The immune system how to increase immunity. Strengthening immunity folk remedies. Folk remedies and herbs

The word immunity comes from the Latin (immunitas - liberation, getting rid of something) and means immunity to various infections and viruses.

Our body is not so defenseless against a huge number of bacteria and viruses and over the centuries of evolution has learned to deal with them. The body's defenses, its ability to resist infections are called immunity.

What foods increase immunity

Antioxidants are very important to protect against the effects of free radicals, which are natural toxins that are the result of cellular. Antioxidants in Juice May Improve acid balance   skin and protect against this oxidative stress. Eating pomegranates can be a very powerful way to protect your bo.

These green leafy vegetables are packed with healthy nutrients and are especially good for detoxifying the liver and keeping the body clean of toxins, so the immune system is not overloaded. According to traditional medicine in many countries, it has been shown to be healthy food for your immune system. Ginger can stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps flush toxins from your body. In addition, it is known that it heats the body and helps cleanse your sinuses, which also helps eliminate toxins from accumulating there.

The role of immunity for health ^

Role good immunity   it is extremely important for maintaining health, because it is impossible to protect ourselves from viruses, they surround us from everywhere and constantly attack. Therefore, you need to learn how to cope with them with the help of our assistant - immunity.

Microorganisms enter the body in various ways: through the stomach along with food, through the skin as a result of scratches and other injuries, as well as through any natural openings, such as ears, nose, and mouth. ARI and influenza viruses penetrate the respiratory tract - the most vulnerable organ.

Although most people associate tanning with unhealthy activity, sunlight is actually one of the factors that are important for the functioning of the immune system. When we rest at night, this is the best chance that our body must heal and restore the body's health with the help of the natural immune system. Denying your body that healing time can destroy the immune system   and increase your chances of contracting viruses and other diseases.

Managing a healthy balance in your body is important, especially when you have too many defined ones. Excessive is really dangerous for your immune system. Talking to a nutritionist can be a great way to properly manage your mineral intake to optimize your immune system.

People with weakened immune systems most often suffer from colds such as acute respiratory infections and influenza, and it is by the frequency of these diseases that they judge the state of their immune system. Therefore, if you suffer from colds and viral infections more than four to five times a year, then you should think about strengthening your immunity.

When a foreign infection enters the body, at first the viruses or microbes multiply almost unhindered, worsening the patient’s condition, causing malaise, chills, and pain.

The immune system - amplifies over time

Protects us from viruses and bacteria all year round. However, in the cold season, dry air overheating and temperature fluctuations make us more susceptible to colds. Our body has many protective barriers to escape from pathogens. Already penetration into the body is difficult, for example, by sneezing, coughing, saliva, acid skin or stomach acid. Only when this protective barrier of the body is overcome is our immune system necessary.

When you need to strengthen the immune system

Viruses and bacteria are active all year round, but especially in the cold season, there is a lot of work for the immune system. Due to lower temperatures, blood circulation in the nose and throat is impaired and therefore more susceptible. When it is uncomfortable outside, more people are indoors and can be infected more easily.

But the body is not inactive, it immediately mobilizes all its forces to fight. For this, special substances begin to be produced in the blood, the so-called antibodies to the penetrated virus, to which immediately, also called killer cells, for their active role in the suppression of microorganisms. As a rule, they quickly cope with their task.

If our body is now weakened or insufficiently supplied with nutrients, it is even easier for pathogens. In fact, people whose immune systems do not work optimally have three or more infections per year and take longer to recover. Therefore, we must think early in order to strengthen our immune system.

A healthy and balanced diet affects our overall well-being and the health of our body. Of course, our immune system also benefits from good nutrition of nutrients, because then our body has many opportunities to successfully protect itself from pathogens.

After a person’s recovery, a small amount of specific antibodies to the destroyed virus will remain in his blood in small amounts forever, that is, “immune memory” is preserved. Upon its subsequent invasion, the immune system with the help of antibodies and lymphocytes will destroy it before the latter has time to multiply and cause the disease, or the disease will go away in a very mild form.

