment of rickets, immune failure, diseases of the digestive system and respiratory organs (especially with tuberculosis);
  • when recovering after injuries, bone fractures.

Studies on the use of nutrient mixtures on the basis of goat milk have shown that they have an advantage over mixtures on a cowhide product. Of these, fat and iron are better absorbed, and the intestinal colic ceases to disturb the child. The indicators of their tolerance, the dynamics of growth and development of kids coincide or slightly exceed the indicators of children receiving standard adapted mixtures.

Video: Doctor E. O. Komarovsky's opinion on the use of goat milk in children's nutrition

Features of the composition and structure of goat milk

The chemical composition of goat milk for the body The infants has no fundamentally important differences from the cow.

Composition and caloric content of female, cow and goat milk (per 100 ml of product)

Goat and cow's milk are products, which prevails a Casein protein substance. The casin ratio and serum proteins is 75:25 for goat and 80:20 for cow's milk, while a similar characteristic of female milk - 40:60. The benefits of the goat milk for the nutrition of children are determined by high-quality indicators of the composition and features of the structure, which significantly remove it from cow and approach the human.

In goat milk, as in a female, beta-casein prevails, in a cow-alpha-S1-casein, often causing an allergic reaction, rash in infants. Among the serum proteins in the goat product more Alpha Lactalbumin, and in a cow - beta-lactoglobulin, which is not in the female milk. The composition and structure of proteins allow goat milk to digest in the child's stomach much easier, since small and soft clots and small loose flakes are formed. The same thing happens when Mother's milk gets into the digestive system of infants.

Fat balls of goat products are 10 times smaller than cow. They do not stick together between themselves, are in suspension, therefore, they are absorbed by the body of the infant almost completely. The main part of saturated fatty acids due to the peculiarities of the structure is easily absorbed from the intestine directly into the blood circuit system. They do not require the cost of the body's resources for digestion and also help the recovery of the cells of the mucous membrane. Unsaturated fatty acids in goat milk are somewhat more than in a cow, but much less than in female.

Lactoses in the milk of goats and cows is less than in breast, and micro and macroelements are much larger. It has a lot of phosphorus and calcium in it, but the assimilation of such calcium is difficult by the human body. In any case, calcium and iron from goat milk are absorbed better than from cow. It also contains more manganese, copper and molybdenum.

The number of vitamins in goat milk fluctuates depending on the nutrition, season and ecological situation. Compared to a cow product in goat more ascorbic acid (albeit much less than in feminine), vitamin A, but 5 times lower than the content of folic acid, as well as vitamin B12, which can cause the development of Malokrovia in infants. Vitamin D in goat milk is half smaller than in female. The lactation process in the human body and the goat is one mechanism, the feature of which is that biologically active nutrients penetrate into the milk, for example, growth factors.

Rules for applying goat milk in breastfeeding

Only Mother's milk can serve as a full nutrition for the infant of the first months of life. Despite the fact that the goat milk is much better meets the needs of the baby than the cow, and has fewer allergens in its composition, it is not a worthy substitute for female. In the case where the natural feeding of the child is impossible, it is necessary to individually select an adapted nutrient mixture for it, and options based on goat product components is preferable.

Enter the natural goat milk into the infant diet should not be 9 months old, but it is better to wait until the year. It should be boiled and diluted with boiled water in a 1: 3 ratio. You can start feeding with 1 teaspoon of a drink, gradually bringing it to 100 g per day. The proportion over time is changing towards reducing the share of water, and in a month you can offer a whole product to the child.

A warning: Children suffering from allergies to dairy proteins does not make sense to replace the cow's milk and standard mixtures based on goat. Allergens available in the goat product in most cases will be quite enough to develop the disease.

Buy milk is better from a private compound, if there is an opportunity - on the recommendation of acquaintances, the owners should have a certificate that the goat is healthy. It should be stored in glass, ceramic or enameled dishes. By purchasing a product in the store, you need to make sure that its shelf life is not on the outcome, pasteurized milk is preferable to sterilized.

Well, when a child gets mom's breast milk from birth. And what about those who can not feed the baby breast for different reasons? Many parents believe that the best nutrition for infant - cow or goat milk.

What is better: cow milk or goat

Cons of goat milk

Goat Milk has always been considered as a healing product. But is it so similar in composition with female breast milk, as they say? The qualitative composition of these products has significant differences in fatty, and the content of proteins and fats. We list the negative aspects of goat milk, which doctors write about.

