What to eat with gastritis of the stomach, eating, what should I eat? What can I eat with gastritis? When dieting, we take into account the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet No. 1 is considered rigid, but it is designed to support the digestive tract and help it recover.

What is the cure?

  Diet No. 1 is prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers, after treatment of acute gastritis, or with exacerbation of chronic gastritis.

The basic rules of diet

All dishes need to be boiled, steamed or baked without a crust. Too hot and very cold dishes are excluded from the diet.

In addition to a fixed meal schedule, there are several foods that you can enter on the menu or are not recommended. Chronic gastritis manifests itself in pains in the stomach immediately after eating, sensation of burns in the stomach, weight of the stomach after eating small portions of food, nausea, postprandial vomiting, decreased appetite, constipation, cramps in the abdomen, bloating, excessive production of intestinal gas, fatty food intolerance, spicy or acid products, roast and sweets.

If several years ago a strict diet was recommended, recommended by gastritis specialists, which included a complete ban on mechanically relentless food, small and fractional meals, now experts are reviewing their recommendations, such a diet is not necessary for the treatment of gastritis or ulcers. Each person with gastritis needs to customize their menu depending on the reaction to certain products and their level of tolerance.

It is important to limit the intake of salt, which retains water in the body and irritates the gastric mucosa.

Diet involves fractional nutrition - you need to eat 5-6 times a day, but little by little.

The calorie content of food consumed per day should be 2800-3000 calories.

What is included in the menu?

As part of diet No. 1, soups based on vegetable broth with the addition of vermicelli, rice, and various vegetables are welcome. You can also fill soups with cream or boiled egg. Allowed fish and coarse meats.

What are the foods allowed for gastritis? What products can you choose from the menu? Eliminating hydrogenated fats - avoiding drinks that can irritate the lining of the stomach and increase acid production. - avoid gourmet foods such as white bread, pasta and sugar - nuts, seeds and nuts - spicy foods - fried foods - fatty sauces - sausages - fried potatoes - flour sauces - pastries - cakes with lots of sugar and fat, - canned food.

This is manifested by burning in the stomach and upper abdominal pain. In this case, the person is depressed, pale, and may have difficulty breathing. Otherwise, the symptoms are often the same as in acute gastritis. After the disappearance of symptoms, can resume a normal diet, excluding all foods can cause heartburn. In addition, some medications are sometimes necessary to reduce the intensity of the symptoms. Alcohol and tobacco are prohibited, and aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided.

You should refuse rye bread, but it can be replaced with dried bread or crackers. Also, the diet involves a complete rejection of puff pastry, fatty meat and, salted cheeses, spicy sauces and marinades. White cabbage, mushrooms, sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers, carbonated drinks, black coffee are contraindicated.

List of allowed products:

In general, acute gastritis is treated with appropriate treatment. In general, chronic gastritis is easy to recommend diet excluding food annoying. In addition, patients with gastritis are advised to avoid heavy meals from food fragmentation.

Prohibited foods in gastritis

What do you consume a diet for gastritis. Meat: low-fat or peeled varieties of fat, boiled or fried meat, poultry and most types of fresh fish or canned eggs: except for omelet and fried nets Dairy products: milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, cheese, white bread: wheat, rye, possibly daily grain: cereal, barley, rice, oatmeal, pasta, cookies vegetables: preferably cooked or canned: asparagus, carrots, mushrooms, spinach, beans, peas, potatoes, fruits: bananas, ripe, cooked or canned, and fats: butter, fresh e oil. Several rules of nutrition The main idea of \u200b\u200beating in gastritis is to divide food by 5-6 times a day in order to keep us from the burden on the stomach with only one saturated meal.

Soupscan be prepared from allowed mashed vegetables on carrot or potato broth. Milk soups from mashed or well-boiled cereals (hercules, semolina, rice) with the addition of vermicelli and mashed vegetables and soup puree from pre-cooked chicken or meat are allowed.

