Meat hyena. Why do hyenas use a bad reputation? Myths and Facts

People have always disliked Hyen, considering them ugly, cowardly and sinister creatures. However, these are prosecuted. In fact, hyenas are unusually interesting and intelligent animals with an amazing social organization.

Huaenidae - family predator mammals. They are common in semi-deserts, steppes and savannas Africa, Arabia, India and Front Asia.

The family combines only 4 types of hyenas in 4 births. Get acquainted with them closer.

Striped Hyane (Hyaena Hyaena)

This species is found in North Africa, at the Arabian Peninsula and in the Border Asian Oblasts.

Wool striped hyena is long, from light gray to beige color. On the body there is from 5 to 9 vertical strips, on the throat - a black spot.

Buuray Hyennea (Hyaena Brunnea)

Buuray (coastal) hyena is common in South Africa And in South Angola. Most often, it can be met along the western coast of Namibia. Inhabit semi-deserts and open savannahs. Avoids those places where her congratulations hunt - spotted hyenas, since the latter is much larger and stronger.

Wool is a dusty, black and brown, with the neck and shoulders are lighter. The limbs have white horizontal stripes.

Spotted Hyena (Crocuta Crocuta)

It is found in sub-Saharan Africa, except for rain forests of the Basin of the River Congo and the Far South.

Short, sandy, red or brown wool. On the back, sides, the sacrum and limbs are dark spots.

This species has outdoor genital organs of males and females are difficult, hence the myth that these animals are hermaphrodites.

Earth Wolf (Proteles Cristatus)

The excavated to the hyenas of the earthwolk lives in South and East Africa.

He feeds exclusively insects, licking them with a long wide language. More information about this form can be found from the article.

External features

Outward hyenas resemble dogs with a large head and powerful torso. Distinctive features Long forelimbs are a relatively long neck and vocational spin.

The length of the body of animals depending on the type of 0.9-1.8 meters, weight is 8-60 kg. The smallest view is an earthen wolf, the largest - spotted hyena.

The body structure eloquently speaks of the adaptability to the power supply to the Padal. The front of the body is more powerful than the rear, which is of the hyagen characteristic back. An extended front limbs beast tightly presses the carcass to the ground. Strong jaws and teeth, as well as powerful chewing and cervical muscles help the animal as the secret to cut meat and crush the bones, getting the nutrient brain.


Active hyenas mainly at twilight and at night. Very strong jaws and teeth, an effective digestive system and the ability to overcome long distances - all this makes Gien by successful pads.

Food and hunting

Mascus of dead animals make up the basis of the diet of brown and striped hyenas. They complement their menu they are invertebrate, wild fruit, eggs and occasionally in small animals, which they manage to kill.

Spotted Hynes are not only effective pads, but also good hunters. They are able to pursue production at a speed of 60 km / h, covering a distance of up to 3 km. They usually hunt for young major antelope (origins, GNU). They can cope with adult zebra, and often with a buffalo.

Spotted hyenas often hide food in the raised reservoirs. If they are hungry, then come back to their secret.

Gien is extremely well developed scent: they can teach the smell of decaying meat, located a few kilometers from them.

Earth wolves in terms of food are fundamentally different from their relatives. The basis of their diet is the termites and insect larvae.

Interestingly, termites are trying to defend themselves, splashing a burning substance, but there are no administrators on the earthwolk. Its naked nose is so dense that insects cannot contact him.

Brown hymen prefer to hunt alone, their spotted relatives are often combined into groups.

Since Padal is easy to find in the smell, the brown hyenas do not need to search for food together. In addition, the amount of food they produce is usually enough for only one individual, so the collective food search would lead to competition between individuals.

The collective strategy of hunting at Spotted Gien can be explained more likely to achieve success when combining the efforts of the group members. In addition, a major victim, which they can get together allows you to feed many animals at the same time.

In the photo: Spotted Hynes gathered near the antelope carcass. Group eating food is often accompanied by very strong noise, but rarely, serious fights. Each animal for one sitting can eat up to 15 kg of meat!

Family life

All types of hyenas, except for an earthen wolf, live by groups (clans). Clana members occupy the general territory and together protect it from the neighbors.