It is much greater; It does not have a lipase enzyme that contributes to the splitting of fats; The goat milk contains a lot of phosphorus, which creates additional work for non-fiest kidney newborn; In this form of milk there is no folic acid, it can provoke the development of anemia.

Pluses of goat milk

If the choice is between the milk of the cow (see the article on the cow's milk for a newborn) and goat milk, here the opinion of the doctors is definitely - the milk from the goat is much more preferable to cow. Why?

The composition of cow milk includes a lot of casein. Casein turns into the toddler's gastroke into a dense clot and processed long and difficult. The Casin's goat milk is much smaller, so it is absorbed it is much better and more fully; Milk goats in composition is richer by vitamins of different groups; Contains a lot of calcium, which is perfectly learned by the growing body of the child. Therefore, the teeth in the babies receiving the goat milk begin to grow earlier and stronger; Especially goat milk is shown to children prone to joining. After all, in it, milk balls are contained in a homogenized form (i.e., more small), which means it is better absorbed by a children's body; In the ventricle, crumbs Milk turns into small curly balls, practically like female; Another beneficial property of goat milk - it practically does not cause allergies. This quality is important for kids, inclined to allergic reactions, patients with atopic dermatitis.

When you can give a milk goat to a child

Milk doctors are recommended to give the kids of Goat, and before it feeds the adapted milk mixture. Now the dairy mixtures made on the basis of goat milk are produced. It is a pity that useful properties, like a natural goat milk, they do not possess. If the mixture is not suitable for your baby, it often jumps, then you can drive the goat milk almost from birth.

We read an article about the mixtures (how to choose the mixture)

How to enter into diet

If you still decide to feed the newborn with goat milk from the first days, then some rules must be followed.

Try to take milk from acquaintances, neighbors. Look at how the goat is contained, do not be lazy to come to the boil. If you buy on the market, ask a branch certificate (whether the goat is healthy). Buying milk in the store, carefully examine the date of manufacture and shelf life. It is impossible to use products with an ending shelf life for kids. Try milk yourself - there is no unpleasant taste. It is necessary for the first time to breed the goat milk with boiled water. For a newborn, one part of the water takes on one piece of milk. If this is not done, the baby can consolidate from great fatty. Milk itself is definitely boiled. It is not recommended to use metal dishes for boiling. Store milk is preferably in a glass, enameled or ceramic container. When the baby gets used to, you can breed in the ratio of 1: 2, in a month you can already give an undelivered milk.

As you can see, the benefits of goat milk is much higher than its disadvantages. Of course, Mom's milk is optimal for a breast child, but in the absence of it, the goat milk may well be possible.

We also read:Is it possible to give kefir to children up to the year. Kefir cooking recipes for kids at home

Goat milk for breastfeeding

Arguments in favor of feeding goat milk. Minuses of factory mixtures. How to cook and use milk for feeding. A little information. Own experience!

Every year the number of babies grow in the world, which are breeding not by maternity milk, but by substitute mixtures. Stress, heredity, poor ecology, use of low quality food, caesarean cross-section instead of natural genera - this is not a complete list of reasons due to which the need for dairy blends arises. Most mixtures are made on the basis of cow milk. For children suffering from intolerance to cow protein, there is an alternative in the form of goat milk-based mixtures and even vegetable fats, but their cost is higher.

Modern baby milk mixtures - adapted to power a newborn product approximate in composition to female milk. Manufacturers constantly improve its formula, adding indispensable vitamins and trace elements. All high-quality mixtures include the saccharides of Probiotics of the State and Fos, thanks to which there is almost a long-standing problem of artificial feeding - excessive bloating and constipation in a child.

Despite the presence of such blends, many parents are considering the possibility of feeding the baby with natural cow or goat milk. If you interview these people, the reasons for this solution are as follows:

it's no secret that almost all milk produced on large farms is a genetically modified. All farmers are interested in obtaining the greatest profits, often to the detriment of quality. Feeding cows cheaper gmo plants, adding substances increasing villas (Posyolk), widespread use of antibiotics - all this information is in open access; Currently, almost all soybeans cultivated in the world is a genetically modified. And many experts speak about the possible danger of palm and other oils, therefore, the feeding of a mixture on the basis of vegetable fats is not suitable; Mixtures based on goat milk are quite expensive and for families with low financial supply are practically unattainable; There are a lot of examples when babies were successfully fed into goat or cow milk. The health of such children is usually higher than that of real artificials, although theoretical medicine affirms the opposite.

