Geographical location of the area of \u200b\u200bAfrica. Natural areas of Africa

Geography 7 class

Theme lesson: Natural zones Africa

Objectives lesson:

Educational - consolidate the concept of "natural zones", show the variety of natural areas of Africa, their climate dependence, show the features of the nature of equatorial forests, savannah and desert, give the characteristic of the climate, soils of these zones, the influence of a person in nature.

Developing - Continue the formation of cognitive activity of students, the ability to independently mined knowledge, expand the horizons of children, the formation of skills to work with the card, analyze, draw conclusions, compile computer presentations.

Educational - to educate a sense of responsibility, interested attitudes

Type of lesson: Learning lesson new knowledge

Teaching methods:

1) by knowledge sources

Wondering (work with additional literature)

Visual (computer presentation)

Practical (creating a reference abstract, filling table)

2) by the nature of cognitive activity - partially search, practical

Leading concepts: Natural zone, hyilets - wet equatorial forests Africa, savanna, desert.

Results: Creating a reference abstract, the use of new words, concepts during the presentation of the materials obtained.

Equipment:map "Natural Zones of Africa", textbook and atlas "Geography of continigs and oceans" Grade 7, computer

Preparatory stage: Before the lesson, the teacher, together with students, determines the composition of the groups that select the material about natural zones and prepare the report in the form of a presentation about their work.

During the classes

1. Organizing time. Greeting.

"Let every day and every hour will achieve us new!"these words will be the motto of our lesson

Teacher. Everyone is born by a dreamer and traveler.

Today we again called for an Africa! This unusually interesting and amazing mainland. Today we will make a virtual tour of Africa's natural zones, learn about the vegetation, animals of this mainland.

2. Actualization of Knowledge:

But before you go on a journey, let's remember

What is called a natural zone? (PZ is a large PC with common temperature conditions, moisturizing, soils, vegetable and animal world)

According to the map "Natural Zones", determine in which natural zones this mainland is located, for which PZs do you have to travel with you? (Africa is located in the equatorial forest area, savannah, deserts, severe forests)

If you analyze the placement of the PZ on the mainland, then you will see that PZs vary from the equator to the north and south. What is the name of the law on which the climate change occurs, the PZ from the equator to the poles? (latitude procurement law)

What pattern is allocated in the placement of PZ (Latitude zonality, i.e. change of natural zones, comes from the equator to the poles. Depends on the ratio of heat and moisture)

How did the natural zones get their name? (Natural zones received the names of vegetation)

List natural components in the natural complex (Natural components: vegetation, animals, relief and rock formations, climate, water, soil)

What cards will be used in classExploring the natural zones studying the natural components?

Students work with a map, give answers to teacher's questions).

3 Speech of groups on the work done.

And now we go on a trip to the natural zones of Africa, which occupy the largest area on the mainland. Today, my assistants who have collected and investigated the Material about the PZ, and made a report on their work in the form of presentations. You carefully listen to their report and briefly fill in the table that we have drawn on a vulgar lesson. At the end of the lesson, I selectively take notebooks for checking.

(During each group's performance, the slide show about the natural zone is shown to create a visual image of students)

Table "Natural Zones of Africa"

Name of PZ.

Climate (temperature,





Wet equatorial forests

Padded evergreen forests And shrubs

And let's start our journey with wet equatorial forests.

The word group that was engaged in the study of wet Equatorial forests of Africa. With a report on the work done (see Appendix No. 1)

Output:teacher. We visited you in an unusual forest. Such huge trees, animals, natural phenomena, where the eternal summer, eternal equinox reigns are unusual. These forests are home to valuable breeds Trees that are cut into large quantities and are exported outside the continent. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct measures to preserve these forests, which are "green light" for our planet.

Teacher. Standing his back to the ominous, the black wall of the forest, from which the suffocable evaporations will still be coming to you, you will be straightened together for the first time, and you will breathe healthy savanna's healthy air and greedily peer into the distance. We will continue our journey, and the next PZ will be savanna. You are the word researchers.

The word group that studied Savannah Africa (See Appendix No. 2)

Output: We saw the teacher with you that Savannah and Equatorial forests are two different worlds. Savannah is an open space where a lot of light. We learned a lot of interesting things about the plants, animals of this zone. But here, nature is changed by man. Savannan Square is reduced, the desert area increases.

Teacher. The biggest desert on earth? (Sugar) and the next PZ, in which we will visit this zone of the desert. You are the word researchers.

The word group that studied the area of \u200b\u200bthe deserts of Africa(See Appendix No. 3)

(Speech by the Group with a report on the work done)

Output: Teacher. We learned a lot of interesting things about this zone, about amazing plants that grow in the desert, about shooting stones and for this PZ are also characteristic. ecological problems.

Teacher. That ended our virtual journey. Groups collected an interesting material about natural areas of Africa! We saw that the vegetable and animal peace of Africa is diverse and amazing. I evaluate the work of groups today "excellent"

Teacher. What new have you learned during our journey?

(Students answer what new words learned what was interesting in the lesson)

4. Fastening:

And now we will check how you learned the material. To do this, perform the following tasks.