  Meat and fish broths, mushroom and strong vegetable broths, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka are completely excluded.

Bread and flour products  prohibited, but not completely. It is allowed to eat wheat bread from flour of the highest and 1st grade, but only yesterday's pastry or dried. From sweet flour products you can dry biscuit, dry cookies, well-baked non-bun rolls, baked pies (with apples, boiled meat or fish and eggs, jam) and cottage cheese with cottage cheese.

Stop smoking and as much of any kind of alcohol as possible. Although the diet that we consume below alcohol is not excluded, it is good to consume with great moderation. Do not eat modified foods. Sweet, spicy, sour or bitter tastes can cause gastritis with a simple mechanism: intensely stimulating stimulation causes a strong secretion of gastric juices that are not supported by the sensitized stomach. To relieve abdominal pain that may occur, it is best to use medicinal mint tea, chamomile, caraway seeds and celandine.

Rye and any fresh bread, pastry and puff pastry are completely excluded.

Meat and poultry  only non-greasy, without tendons and skin. Steamed and boiled dishes of beef, young low-fat mutton and edged pork, chicken, turkey are allowed. Low-fat veal, chickens and rabbit can be eaten, but only boiled. Steam cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, soufflé, mashed potatoes, zrazy and beef stroganoff from boiled meat are also allowed.

The regimen for patients with gastritis. In the case of hyperacid chronic gastritis, it is recommended that the regimen be maintained for 3-4 years to completely cure gastritis. Allowed food slices. White should be well cooked and preferably served in the form of soups or puddings. It is also allowed to breastfeed, but is very well cooked. Meat - Meat that is low in fat, chicken or pork is allowed. Meat can only be served as a pickle, soup or pudding. Also allowed white fish and only in the form of a brine.

Cheeses - sweet cow cheese, urd and thankless time. Eggs - eggs are allowed, but only boiled and soft. You can also make romanian eyes. Allowed vegetables are zucchini, potatoes, carrots, peas. Vegetables can be served in the form or in the form of mashed potatoes, soups or soups. Fruits - sweet juices, fruit purees or compote are allowed. Only sweet fruits are allowed. Fatty materials - butter, egg yolk, unsalted margarine, fresh butter. The drinks. You can drink milk, tea, sweet juice. Sweets - sweets are allowed - fruit juices, cream, compote, pudding puddings and sweets made from cream cheese.

Fatty or sinewy meats and poultry, canned foods and smoked foods are completely excluded.

Fish- you can non-greasy types without skin, in a piece or in the form of a cutlet mass. Fish can be cooked or steamed.

Fatty and salty fish species, as well as canned fish, are completely excluded.

Milk products  allowed, in particular, you can drink milk, cream, non-acidic kefir, yogurt. Fresh non-acidic cottage cheese and sour cream are also allowed (but not large quantities), baked cheesecakes, souffle, lazy dumplings, puddings, mild grated cheese.

Sugar - Sugar is allowed in moderation, honey is mixed with butter. Prohibited Food Flavors - Banned by bread as black and white. A special prescription for patients with gastritis is allowed. Meat - fatty meat, chicken skin, smoked meat, sausages, hunting, canned meat, giggles, shreds and pita bread. Interstitized meat oatmeal, fried or pickled fish, as well as smoked or canned. Cheeses - Fermented, salted or canned cheese is prohibited. Eggs - frozen or boiled eggs are prohibited.

Vegetables - Strong and raw vegetables such as radishes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, peppers, onions, cauliflowers, and garlic are prohibited. Serving fried vegetables is not permitted. Pickles should also be avoided. Fruits - nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios are prohibited. Fatty matter - Lard, bacon, salted margarine, fried fats, sour cream, salted butter or chocolate are prohibited. Drinks - Liquor, rum, tuna, soda, mineral water, syrups, spirits, black coffee are strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to drink too cold or too hot drinks.

