Simple and effective diets for weight loss Aquarius. Nutrition according to the zodiac sign Aquarius woman

Representatives of the air element are characterized by variability, curiosity and curiosity. They like to try new things, and this also applies to new dishes.

What they will eat for dinner today, they themselves do not know, it all depends on their mood. Only having lived with a person born under this constellation for several years, you can learn to guess his mood and choose the right home menu dishes. The culinary horoscope of Aquarius is powerless in predictions.

To maintain the energy of this sign Aquarius nutrition according to the horoscope should contain sodium chloride and magnesium, they are in cocoa, peanuts, honey and lemon, soy is also useful.

All life, including the diet of this zodiac sign, is very changeable, it is full of surprises, sudden changes opinions and moods, so it is not easy to please such people. But they don't really expect it.

Very sociable people of this sign are familiar with overwork, stress, headaches: ordinary cabbage will help prevent diseases, increase stress resistance.

According to the horoscope of this sign, food simply must be varied, both fried and boiled, stewed and raw foods are needed, and every day.

Representatives of the air element do not want to spend a lot of time on cooking, they prefer to visit a cafe, this makes the food of Aquarius according to the horoscope inexpensive and varied.

But if a person born under this sign comes up with the idea of ​​preparing dinner with his own hands, all those invited will be surprised by the refinement of taste, the beauty of the design and the thoughtfulness of the menu.

Canned or chemically processed foods have a depressing effect on this sign, carbonated drinks are harmful, it is too heavy and butter. Diet for Aquarius should limit the amount of consumed starch, rice, pasta, white bread.

Instead of sugar, it is useful to use honey, it is better to replace confectionery with dried fruits. It is necessary to exclude excess salt, you can season salads with spices and lemon juice.

It is better to exclude alcohol, vegetarianism will preserve health. Useful apples and pomegranates.

Hello dear readers of our blog! Today in the sphere of our attention is the nutritional horoscope for the charming Aquarius. Let's find out how and what these fickle creatures need to eat in order to be healthy, active and happy.

So, the zodiac sign Aquarius: nutrition and the right choice of products.

Astrotype Aquarius: what is it?

Aquarians are rightfully considered one of the most emotionally unbalanced signs of the zodiac. This is true for nutrition as well. They either sit on too much, observing all the necessary requirements, or roll up chic feasts about its end.

A sore spot for Aquarius is eating in public, because often they are unable to stop so as not to eat an extra piece for the company.

Although most Aquarians are not prone to overeating, they often suffer from depressive states, changing their eating behavior along with this.

Very often, people of this zodiac sign are in danger of shins and ankles. Weak point considered nervous and hormonal systems.

Aquarians need to follow the normal daily routine, because even ordinary insomnia or migraine can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Aquarius and sweets

One of the main problems for people of this zodiac sign, astrologers call their excessive passion for sweet dishes (pastries, sweets, ice cream, etc.) - this is especially true for women. They can easily have tea with milk chocolate, while snacking on sweet popsicles and finishing with candy. People of this sign of the air element sometimes have to be reminded of the importance of healthy food, because they can live on sweets for whole days, or even months.

You can give a little advice to mitigate. To achieve this goal, you just need to dilute your usual diet with foods rich in fiber and containing a sufficient amount of protein.

Considering the approach to the diet of people of this sign, we can divide it into two periods - light and dark. During the light period, they can get carried away with some exotic food system, like a raw food diet or rare species vegetarianism, and in the dark again switch to sweets and cookies.

Which foods are harmful and which are good for Aquarius?

As we already know, sweets are especially harmful. Aquarians should also avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks, and moderate their salt intake. How to do this without drastic changes to the menu, read.

For Aquarians, protein intake is essential, preferably from low-fat dairy products, fish, and other seafood. The second source can be called poultry meat and egg whites.

It is advisable to use raw foods as often as possible - they will act as an energy drink after strong physical or emotional overload. In addition, raw food really helps if you start eating with it.