"Yes" - "No"

"Well no"

1. In Africa, there are trees having roots up to 4m in height

2. Banana is a long-term grass

3. In the equatorial forests, the cleanest and humid air

4. In Africa, an ivory grass is growing with a height of 3 m

5. Sugar is the endless expanses covered with sand

6. In wet equatorial forests, even the day reigns twilight

7. In Savannah, you will not meet trees, one herbal vegetation

8. Baobab does not burn on fire

9. There are no rain in Sugar for years, and if it happens, the drops dry, without reaching the earth

10. In Sahara, you can meet "shooting stones", which burst from overheating in the sun

11. In the deserts, a person suffers from so much from the heat, how much from the cold

12. Samum Name of the tribe living in the desert zone

Did you manage to fill in the table?

5. Homework:To the house §28, 29 Read, draw up a characteristic of tall-colored evergreen forests and shrubs on atlas cards

Appendix No. 1.

Leader: Our gr. engaged in the study of the PZ wet equatorial forests, we investigated the GP, climatic features, nature soil cover, vegetation, animal world, considered environmental problems. And now each participant of the expedition will report on his work.

Wet equatorial forests are located in the central part of the mainland. They are located in the Congo River Basin and the Gulf Coast. (answer on the map)

I studied climatic features. Even in the afternoon, twilight reigns in this forest. Equatorial forest is the kingdom of eternal summer, the whole year of temperature is kept above + 25 ° C. The clouds run to noon, the grommet rolls are distributed, rain pours solid wall. During the year falls from 1000-2000mm of precipitation. These are the features of the equatorial climate

SOUNDER: I explored the soil cover. The soils have a rust color, they are called red-yellow ferroll, contain a lot of iron and aluminum. The soil is not fertile, first, there is a strong flushing, and secondly, the rapid process of decomposition of potholes. These nutrients are immediately absorbed by plants, do not accumulate

In this forest, even the day reigns twilight. Equatorial forests are multi-tier: the upper tier makes trees with a height of up to 50 meters. They have disc-like roots - backups of 4 meters high. The trunks are so thick that even 6 people will not be able to grab. These are giant ficuses, saiba. These are light-minded plants and they grow not too thick. Various palm trees make up middle Yar.. They have a height of 20-30m, their crowns come into contact with each other, forming a dense canopy. AT nizhny Yarusa Trees are growing with a height of 10-15m: rubberos, mahogany, fern. Trees are covered with epiphyts and liar with Lianami. Liana make forest practically impassable. A variety of shrubs are growing under the woods, bananas - a long-term grass that grows in a height of 7-8 meters in 10 months. Trees trunks are covered with epiphyts Mkhami and lichens. They are not associated with soil, food is obtained from the air, atmospheric oyphansdead leaves. Equatorial forests evergreen, because They do not dump the leaves right away, but gradually.

Many animals live on trees where all the greens are concentrated, a lot of flowers, fruits, seeds. These are numerous birds, insects, monkeys. Gorillas have survived in impassable places. In Nizhny Yarus, there are cystheuhi pigs, African deer, Okolai (relative of the giraffe). The reservoirs meet dwarf hippos (up to 80 cm growth). Snakes, lizards, ants are found in the soil. Fly Tsetse dwells, her bites cause death, and in humans a sleepy disease. There are no large predators. The largest leopard. In all tiers, ants live.

Features of the equatorial forest: multi-tiered; impassing; in it dark, wet, stuffy; There reigns the eternal summer, eternal equinox, a lot of insects, the trees are wrapped in lianami, covered with moss.

Wet equatorial forests are "light planets" and cutting down forests can lead to an increase in carbon dioxide. After 40 years, the temperature may increase by several degrees. Starting glaciers will begin, the level of the world's ocean will rise. The forest restrains the offensive of the desert, plays the role of the keeper of the soil, holding back the offensive of the desert. Every year 11 million hectares is destroyed in the world. Already in African countries, national parks are being created in order to preserve equatorial forests.

Appendix No. 2.

Savannah comes from Spanish "Saban", which means "wild primitive plain".

In appearance is a highly old steppe. Like horseshoe envelopes the African rain forest.

Climate subequatorial. Equatorial air masses, tropical in winter, dominate. The temperature in winter + 16º, in the summer + 28º, the precipitates fall out for the seasons: in the summer there is little in winter, rarely. Two seasonal expressed.

Red-brown soils prevail in the savannas. Their color is determined by the amount of iron in the soil. The population actively uses these lands, because They are very fertile.

The basis of the vegetation of herbal cover, places up to 3m height. Among this sea, huge baobabs, acacia are treated. Plants are adapted to dry climate: many leaves are small (or reset for this period), stalk thick, moisture stock in it is accumulated, many leaves are modified and transformed into spines.

A variety of large animals live in savannah: Antelope, zebras, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, rhinos, hippos are found along the banks of rivers. A huge number of animals is explained by abundance of diverse food. Many predators: Cheetahs, lions, sacks, hyenas, crocodiles. Many birds: Ostrich, Marabu Bird, which lives only in Africa, the bird is a secretary with a long like a crane, legs. Many termites. When the dry season comes, some animals fall into the hibernation, they take place in nonlands or converge into wet places, many have a protective color

Features Savannan: 2 seasons (dry and wet), many animals, it is an open space, conditions are favorable for cultivation of crops (manica, bathata, peanuts, etc.)

Nature is changed by man. There are huge areas of plowed lands and pastures. Incorrect agricultural management (burning, cutting down of trees, grazing of livestock) contribute to the fact that the savanna is inferior to the deserts. Losses of agricultural land leads to the death of cattle and crops, to the famine of people. To do this, the sugar creates a wide forest strip with a length of 1500km, which will protect the savanna from the dry winds of the desert.