With all of the foregoing, in the suburbs and villages of the former Union, many people hold cows and goats in small private farms. Their products can be found in local markets or directly negotiate with the owner in the village itself about the acquisition of milk. The question of quality verification is solved simply and its consideration goes beyond the framework of the article. The cost of feeding with natural milk is significantly lower than when using factory mixtures.

Deciding to use milk instead of a mixture, parents face a number of questions. Search for answers to the Internet leads to contradictory conclusions, which is not surprising, as how many people are so many opinions. First of all, it is important to understand why you need to do this, and not otherwise and not mindlessly follow the advice.

White milk color shape fat balls. Each type of animals has these balls of different sizes, usually from 0.5 to 5 microns. In female milk, they are very small, in goat larger, and even more in the cow. The smaller their size is the easier it is the digestion process. Once in the stomach with an acidic medium, the milk is designed and forms a clock. The most dense is obtained from the cow. Based on this, when problems with lactation, it is more preferable to use a goat milk for feeding a baby, and not a cow.

Water and milk for baby must be boiled. The inciphesiated can be introduced into the diet not earlier than 9 months, and better from 1 year, because the digestive system of the newborn weak is not always neutralized by randomly fallen pathogenic microorganisms. For feeding a child, a milk mixture should be prepared at the rate of 1 part of water per 1 part of milk. The use of undiluted milk causes an excessive load on the pancreas and possible problems at high age. First, the milk is boiled and becomes cold at room temperature. The foam appeared and the possible clots are carefully cleaned, up to filtration after 2-3 layers of gauze. The prepared mixture should be enough for a day, then prepare a new portion. It is necessary to store in the refrigerator. Before feeding, the required volume is measured and is heated to the desired temperature.

The table shows the average data on goat milk and the scientifically based feeding rate (used in most mixtures):

Data on vitamins, minerals and other components are not given. It should be understood that the mineral composition of factory mixtures will correspond to the recommended only under the condition of the preparation of a mixture based on distilled water. In practice, the mineral composition of the water itself affects the obtained mixture. Since when diluted with water, the nutritional properties of milk are reduced, the child can easily ask. According to affordable weight set tables, control should be monitored.

Especially it should be noted a small amount of iron in goat milk. However, despite this, it is absorbed better than in a cow. For comparison, the digestibility of iron during breastfeeding newborns reaches 60%, in goat milk, this indicator is reduced to 30%, and in a cow of only 10%. Iron, which is enriched by factory mixtures, is a clean element, and not an organic compound, as in the present milk, so its benefit is significantly reduced.

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Is it possible to give goat milk to breast kids?

There are many stories and myths about the benefits and harmfulness of goat milk for babies. On the relevant sites, you can find a lot of examples from personal experience that young moms are generously divided. However, how to distinguish the truth from the fiction? How good is the goat milk for newborns?


Usually doctors argue that this animal drink is malicious for kids, and it is impossible to give to infants until the year. Most artificial blends are prepared on the basis of cow's milk with biological supplements that minimize possible bloats of the tummy and constipation. It is that this fact is focusing.

Despite the modern opportunities, some parents prefer to feed breastfeeds with goat milk. In his favor, such arguments are given:

the cow's milk used in mixtures, unfortunately, is a genetically modified. Most farmers feed their cows with food with chemical additives to increase. Consequently, quality from this suffers greatly. Soy, used in mixtures, also with GMO. Therefore, you should not trust manufacturers. Artificial mixtures with goat milk are expensive, which means that the majority of young families are not affordable. The immunity of a child focused on such milk is unusually strong, although the doctors claim the opposite.

Goats, unlike cows, feed on what fell, therefore, the diet of the "Suppliers" of milk is of great importance

What science says

Of course, Mamino Milk, real breastfeeding suitable for children. However, due to its absence, as often happens, parents are forced to look for alternative options. For such a phenomenon - stress, caesarean section during childbirth, bad habits, occupation and so on. Alas, but now there are few healthy moms capable of breastfeeding. So, a look from a scientific point of view.

Any milk consists of small balls that have different size and consistency. The smallest floats in human milk, the average - in the goat, and the largest - in the cow.

The child's body without problems absorbs the first, but the greatest difficulties arise with a cow product. In this regard, the goat milk occupies a golden middle.

This table can also serve as a visual example.

