Useful properties of thyme for men. Useful properties of thyme for men and application.

Herbs for centuries have been successfully used by healers of different countries to treat all sorts of ailments. Their use is relevant today. They are part of many medications and dietary supplements, used by doctors as part of general therapy in the treatment of many diseases. And sometimes they replace drugs.

Thyme, or thyme, as it is also called, is one of the most popular and effective medicinal plants. This plain plant contains a whole range of useful properties and an amazing composition.

Thyme herb is actively used by andrologists and other specialists to solve men's health problems, especially prostatitis and its consequences. How is thyme useful for men's health, what diseases does it treat, can it be harmful, are there any contraindications to its use?

Thyme - a storehouse of useful elements

Another name for thyme is the Mother of God herb. It came to us from antiquity when the thyme grass was collected for the Assumption and decorated with iconostases. And the priests, setting fire, used her smoke during the service.

The benefits of thyme are due to its rich chemical compositionwhich includes:

  • various essential oils - up to 18%, including thymol;
  • plant acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • thymol;
  • tannins;
  • carotenes;
  • vitamin C;
  • b vitamins;
  • minerals, including copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, iron, potassium, manganese, molybdenum;
  • organic resins;
  • gum.

Indications for use thyme

For a long time, people use grass not only in medicinal purposes, but also as a seasoning for various dishes. And those who do this are distinguished by strong immunity and almost do not suffer from colds and flu.

Thymol in its composition provides protection against many diseases and increases defenses.

Flavonoids also play an important role in the benefits of thyme to humans. They help to establish metabolic processes, restore the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system.

Beneficial features thyme also consists in its powerful bactericidal effect, which is explained by the presence in its composition of a large number of tannins. He is actively fighting staphylococcal bacilli - typhoid and dysenteric. It is also used in the treatment of numerous skin diseases.

Thyme Properties:

Useful properties of thyme are in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • mental and somatic nature;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • gastritis, ulcers, other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pneumonia and broncho-pulmonary diseases;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys and liver;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system in men;
  • violations related to sexual life;
  • prostatitis, prostate adenomas.

Thyme herb can be bought ready-made at the pharmacy, but you can also harvest it yourself. At the same time, you need to know and be sure to observe the conditions for the collection and storage of raw materials in order to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial properties of thyme.

It must be collected during flowering, in summer period. Healers advise doing this early in the morning at dawn. It is at this time of day, according to their assumption, that the grass concentrates the most a large number of  useful substances. It is necessary to collect only branches of the plant, without violating the root system. Dry - in a cool place, where there is no excess moisture and light.

Observing these simple rules, you can maximally preserve the natural healing power laid by nature in thyme.

Having collected and prepared raw materials, it is easy to learn how to make decoctions and tinctures, drink tea with thyme, the benefits and harms of which have long been known to specialists.

If necessary, you can buy ready-made thyme oil in a pharmacy for use during prostate massage sessions. After all, it has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic abilities.

But there is a recipe for home cooking  such oil. It is very simple, but it only takes a little time to insist. The crushed grass is added to any boiled hot vegetable oil, put in a cold, dark place and left for some time. As needed, a small amount of oil is filtered for treatment, and the rest is again set to insist on.

This oil has a beneficial effect on any disease of the genitourinary organs in men. It is simply gently rubbed into the crotch area and left for some time to absorb. Biologically active points located in this place actively respond to the action of ether vapors, relieve pain and inflammation, increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and accelerate the healing process.

Nature seemed to have specially created thyme for men's health. It has everything you need to maintain and restore its strength. It optimizes pressure, relieves stress and depression, fights against hair loss and baldness, muscle and joint pain.

Useful properties of thyme for men:

  • it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, restores sleep, makes it strong and healthy. Relieves fatigue and stress after a hard day, eliminates spleen and depression;
  • eliminates flatulence and intestinal problems, restores beneficial microflora, fights against dysbacteriosis, normalizes digestion processes, cleanses of pathogenic microflora, causing rotting and fermentation processes in the body;
  • decoctions are widely used for gum disease, stomatitis and various oral infections;
  • expectorant properties of the plant are used for heavy smokers, treat cough, asthma and pneumonia.