Appendix number 3.

Leader: Our group was engaged in the study of the PZ desert. The desert is a dry area with long periods of heat and drought or lack of atmospheric precipitation. On the mainland of the desert occupy the area of \u200b\u200btropical latitudes: this is the desert of sugar, Namib, Calahari. We investigated the climate of this zone, vegetation, animal world. Word climatologist.

Climatologist: Climate belt in which the desert area is tropical, heat Air places to + 58ºС. Temperature in the summer + 32ºС, in winter + 16ºС. The sicks are rarely falling out: in sugar to 100mm, in Calahari to 500mm in the form of dew. The air is very dry, it does not happen to rain for several years, and if they happen, the drops dry, without reaching the earth.

Imagine a relatively cool morning in sugar and huge fire ball Sun, rising over the desert. The sun rises and everything around it around. Air is hot like a hot furnace. He is so dry, which burns his lips, and they immediately crack. The heat of sand is withstanding only corn feet of camels. The great and domineering owner of the desert - the wind. The wind can bring dust storms, and can arrange a sandy whirlwind - Samum. The night in the desert does not bring relief. The man here is more suffering from the cold, rather than from the heat. The thermometer's column can descend to - 18 ° C. At noon you can hear a loud crackle. Its from temperature drops are cracking stones.

Soil scientist: Sugar is the largest desert of the world. I studied the nature of the surface in this zone. The sandy surface takes only a small area. These are mainly plains covered with stone and rubble. Soils are inflammed. There are saline and solonts. Another desert of Africa - Namib. Most of the desert occupy sand dunes. They can be up to 300 meters high. The color changes from white - yellow to red, depending on the content of iron oxides in the sand. Now surface water There is almost no desert, the source of water supply is the groundwater. Dry river beds, called Wadi. The most rich in the underground water sandy desert. The largest oases are formed near the artesian wells

Botanist: Sugar vegetation is extremely scarce, and there are no places at all. Separate bunches of herbs and spiny shrubs are growing, saccaul. These plants have very long roots or spines instead of leaves. Only in oases develop rich vegetation, the palm palm tree is growing. She gives food construction material. Some residents have deserts deserts replace money. The dates can be called "desert bread", they are eating raw, fried, boiled, dried. The baskets are flying from the leaves, and ropes get from the fiber, even fish in oasises catch on the dates.

In the wilderness of Namib grows amazing plant Velvichia. This tree, it has a trunk to 1m in diameter, from which two dense leaf leafs up to 3 m long. The leaves are saved throughout the plant's life for more than 100 years. Over time, the leaves are split, forming long ribbons, for which Velvichia is called the octopus of the desert.

Zoologist:I studied the animal world of the desert. Feniake, antelope, which in search of food and water can run long distances, camels, are widespread. Many reptiles: snakes, turtles, lizards leading mostly night lifestyle, as they are hiding in Norah, they can do without water for a long time. Their predators are gynes, sacking.

Ecologist: Currently, asphalt roads are laid through sugar, new cities and villages arose in the field of mineral mining, the number of population engaged in agriculture. But these substantially positive processes in the conditions of the extremely vulnerable nature of the Saharan led to unwanted phenomena. Currently, the desert areas in the northern part of Africa increase. The observed process of the onset of the desert south, towards Savannn, is very fast. Soil pulp cattle, burning and cutting of shrub and wood vegetation At the border of the desert contribute to the destruction of the soil cover, sand waving and drying out of the reservoirs.

According to some reports, sugar is moving south at a speed of about 1 km per year.

Appendix No. 4.

Task for 1 group

Dear Guys!

Africa beautiful and mysterious mainland. What is she, Africa? You are unusually lucky - because It was you who fell out to explore the natural zone of wet equatorial forests!

1. Distribute duties in the group. Each member of the group is preparing a detailed story on one of the items. The 1st student in geographical position, and climate of the 2nd soil, and in vegetation, 3rd on the animal world, and characterizes the environmental problems of this zone, 4th features of wet equatorial forests.

1st Determine on the map "Natural Zones of Africa", where are the wet evergreen forests? Show on the map. Determine by climatic map Africa climatic conditions of this natural zone? (Identify the climatic belt, temperature in winter and summer, the amount of precipitation, and their mode, climate features)

2nd. By soil map, determine the type of soil in the Equatorial forest. Why soil is not fertile. Using the textbook text on page 123-124 and additional material "Wet Equatorial Forest" define which plants grow in these forests?

3rd Using the textbook text and the additional material "Collage of Animal Africa" \u200b\u200bdefine which animals inhabit these forests? Name the main features of this forest

4th. What can cut the equatorial forest? Use additional material

Tasks for the second group

Dear Guys!

Africa beautiful and mysterious mainland. What is she, Africa? You are unusually lucky - because It was you who had the honor to explore the natural zone of Savann.

I would like to give a number of valuable tips to help your expedition.

1. Distribute duties in the group. Each member of the group is preparing a detailed story on one of the points: the 1st student on the geographical position and climate, the 2nd soil and in vegetation, the 3rd on the animal world and characterizes the environmental problems of this area, 4th determines the features of this Natural zone savannah.