If you consider the benefit of goat milk from a scientific point of view, it will look something like this:

it contains a large amount of vitamins and useful potassium; It rarely provokes allergic reactions, as in the case of breast milk; A small amount of lactose, therefore, milk is well digested by children with lactose enzyme failure; Fat contained in this product is easier than the babies than its analogue; In goat milk there is an amino acid Taurine, which has a beneficial effect on the development of kids.

Arguments against

In addition to prejudice and biased opinion, there are such arguments against goat milk to breast children:

folic acid failure necessary for normal operation of blood formation organs; a high indicator of the content of mineral salts, which adversely affects the kidneys; Casein protein content, which does not act on the gastrointestinal tract; lack of vitamin D and iron; acid content harmful to a tiny organism; Too much fat in milk, which makes it too saturated and poorly digestible children's stomach.

Also not in favor of the goat product is what goats eat. If the cow eats only fresh green grass or dried hay, then the goat can chew anything. For example, bushes of incomprehensible origin growing near the road, or beastful leaves containing many harmful toxins. That is why it is categorically not recommended to use this product.

Compromise solution

Of course, the maternal milk for children is nothing able to replace, but you have to look for options in case of its absence. The overwhelming majority of young families resort to a cow product. However, sometimes allergy happens to the kids. How to be in such a situation?

Simple milk from the goat to give newborn children can not. It can provoke the indignant of the stomach and the exacerbation of the toddler's well-being. On the Internet you can find the reviews of experienced mothers who fed the guys from the birth of a goat product, but it should be understood that they do not have medical education, which means they cannot know how in fact this milk affects the child.


The product should be given to children who have fulfilled at least six months. First, we mix in proportions 1: 1 milk and water and thoroughly interfere. Then heat the boiling and remove the foam. Next three times we skip the product through gauze and feed the child. Milk should be used during the day. Also, you should not experiment with noncompted milk.

How old to give a goat product? The fact is that the enzyme system of kids at this age is still very weak, and you can easily cause constipation, diarrhea or vomiting. Raw milk can be given to a child aged from the year when immunity becomes stronger.

The question of goat dairy products is now very acute. The network constantly contains ardent debates between its supporters and opponents. How many people argue about the benefits of the product for newborns, so much the people assures in the opposite, leading scientific facts to confirm their words. It should be pronounced and come to a compromise solution. With the allergy of the baby on the cow's milk - unconditionally, the goat will be salvation, but it is not worth risking the health of the crumbs without good reason.

Goat milk with breastfeeding

Undoubtedly, breast milk is the best nutrition for a newborn baby, it is ideally combined with all the necessary components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Unfortunately, an increasing number of young mothers have a hypogalactium. Then the question appears: "What can be replaced by breast milk to ensure that the child needs to be admitted to the body of the substances necessary for its growth and development?"

The benefits of goat milk for children

Breastfeeding goat milk is a good alternative to breastfeeding. At least goat milk and rich in protein case, like a cow, but there are certain differences in their composition. So, in the goat milk there is practically no alpha-casein, which is richly cow's milk, so the sophistication of the breast of the goat milk does not cause allergies. It is this protein that can cause an allergic reaction in babies. The content of ß-casein in goat milk is the same as in breast. Since the proteins of goat milk contain a lot of albumin, so they are easily cleaved, digested and digested in the body of the kid. Therefore, if you give goat milk to children up to a year, then they do not have symptoms of dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, chair disorder). However, with the complete absence of breast milk, the goat milk is desirable to combine with milk mixtures (the volume of the dairy mixture of at least 70% of the total diet), since in goat milk there are no vitamins and microelements necessary for the growth and development of vitamins and ferrous .

Goat milk when breastfeeding

Goat milk with breastfeeding can be given as a substitute for breast milk, together with breast milk (as a doctor) and as feeding (after 4 months for children on artificial feeding and post 6 months on natural). Before breeding a child goat milk, it must be divorced to see how the child will take it. So how to breed your goat's milk? Initially, you need to dissolve 1: 3 (2 parts of the water and 1 part of the milk), if the child moves such a mixture well, then after 2 weeks you can breed it with water 1: 1, and from six months you can already give a whole goat milk.

If you decide to remember or feed the child with goat milk, then you need to take it from a familiar goat or a person with good recommendations. Before giving a child such milk, it needs to boil.