Dairy products with high acidity, sharp, salty cheeses are completely excluded.

Eggsyou can cook soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet, 2-3 pieces per day.

Hard boiled and fried eggs are completely excluded.

Cereals- allowed semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Porridge is boiled in milk or water, semi-viscous and mashed. You can also cook cutlets from ground cereals, cook vermicelli and finely chopped pasta.

Sweets - Sweetened sweets are leavened dough, ice cream, hot dough, sour cherries, jam and preserves. It is good to avoid candies and burnt sugar. Here's how Daniela’s question sounds: I have mild gastritis, and the doctor recommended that I avoid raw fruits and vegetables.

Fruits to avoid with gastritis include: raw onions, cruciferous such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, citrus fruits, unripe fruits. The menu can be individually adapted to tolerance for everyone, but also to other products that can increase acidity. If you suffer from gastritis, avoid fats, frogs, coffee, acidified drinks.

Millet, pearl barley, barley and corn grits, all legumes and whole pasta are completely excluded.

Vegetablesneed to be steamed or served in mashed form. You can use potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, rarely - green peas. In the uncooked form, you can early pumpkin and zucchini. Fine dill can be added to soups. Tomatoes - only ripe, non-acidic and a maximum of 100 g.

White cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, radish, sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, canned vegetable snacks are completely excluded.

What can you eat when you have gastritis

Thus, you can eat vegetables that are not listed above. They should be steamed and connected with green salad, bread, usually old, and not black, starch, white meat, bacon, dairy products of a new type. It is important to eat as spicy as possible and limit alcohol and coffee.

After improving gastritis, you can gradually introduce fruits and vegetables into the diet. Gastritis - editorial recommendation against vegetables for baking. When boiling vegetables use a small amount of water to store so many vitamins and minerals. Boil whole vegetables to limit the “leakage” of nutrients from them.

Snacksacceptable, but only boiled tongue, liver paste, doctor sausage, dairy, diet, jellied fish with vegetable broth, sturgeon caviar, soaked low-fat herring and mincemeat, mild cheese, unsalted ham without fat.

All spicy and salty snacks, canned food, and smoked foods are completely excluded.

Sweets. You can eat berries and fruits in boiled and baked form, mashed potatoes, jelly, mousse, jelly, stewed fruit, always in mashed form. You can also cream, milk jelly, sugar, honey, non-sour jam, marshmallows and marshmallows.

The longer they are exposed to high temperatures, the more they lose their nutrients, so they do not need to be overloaded. Anda Avramescu, nutritionist. Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, which can have various causes. Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that develops for a long time, while persisting symptoms usually persist if there is no cure or if the diet and lifestyle are not improved.

Like any other disease, gastritis can be treated in several ways. Living and working conditions Drug treatment Surgery. Of course, the mentioned methods are associated with reducing the course of the disease and accelerate healing.

Acidic, insufficiently ripe, fiber-rich fruits and berries, uncooked dried fruits, chocolate and ice cream are completely excluded.

Sauces and spices. Allowed moderate consumption of sour cream, fruit and milk-fruit sauces. Dill, parsley, vanilla, cinnamon are very limited.

  Meat, fish, mushroom, tomato sauces, horseradish, mustard and pepper are completely excluded.

The drinks. Light tea, tea with milk, cream, weak cocoa and coffee with milk are allowed. Sweet juices from fruits and berries, as well as a rosehip broth.

Why should you have a diet when you have gastritis?

In most diseases, diet is important, but the digestive system - for example, gastritis - is very important, because often even an improper diet can lead to gastritis. The goal of the gastritis diet is to protect the gastric mucosa from irritating foods and to avoid acidity in the stomach, which delays healing.

Gastritis feeding is so important that if it is wrong, it can lead to a lack of healing of gastritis even with medication. Some foods are forbidden for gastritis, but life is also important. The tables will be in smaller quantities and more numerous and avoid the use of fast food swallowing unmixed which increase the assimilation of the efforts of the stomach and the required amount of digestion of hydrochloric acid. Stress is avoided - or you can take sedatives during painful stomach pains.