Captains are responsible for the preparation of the group

1st. Determine on the map "Natural Zones of Africa", where the savannahs are located. Show them on the map. What is called savanna? Determine the climatic map (p. 7) within the limits of which climatic belt is this natural zone. On the map "Climate of Africa" \u200b\u200bdetermine the climatic conditions of this natural zone: Aerial masses, temperature in winter and summer, precipitation and their mode.

2nd. According to the "Soil World" map, determine the type of soil in the savanna and give it a characteristic. Using the additional material "Description of Savannah" Determine which plants are growing in this zone, as they are adapted to the arid period.

3rd. Using the additional material "Description of Savannah" and the collage "Animal Savannah". Define what animals inhabit this natural zone, how are they adapted to open space? Name the main features of this natural zone - Zone Savann

The 4th student, what changes occurred in the nature of Savannan due to the economic activity of man? Use additional material

I wish good luck and friendly crew.

Tasks for the third group

Dear Guys!

Africa beautiful and mysterious mainland. What is she, Africa? You are unusually lucky - because It was you who had the honor to explore the natural zone of the desert.

I would like to give a number of valuable tips to help your expedition.

1. Distribute duties in the group. Each member of the group is preparing a detailed story on one of the items. The 1st student on the geographical position and climate, 2nd by soils and vegetation, 3rd on the animal world and characterizes the environmental problems of this zone, 4th features of the desert zone.

Captains are responsible for the preparation of the group

1st What is a desert? Determine on the map, what deserts did you see in Africa? Show them on the map. Within what climatic belt is this natural zone? Determine the climatic map of Africa climatic conditions of this natural zone? (Determine the temperature in winter, summer, the amount of precipitation, their mode, climate features. Maximum and minimum temperatures)

2nd. By soil map, determine the type of soil in the desert and give it a characteristic. What water do residents use? What are the corners of life in the desert? What is the nature of the vegetation of this zone? What does pike palm tree mean for the desert resident? Use additional material to respond.

3rd. What animals inhabit the deserts? How did they adapt to the conditions of the desert? Determine the features of this natural desert zone

4th. Determine the environmental problems of the desert zone

I wish the captain and friendly crew.

The line of the Equator passes through the center of the African continent, and thus symmetrically divides it into different natural zones. The equatorial forest zones are replaced by savannahs, the savannas go into semi-deserts, semi-deserts in the desert.

The number of reservoirs, the level of precipitation is of great importance for the formation of natural zones. economic activities man.

Equatorial forest area and savanna

Evergreen forests occupy the territory from the Congo River to the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. The climate in the area is very hot and wet. Unlike equatorial forests South AmericaIn Africa, trees are growing with less fat bark, rarely among them are palm trees.

In the Equatorial forests of Africa, unique types of trees grow, whose wood is considered the most expensive in the world - black and red. On the east coast of Africa and the east of the island of Madagascar are growing wet tropical forests.

Forest arrays equatorial Africa Frame savannah. The vegetation level of the savanna directly depends on the level of precipitation falling in the region.

So in the rainy periods there are cereal plants here, the height of which reaches 5 m. In periods of long drums, the territory of the Savana is covered with dry plants and shrubs. Very often in Savannah there are baobabs, acacia and mocha.

Desert and semi-deserts

In the northern part of Africa, the desert occupy a large area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. It is here that the largest desert in the world - sugar. Vegetation on the territory of the Sahara is well developed: there are plants that have a well-developed mechanical tissue and having high drought resistance.

In southern Sahara there are cereal plants, shrubs are common in the north of the desert. In oases, the deserts of the Sahara are growing dull and coconut palm trees. Within the territory of South Africa There are two deserts: Kara and Namib.

Succulent plants, predominantly Aloe and Mokhodi, as well as shrubs of acacia are common here. On the outskirts of African deserts are semi-deserts, which were formed as a result of mass cutting of forests in savannas. For semi-desert typical of tuber and bulbous plants, as well as Kovyl.

Fauna resources

The breeding of European breeds of animals in Africa is almost impossible. This is explained by the fact that European species cannot withstand the climatic conditions of this continent. Throughout the territory of Africa, such animals are common as hippo, giraffes, elephants and antelopes.

These animals are not whimsical to the conditions ambientcan withstand high temperatures and disadvantages water resourcesdo not suffer from poisonous bites Insects, in particular, Tsetse Fly, which lives in Equatorial and subequatorial Africa.