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Mom does not always be breastfeeding. In such cases, it is necessary to switch to artificial feeding. Milk mixtures appear in the house. Some parents find it insufficient and use when feeding a cow's milk. There is such a replacement of maternal milk in rural areas. Along with cows, the hostess is also breeding goats. Milk is nutritious, fat.

What milk to take a newborn?

Quite often the question arises, the answer to which is not always easy to find: is it possible to give goat milk with a newborn or wait until he grow up. Discussing the uniqueness of this product, often overlapping its quality.

Undoubtedly, only maternal milk can satisfy the nutritious needs of the child, however, what to do if it is not enough or it is absolutely absent.

Young mothers do not know, from what age you can give goat milk for newborns, doubt whether it is generally or better to stop your choice on a cow.

The digestive system of newborns has not yet reached its perfection. Food is processed slowly, not always fully due to the lack of enzymes responsible for this process. Consequently, to the semi-annual age of the doctor they advise you to give the baby chest, an adapted mixture.

Pros and cons of goat milk

There are cases when maternal milk is missing immediately. When parents perceive suspiciously milk mixtures, you need to pay attention to pet milk. Traditionally, the question will appear: is better a cow product or goas?

Unlike the first, the second has the following advantages:

allergic reactions are less common; The number of vitamins and useful trace elements is significantly higher; The assimilation of calcium is better. The teeth begin to appear earlier; Lactose content is less. Therefore, it is suitable for children with its lack; fatty acids that are in goat milk are absorbed by a small organism faster, easier; As part of this type of milk there is Taurine. It is needed for the development of the baby, also increases its immune system.

However, considering the advantages of goat milk, it is necessary to see his negative moments.

Disadvantages of goat milk for infant:

one of the composite substances is casein. It is poorly digested, especially beginners to form the organism. As a result, the ventricle can be filled with clots; If you give to drink the goat with breasts, you can cause a burden on the work of the kidneys. Due to this large concentration of mineral salts; In goat milk there is a small percentage of folic acid content, vitamin D, iron; This product is considered nutrient due to a high fat content, however, the stomach infants digesting it with great difficulties.

After reading all the pros and cons, we can conclude: Goat Milk is an excellent natural product, but to hurry to introduce it into a diet of the newborn as a permanent, the main one should not. Use it, perhaps, like additional nutrition, rich in vitamins, minerals.

How should the breastfeeding of goat milk?

Currently, a lot of disputes have turned around about to give the goat milk to children or not. As they say: how many people are so many opinions. If the baby has an allergy to the cow's milk, then the output one and it is obvious. When there is a need to make a choice, check out all the advantages and minuses, find the middle of the middle.

A visual example for reflection can be the following information:

Goat milk

Calorie 73 67
Fatty 4,4 3,5
Protein 3,2 1,4
Carbohydrates 4,5 7,4
Calcium 143 51
Magnesium 14 5,1
Phosphorus 89 30
Manganese 17 5
Copper 20 30

Today there are a number of baby food, manufactured on the basis of goat milk. It does not always have the useful qualities of a natural product, however, approximately as possible in its composition to maternal milk.

It is difficult to call them therapeutic, although the benefits of a small body, they undoubtedly bring. First of all, they are given to children having allergies to the protein contained in the cow's milk. Doctors prescribe such food with atopic dermatitis. This disease often ends with bronchial asthma.

take milk only in people who know. It can be neighbors, familiar, relatives; Go to the boil, pay attention to how the goat is contained; Buying on the market, ask about the availability of a certificate from the vet; By shopping in the store, look at the shelf life. Overdue product for children to give is strictly prohibited; Before you give the baby, try yourself. Determine: Are there additional tastes; First, try to breed before you give a goat milk to a child.

How to breed goat milk for a newborn?You need to take three parts of water for one milk. If not to follow this advice, feeding newborn children with goat milk can cause constipation. When the kid adapts, it will be possible to dilute in combination one to two.

Seating and storage of goat milk:

be sure to boil. Do not use, with metallic tanks; Store this product is better in enameled dishes, ceramic or glass.

However, moving to baby food, based on goat milk, be careful. The reaction of the body can be unpredictable. But it will be suitable or not, perhaps, only trying.

How many can go goat milk with newborns? Doctors are advised from 9 months. You need to drink goat milk in the amount of 50 grams. In the diluted proportion it will give 100, which is quite enough to prepare a porridge, feeding.

Remember that you do not need to fully make this product. Do not deprive the baby finally dairy mixes. They replenish the loss of vitamins occurring in the boiling of natural product.