In the clan of the spotted hyen, the dominant position is occupied by females, and even the most high rank males are subject to the lowest grades. The males leave their native clan, being on the threshold of maturity. They are adjacent to K. new group And gradually climb the hierarchical staircase to get the right to participate in reproduction. Females, as a rule, remain in the maternal clan and inherit their mother's rank.

W. burya Gien. Clans are somewhat different. Some males and females leave their native group in adolescence, others remain in it for a long time, sometimes for life. The males who left the native family are adjacent to another clan or lead a stray lifestyle.

The size of the clans varies both in different species and within one species depending on environmental conditions. The most numerous families are usually in Spotted Gien: they sometimes have more than 80 individuals.

In the brown hyenas clan can consist only of female and her young latter litter.

Significantly varies the size of the territory occupied by the clan, but usually it is determined by the abundance of food resources. For example, in the Crater Nongorooro, the density of the populations of the antelope of the GNU and ZEBR allows you to exist a large clare in a small area. And in the arid climate Kalahari, where hyenas in search of mining often have to overcome the distance of 50 km, which occupied the territory group is much larger.


Social systems hyen are extremely complex.

First, animals have an effective communication system at a distance with smells. A distinctive feature All hyenas is the presence of anal bag, which is used by them for a unique type of smelt labeling. It is called "Mazing". Striped and spotted hyenas produce a thick adhesive secret of one species, their brown conifers are a bold white secret and a secret in the form of ferrous adhesive mass. The animal concerns the anal iron of the grass stem and spends her on a stalk, moving forward, leaving the label. On one site, there may be up to 15 thousand marked points, so that the violators of the boundaries immediately understand that the owner is in place.

Secondly, hyenas demonstrate complex greeting ceremonies. During such a ritual in brown and striped species, the wool on his back rises end, the beasts sniff the head, body and anal bag of each other. Then the ritual fight occurs, in the process of which the dominant individual often bites, holds and shakes the neck and throat the animal that occupies a subordinate position. In spotted hyenas, the ceremony includes mutual sniffing and licking of the genital area.

What are the sounds of hyenas?

Hynes are calm, make piercing cries and strange, resembling giggle sounds. Signals perceived by man like Wuhana are transmitted a few kilometers. With the help of them, hyenas communicate at a high distance. Beasts repeat such signals several times, which helps to establish their location, and the signal of each individual has individual features.

Some acoustic signals published by the hyenas, a person is able to hear only with the help of an amplifier and headphones.

Continuation of the kind and upbringing of offspring

A certain period of reproduction in hyen is not observed. The females are paired not with relative males, which avoids degeneration. Numerous males alone roam the deserts and savannes. Having met the female during its short flow, the male fertilizes it, and she returns to his native family. Pregnancy lasts approximately 90 days, after which it appears from 1 to 5 young.

Unlike other predatory mammals, Spotted hyenas are born in vigorous and with already cutting teeth. The kids of one litter almost from birth are involved in aggressive interactions, as a result, the hierarchy is quickly folded between them, and this allows the dominant young to control access to maternal milk. Sometimes aggression leads to the death of his weaker fellow.

The hyenas of all kinds hold the cubs in asylums, which are an underground hole system. Here young individuals can be up to 18 months. The female of one clan usually hold the young in a big general hole.

Different types of hyenaries raise their children in different ways. Spotted begin to feed them with meat only from nine-month-old age, when the younger generation is already able to accompany the mother on the hunt. Up to this point, they are completely dependent on maternal milk.

Brown hyenas also feed the offspring of milk for more than a year, but from three months the diet of the cubs is complemented by food, brought to shelter by parents and other members of the clan.

On the photo of spotted hyena with a young.

All members of the Family Union participate in the education of the younger generation.

Hyena and man

Among the hyenas there are no species that threatens disappearance, but several populations are under threat. And the fault of the whole - the persecution by a person caused by prejudice and a negative attitude towards these animals. In North Africa and in the Arabian Peninsula, striped hyien are considered to be the graves defaults. Disgusting to them people reaches such an extent that they are etched by poisons and catch in captacanis.

The fact that hyenas eat Padal, also pushes people from them. However, do not forget that brown and striped hyenas are actually a natural waste recycling system.