But perhaps the most important thing is the ability to treat prostatitis and impotence. Most of all, a man experiences when there is a violation of erectile functions, a decrease in libido and the inability to lead a normal sexual life. Thyme herb very quickly eliminates these problems due to the content of selenium and molybdenum. The first enhances the synthesis of testosterone, and the second stimulates male sexual functions.

The main actions on men's health:

  • it has a calming effect, due to which it normalizes the intimate life of a man, returns a strong erection and eliminates early ejaculation. Indeed, in most cases, disorders in intimate life occur precisely because of numerous psychoemotional factors;
  • possessing a powerful bactericidal property, it prevents the risk of the penetration of genitourinary infections into the body of a man. Or relieves inflammation by killing the already existing pathogenic flora in the body;
  • relieves inflammatory processes with acute or chronic prostatitis, with any other problems with the organs of the male genital area;
  • eliminates infertility, increases the fertility of men, improves the quality and quantity of sperm, the viability of sperm and their activity due to the presence of zinc in the composition.

Thyme for men: methods of application

To eliminate early ejaculation

Pour 500 g of boiling water into a thermos and add two tablespoons of thyme. Insist for about three hours and strain. Drink all the liquid in two doses per day. The course is two weeks. It should be continued after a short break.

To get rid of sexual disorders, you need to rub thyme essential oil into the perineum. It can be bought at the pharmacy, but can be prepared at home. To do this, add fifteen grams of chopped herbs to boiling olive oil and insist in a dark, cool place for about a month. Strain and apply if necessary.

Herbal infusions for prostatitis

The main thing here is to observe the proportions during cooking and regularity during use. Thyme can be mixed with other herbs - mint, oregano, St. John's wort, linden or rosehip berries. They are also good for men's health.

Raw materials should be taken in a ratio of 3: 1, where thyme is 3 parts. Mix dry crushed raw materials, take fourteen grams per 200 g of water, brew in a thermos and insist all night. In the morning, filter the infusion and take two tablespoons three times a day.

For signs of impotence or prostatitis, prepare the next drink. Take a handful of ordinary black tea, add five inflorescences of thyme and a little mint or lemon balm, brew like tea, insist for about seven minutes and drink throughout the day. You can with honey. Just try to buy fresh, just pumped out, natural honey.

Compress with myositis

Sometimes muscle inflammation also causes sexual dysfunction. Therefore, if you suddenly felt severe pain as a result of the loss of some functions of nerve fibers, then measures should be taken.

Pour the raw material with boiling water, wait a while, so that it is steamed, squeeze and place in cheesecloth, folded in several layers. Put on a sore spot, fix and insulate, like a regular compress, spend it all night.

From baldness

The healing herb in its composition has ursolic acid, which is distinguished by its beneficial effect on the condition of hair follicles. It stops hair loss, gives strength, strengthens the roots, makes hair elastic and healthy.

To prepare the mixture, you should take essential oil and vodka in a ratio of 3: 1, mix and rub into the skin of the scalp. The procedure is best done at night and do not rinse until the morning.

Baths to normalize urination with prostatitis

Mix thyme, sheets of burdock, mix and celandine, add water and boil for about 10 minutes. Then cool, strain and add to the bath. Sit in it until the water is cool.

Thyme for men: contraindications

There are contraindications to the use of medicinal herbs. And this is due to the huge content of various biologically active substances in its composition. Therefore, before using in the treatment of any disease or for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. There are not many contraindications, but they exist.

With caution, you need to drink decoctions and tinctures, take baths and compresses for those who have:

  • allergic reactions to the essential components of plants, of which there are a lot of it;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • periods of exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • thyroid problems.

The use of the plant for men's health has long been beyond doubt not only among traditional healers, but also in official medicine. But in order not to harm yourself and get only benefit from it, you should not self-medicate. Consult a doctor. Thus, you will avoid many problems, and treatment will only benefit.

Thyme creeping, so called thyme grass, has long been used for chilliness, when a person becomes cold, it would seem in normal temperature conditions, even in the warm season. Even Avicenna pointed to the unusual property of thyme - to warm the blood and thin it.

A person becomes more warm-blooded, which means that blood moves faster through the blood vessels, so metabolic processes are accelerated, which leads to a faster recovery. This property of thyme is used by herbalists for inflammatory and catarrhal diseases.

Is thyme herb good for men?

The property of thyme to warm the blood, herbalists used from ancient times. Read:. The healing properties of thyme. That thyme for men's health is very useful and is considered male grass, all doctors knew. Thyme was used in the treatment of not only muscle, but also sexual weakness.