Carbonated drinks, kvass, black coffee are completely excluded.

Fats and oils. You can - unsalted butter, premium melted cow, refined vegetable oils, added to dishes.

All other fats are completely excluded.

Modifications: 1A and 1B

Diet table No. 1 has two modifications: No. 1A and 1B. For table No. 1A, all dishes are prepared in liquid and porridge-like form or in the form of mashed puree. Eating is shown 6-7 times a day, while vegetables of any kind are strictly prohibited, as well as fruits and bread. Such a strict diet is prescribed in the first two weeks of an exacerbation of peptic ulcer, acute or chronic gastritis, and also a week after surgery on the stomach.

When should you have a regimen for gastritis?

A diet for gastritis is recommended during symptoms. Since these symptoms usually occur mainly in spring and autumn, you need to pay attention to diet during these seasons.

What is a diet in painful gastritis

  The mode is very important, only medicines  without a prescription, healing gastritis and non-drug drugs most often heal gastritis.

What is gastritis?

Basically, we recommend the following nutritional guidelines. The treatment regimen is 3-6 weeks in periods with symptoms. The gastritis diet should be stored for 4-8 weeks and for the painful season after the crisis for 3-4 weeks to prevent the recurrence of symptoms. The regimen should be configured for each patient by the person who attends the doctor who knows the characteristics of the patient.

Table 1B differs from table 1A in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and calorie content. Dishes are also prepared in liquid or porridge form, and you need to eat 5-6 times, vegetables, fruits and bread are prohibited. Table No. 1B is appointed after completion of the course of treatment using table No. 1A.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. Such patients are recommended medical nutrition. Dishes with gastritis should be prepared in strict accordance with the principles healthy eating. What can be eaten with gastritis, and what can not, read on in the article.

What can you eat if you have gastritis?

A patient with gastritis should eat again. Diet should not interrupt his life spell or lead him to denial. Typically, the products listed below are well tolerated, indicating that there are people who support schemes other than the usual ones.

Boiled or seasoned meat is not fried. Along with diet and housing, it is important to prevent the recurrence of a painful crisis and cure the disease. The basic rules of a person’s life with gastritis are. I have stomach problems, how does gastritis make a move?

The main principles of clinical nutrition for gastritis

It must be remembered that proper nutrition  - Already half the treatment of gastritis. In a disease with a high acid level, the main task is to reduce the activity of gastric juice. In this case, when composing the menu, you should adhere to three principles:

Mechanical sparing. It is necessary to refuse food containing coarse fiber. This is onion, sinewy meat, bran bread. And frying foods in oil is completely eliminated.

Chemical sparing. Avoid foods that are powerful causative agents of gastric secretion. These are alcohol, sparkling water, citrus fruits and juices from them, coffee, black bread, cabbage and strong broths.

Thermal Shaving. Disallowed gastritis dishes are very hot and very cold. They are irritating to the esophagus, and in addition, cold food stays in the stomach for a long time.

What can I eat with gastritis?

The diet of a person who wants to cure gastritis should include lean meat, such as a rabbit. Duck, lamb, goose should be excluded from the diet. Chicken can be skinless.

Also this:

good river fish


eggs in the form of a protein omelet,

oat and buckwheat groats,

some fruits and vegetables (spinach, zucchini, pumpkins, tomatoes, peas, asparagus beans, carrots, green salad, green onions, parsley dill).

sweet berries (strawberries, raspberries),

soft boiled or mashed fruits.

What can not be eaten with gastritis?

Gastritis of the stomach has a bacterial basis and is caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

In order to undergo the right course of treatment for gastritis, you must go through a consultation with a gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

The following is a list of products that must be excluded for any type of gastritis:

Very harmful in the diet with gastritis is any fresh or rye bread, as well as products from puff pastry. Instead, wheat bread, cookies, non-buns, and any baked pasties are recommended.