It is worth including in your daily diet foods that are famous for the presence of complex carbohydrates in them (whole grain bakery products, cereals, pasta - however, exclusively from hard varieties wheat).

Be healthy and happy, dear Aquarians! And let the right food bring you only energy for your great goals!

Aquarius governs the circulatory system, lower leg, calves and ankles.

The lower part of the leg symbolizes active movement.

In addition, Aquarians are progressive people with innovative thinking.

As a rule, they are strong and healthy, have good coordination and beautiful legs with thin ankles.

They are more active intellectually than physically.

Aquarians who do not watch their weight tend to be slightly overweight.

Their health can suddenly and dramatically deteriorate and just as quickly recover. Aquarius diseases appear for no apparent reason.

The ankle and ankle are very vulnerable parts of the body of Aquarius. Sometimes they swell up and cause trouble.

Aquarians often suffer from varicose veins and spasm of the leg muscles.

Their calves, ankles, and ankles are more prone to cuts, bruises, sprains, and fractures than other parts of the body.

Aquarians suffer from circulatory disorders, vascular sclerosis, anemia and low blood pressure.

Cold weather especially dangerous for Aquarius due to possible frostbite.

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, governs the circulatory system and the pineal gland.

The exact purpose and functions of this organ, located at the base of the skull, remain unknown. In ancient times, it was believed that the soul is in it, and it itself is a vestige of the "third eye".

Therefore, Aquarius is associated with extraordinary and mystical knowledge.


To maintain vitality and optimal weight, Aquarians need proper diet.

They like to immerse themselves in various projects and activities, which leaves little time for balanced diet.

Aquarians often eat whatever they want and on the run.

Aquarius cell salt - sodium chloride, or ordinary salt, which, however, does not mean that Aquarians should heavily salt any food. This can lead to swelling, kidney dysfunction, vascular sclerosis, and poor circulation.

On the other hand, lack of salt in the blood is fraught with dehydration.

Aquarians should get sodium chloride from wisely chosen foods, such as ocean fish, lobster, tuna, shellfish, spinach, radishes, celery, cabbage, lettuce, corn, squash, lentils, almonds, pecans, walnuts, apples, peaches, pears, lemons and oranges.

Aquarians should eat a protein-restricted diet and benefit from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Aquarians will benefit from such foods - chicken, veal, beets, broccoli, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple, pomegranate, figs, dates, buckwheat, wheat, yogurt and cheese.

For Aquarius, fresh air and exercise stress relieving stress and restoring energy.

However, they should take care of their calves and ankles.

Walking at a fast pace is a great exercise for Aquarius, which increases blood circulation in the legs.

Aquarians should not run, even when they are in a hurry; they are prone to falling.

Daytime sleep gives them energy.

Aquarians should cut down on their nervousness-inducing coffee.

Aquarians have gray hair early, but they should not think that this indicates premature aging.

Astrologers believe that Aquarius is one of the most emotionally unstable signs. Here and with nutrition, they are all very “different”. The natural tendency to high organization helps them to sit on different diets, but when the diet ends, “feasts” are quite possible, at which the representative of this sign almost does not deny himself anything. The “weakness” of Aquarius is social meals, that is, eating at a party, at banquets, various traditional dishes. Often, members of this sign suffer from depression and related dietary strategies.

What foods should be excluded from the diet for Aquarius

The main problem of Aquarius is sweets, pastries, chocolate, cakes, etc. Representatives of this sign may well drink sweet tea with chocolate, have a snack with some fruit ice cream, from the series “with the taste of sugar and chemistry”, throw a handful of sweets into their mouths, and even collect all the mini-cakes at any buffet table. If they are not reminded of the importance of simple, ordinary food, they will very quickly slide into "typically female nutrition" - in the morning sweet yogurt, sweets in the afternoon, cookies before dinner, dinner ... what kind of dinner? so, except perhaps waffles with tea. "Removes" cravings for sweet simple food with big amount fiber and adequate protein. Salt is recommended to limit, but caffeine - if possible - to exclude.