It is not in vain that the German Nutrition Society recommends eating at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day. With confidence, you can also support your defense. Vitamin C also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical activity, when an additional 200 mg is taken in the recommended daily dose.

Good suppliers of vitamin C include citrus fruits, but also vegetables such as broccoli, kale or Brussels sprouts. Our advice: since vitamin C is very sensitive, food should be eaten fresh and not stored for long. Only if the vitamin is present in sufficient quantity, the body's defense can be mobilized. However, this spontaneous production is often insufficient, especially in the fall and winter months, especially when the immune system is required. Zinc and selenium - protect the cells of the body.

The effect of vaccinations is based on this property of the body (the ability to produce antibodies to pathogens), although this question is very ambiguous, and fierce debates are being held on the pros and cons.

In particular, it is recognized by all that vaccination is permissible only for absolutely healthy people in order to avoid various complications, which can be much more serious than the disease itself, from which we want to protect ourselves with their help. That is, whether we ever get sick, for example, scarlet fever, is unknown, but we can easily get complications and undermine the immunity from such a vaccine.

Zinc zinc is vital because it controls the function of more than 200 enzymes and is involved in many metabolic processes. For example, the good protective function of our body depends on the balance of zinc. But it also helps protect our body's cells from oxidative stress.

What is innate immunity?

It is recommended to take daily at least 10 mg of zinc with food. It can also be related to physical stress, pregnancy, or stress. Anyone who loves oysters does something good because it is the richest food in zinc. But also sea fish, seafood, dairy products or beef contain zinc.

The paradox is that absolutely healthy people do not need vaccinations at all, because they have good immunitywho is able to cope with the infection himself. And people with immunocompromised vaccinations are contraindicated, for good reason they are often even called the killer of immunity. Therefore, the best way to protect yourself from diseases and infections is to strengthen immunity with folk remedies and forget about doctors.

Like zinc, selenium also helps protect component cells from oxidative stress and the normal functioning of the immune system. Selenium demand is covered mainly by meat, fish, chicken eggs and lentils and asparagus. However, a high degree of processing food products   and sparsely saline soils can lead to the fact that the amount of absorbed selenium is not always optimal.

Do you already know Aronia berries? It is unlikely that anyone in Germany knew this “power berry” several years ago. They provide a purple, almost black coloration of the chokeberry berries. Basically, the darker the berries, the higher their anthocyanin content. Anthocyanidin content in berries: chokeberry: 800 mg of cherries 180 mg of grapes, blue 165 mg of strawberries 30 mg.

How to strengthen immunity ^

How to increase immunity folk remedies: recipes and tips

In this regard, the main task of each person should be strengthening immunity, because at its high level no diseases (or almost none) will be scary. Since immunity is a complex system that is influenced by a huge number of factors, it is necessary to increase it by strengthening the whole organism as a whole.

The small berry is not suitable for snacks in between, but it is too sour and tart to taste. However, it can be admired in fruit tea or in a delicious fruit quark. However, dilution with other fruit juices is also popular. Of course, a balanced and varied diet is extremely important to challenge the next cold wave. But there are other factors that can help support our defense.

Hand washing: Viruses are often transmitted by hand distribution or by touching door handles, shopping carts, etc. Do not touch your face with your hands. Wash your hands several times a day. warm water   and soap. Drink enough! Due to the heating of the air, our mucous membranes in the nose and throat, unfortunately, dry out. This limits the natural barrier to viruses and bacteria. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea every day.

There is no such pill, which, if drunk, could be rewarded with good immunity. To have it, you need to work hard and think about whether we are ready to revise some of our not-so-good habits so as not to get sick and live long.

The concept of good immunity and healthy way   life are almost synonymous, therefore, the recommendations of doctors in both cases are almost the same, the main of which are:

Ventilate regularly: open windows and doors for healthy air exchange. A few minutes are enough to exchange fresh, oxygen-rich air for old virus-rich air from confined spaces. Sauna and alternating showers: changing cold and warm water   stimulates circulation and trains the body to quickly change temperature. But be careful: those who have already caught a cold should refrain from visiting the sauna and not burden their bodies with temperature fluctuations.