Must also be excluded in medical nutrition for gastritis, soups based on steep broths, both meat and fish, mushroom soups, as well as strong cabbage soup, borsch and everyone's favorite okroshka. Instead, it is recommended to eat light vegetable soups from potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions, milk soups from various well-cooked cereals in case of gastritis.

Smoked meats, as well as fatty and sinewy meats, can be very harmful to gastritis sufferers. These products can be replaced with steamed and boiled beef (boiled meatballs, meatballs), lamb, chicken.

Fried and hard-boiled eggs are harmful. They can be replaced with soft-boiled eggs and steam omelet.

Harmful with gastritis, everything salty and spicy, as well as marinades, chocolate, ice cream in large quantities, carbonated drinks, coffee and kvass.

It is also necessary to recall the dangers of alcoholic beverages and too hot food (above 60 degrees), which can cause a severe exacerbation of the disease.

Features of nutrition in the treatment of gastritis

Those who have a need to activate the digestive gland and have decreased secretory function of the stomach are advised to consume light foods. These include lean meat - fish and poultry. They need to be cooked only by boiling, it is necessary that they be chopped. You can bake and even slightly fry for food with gastritis of the stomach, but in no case do not panic in breadcrumbs or in flour. Be sure to include in your diet a variety of soups, dairy products, yogurts, kefirs of varying degrees of fat content, cottage cheese. As for eggs - it is better to give preference to a steam omelet.

Nutrition for gastritis of the stomach is not diverse. You can eat well-boiled porridge. With low acidity, it is recommended to use ham without fat and mild cheese. You can include any vegetables (raw or boiled) in your diet, as for fruits - tangerines, oranges, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, boiled apples and soft pears - these are your fruits, eat as much as you want. You can drink tea with sugar with gastritis, juices, broths of wild rose, jelly, berry and fruit compotes. From bread products it is better to give preference to breadcrumbs or yesterday’s bread.

The rules of cooking on a diet with gastritis of the stomach

With gastritis with low acidity the main task is to stimulate the production of gastric secretion and mechanical sparing. The main thing is not to miss the 1st phase of secretion when we think about food. It is then that gastric juice begins to be produced and therefore it is important to eat calmly so that the food gets into the stomach, which is already producing juice. The basic rule is thorough chewing of food.

Fruits with gastritis are eaten with a main meal. It can be peeled apples or pears or baked. Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, carrots are suitable. Be sure to include dishes for gastritis from rabbit and beef in the diet. Sour-milk products are also suitable for such a diet.

Dishes with gastritis are stewed and baked, and at the same time, the appearance of a hard crust should be avoided. Forbidden products, the same ones that are excluded with a diagnosis of gastritis with high acidity.

Diet for gastritis of the stomach is the main factor in recovery. Those who have ever had acute gastritis and prevented it from developing into a chronic form will probably remember what kind of nutrition to follow. Lucky for those who managed to prevent the consequences and not start the disease. After all, chronic gastritis threatens with an ulcer, and that in turn - is next to much more serious consequences.

Features of nutrition in exacerbation of gastritis

As a rule, with exacerbations of gastritis of the stomach on the first day or two, it is recommended not to eat at all and starve a little, while it is allowed to drink warm unsweetened tea and a rosehip broth. Then the food for gastritis of the stomach should consist mainly of mucous soups of rice, oats, barley in milk. You need to eat a little, but often, while carefully chewing food, this will help improve the digestive system.

Also, with exacerbation of gastritis of the stomach, it is necessary to normalize the stool. In a situation where diarrhea worries, you need to take pomegranate, pear, cornel, blackcurrant and blueberry juices; with constipation - apricot, carrot and beetroot juices, fresh kefir, yogurt, mashed vegetables. It is forbidden to eat fatty, spicy, salty, drink alcoholic beverages with gastritis of the stomach. Such a diet with gastritis is very irritating to the gastric mucosa. The use of porridge well cooked is recommended, this will speed up the process of digestion and assimilation of food.