In fact, there is nothing "light" in sweets. With such an ephemeral diet, it is quite possible to “eat up” a serious 3000 kcal / day and not notice how this happened. Aquarians often get stuck in a bad mood, which is also not very conducive to harmony and health. Their figure changes cyclically - the "light" period and enthusiastic Aquarius begins to eat only fruits, or selects for himself some alternative food system such as a raw food diet. "Dark" - and in the diet again there are only sweets.

Weaning from sweets will have to be an effort of will. Aquarius may well apply their organizational skills to the diet. Moreover, "replace with honey" usually does not work, the strategy "to interest yourself in ordinary food" is preferable. Craving for the exotic can be satisfied with the purchase different vegetables and fruits, and make the diet as diverse as possible.

Helpful holding unloading days, astrologers believe that it is best to "unload" on Saturday.

From sources of protein, low-fat dairy products are preferred, as well as fish and all seafood. In the "second place" - a bird, especially low-fat, as well as egg whites. You can also eat meat, but in limited quantities. Cheeses are recommended as an "emergency product" for quick recovery after physical and emotional stress.

Of the sources of complex carbohydrates, buckwheat, buckwheat cereal bread, grain bread in general, and various products with this cereal are especially good. Soybeans are also recommended, but in pure boiled form, and not in the form of derivatives such as tofu, and soy milk.

Any fruits and vegetables are encouraged. Especially useful are apples, turnips, celery, asparagus, carrots, figs, strawberries. This is one of the signs that boiled or baked potatoes are useful.

Sample Diet Menu for Aquarius

  • Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat porridge, with any mixed salad dressed with yogurt.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir and an apple.
  • Lunch: a portion of boiled or baked potatoes, fish, cucumbers and greens, or stewed vegetables.
  • Snack: berries, or carrot salad with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: any fish, meat, poultry, plus a large mixed vegetable salad.

Aquarius training should be aimed at strengthening of cardio-vascular system. For weight loss, astrologers recommend jogging, aerobics and cycling or hiking.

Important: before you go on a diet for Aquarius, consult your doctor.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Dieting for Aquarius is a heroic feat. However, there is one secret that will allow Aquarius to keep himself within the limits and at the same time not feel unhappy.

Independent and freedom-loving Aquarians, ruled by Uranus, are born fighters against injustice. And they consider any attempts to force them to restrict themselves, their loved ones, in food as one of the biggest injustices.

Aquarius lives in pleasure and eats in pleasure. Fried, smoked, sweet? Double portions and can be without bread. The fuss about losing weight? Oh, it's not for them. In this approach, of course, there is a big plus: the “correct” Aquarians have few complexes about their figure. However, despite the fact that Aquarius is an Air sign, unlike his “air” counterparts, it is easy for him to overweight gain, but it is not easy to drop them.

What to do in such an insoluble situation? The main rule is that there are no rules. Aquarius will not sit on any of the daily diets. For Aquarius, the routine of death is similar. Aquarius, lyrical sanguine, desire spontaneity and creativity. So give it to them! More precisely, dear Aquarians, take everything you need for this and create. Aquarians are the best among the best when it comes to gastronomic improvisation.

What is it better for Aquarius to create from? Lean meat, eggs, cottage cheese, soy products and legumes - something with which the body of Aquarius is perfectly friendly. This menu will help to normalize the work nervous system and prevention of circulatory disorders, which is important for Aquarius.

The energy salt of the sign is magnesium phosphate. Contained in cocoa, peanuts, buckwheat - this is something that you can not deny yourself at all. The zodiac mineral of Aquarius is sodium chloride. There is a lot of it in seaweed, spinach, fish. Everything iron-containing for this sign is a great blessing: apples, beans and various other legumes. By the way, green pea with marjoram and basil for Aquarius - quite a "potion" of Aphrodite.

However, there is one unshakable rule for the Aquarius diet. Gotta drink! A glass of water an hour and a half. This, sorry, is iron. And the menu, for example, in general, can be like this:

Breakfast: any fruit, buckwheat or barley porridge;

Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese and green tea;

Lunch: 150 g of fish, vegetable salad;