The healing properties of the herb are explained by its rich content of essential oils, flavonoids, resins, plant acids and antioxidants, important for men's health vitamins and minerals. So in the ground part of creeping thyme contains:

ash - 10.64%; macronutrients (mg / g): K - 26.10, Ca - 12.20, Mn - 3.90, Fe - 0.95; trace elements (CBN): Mg - 0.31, Cu - 0.48, Co - 0.12, Mo - 64.00, Cr - 0.10, Al - 0.66, Ba - 0.58, V - 0 , 35, Se - 7.10, Ni - 0.20, Sr - 0.36, Pb - 0.13. B - 108.40 μg / g. Concentrates Fe, Zn, Mo, Se, B. No Cd, Li, Ag, Au, I, Br.

As if nature itself had taken care and picked up a special complex necessary to maintain the strength of men and treat male diseases, it is not by chance that they say that thyme is the strength of men. The trace element microelement, which is part of the thyme, promotes the production of the male hormone testosterone, which improves sperm quality, and Mo - molybdenum stimulates sexual function, boron and iodine increase the function of sex hormones, manganese improves muscle reflexes during sex and softens irritability.

To increase sexual energy, doctors recommend rubbing thyme oil into the perineum, which can be prepared at home.

Thyme oil at home.To make butter from thyme, you need to collect only the inflorescences of this plant, there is more essential oil in the flowers than in the leaves. Fill a loose glass container with thyme flowers and fill them with extra virgin olive oil. The oil should completely cover the raw materials. Put the container in a warm dark place for two weeks (the longer the exposure, the better).

Then strain it, thyme oil is ready for use. But it is better to use the essential oil, prepared in the pharmaceutical way, which can be purchased at the pharmacy network.

To soothe an early ejaculation  herbalists recommend drinking thyme infusion. To do this, 40 g of dry grass or 2 tablespoons, pour two glasses of boiling water, it is advisable to insist the product in a thermos, for about two hours. Then strain the infusion and take one glass in the morning and evening, for 14 days. This is a course of treatment, if desired, the course can be repeated, only between them you need to take a break.

Thyme preparations have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the genitals, increasing its immunity to the effects of pathogenic flora, thereby normalizing the work of the genitourinary system in inflammatory processes.
  The strength of men can be affected by any problems associated with their general well-being and health. For muscle weakness, which occurs in connection with inflammation of individual muscles - myositis, muscles often atrophy, restricting movement, which greatly affects sexual function. To eliminate the pathology, herbalists recommend applying compresses from the thyme decoction to the sore spots. The decoction is done in the usual way, the concentration can be made thicker, the tissue that is applied to the muscles is moistened, the cellophane is on top and, necessarily, the heat is wrapped.

With hair loss.  Ursolic acid, which is contained in thyme, activates hair growth well and gives strength to the hair follicle. Although this in no way relates to the sexual function of men, I still decided to mention this property of thyme. In case of early baldness, read, it is useful to rub essential oil into the scalp, mixing it with vodka (three drops of essential oil + 7-10 g or a teaspoon of vodka), keep as long as possible.

If the conversation went about hair loss, then try others folk remediesanother very effective remedy  -, do not be afraid of the smell of onions, as it is easily removed with a solution of lemon juice.

Thyme from alcohol.  A concentrated decoction of creeping thyme is used to treat alcoholism, this is due to the presence of thymol essential oil, which can cause a gag reflex.

Thyme - seasoning.  Thyme can often be used as a seasoning for dishes, which will help replenish the body with vitamins and strengthen the nervous system.
  But it is also important that thyme besides this has a huge mass of advantages, it supports the nervous system, relieves muscle cramps, leads arterial pressure  to normal, improves hair growth.
What is harmful thyme for men?
  All, as if they were not useful, have contraindications. Thyme is no exception, it is still a medicinal plant, which means that when used, the dosage must be observed and there must be medical indications for use.

What is harmful thyme for men's health? Somewhere I read that the more the plant contains active substances in its composition, the more contraindications it has. You are convinced that the thyme is simply a leader in the number of active substances, so you should not abuse the preparations of this plant to all people prone to allergic reactions.
With great caution, you need to treat patients with thyme: with kidney diseases and the thyroid gland, since taking thyme preparations can exacerbate these diseases, with cardiovascular diseases, especially with atrial fibrillation.