Exercise in the fresh air: exercise gets circulation and keeps our mucous membranes moist. Walking or walking 3 times a week for half an hour is enough. Make sure you wear suitable clothing during the wet and cold season. If you have a cold, you should not do any strenuous exercise!

  • body cleansing
  • healthy eating
  • physical activity.

Check your% body fat, BMI and other important parameters





Not stress! If possible, take a short break, do yoga, or take a hot bath to relax. Try to sleep 8 hours a day, because only a well-rested body can produce new antibodies. Healthy intestinal flora: The intestines and the immune system are closely connected because about 80% of the immune cells are located in the intestines. Therefore, a healthy intestinal flora is especially important for an effective immune system.

Alcohol and nicotine: in fact, alcohol and nicotine weaken the immune system. During intoxication, our immune system is deactivated for at least 24 hours. Nicotine weakens the function of certain white blood cells, which facilitates pathogens. Avoid the crowds! Of course, for many people, the risk of contracting a cold, which spreads the virus through a drip infection when coughing or sneezing, increases. On the other hand, we can hardly protect ourselves, but if possible, avoid closer physical contacts, such as arms or hugs.



Activity level

All three recommendations are very closely related. Judge for yourself: cleansing the body is the primary task, because in a "clean" organism, pathogenic alien microbes have nothing to do, there is no food for them. First of all, it is necessary to achieve the correct and regular functioning of the intestine, because many problems with immunity begin due to its malfunction and the predominance of pathogenic microflora, which leads to many diseases, up to dysbiosis.

Sleep: Our protection is closely related to the quality and duration of our sleep. Because while we sleep a large number of   Immunoactive substances are released in the body and strengthens our immune system. An exceptional omega-3 product contains krill oil - environmentally friendly from small Antarctic crabs. This is due to its natural formula, in which omega-3 fatty acids are in the same form as in the cells of the human body. The product has clinically proven benefits in many health problems.

Cholesterol and cardiovascular complaints

This reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol and increases the level of "good" cholesterol 7 times more effective than fish oil and at very low daily doses. It normalizes heart rate and regulates blood pressure. In addition, it protects against the formation of a clot and promotes the functioning of blood vessels, which is especially important for atherosclerosis. This improves their mobility by isolating arthritis. With osteoarthritis, it has a very beneficial effect. It strengthens the body's defense against inflammation. This increases mental and physical performance.

In addition to cleansing, it is important to prevent re-contamination of the body with toxins. For this, it is necessary to ensure that no harmful substances such as pesticides, nitrites, industrial poisons, or salts come into contact with food and water. heavy metals   and especially carcinogens, since these substances contribute to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Great importance for the purification and maintenance of cleanliness of the body is given to the correct drinking regimen. About written a great article on our website. Since water is the best natural solvent, it is able to cleanse the body without any medications if used correctly.

Eliminates fatigue and fatigue. It prevents weight gain before menstruation and alleviates abdominal pain. It isolates depression and irritability. Thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect, it eliminates the negative effects of stress. This strengthens the immune system and defends the body, which is especially important during periods of the epidemic. It protects the skin even with prolonged sunbathing.

Immunity Building Products

Activity and properties are provided by a unique encapsulation process. To be taken at or shortly after meals. With elevated cholesterol and triglycerides: 2 capsules 2 times a day for the first 2-4 weeks, then a maintenance dose of 1-2 capsules per day for at least 3 months.

Water must be purified using filters, it is unacceptable to drink it from the tap due to poor quality. Boiling and settling will also not solve the problem, since chlorine will only evaporate when it settles, pathogens will die during boiling, and salts of heavy metals will remain. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and have a bite with several crystals of sea salt.

Food products must be purchased environmentally friendly and natural, be sure to study their composition on the label so that there are no preservatives, trans fats and other harmful additives. Eat balanced, be sure to eat foods rich in proteins of plant and animal origin, vitamins, iron, iodine.