The fate of Burya Gien is not so sad, as striped, because in the southern part of their African habitat farmers gradually change their attitude towards them. This species is also guarded in a number of nature reserves and national parks.

Spotted hyena more often enters the conflict with local populationbecause attacks domestic cattle. The status of this species is determined by IUCN as " low level Threats: need protection. " However, this kind is common enough in many large national Parks And on other protected areas in Eastern and South Africa.

Status of other species - "Low threat: does not cause fear."

In contact with

Hyena Enjoy a very bad reputation. According to the established opinion, hyena coward, cunning, clumsily, feeds in pudal and union, and the appearance is no pleasant.

As for appearance, of course, if we rely on the human criteria of beauty, we can say that hyenas are not particularly beautiful. But if you mean expediency, then, you see, Hyena is unusually perfect. It is the only one of all the animals capable of splitting the bones of all kinds of animals, except for elephants with its strong jaws and teeth. The mighty muscles of the front limbs and the chest allows the hyena to transfer very heavy prey over long distances. It is not at all such awkward, which it may seem. She is able to pursue Antelope-GNU, Zebra or Gazelle at a distance of five kilometers at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour, which exceeds the capabilities of Lviv or Leopard. Gien digestion organs are one of the most perfect among all the predators, which allows them to eat Padalu, as well as everything that moves, from termites, snakes and fish to buffaloes. And not to love Gien for feeding on Padalu, it would be unfair, because they, along with Grinds, fulfill the role of Sanitars and prevent the occurrence and spread of dangerous diseases.

But even more unfair for Gien are allegations that they are harslers and eat the remains of food produced by a lion or leopard. Many, probably, will be surprised to perceive the fact that most of all foods, i.e. up to 93%, hyenas mined hunting.

Dr. Hans Krook during the study of the life of Hyen in People's Park Serentgati and in Crater Ngorongoro found out that the Gien is selected by the minions. It somehow does not fit with the generally accepted opinion that the hyenas donate the meat of animals killed by lions. It turns out that from the production, jointly eaten by lions and hyenas, 84% of food mined hyenas, 6% - lions, the origin of the remaining 10% of production was not accurately established. So whom then can I call the healer: hyena or lion?

By the way, many, judging by appearance Gien, believe that they are close in the zoological system to dogs, while actually hyenas, rather closer to the cat.

And a few more words in defense of the moral image of Gien: family life Gien with concern about the babies of exemplary and approximate.

"Encyclopedia of our delusions"

Facts and myths about hyenas

Good word for a long time No one could find for gien.. Cunning them and cowardly; Even tormenting Padal, laugh like demons, and still know how to change the floor, becoming females, then males.

Ernest Hemingway, a lot of Africa riding in Africa and well-splitted in animal habits, knew about the hyenas that they were "hermaphrodites, defilementing dead."

From ancient times to this day, the gyenas told the same chilling soul of history. They were rewritten from the book in the book, but no one bothered to check them. Hynes did not interest anyone for a long time.

Only in 1984 at the University of Berkeley (California) opened the center of studying individuals. Now here lives a colony from forty Spotted hyenas (Crocuta Crocuta) - the most incomprehensible beasts in the world.

Who eats for a lion dinner?

In fact, spotted hyenas are very different from other predatory animals. For example, only the gien female is larger and massive males. Their constitution determines the life of the pack: the matriarchy reigns here. In this feminist Mirka, the males make no sense, life companions much much stronger and evil them, but they won't call them insidious.

"Hynes are the most caring mothers among predators," said Professor Stephen Glikman, on the initiative of which Gien began to study in Berkeley.

Unlike the lioness, hyenas distinguish males from mining, subpaucting to her at first only kids. In addition, these trepidative mothers feed the young milk for almost 20 months.

Many myths will be dispelled with impartial observation of the hyenas. Eaters fell? Just no enterprising hunters drunk large prey all flocks. They feed only in the hungry time.

Coward? Among the predators, only the hyenas are ready to fight the "king of animals." With the devilish laughter, they are stirred on Lviv, if they are going to take away from their prey, for example, the defeated Zebera, which was not easy to get a flock.