As thyme is heated and thinning blood, for people with problems gastrointestinal tract, it is also necessary to be careful, because thyme preparations can cause internal bleeding.

As a potent plant, thyme cannot be taken long time, only 2-week courses are indicated. Prolonged and non-dosed administration can lead to hypervitaminosis - an excess of active substances in the body, which is also fraught with its consequences, thyme for men's health. Do not forget how harmful thyme is and use it as intended.

Thyme is considered to be a “male” herb, as it is widely used in folk medicine  for the treatment of impotence and prostatitis. It is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of erectile dysfunction. The second name of the plant is thyme, which is used as seasoning for dishes.

Composition and useful properties

Thyme is a source of essential oils, rich in tannins and antioxidants. In addition, the plant contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins, which are especially important for male sexual strength.

Grass has in its composition:

  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • vitamin C.

The most important plant substances that affect sexual function are selenium (Se) and molybdenum (Mo). Selenium is responsible for the production of testosterone in the body. Molybdenum promotes the activation of enzymes that normalize male sexual function. Therefore, in case of problems with potency, taking a medicinal plant is necessary.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

For the treatment of sexual weakness and early ejaculation, the following recipe is used: 30 g of boiling water is boiled in half a liter. herbs (2 tablespoons) and leave to infuse for two hours. The resulting infusion is taken after waking up and before bedtime in a glass. The course of treatment lasts 10-14 days. Then a break for 10 days.

For the treatment of impotence, thyme oil can also be used, which you can make yourself or buy in a pharmacy.

Prepare the oil at home as follows: a crushed plant in the size of a half tablespoon is mixed with 30 g. (2 tbsp) olive or vegetable oil and left to infuse for 20-30 days.

After the medicine is ready, it is rubbed into the perineum in a small amount before bedtime. Therapy is carried out 7-10 days.

It is also useful to take baths with a decoction of thyme or its essential oils. To do this, you need to brew three tablespoons of grass in half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, and then pour the resulting broth into the bath water. Instead of infusion, you can add a few drops of thyme oil.

Other ways to consume thyme

It is very useful for men to take thyme not only for treatment, but also as a prophylaxis of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is recommended to use the plant as a seasoning for dishes and in the form of tea.

It is desirable that the tea consist of a mixture of healthy herbs. For example, you can try to make such an infusion: take a tablespoon, a tablespoon and three tablespoons of thyme per liter of boiling water. The product is allowed to infuse for 7-8 hours, and then added to boiling water as a regular tea leaves. It is recommended to drink a cup a day of such a decoction. Such a drug not only positively affects male power, but also tones, soothes.

Forms of release and contraindications

Thyme can be collected by yourself or purchased at a pharmacy in the form of crushed or whole herbs, or in the form of a powder.

Before you start taking the plant for medicinal purposes, a doctor’s consultation is highly advisable, since despite the many useful properties the herb has its contraindications.

It should not be used for kidney and liver failure. In addition, they do not recommend taking thyme for peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. In some cases, allergic reactions are also possible.

It is very important to take the correct dosage when taking to avoid poisoning.  This is due to the fact that thyme, like all herbs, contains alkaloids, which can provoke unpleasant consequences.

Subject to all the rules of admission and the absence of contraindications, the plant will only benefit the male body.

The herb thyme or thyme is a powerful remedy for various ailments. It has long been used by our ancestors to treat colds and coughs, as an antispasmodic for stomach pains. Today thyme is a component of some pharmaceutical preparations, which means that its healing properties are recognized by official medicine. It is known that many people enjoy drinking tea with thyme, without even thinking about what benefits or harm it brings to men and women. This drink tastes good and has a delicate aroma, but what are its properties? Since thyme is medicinal herb, it’s important to sort this out. So, dear readers of “Popular about health”, let's talk about the plant and tea with it.

Tea for men

Thyme is often called male grass, and this is no coincidence, because the composition of this plant includes substances that have a beneficial effect on the potency and functioning of the urogenital system of men in general. It is about selenium and molybdenum. These chemicals can improve the production of male hormones. An increase in testosterone in the blood allows you to achieve the following results:

Improve sperm quality;
  Get rid of premature ejaculation;
  Strengthen an erection.