  • 3. Geological development of Europe in Paleozoic and Mesozoic.
  • 4. Geological development of Europe in Cenozoa. Climatic changes in Europe for non-quaternary time.
  • 5. The overall characteristic of the relief of Europe. Patterns in the spread of minerals of Europe.
  • 6. Climate-forming factors in Eurasia. Territorial distribution of temperatures and precipitation on the mainland.
  • 7. The overall characteristics of the river network of Eurasia. The uneven distribution of surface waters. Pools rivers. Areas of indoor drain.
  • 8. The patterns of the spread of lakes, modern glaciation and many years of permanent in Eurasia.
  • 9. Geographical position of North America. General features of nature. Tectonic structure and history of geological development.
  • 10. General features of the relief of North America. Mineral resources of the continent and their deritment to geological structures.
  • 11. Climate-forming factors in North America. Territorial distribution of temperatures and precipitation on the mainland.
  • 12. Internal waters of North America: the characteristic of the river network, the patterns of distribution of lakes and modern glaciation.
  • 13. Characteristics of North America's natural zones.
  • 14. Geographical position of South America. General features of nature. Tectonic structure and history of geological development.
  • 15. General features of the relief of South America. Mineral resources of the continent and their deritment to geological structures.
  • 16. Climate-forming factors in South America. Territorial distribution of temperatures and precipitation on the mainland.
  • 17. Characteristics of the natural zones of South America.
  • 18. Geographical position of Africa. General features of nature. Tectonic structure and history of geological development.
  • 19. Common features of the relief of Africa. Mineral resources of the continent and their deritment to geological structures.
  • 20. Climate-forming factors in Africa. Territorial distribution of temperatures and precipitation on the mainland. Internal water of Africa.
  • 21. Characteristics of natural areas of Africa.
  • 22. Geographical position of Australia. General features of nature. Tectonic structure and main stages of the geological development of Australia. General features of the relief. Minerals.
  • 23. Climate-forming factors in Australia. Territorial distribution of temperatures and precipitation on the mainland. Inner waters of Australia.
  • 24. Characteristics of the natural zones of Australia.
  • 25. General features of Antarctica Nature. Structure and relief stone Antarctica. Ice Cover. Climate. The organic world of the mainland and Antarctic waters.
  • 21. Characteristics of natural areas of Africa.

    A relatively narrow strip on both sides of the equator in the Congo River basin and along the Guinean bay in the north of the equator takes wet Evergreen Equatorial Forest Area (Gilaya) On red-yellow ferrallic soils, practically devoid of humus. These forests are distinguished by continuous vegetation during the year and affect the dense of the stand and abundance of species. In the pile of Africa there are up to 3000 species of alone wood plants. These forests are multi-toll (the result of the struggle for the light, in which not only trees, but also numerous lianas and epiphytes take part). The height of the first tier is 40-50 m, only individual trees, mainly palm trees rise to 60-70 m. Tree trunks are slender, small diameter; With a very fine bark, which directly develop a variety of flowers and fruits. The root system is mainly distributed in the horizontal direction, many species of trees have additional roots. Gila trees do not have a single seasonal rhythm. In view of the constant hot and humid climate, they bloom, fruit and partially dump the foliage (on short term) At different times.

    Gradually, with a reduction in the rainy season and the appearance of arid, wet equatorial forests go into variable wet, and then in savanna and gentlemen. AT savannahon red ferroll and red-brown soils, a thick herbal cover is developed mainly by cereals, among which they grow alone (baobabs) or small groups of low trees (umbrella acacia, palm trees) and roast shrubs. Savannes occupy in Africa about 40% of the territory and distributed in the north to 16-18 ° C. sh., and in the south they go for the southern tropic. A feature of Savannan is a sharp change of their external view - From bright green in the rainy season, to the brown-yellow in the dry season, when almost all trees are discharged by foliage, and the herbs burn out. Thanks to the abundance of plant food in african savannahah, a lot of herbivores are found: dozens of types of antelope, zebras, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, rhinos, hippos, etc. They, in turn, are food for a variety of predators: Lviv, Cheetahdov, Shakalov, Leopards, Gien, Crocodiles, etc. Savannah also lives a lot of birds: ostriches, secretary, Marabou, Flamingo, Pelicans, etc. The real disaster for the local population is Tsetse Fly.

    Gradually, the savannais go in both hemispheres in tropical deserts and semi-deserts. This change is explained by the extreme dryness of tropical air, accompanied by a sharp decrease in precipitation. The largest area is engaged in the desert in North Africawhere the largest desert of the world is sugar. The annual precipitation amount does not exceed 50 mm in sugar, and the daily amplitude of temperatures determines the intensive processes of physical weathering. Stony deserts (Hamada) alternating with clay (series) and sandy (Ergy) are dominated in Sugar. The vegetation of the desert is very poor and has adaptive features to a dry climate: long roots, small, pubescent leaves, often replaced by spines, etc. In places of close grounding of groundwater or exit them to the surface there are oasis with relatively diverse vegetation, among which the greatest distribution Received a palm tree. The animals desert are also adapted to dry climates. Antelopes in search of water can overcome huge distances, snakes, turtles and lizards can for a long time costs without water. In South Africa, the desert zone encompasses the Atlantic Ocean coast. Here is the desert of Namib, for which a peculiar plant is characteristic - Velvichia with two leaves up to 3 m long.

    In the north and southwest of Africa, in areas with the Mediterranean climate, lies zone of subtropical evergreens of severe forests and shrubs. To the dry summer period of the plant of this natural zone is well adapted - the leaves are small and solid, there are spikes and spines, evaporating a little moisture. Climatic conditions and peculiar vegetation contributed to the formation of brown soils. The African types of beech and oak are growing here, wild olives, strawberry tree, sometimes the Lebanese cedar is found, ruthlessly chopped by a person in historical time.

    In the mountains of Africa, a high-rise explanancy is traced, manifested in a change with the height of the forests by savannas, meadows and the most vertices of eternal snow.

    The map of the natural zone of Africa everyone remembers from the school year of geography: the right horizontal stripes that determine the boundaries climatic zones, almost symmetrical relative to the equator. The correct zonality is slightly violated only in areas of Nagrai, which are a bit in the African continent.