Hynes themselves attack on old lions, separated from them in a matter of minutes. The coward will dare to attack except for a hare.

As for their hermaphrodism, this is one of the most common ridiculous myths. Guya biscuits, although it is really difficult to determine their floor. This is due to the fact that the sexual organs of females are almost no different from male. Polit's lips form a bag-shaped fold, resembling the scrotum, the clitoris is similar to the penis, only having studied its structure, it can be understood that this is a female body.

Why are the hyenas arranged so unusual? At first, Glikman and his colleagues suggested that in the blood of the females, the content of testosterone is very high, a male sex hormone, helps to form muscles and hairpots in males, as well as on them aggressive behavior. However, with this hormone, Gien was fine. That's just in pregnant females, its content suddenly increased.

The cause of the unusual structure of the hyenas (the magnitude of females and morpho-sexuality with the males) was a hormone called Androtandion, which is capable of influence by the enzyme to turn into a female hormone - estrogen - either testosterone male hormone.

As Glickman found out, in pregnant women Gien Androtandion, penetrating the placenta turns into testosterone. In all other mammals, including a person, on the contrary, in Estrogen.

Stimulates the appearance of estrogen a special enzyme, which in the body of Gien is little active. Thus, in the placenta, so much testosterone is produced that the embryo is formed with pronounced masculine (male) signs, regardless of gender.

Bloodthirsty children

Geniva in Gien because of their strange anatomy take place very hard and often end the death of a young. At the University of Berkeley, only three survive from every seven young; The rest are dying from the lack of oxygen. IN wildlife often does not survive the mother herself. Females Gien are most often dying because the lions attack them during childbirth.

Striped hyena

Two appears on the light, and sometimes more kids weighing up to two kilograms. The view of the crumbs is charming: eyes-buttons and black fluffy wool. But more frowning baby is hard to imagine. A few minutes after my birth, tiny hyenas are already rushing to each other, seeking to bite their brothers.

"These are the only mammals that appear on light with sharp fangs and cutters, Glikman notes. "In addition, in contrast to feline, the hyenas are born in vain - and immediately see around themselves only enemies."

They bite, remind, gnaw and fight each other back. Their fights are no longer like the thrust of kittens, seeking the first to get to the nipples of the mother. Young Guien wants to be not the first, but the only, and the struggle between them goes not to life, but to death. About a quarter of a young dies, barely appeared on the light.

But the passion for killing fights gradually passes. In the first weeks of life, the testosterone content in the blood of the young woman is steadily decreasing. The survivors in these civil workers are reconciled with each other. It is curious that all the life of the female Gien behave aggressively males. Why did Nature have turned these spotted beauties in some "Supermansh"?

Lawrence Frank offered a hypothesis. Throughout its history - and it has 25 million years - Hynes were treated to eat prey together - all the packs. For kids, such a masculine is discrimination. So far, adults, pushing them, tormented meat, the small gynes remained only smokers, mostly ablosable bones.

From such a scant diet, they hungry and soon gibbles. Nature fagged to those females who, rushing on other hyenas, cleared the place near the mining for their babies. The more aggressively the hyena behaved, the more chances were to survive her offspring. Young militant hyenas could be fenced with meat together with adult individuals.

Ancient world of hyenas

In antiquity two types of hyenas were known: striped and spotted, and the first, the inhabitant North Africa And anterior Asia, was, of course, more familiar to people than spotted, living south of the Sahara. However, the ancient writers did not distinguish the types of hyenas. So, Aristotle, as well as Arnobius and Cassius Felix, - Latin writers, natives of Africa, are mentioned by Guien, without touching her species differences.

A long-stayed people were striking agility and perseverance, with which hyenas ruined the graves, so they were afraid of them, like evil demons. They were considered short. Hyena, seen in a dream, meant a witch. In various areas, Africa believed that the sorcerers were turned into hyena at night. Recently, Arabs have buried the head of the killed hyena, fear of her.

In Egypt, Gien hated and pursued. This "devouring fell" to the depths of the soul insulted the inhabitants of the Nile Valley, accustomed to read the bodies of the deceased. On the FVAN frescoes you can see the scenes of hunting with dogs on animals who lived in the wastewater deserts: Gazelle, Zaitsev, Gien.