But this is not all that tea with the addition of thyme to men can be useful for. This pleasant drink can prevent the onset of inflammatory processes of the male genitourinary system, in particular, prostatitis. With existing inflammation of the prostate, tea helps relieve swelling and relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

How to make thyme tea to enhance male strength? It is best to drink freshly brewed thyme tea. You can cook it using ordinary black or green teaadding 5 inflorescences of grass per cup. Then the teapot is poured with boiling water and insisted for about 5 minutes. Black or green tea with thyme is enough to drink in the amount of 1-2 cups per day to feel the result.

What is harmful to men tea with thyme?

Despite the fact that thyme herb is very useful for both men and women, it can in some cases harm a person. For example, if a man is elderly and has problems with high blood pressure, then consuming a lot of tea with the inclusion of thyme in it is harmful to health. An overdose is very dangerous - if you brew tea incorrectly, put a lot of grass in a cup or teapot, this leads to overexcitation, nightmares or insomnia. If a man drinks alcohol, it is important to know that tandem - alcohol plus thyme can cause nausea and vomiting. The medicinal herb contains the substance thymol, it is precisely it that is incompatible with alcohol. It is known that this property of thyme was used by our grandmothers to treat alcoholism in men.

The benefits of thyme tea for women

Tea with thyme is also beneficial for women, especially for nursing mothers who have reduced production breast milk. This herb is always one of the components of lactational herbal preparations. If you feed your baby and notice that there is less milk, the breast is not completely filled, then it makes sense to prepare warm tea with thyme added once a day. Below is his recipe.

Place in a three-hundred gram cup one teaspoon of green tea or half of this norm of black velvet without additives. Pour half a spoonful of thyme, brew. Pay attention to the dosage, it can not be exceeded. Cover the cup with a lid. After waiting five minutes, remove the cover. Black tea with thyme is ready, but it is better not to drink it hot. Nursing mothers are advised to drink warm drinks. Thyme should not be abused, because it is a medicinal herb. It is enough to drink this remedy to improve lactation once a day (preferably in the morning).

Tea with thyme is also useful due to its ability to calm the nervous system and relieve stress. Women are very emotional, and it is sometimes difficult for them to control themselves if there are conflicts at work or trouble at home. Thyme will help to cope with nervousness and irritation. Just have a cup of drink at night.

Thyme Tea Harm for Women

The harm of tea with the addition of thyme can bring those girls who already produce a lot of milk in the mammary glands. Excessive lactation is already a problem, since if there is an excess of milk, it will have to be expressed, thereby increasing its flow. This process may result in mastopathy. Unnecessarily, do not further stimulate lactation.

You should not be too fond of tea drinking for lactating women also because thyme can cause an allergy in a baby. Thyme is useful, it has a calming effect on the baby, stimulates a good serene sleep, but subject to moderate intake. The use of such tea is detrimental to pregnant women. Doctors warn that thyme tones the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.


Thyme tea is good for both men and women, but not always. In some cases - with hypertension, peptic ulcer disease or problems with the thyroid gland, you can not drink it. In addition, immoderate use of such a drug can result in new health problems. This gift of nature must be treated with respect, because it is not just grass, but medicine, and with a pronounced effect on the body. Therefore, everyone can enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma of thyme tea, but not too often.

Thyme for men is useful in that it gives the body a large amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances that have a positive effect on health.

About the benefits of thyme

Thyme, also known as thyme, is extremely healthy and widely known for its properties. This is a small-sized shrub plant that blooms with pink and purple flowers. Thyme has long been used as a herb for medicinal baths, for preparing various products (decoctions and infusions). Thyme was used to fumigate the premises, believing that this would help get rid of the fright in children.

Thyme is not only an excellent plant for collecting nectar by bees, but also a fragrant seasoning in the chef's business. This is due not only to giving the dishes a special taste, but also healing properties  for the digestive tract, for colds, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

What determines the extreme benefits of this plant? Firstly, it is a high content of essential oils, the basis of which is thymol and carvacrol, and secondly, it is rich in vitamin and mineral composition.

Thymol is one of the most powerful natural antibacterial agents. In addition, it is often used as an effective anthelmintic drug. Thymol can be used to rinse the mouth, pharynx, and nasopharynx to ensure antibacterial action. Among pharmacists, thymol is known as an excellent preservative. The benefit of the thyme for men is not only that it is able to restore health, but, as was believed in ancient times, and life.