Use fruits and vegetables seasonally and only grow in your area, because those brought from exotic countries, due to the long transportation, are processed with various harmful chemical compounds.

Probably, everyone noticed that imported winter strawberries or other non-seasonal fruits look very attractive, but have no taste. The same applies to early watermelons - there is no benefit or taste, but cases of nitrate poisoning are very common.

Naturally, if you want to be healthy and have good immunity, give up smoking because no one doubts the harm of nicotine for a long time. Any untreated chronic diseases leave foci of infection in the body that weaken the immune system, so it is important to eliminate them in time.

The most important link in the complex of measures to increase immunity is motor activity, which improves metabolism and blood circulation. But, keep in mind that physical activity should be moderate, because many people mistakenly believe that their health can be strengthened only by performing heavy loads.

In fact, excessive loads and strength training negatively affect the immune system, introducing the body into a state of stress. From the point of view of strengthening immunity, an ideal option is a moderate level of physical activity, in particular, ordinary walking gives remarkable results.

Strengthening immunity folk remedies ^

Strengthening immunity with folk remedies is very effective, as with recipes traditional medicine   it is possible to increase the body's resistance to infections and improve its protective functions.

  • Tincture of leaves walnut. 2 tbsp pour 1/2 liter of boiling water on the leaves and insist in a thermos all night. Take 1/4 cup twice a day. In addition, daily eating of walnuts (5-6 pieces) is very useful.
  • Herbal infusion. Mix 5 tbsp. lemon balm, herbs of Ivan-tea, peppermint and chestnut flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take 1/2 cup twice a day.
  • Firming balm. Mix 500 g of peeled and chopped walnuts, 300 g of honey, juice of 4 lemons, 100 g of aloe and a glass of vodka. Insist in a dark place 24 hours. Take 1 tablespoon before meals. 3 times a day.
  • Vitamin drink. 1/2 cup radish juice, 1/2 cup carrot juice, 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp lemon or cranberry juice. Take 1 tbsp. morning and evening, especially during epidemics of colds.
  • Herbal tea. 1 tbsp elecampane root and 1 tbsp. rosehips pour 1 liter. boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, insist 20 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. St. John's wort and oregano herbs and 2 tsp tea. Insist another hour and use as tea leaves at each tea party throughout the day.
  • Effective lemon-garlic remedy. Finely chop 1/2 lemon with peel and 7 cloves of garlic. Fold in a liter jar and pour boiled water to the top. Insist in a cool dark place for 4 days, then store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals in the morning. For the prevention of colds, you can take the entire autumn-winter period (from October to March).
  • A mixture of walnuts, dried apricots and raisins should be taken by all family members at the first symptoms of a cold. Mix 1 tbsp. chopped peeled walnuts, dried apricots, seedless raisins, honey and juice of 1/2 lemon. Take 3 times a day for adults 1 tbsp. and children 1 tsp.
  • To alleviate the condition with colds, vitamin baths are recommended that relieve body aches, headaches and shortness of breath. Mix the dried leaves of raspberries, lingonberries, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, currants, rose hips, pour boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • In addition to this decoction, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus or cedar oil to the bath. Try to relax in the bathtub to remove accumulated fatigue and prevent stress from undermining your immunity.

The main thing is not to forget. that all of the above ways to strengthen the body are important in the complex, regularly cleanse and strengthen it, and then immunity will become a faithful helper and will not allow diseases to invade your life.

Greetings to all my friends. How to strengthen the body's immunity at home? We often hear that each person has his own immunity, and no one really knows where he is. Today we will understand what it is.

To say simple language, then these are the body's defenses, representing a complex system. It happens to be natural, artificial, innate

But whatever it may be, it can destroy poisons, many pathogenic organisms, foreign inclusions, as well as cells alien to the body.

What is innate immunity?

It is good if at birth a strong innate immunity is transmitted from the mother to the child. The little man becomes immune to certain diseases, as his body already has antibodies.

Therefore, doctors are strongly advised to feed newborns with breast milk. After all, artificial feeding does not provide adequate protection for health.