Talmud described the expiration evil spirit from hyena: "When the male of the hyena is seven years old, he takes a volatile mouse; After seven years, it turns into another bat, called the Arpad; After seven years, he grows nettle; Even after seven years, an indefinite, and, finally, an evil spirit appears out of it. "

One of the fathers of the Church, Jerome, who lived in Palestine for a long time, writes about her with an obvious hostility, recalling, as the ruins of the ancient cities, hyenas and jackals will hurts, inspired horror in the soul of casual travelers.

From time immemorial, there are many different legends. As already mentioned, they were attributed to hermaphrodism and the ability to change their gender. The shudder was told that Hyena, imitating a person's voice, licks children, and then tear them into parts. It was told that hyena exterminates dogs. Libyans put on the dogs of spiny collars to protect against Gien.

In Africa, hyena can be an ordinary pet pet like a dog

Pliny wrote that Hyena looks like a mix of dogs and a wolf and his teeth sprays any item, and the swordless food immediately digested in the womb. In addition, Pliny brought extensive - for a whole page! - List of hotcases that can be prepared from leather, liver, brain and other hyena organs. So, the liver helped with eye diseases. It was also writing about this Galen, Gellets, Oribazie, Alexander Trall, Feodor Prosk.

The skin of the hyena has long been attributed to the magical properties. Going to sow, the peasants often wrapped the basket with seeds of this skins. It was believed that it protects sowing from hail.

"In the full moon, Hien turns his back to the light, so that the shadow falls on the dogs. The trimmed shadow, those chain, are unable to deeper or sound; Giennia do and devour them. "

Special dislike Gien to dogs were celebrated Aristotle and Pliny. Many authors also assured that anyone, whether it is a child, a woman or a man, easily becomes the extraction of hyenas if one succeeds to catch him sleeping.

أيما لحم نبت من حرام فالنار أولى به

That is why we found it very important to inform Muslims about those animals whose meat is allowed to eat. Since the inhabitants of Russia and the CIS countries adhere to the main Khanafitsky and Schvitsky Mazhabs, we decided to clarify this topic according to these two Mazhabam.

Animals whose meat is allowed, and animals whose meat is forbidden to eat according to the Khanafitsky Mazhab

Islam- This is a religion of mercy and compassion. The prescriptions and prohibitions of Islam carry a person only good. But the mind of a person, due to the fact that it is extremely limited, it can not always understand the reason for each prescription of religion. Mind may not be able to realize why the decision is precisely such, but the Most High, the All-Food and All-Seeking Allah knows that it is best to know what is useful, but what is bad for us, because he created us.

Almighty Allah bestowed in humanity as the grace of his beloved envoy (peace and blessing) as the light and the light source. Islamic Law (Sharia), with whom the Messenger of Allah came (peace and blessing), established the difference between alive and dead animals. Deadichka was declared forbidden (haram). Certain animals, harmful to humans, such as a pig, a dog, a cat and predators, have also become forbidden for receiving food, that is, the meat of animals, which are forbidden to eat in food on the ball, harmful to humans, we realize this or not.

Taking into account the above, it should be noted that in each School of Islamic Law (Mashabe) there are its principles (based on the Quran and Sunna) as to what animals are allowed (halal) meat, and what is forbidden (haram).
Below are the principles on which scientists of the Khanafitsky Mazhab are based. These principles are set forth in classic books on the Khanafi Fickhi (Al-Fatavaul-Hindia, No. 5/289-291; Badais-Sanai, No. 5/5-39; Raddul-Mukhtar, No. 304-308).

1. Animals, the use of which was clearly prohibited in the Quran and Sunna, without a doubt, are a haram, for example a pig, dyed, etc.

2. Animals that are born and live in water are a haram, an exception is only a fish. All kinds of fish - Halal, except for the fish that dies in the sea natural way without any external reason. But if the fish died due to some external cause, for example, from the cold, heat, from what came across a stone or threw off the wave ashore, etc., then such a fish is Halal.

Almighty Allah says (meaning): "You are forbidden to food, blood, pork ..." (Sura Al-Maida, Ayat 53).