    Armenia and constantly wet tropical forests are located in the equatorial part of the mainland. The red phosphate soils of this part of Africa are pretty poor, but the proximity of the equator, year-round hot and wet weather, support the brown rich jungle vegetation in the Congo River Basin and on the Atlantic Coast at the Gulf Guinea. Equatorial forests of Africa in the north and south of this area are transferred to deciduous and leaf pupils, evergreens, mixed forests. Here part of the trees or they all lose the leaves in the arid season (3 - 4 months) and turn to the rainy season. Palm tropical forests occupy the territory of Madagascar and the eastern coast adjacent to it.


    Zone Savannan surrounds forest arrays Central Africa. In the north, she occupies Sudan and the people around him, in the south extends to the southern tropic, to all southern and eastern Africa. Savannah is heterogeneous: with the removal from tropical forests It becomes typical from the highly old, and then deserted.

    In high-tech savanna, up to 1200 mm of precipitation falls per year, the season without rains last no more than 4 months. Here, the soil of Africa is covered with dense and high herbal cover. Ilonal grass growing in high savannas can reach 5 m in height. In river valleys and on the line of watersheds there are groves and large mixed or evergreen forests.

    The dry season in the typical savanna zone lasts mid a year and more. The rains fall a year to 800 mm. The spaces are covered with herbal cover, which can both completely burn out and grow up to 1 m in height. For dry savanna, detached trees are characteristic: various types of acacia and baobabs, as well as palm trees and tree-shaped south and east of the continent.

    The zone of deserted savanna with a scanty annual amount of precipitation (up to 500 mm) and a long arid period (9 months) still overgrown with cereals and spiny shrubs.

    The deserts occupy a huge part of North Africa. The largest desert of the world, sugar, is located there. Here is extremely rare severe vegetation, adapted to dry conditions. In the north, Sugara is cereals and shrubs, and the south is only bushes. Vegetation can be found in the robes of periodically drying rivers - Weds. For the economy of North Africa, the most important desert plant is a palm tree. They are bred in oases.

    In the Deserts of South Africa: Carru and Namib, scant African soils grows many succulents: Aloe, Mokhodi, as well as shrub acacia. Behind southern deserts Semi-deserts, overgrown and succulents, and tuber, and bulbous plants begin. There are also common-coniferous forests and forests of severe trees, such as cork oak.

    In the northern part african continent The deserts are transferred to subtropics, semi-deserts overgrown with cereals (carved) and shrub.

    Resources of African continent

    Once almost all the space of African Savannan was occupied by forests and a parel. That a large number of Steppes on the continent - the result of the centuries-old cutting and burning of Equatorial forests of Africa, grazing. Despite this, vegetable and animal resources of all natural areas of Africa are diverse, great and unique. In the central regions of the continent, more than 40 types of trees giving valuable wood (black, mahogany) are growing. Palm trees, palipal and oilseed, give quality food productsExport, as well as coffee, whose homeland is Ethiopian Highlands. Endemic cereals for Africa: millet, sorghum, sesame, arousa, Kleschevin, etc., became part of the world kitchen and culture. To new, acclimatized on the mainland, agricultural crops include: cocoa, gevent, peanuts, manica, cotton.

    The resources of the African fauna are no less rich: ivory and animal skins are widely known. It is less known that attempts to agricultural breeding of ungulate wild animals on meat are made: antelope, hippoflot, zebras, etc. Breeding European cattle breeds on the African continent is difficult because of a large case from the bites of Fly Tset. In the twentieth century, the number of endemic African animals many species declined sharply because of their uncontrolled shoot. Only in the second half of the century the situation began to be corrected thanks to the network of national parks created throughout the continent, in all natural areas of Africa. Now the number of many populations is restored and supported.

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    Natural zones have general characteristics vegetable and animal world, as well as climatic conditions and landscape. Africa has several such zones, and the consolidated table shows well what their main differences are. The peculiarity of the location of the natural zones of the roast continent is that they symmetrically north and south are moving away from the equator.

    The climate of Africa affects her neighborhood with the 2nd oceans. So, for example, the Atlantic Ocean is significantly cooled by the climate of the west coast, so it is not so popular as the eastern, heated warm current Indian Ocean. Natural areas of Africa (table climatic belts Shows their main differences) may have different weather conditions.

    So Savanna Central Africa has absolutely other characteristics than Savannah in the south:

    Belt Location The main characteristics of climate
    Equatorial It is located along the equator - this is the Guinean Bay and Congo Congo. Warm wet equatorial masses throughout the year, the average temperature + 28, also here is a lot of precipitation - up to 2000 mm per year.
    Subexvatorial Located on both sides of the equatorial belt. It has a mixed climate, here the summer season is wet, and winter is soft and dry. Summer temperature on average + 28. The rains fall out in 2 seasons.
    Tropical The most extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe continent. Encompasses Sugar and South Africa. The climate in sugar affects arid trade winds from the north. Also here is a very small amount of precipitation, and many winds.

    South Africa due to external factors has many Sadkov, unlike the Sahara by and large is covered with vegetation.

    Subtropical Extreme North and South Africa Includes 2. climatic regions - Mediterranean type and subtropical. average temperature Here about +21, the climate is similar to the European.

    In which natural zones is Africa

    The climate affects the natural zones by and large. Geographically, these zones do not have clear boundaries and are unevenly located.

    Natural areas of Africa on the map

    4 zones are isolated:

    • Wet equatorial forests.
    • Savannah.
    • Tropical deserts and semi-deserts.
    • Evergreen forests and shrubs.