Innate protection lasts a lifetime. A strong protective shield can be overcome only with a strong weakening of health.

But not every person receives strong protection at birth, which means that our task is to strengthen the body's defenses.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child

The task is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Many parents are surprised to see those kids who run on the street, not dressed as warmly as they think. And their little one is dressed warmly, cleanly, and is constantly sick.

Note: a cleanly dressed child does not move much, does not run, does not jump, because mom will scold for soiled clothes. As a result, parents get an often sick baby.

So the first condition   - these are games in the fresh air, at least 3 hours. It is important to be more in the sun, especially in early spring, as sunlight is vital for the production of vitamin D3, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

If you notice that in the spring it is difficult for the baby to concentrate, he becomes moody, impatient, then immediately sound the alarm: his immunity is weakened! How to help a son or daughter?

Walk, walk, walk!

Moreover, to walk in constant motion. It is also important to properly dress your child. Do not wrap it up, put on it only one layer of clothing more than you put on yourself.

Outdoor games should be the norm for you, and sports will benefit a small person of any age. Bicycle, scooter, roller skates - the perfect solution!

The path to recovery

In winter and spring, children are especially often sick, so you can not do without vitamins, decoctions of herbs.

Complexes based on echinacea are especially good at protecting. A positive result can be achieved if drugs are used for 2-3 weeks. Also do not forget about fruits, vegetables, natural juices, berries.

Sleep also leads to healing.   Scientists have found that healthy sleep leads to the strengthening of defenses. Compliance with the regime is an important condition for healing the body.

The doctor believes that any folk remedies, as well as nasty fish oil to enhance the health of children, are sacrilege. He claims that there are only three natural stimulants of children's defenses: low temperature, hunger, physical activity.

Komarovsky does not advise taking tough measures: making him run in the mornings, go to the pool, or underfeed.

  • “Yes” - to purity, “no” - to sterile life.
  • “No” - eating without appetite, that is, gluttony.
  • "No" overheating, dust collectors; "Yes" - control of temperature, humidity, cleanliness.
  • “Yes” - to physical activity in the fresh air, “no” - to the TV.
  • “No” to excessive sweets. Yes to cold drinks.
  • Give medication only if you cannot do without pills.

How to strengthen immunity for an adult

If the health of children depends on the parents, then the adult on himself. If the protection is broken, then headaches, increased fatigue, insomnia, weakness, aching in the joints appear from somewhere.

The immune system suffers from stress, from a lack of sleep, malnutrition, various infections, with prolonged use of antibiotics, various medications.

Is it possible for an adult to raise defenses?   Of course you can! First of all, pay attention to such products as onions, garlic, radish, radish, honey.

And scare away bad smell? We’ll have to put up with it, because it is in them that contain volatile, which put a reliable block on the development of pathogens.

Healing rosehip to strengthen immunity

This plant is one of the first places to strengthen the defenses.

Recipes for making a drink:

  1. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed berries in a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist for 6-8 hours, drink like tea. The course is 4 weeks.
  2. A miraculous broth will help strengthen the defenses: 2 lemons, 100 grams of rose hips, 5 tablespoons of honey and raspberry leaves. Pass the lemons with the peel through the meat grinder, put in a thermos, add honey and finely chopped raspberry leaves. Next, put the rosehip berries in a pan, pour 1 liter of water, cook for 15 minutes. Then pour into a thermos, close for 3 hours. The resulting healing broth should be taken 3 times a day. The course is 2 months.

Health promotion plants

Great remedy   - Miracle based balm. At home, you can prepare a magic elixir: you need 100 ml of aloe juice, a glass of good vodka, 0.5 kg of walnuts, 3 lemons, 250 gr. honey.

All this must be folded into one container, mix well. The resulting drug should be taken in 3 tablespoons before breakfast. The course is 10 days.

Attention! This tool should not be taken by children, pregnant women, as well as people suffering from alcoholism.