In the above, the Most High forbade the meat of the desolet, without dividing animals on the living on land and in the sea. Therefore, all marine animals also fall under this common ban. But the fish does not fall under it general rule, Because the Messenger of Allah clearly indicated on her permissibility (peace and blessing).
Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) conveys that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) said: "Two kinds of dewned and two types of blood were allowed into food. Two kinds of dewned - it is a fish and a locust, and two types of blood are the liver and spleen "(Sunan Abu Daud, Musdan Ahmad, Sunan Ibn Mazzha).

Moreover, there is not a single mention in the collections of Sunna that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) or his associates at least once used meat meat at least once marine beingsexcept fish. If such meat was Halal, from Sunna would be known at least a single case of eating meat of marine animals to eat to show that this was permitted (Dars Tyrmizi, No. 1/280).

What about the use of fish, which naturally died in the sea without influencing some external reasons (Samakat-Tafi), Jabir Ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased) transmits that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) said: "To you The fact that he erupts the sea and what remains after the tide, but what dies in the sea and swims on the surface, you can not "(Sunan Abu Daud, No. 3809; Sunan Ibn Maja).

Ali banned selling fish in the markets, which died by his death (which dies in the sea and then pops up to the surface) ("Badai Az-Sanai", No. 5/36; Al-iartin).
In the light of the above, it can be concluded that all marine animals besides fish are forbidden for eating. Fish is allowed even without complying with all the rules for clogging animals by Sharia. But if the fish died with a natural death without external influence and surfaced to the surface of water (samakat-tafi), then such a fish is prohibited (haram).

3. Among the animals living on land, those who have no blood are forbidden (haram) for eating. For example: hornet, fly, spider, beetle, scorpion, ant, etc. Most High Allah says (meaning): " ... (Prophet) who encourages good, keeps away from being able, allows them to eat the good (pure) snack, suitable human nature, and prohibits harmful (and unclean) for people"(Sura" al-Araf ", Ayat 157).

Living beings in which blood circulates on an impaired blood system (Spider, etc.), belong to unclean, because the use of them in eating causes a disgust in humans.
The exclusion is a locust, because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) clearly pointed to her permissions in the aforementioned Hadith, which is given in the collections of "Sunan" Abu Dauda and Musdan, Imam Ahmada.
In addition, Ibn Abi Avfa (may Allah be satisfied) when he was asked if Saransch could be eaten, replied: " I participated together with the envoy of Allah (peace and blessing) in six or seven battles, and we ate her together (locust)"(Sunan Abu Daud, No. 3806).

4. Also forbidden amphibians and reptiles, for example: snake, lizard, chameleon, etc.

5. According to the fifth principle, all animal pests (Khasharatul-Ard) are forbidden (Haram) for eating, such as a mouse, Yozh, Tushkanchik, etc. The reason for the ban to eat their meat - in the fact that they are also considered Unclean food.

6. All animals living on land in which blood circulates that feed on grass and leaves and do not hunt for other animals (that is, not predators living on Earth) are allowed (halal) for eating, such as camel, cow, goat , Buffalo, Baran, etc. Nevertheless, there is a slight disagreement in the Khanafitsky Mazhab regarding the eating conine, but this will be discussed later. An exception from this category of animals is Donated - its meat is forbidden to eat.

Almighty Allah says (meaning): « Allah in his grace created you livestock (An'am) so that you use wool and fluff for warming, and meat - for food» (Sura "An-Nakhl", Ayat 5).

As well as (meaning): « Allah is the one who subdued you cattle so that you go to some, and from others» (Sura "Al-Mumin", Ayat 79).

In the above, the Al-High Allah uses the word Al-An'am (cattle), which, by the unanimous opinion of all experts arabic, denotes herbivores.

As for the use of horse meals, Imaam Abu Khanifa (may Allah be gracious) expressed the opinion that it is honey (Makruh Tanzih), because the horse is a noble animal and is used during Jihad. Imam Abu Yusuf and Muhammad (may Allah be merciful) spoke in favor of the suspension of horse meals, and it is transmitted that Imam Abu Khanifa also expressed this opinion. Consequently, they are allowed to eat the horse in food, but it is better to refrain from this.