    Wet equatorial forests

    Wet equatorial forests are found in the middle of the continent - along the equator. These forests occupy 8% of the continent.

    Wet air and high temperature create conditions for rusty vegetation growth. Also, this zone is tightly populated by hippos and crocodiles, parrots, paradise birds and griffs. Local predators - leopards and swirls, and hoofs - Forest Pig, Okap, Kabani and Antelopes.

    Here is the largest variety of animals that live on trees - monkeys, monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas and mandrills.

    Natural areas of Africa (the table shows that this belt has the greatest amount of precipitation) does not have a uniform distribution of flora and fauna. Most of the plants are in this zone - about 13 thousand. Large trees are dominated here. Also many colors, especially orchids and herbs. Due to regular precipitation, there are many swampy areas.

    More than 3000 mm of precipitation falls per year - this is a large amount of rain. Also, this zone has inland water reserves from the Congo River. Average annual temperature + 28, here high humidity Air - 80%. The more from the equator - the less humidity.


    Natural areas of Africa, the table of which was previously inferior in Savanam Square, occupying 40% sushi. There is precipitation up to 1200 mm per year, which creates absolutely other climatic conditions.

    Therefore, 3 region is distinguished:

    • High-profile.
    • Low-aligned.
    • Desertified.

    Tropical deserts and semi-deserts

    Natural areas of Africa whose table separately allocates tropical deserts And semi-deserts, have a feature of a arid climate. This zone is characteristic of irregular and short-term rain. Its area clearly corresponds to the borders of the Sahara desert, Namib and Kalahari.

    This is the next, after savannah natural belt, which has the poorest animal and vegetable world On the African continent.

    The semi-desert is a transition from dry landscape to Savannan, there is an annual precipitation of no more than 300 mm. Plants are basically shrubs, cereals and grass, and the animal world is represented mainly by rodents, reptiles, a variety of birds and flocks of hoofs. The visual region of the semi-desert is a sahal, it separates the Sahara from Savann.

    Subtropical evergreen brightest forests and shrubs

    Natural areas of Africa have many differences with evergreen forests that are on the coasts from the north and south of Africa. Although here is a characteristic temperature of +28 degrees, but cold winds balance the weather and make it more hardy.

    Atlas Mountains, in Morocco, have a height of about 3 thousand m. Because of this, there are freezing to -15 winter, a lot of snow. At the foot of these mountains are developed wide forests and meadows. A distinctive feature is a natural belt in southern Africa - legumes wood plants that are the main food product for many animals.

    Table and map of natural zones of Africa

    According to research local flora and fauna, on the mainland 4 main natural zones are distinguished. But they are not distributed evenly, so scientists share them for another 10 natural areas - with more specific descriptions.

    Natural zones are divided unevenly. It is better to understand the nature of each part of Africa, the table will help:

    Geographic part Landscape Zone
    • Atlas Mountains
    • Sahara
    • Sudanese plain
    • Savannai
    • Desert and semi-desert
    • North Guinea District
    • Kotlovana Congo
    • Wet Equatorial forests
    • Varically wet forests
    • Savannai
    • South African Plateau.
    • Cape Mountains
    • Madagascar
    • Tighted evergreen forests and shrubs
    • Desert and semi-deserts
    • Savannai
    • Ethiopian Highlands
    • East African Plateau.
    • Desert and semi-deserts
    • Savannai

    Natural phenomena and environmental problems

    Over the past decades, environmental problems, due to natural and industrial changes, have escalated here. Global problem Mainland residents - only 50% of the population has constant access to fresh water. The situation is aggravated by industrial centers that pollute water.

    The problem with water is also manifested by droughts. The consequences of drought are characteristic of the zone near the Sahara, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich, because of this, is expanding inclined to deep into the continent. Also drought manifested themselves in southern Africa - in 2013. In Namibia, a state of emergency was proclaimed, 90% of the crop died.

    Africa is rich in raw materials. Therefore, here states are constantly fighting the poaching on the cutting down of the forest and the hunt for animals. The scale of cutting - catastrophic, these consequences of the change of flora already has climatic consequences. New seedlings simply do not have time to grow.

    Another problem is the capture and depletion of agricultural land. International conflicts arise due to diamond mining, oil and gas.
    The global African problem is the export of garbage from around the world. It entails pollution of air to mercury, complex metals and extermination of local nature.

    Resources of African continent

    Africa is rich in a variety of natural resources that are unevenly distributed throughout the continent. Natural resources and raw materials are the main source of income of the local population, as the industry and industry in African countries are poorly developed.

    The main incomes are local residents from fisheries and cutting down forests - legal and illegal.

    Africa is considered to be a continent with a huge water supply, but it is unevenly distributed. The continent has impressive inland waters From the flow of here rivers Nile, Niger, Congo, Zambezi, Limpopo and Orange. Not a smaller role in the water supply is occupied by Lakes Victoria, Nyas, Tanganyik and Chad. It is important that 9% of freshwater reserves are concentrated in Africa.

    Soil here is more wildly wild. These are very huge, but not particularly prolific territory. Therefore, only 10% of the area is legally processed. Also, soil seizure itself is still very common. The mainland focuses 30% of the world's mineral stock. The most valuable diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, cobalt and oil.

    Animal world of rainforest

    The most popular resident of tropical forests - Gorilla. They live families to 15 individuals and the weight of each of them reaches 300 kg. The peculiarity of these forests is a small number of predators. Only leopard lives here. Even in the tropics there are hippos, antelopes and giraffes. 8 endemics reptiles live here, and the most popular is an eldest frog-Goliath.