Herbs are the best helpers in the fight for good health, for example. How to make an infusion? Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed leaves of celandine, let it brew for 5 minutes, take in a warm form 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

It should be remembered that celandine is a poisonous plant, so it can not be given to children and pregnant women.

Be sure to use this miraculous recipe:   fry without oil, then grind them in a coffee grinder.

Put the powder in a glass jar, close well. Take the powder 2 times a day - an hour before bedtime and before breakfast.

This tool can be given even to children. Children's dosage - 0.5 tsp, for an adult - 1 teaspoon. The course is 1 month, repeat the course 2 times a year.

Priceless Echinacea

Tinctures from lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea will help strengthen the body's immunity. But echinacea and drugs prepared from it are especially appreciated. In the pharmacy you can buy alcohol tincture (Immunal) and tablets.

Pills are recommended for children   apply only after 4 years for prevention: 1 tablet 3 times a day. If the child has a cold, then you can give 5 tablets per day.
  Drink for young children you can drink 50 ml 3 times a day for no more than 4 weeks. Echinacea infusions can be mixed with compote and drunk like tea.

Echinacea in tablets is used for:

  • aRI treatment
  • lingering infections, flu,
  • with herpes
  • increase immunity
  • with liver diseases,
  • contribute to the purification of blood.

To take all the healing properties of echinacea, you need to make a tincture: 200 g of fresh echinacea or 50 g in dry form, you need to pour 1 liter of vodka.

The mixture is insisted in the dark for 20 days, regularly shaking the container. Take 40 drops with water twice a day.

Soft drinks can be prepared:   1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grass brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a thermos for the night.


Despite beneficial features   plants, there are many contraindications, especially for the use of alcohol tinctures:

  1. Children under 4 years old
  2. Pregnant women
  3. Women during lactation
  4. AIDS patient
  5. Tuberculosis
  6. Oncology
  7. Autoimmune diseases.

Folk remedies that strengthen immunity

Pay attention to your nutrition! Radish, blueberries, raspberries should settle on your table. Everyone knows how useful raspberries are for colds, so don't forget to make raspberry jam. It is raspberry jam that is beyond competition in the fight against cough, runny nose, and high fever.

Our distant ancestors also knew about the benefits. This berry contains all the vitamins that the body needs during the period of winter colds.

Cook vegetables and fruitsthat contain a lot of fiber. It perfectly absorbs harmful substances that naturally   excreted from the body.

In the period of coldsdo not forget about foods rich in vitamin C. This is sweet pepper, lemon, blackcurrant, oranges, cabbage, honey. Just do not dissolve honey in boiling water, otherwise it will lose its healing properties.

From ancient medicine to the present day

Ancient healers, like modern doctors, recommend taking water procedures to increase immunity. Regularly take a contrast shower, do contrast grindings using herbal infusions.

If you have the opportunity to swim in the river and the sea - do not miss this opportunity. - an excellent simulator for the body. No wonder with colds, people were treated with bath procedures.

Yoga exercises to strengthen immunity and increase energy

We present to your attention a new set of exercises to increase energy and strengthen immunity - this topic is especially relevant in the transition period.

In the cold autumn period, the issue of increasing energy and increasing immunity is especially relevant. Do you know this? Then watch this video tutorial. This is a simple set of yoga exercises, it can be used as a full workout or as a warm-up before the main practice. The movements warm up the whole body well, work through the joints, energize.

The basis of this complex is breath holding after inhalation. It is due to this that the effect of increasing energy and strengthening immunity is achieved. Since the delay after inhalation perfectly stimulates gas exchange in the body and helps to saturate the tissues with oxygen.

This complex for strengthening immunity is shown primarily for people practicing yoga and breathing practices. And if you are a beginner, then do exercises with a minimum duration of breath holding so that there is no tension. Listen to your feelings.

Attention! Among the contraindications are hypertensive crises, the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases, as well as pregnancy. People with a predisposition to hypertension should exercise with extreme caution.

Dear readers! Ahead is winter, but now you know how to strengthen immunity with folk remedies, and this is just the way. Use them and show the article to all your friends, then subscribe to my blog together!