In addition to thymol, other components of thyme have a beneficial effect: bitterness, organic acids, resins of natural origin, tannins, carotene, resins, flavonoids, gum and vitamins of groups B and C.

Thyme collected most during the time when its inflorescences begin or are actively blooming is most beneficial. It is enriched with minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, phosphorus and sodium.

How can thyme be useful for men? Experts believe that the presence of essential oils, which are saturated with almost all parts of thyme, makes it possible to cope with chronic stress, restore strength, normalize blood pressure. Decoctions and teas from this herb have been used among patients with bronchial asthma, with pathology of the kidneys and hepatobiliary system, with flatulence and gastritis, for the treatment of pneumonia and peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

Thyme is useful for men to increase potency

The beneficial qualities of thyme for men are not limited only to effects on the reproductive system. It can be used for numerous violations by organs and systems:

  • Sexual weakness. Thyme is successfully used for. Her violation always adversely affects the mental and emotional state of men. Erectile dysfunction can also be treated with thyme. Chemical elements, which are part of it, are able to restore the normal production of the hormone testosterone, stimulate the work of the organs of the male reproductive system. Thyme will also help those who suffer from premature ejaculation. To do this, in a half-liter thermos insist two tablespoons of dry grass. After straining, they drink two glasses a day for two weeks. After a break, treatment can be continued. Sometimes experts advise rubbing thyme essential oil in the perineum during sexual weakness. The finished oil is in the pharmacy network, it is also easy to prepare it yourself. To do this, take a small volume of olive oil on 15 grams of herb and mix the ingredients. The remedy is infused for a month.
  • The benefit of the thyme for men consists in the therapeutic effect of inflammation of muscle fibers. In medicine, the disease is called myositis. Muscle inflammation brings unpleasant pain, limits mobility, and can suffer general state  the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to make therapeutic compresses based on thyme on time. The grass must be insisted for half an hour and squeezed. In the resulting broth, moisten and squeeze the gauze for a compress and apply to the sore spot. Tie a plastic wrap over the gauze to preserve heat and last longer.
  • Thyme infusion is used as a prophylactic to prevent sexual weakness and development. Its composition: one tablespoon of oregano and mint, from 3 to 4 tablespoons of thyme, the main component. Pour all the components in a small thermos bottle, pour boiling water (half a liter). All night the remedy must be infused. The benefits of thyme for men are undeniable. In this infusion, you can optionally add linden, rose hip or St. John's wort. Care must be taken with the last component.
  • Thyme will protect against the development of impotence of men aged. Just use it as a seasoning for your meals. It is especially suitable for meat and fish dishes. Gradually, your body will replenish zinc reserves, which is the main element that controls the functioning of the prostate gland. In addition, thyme can be added to tea or to prepare a separate tea drink from this medicinal plant. To prepare, throw a few twigs in boiling water, after brewing, enjoy a pleasant and healthy drink. Tea with thyme will warm, relieve colds, anesthetize the throat. Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, thyme will quickly relieve colds and viral diseases. The drink will give tone, it is also shown to patients who have suffered brain injuries, as an antidepressant in the rehabilitation period.
  • Among other things, thyme is used with sufficient effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory agent for prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis. It has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, destroying pathogens in the patient's urinary tract. Timely cured prostatitis is the key to maintaining normal potency.

Contraindications thyme

  In addition to useful properties, men should familiarize themselves with some prohibitions for its use.

Unfortunately, thyme cannot be taken during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Also, the herb is contraindicated for those who have deviations in the state of the heart and blood vessels: arrhythmia, decompensated work of the heart muscle, the state after myocardial infarction, in the presence of cardiosclerosis (as the consequences of a heart attack), with cerebral arteriosclerosis.

You can not use drugs and self-cooking preparations from thyme uncontrollably. After two weeks of treatment, you need to take a break for 2-3 months, otherwise there may be problems with the thyroid gland (a decrease in its function).

Thyme can be treated with many diseases, sometimes even without the help of synthetic medicines, but it is worth remembering that thyme contains many natural substances that can go poorly with traditional medicine. Therefore, any use should be agreed with your doctor to avoid side effects.

Editor: Igor Radevich

Sexologist-andrologist of the 1st category.
  Work experience: 27 years