It is advisable to drink more green tea with gastritis of the stomach, it helps to remove toxins from the body, only try to drink less liquid during meals, it will dilute the gastric juice and the digestion process will be delayed, so the food will stay in the stomach longer and irritate it.

Here is a list of foods that people suffering from gastritis are allowed to eat, regardless of acidity:

Low-fat chicken, low-fat fish. Meat and fish must be eaten without skin, without tendons, preferably in crushed form. It is recommended to eat boiled meat or steamed meat and fish with gastritis, in no case do not eat fried. With gastritis, fried foods should be forgotten, at least for periods of exacerbation and diet.

The fruits in the diet for gastritis are only sweet and completely ripe, compotes from sweet fruits, jelly.

Eat vegetables only ripe, non-acidic, if the peel is harsh, it should also be removed.

Foods are best consumed in powdered and mashed form, this helps the stomach to cope with digest faster and less irritating.

What can not be eaten with exacerbation of gastritis of the stomach?

Fried, spicy and very salty dishes.

Canned food, regardless of whether they are meat or fish.

Fresh dough products.

Absolutely any cold food, drink or ice cream.

Alcohol and cigarettes.

It is advisable not to eat whole milk, but if it is well tolerated, you can add it to tea. It will be useful for gastritis to use non-acidic and low-fat cottage cheese, cream, stewed, baked and boiled vegetables, absolutely all cereals, low-fat meats, fish and poultry, apples, pears and bananas.

Nutrition Tips for Effectively Treating Gastritis

Remember that health must be carefully protected and at the first sign of gastritis it is urgent to take measures, because an inattentive attitude to the disease can cause complications, which will be much more difficult to cope with.

The diet for patients with gastritis is quite difficult, because it must be as gentle as possible and able to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. In addition, eating with gastritis is necessary regularly and quite often, at least 5 times a day, although portions should be very moderate so as not to overload the stomach, this can cause additional irritation of the mucous membrane. So, what kind of diet can be advised to a patient with an acute form of gastritis? Here are some suggestions:

The first day, two, it is advisable to refrain from eating at all. Drinking with gastritis is possible and necessary, but it can only be unsweetened warm tea, rosehip broth, mineral water (without gas) and only on the recommendation of a doctor who will study all your tests thoroughly.

On the second and third days, you can eat mucous soups, jelly, liquid cereals (very good if it is oatmeal) with gastritis of the stomach, eat soft-boiled eggs, and liquid mashed potatoes (cooked on water).

Such a diet should be adhered to during an exacerbation of gastritis of the stomach, and in the future, after the symptoms subside, you can expand the diet.

Before resorting to clinical nutrition ...

Before starting to treat gastritis, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and establish the type and degree of the disease. Since for people with reduced acid formation, the use of products that increase the release of hydrochloric acid is provided, and for people with gastritis of the stomach with increased acid formation, vice versa. Products that weakly stimulate the secretion of gastric juice: still mineral water, drinking water, cottage cheese, weak tea, sugar, vegetables, in the form of mashed potatoes (cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, rutabaga), well-cooked meat and fresh fish, fresh white bread, and also porridge. Although fats do not significantly affect the secretory function of the stomach, they break down for a long time, and thanks to this, the food stays in the stomach longer, and this is not permissible during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

Therefore, during an exacerbation of gastritis, it is recommended to refrain from eating fatty foods (a little vegetable oil is allowed, not more than 2 teaspoons per day). These products for gastritis can be used for exacerbation of any form of gastritis, both high and low.

It is important to try not to eat protein-rich foods with carbohydrate-rich foods at the same time with gastritis, it is advisable to always eat separately, this allows the stomach to process food more efficiently and to isolate all necessary and useful trace elements from it.