Regarding the meat of the donkey and the Moula Most High says (meaning): " Allah created you horses, mules and donkeys so that you go to them and that they were for you a decoration that pleases you. Allah created other means of movement that you do not know " (Sura "An-Falls", Ayat 8).

Thus, we see that all other herbivores are allowed in food, as the Almighty Allah said about this (as we learned from the previously given Ayatov). But about the donkeys and mules the creator said they are designed for riding and decoration. If the use of these animals was allowed, the Almighty, no doubt, would indicate it.

Moreover, Abdullah Bin Umar (may Allah be pleased) transmits that the messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) forbade eating meat of donkeys on the day of the battle at Haybar (Sakhih Al-Bukhari, No. 5202).

Abu Talaba (may Allah be satisfied) transfers that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) forbade the meat of Oslov (sahih al-Bukhari, No. 5205).

Regarding the mules Khalid Bin Valid (may Allah be pleased) transmits that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) banned meat of horses, mules and donkeys (Musands Ahmad, No. 4/89; Sunan Abu Daud, No. 3790; Sunan Nasai and Sunan Ibn Madja).

7. All predatory animals living on land and animals that hunt with claws - Haram. For example: Lion, Cheetah, Tiger, Leopard, Wolf, Fox, Dog, Cat, etc.

8. Harama includes all the predatory birds that hunt with claws. For example: Falcon, Eagle, Korshun, Hawk, etc. Forbidden and batAlthough it refers to mammals. The proof for the two of these principles (7th and 8th) is the famous Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased), in which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) forbade eating the meat of predators with fangs and birds claws (Sahih Muslim, No. 1934). Therefore, all predatory animals and birds (animals who hunt others due to their fangs, and birds that hunt with claws) are a haram.

9. Birds that are not hunting with the help of claws on other animals, mostly feeding instead by seeds and grain, allowed to eat, such as chicken, duck, pigeon, swallow, etc. Abu Musa al-Ashari (may they please Allah) said: " I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing him) ate chicken meat "(Sakhih Al-Bukhari, No. 5198).

10. If the halary animal feeds on extremely unclean products, as a result of which its meat and milk acquires nasty smell, use such milk and meat in food - macroh. But if you, along with an unclean animal, uses clean food or the use of unclean in any way affects its meat and milk, then to eat meat and milk such an animal is absolutely permitted (Raddul-Mukhtar, No. 6/340). In the book Al-Fatava Al-Hindia says: " The chicken meat will be hurt (macroh) only if most of the fact that it eats is unclean, and unclean food affects the meat of chicken so that it acquires an unpleasant smell"(Al-Fatava Ul-Hindia, No. 5/289).

11. If one of the animal parents is an animal allowed to eat, and the other is forbidden, the decision regarding meat of this animal depends on who his mother. If the mother is a free animal, her baby's meat is Halal, as in the case of a hybrid animal whose mother is a mare or a cow. But if the mother refers to the forbidden in food, the meat of her cub is Haram, as in the case of a mule, whose mother is the donkey.

Above the eleven general principles Regarding the definition of permitting / disappearance into meat food according to the Hanafi Mazhab of Islamic Law. It should be noted that the term "halal" in this case implies exclusively permitting meat eating for those or other animals in food. Regarding how animals should be clogged and how to hunt them, there are their own rules, to study which should be referred to as fiche books. Failure to follow these rules can turn the meat of the initially permitted animal to the forbidden.

On the basis of the eleven principles outlined above, we will present lists of pervolored (halal) and forbidden (harshs) to food animals according to the Khanafitsky Mazhab (both lists are not exhaustive).

Animals whose meat - Halal:

1) camel; 2) Goat; 3) ram; 4) buffalo; 5) deer; 6) rabbit; 7) cow; 8) wild downtown; 9) Fish; 10) Antelope / Gazelle; 11) Duck; 12) Heron; 13) nightingale; 14) quail; 15) parrot; 16) Turaka; 17) locust; 18) partridge; 19) larks; 20) Sparrow; 21) Goose; 22) Ostrich; 23) dove; 24) wild dove; 25) stork; 26) Rooster; 27) chicken; 28) Peacock; 29) Skzorets; 30) Udod.