    Along the tropical coasts - is located unique world Corals and mollusks. Tropical waters have good conditions for water World. About 3 thousand types of marine and freshwater fish.

    Tropics are famous for different insects, which here lives more than 100 thousand species: Tsetse fly, malarious mosquitoes, termites, dirty, bees, ants and butterflies.

    African Reptiles

    On the continent a lot of reptiles, regardless of the natural zone. Most of all in Africa there are snakes. In addition to them, endemic is considered 10 species of lizards, and 3 types of crocodiles.

    The most popular turtles here are land and pending.

    Birds and mammals

    In addition to migratory birds, another 2.5 thousand varieties live here, of which 111 species of birds on the verge of extinction. Africa is considered the owner of the richest animal world - the fifth of the world fauna - African representatives. Only the number of one mammals is 1.1 thousand varieties.

    Their habitat is often limited to the eastern African plateorem and the Indian Ocean coast. The highest number of megafauna-animal representatives are common here, weighing more than 45 kg - hippos, lions, elephants, leopards, giraffes, cheetahs, antelopes, buffaloes.

    In Africa, 45 types of primates - Martyski, Galago and Paviaans, Gorillas and Chimpanzees live. They are not only in Madagascar. The lack of monkeys in Madagascar is the main reason why the island is the unique and diverse population of lemurs - more than 100 species.

    Sahara Desert

    Sugar - the largest desert in the world, Located in North Africa, it takes the territory of 8 states - Chad, Algeria, Niger, Mali, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania and Sudan. This is equal to 10% of the continent area - about 8.6 square meters. km. At the same time, sugar, due to a decrease in water supply in this region, continues to grow to the equator.

    By the number of annual precipitation, the sugar is divided into northern (200 mm), central and southern (20 mm). All sugars are divided into 11 geographic areas.

    The landscape of the desert is presented with 4 types: plains, island mountains, highlands and depressions. Stony deserts are dominated in sugar, they occupy 70% of the area. In addition to stony, there are also sand and clay areas in Sugar. Oasis are found throughout the territory - selfless waters. The only constant watercourses - the River Nile.

    The climate is extra-arid here. Most of the year the North Passat affects the sugar, it even reaches central districts Desert. The presence of strong winds significantly affects the temperature, they also cause frequent sandy storms and tornadoes here. The average daytime temperature is coiled from + 35 to +10.

    Flora here is small due to the complex conditions. Most of the representatives of the animal world leads the night lifestyle.

    Taste of Life

    Oasis are literally the island of life in the midst of the desert. Their occurrence contributes to the close to the underground water to the surface of the Earth, so there are always lakes in oases or water sources with unusual vegetation for the desert.

    Such islands of life exist throughout the Sahara, it is there who live people. They provide their inhabitants with the necessary conditions for an isolated existence.


    Kalahari desert is located in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. But it grows - over the past decades, Her Area has spread to Zimbabwe, Angola and Zambia. The desert area is 600 thousand square meters. km.

    Although Kalahari is called the desert, but according to geological research, it is a xeromorphic savanna with empty steps. According to the geological structure, it resembles sugar. But here a little more annual precipitation - 500 mm, which are mostly falling out in the summer, and in the winter, although dry - but soft. Droughts here are relatively rare - about once every 5 years.

    Calahari The hottest part of South Africa, the highest temperature here + 29, and minimal +12. In the central desert there is an extreme temperature difference - from daytime +45 day to night +3.

    Desert landscape - inhomogeneous. Part of Kalahari is covered with dunes from red sands. There is a version that the emergence of the red dunes here is the result of strong winds, which brought this sand from the desert Namib.

    Calahari has impressive underground waters, but they are at a depth of 300 m. And since the vegetation of the desert is mostly shrubs, cereals, herbs and wood plants without a powerful root system, they do not receive this water stock. You can also say about the trees common here - acacia, shepherd tree. By the number of endemics Kalahari is the poorest Africa's ecotype.


    According to geological research, Namib is the oldest desert, arose about 80 million years ago. Its area is 100 thousand square meters. sq., Length along the coast - 1900 km, and the width is increased by places from 50 km to 160 km.

    Namib's desert is at the intersection of 3 countries - Angola, Namibia and South Africa. It has a hot estraarid oceanic climate. Therefore, significant daily temperature differences are characterized here, from day +45 degrees to 0 degrees at night.

    The average elevation of the relief is 1500 m, mostly it is high dunes, the sand color of which places has a pronounced red shade. These are the biggest dunes in the world. They are often transferred to winds, so the landscape of the desert always changes. Dunes are not only in the central desert, which is covered with pebbles.

    Its climate affects the neighborhood with a Bengal flow, which brings cold winds and strong fogs is the main source of moisture. Another source of moisture is dew. Therefore, the annual precipitation is catastrophically small, about 13 mm. Namib is the thinnest desert in the world. Such climatic conditions affect the scanty flora and the fauna of the desert - here little can survive.

    Natural zones of the desert itself Namib are separated by geologists into 3 parts. These are oblong natural areas from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in the depths of Africa. The table of natural areas highlights the coastal strip, internal and internal Namib. The last part is the coldest, even night freezes are possible here.

    Article clearance: Vladimir Great

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