Animals, whose meat forbidden (haram) for eating:

1) Wolf; 2) hyena; 3) Cat; 4) monkey; 5) Scorpio; 6) leopard; 7) Tiger; 8) Cheetah; 9) lion; 10) Tushkanchik; 11) Bear; 12) Pig; 13) protein; 14) Yozh; 15) Snake; 16) turtle; 17) dog; 18) crab; 19) Shakal; 20) Donkey (home); 21) lizard; 22) fox; 23) crocodile; 24) ermine / caress; 25) elephant; 26) falcon; 27) Hawk; 28) KORSUCH; 29) Bat; 30) vulture; 31) mouse; 32) rat; 33) All insects and animals close to them (Komar, Fly, Spider, Beetles, etc.).

Animals whose meat is allowed, and animals whose meat and forbidden to eat in food according to Shavitsky Mazhab

The basis in Halal (permitted) and Harame is the Ayat of the Sacred Quran, which says: " And allows you the Most High Pure (Good) and prohibits evil "(Sura" Araf ", Ayat 159).

وَيُحِلُّ لَهُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْخَبَائِثَ

All animals that live in the sea (water), and cannot live for a long time outside the water, allowed to use. For example: Kit, shark, dolphin, etc.

And the animals that live on land are also allowed to eat, except for banned by Sharia. Those that have fangs or claws needed when hunting are prohibited.

The allowed animals include: sheep, goat, cow, camel, chicken, horse, sable, hyena, wild dick, fox, gazelle, mountain goat, hare, rabbit, lizard, African tushkanchik, squirrel, yozh, dike, locust, ostrich, duck, goose, crane, pelican, pigeon, nightingale, dod, daw, sparrow and similar in nature.

Forbidding animals include: Mou, homemade downtry, lion, tiger, wolf, bear, elephant, monkey, falcon, hawk, eagle, owl, jackal, cat (both wild and home), snake, crow, Scorpio, Korshun, Mouse, Pichuzhka, Vulture, Parrot, Peacock, Bat, Mollusks (invertebrates, with soft body Animals, usually covered with sink), as well as all insects - exception is a locust.

All animals that can live both on earth and in water are prohibited. For example: crocodile, turtle, frog, cancer etc.

Those animals that were born from pervolored and unauthorized animals are also prohibited. For example, Moul.

There are also animals whom the prophet (peace and blessing) not only forbade is, but also to kill. These include: bat, ant, bee, fed, frog.

There are also animals that are desirable to kill. These include: Snake, mouse (including rat), Spotted raven, mad dog, Korshun.

Use the animal meat, which is not a shaky of the ball, is prohibited, with the exception of fish, locusts and the embryo, which was discovered in the womb of a jam-eyed animal.

There are eggs of any animal, even forbidden, permitted. For example, Eagle eggs, crows, etc.

It is also forbidden to use non-death (supersaturation), for example, desolen, blood, alcohol (as it also applies to Najace), narcotic and psychotropic substances (including tobacco and other smoking mixtures), as well as everything that causes harm to the body, for example poison , glass, land, etc. For the Most High in the Quran says: " You do not expose yourself death! »

ولا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة سورة البقرة 195

It is undesirable to eat what was purchased for funds earned by sweeping, as well as for the money obtained for the work during which a person is engaged in unclean (suprace), for example bloodletting, etc.

A person in a hopeless situation is allowed to use everything that is not allowed, in contrast to who has a choice. For example, if a person dies from hunger, he can even eat dog or pig meat, but only in the amount required to save life.

Opinions of four mazhabs regarding the permissions and prohibit for eating meat of certain animals

Animal name

Hookm Mazhab Khanafi.

Hookm Mazhab Shafia

Hookm Mashab Malika

Hookm Mazhab Hanbali









Water snake












Wild goats

Great snipe



Beetle deer.

Gigalka Autumna


Wild goats

Great snipe


You can eat, except the head and part of the tail




















A fox


Tanzichan Macroh.




The guinea pig

Sea Horse





A monkey










Fish (deceased in water without visible causes and emerging)





Gray Heron










Mediterranean turtle










Black chamber





Let the Almighty give us the opportunity to use only Halal (permitted) and give us away from Haram! Amine.