Psoriasis is sexually transmitted. Is psoriasis contagious and how is it transmitted? With psoriasis, a whole complex of various disorders of organs and body systems is possible.

Meeting in public places with people whose skin is covered with psoriatic plaques is accompanied by involuntary fears for their own health. The fear of getting infected from a nearby patient does not allow free communication and makes one avoid contact with such patients. Learn more about whether psoriasis is contagious and how it is transmitted.

Who gets psoriasis?

Psoriasis (lichen scaly) is a chronic disease that affects the skin and disrupts the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and other body systems. For 2018, there are only hypotheses of the cause of this disease: people can encounter it at any age, without visible prerequisites.

The main role in the development of the disease is played by heredity, impaired immunity and external factors that lead to changes in the functioning of systems and organs.

These include:

  • Infections (dermatitis of bacterial and viral origin, as well as fungal skin lesions). AIDS, HIV and hepatitis B, C.
  • Skin injuries: frostbite, scratches, burns, animal bites, cuts.
  • Chronic diseases (tonsillitis, bronchitis). They weaken the body's defenses.
  • Drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking. Bad habits disrupt the functioning of all organs and weaken the immune system.
  • Taking or abruptly stopping medications, such as hormones or heart medications.
  • A food allergy in which people do not receive adequate treatment and do not follow a diet.
  • Bad ecology.
  • stress ( chronic fatigue, pregnancy, childbirth, sudden loss or weight gain, change of scenery and climate).

How is psoriasis transmitted by contact?

Scale lichen is a non-communicable disease that is provoked by factors environment and impaired immune system. A patient with this pathology is not contagious and does not pose a danger to others. He can lead a socially active lifestyle, communicate freely, has no restrictions on leisure and employment.

Often people mistake the symptoms of the disease for fungal or bacterial infections and are afraid to contact such patients. This forces the patient to limit the circle of communication and withdraw into himself.

Prejudices about contagiousness appear due to cases of the disease in several relatives. However, the reason for this is the hereditary "breakdown" of the gene, and not the transmission of psoriasis by contact or airborne droplets.

As a result of research, doctors found that it is impossible to get psoriasis:

  1. Care of a patient with psoriasis (hygiene, change of linen and clothes, feeding) cannot contribute to the transmission of a non-communicable disease.
  2. Not transmitted sexually or through saliva: the partner does not have the slightest risk of getting the disease.
  3. Relatives living with a patient with psoriasis should not be afraid to use his things or utensils. Shaking hands and other bodily contact, as well as being in the same room for a long time, will not lead to infection: there is no such infection that would cause psoriasis.
  4. Patients are not contraindicated in visiting public places, including swimming pools and baths.
  5. It is not transmitted through blood: it cannot be transmitted through a transfusion or as a result of a needle prick from a used syringe.

Important! In 2004 International Federation associations of psoriasis introduced a holiday - World Psoriasis Day, which is celebrated on October 29th. The purpose of the annual event was to support patients and refute the opinion of the population about the contagiousness of pathology.

Is it hereditary or not?

Can a child get sick if the mother or father is diagnosed with psoriasis?

63% of patients have a genetic predisposition, i.e. blood relatives with psoriasis, but not necessarily in a straight line. Geneticists have found that the disease can manifest itself through several generations, for example, transmitted from a great-great-grandfather who suffered from such a skin lesion.

The predisposition is inherited:

  • the risk of disease in children increases to 75% if both parents suffer from psoriasis;
  • the disease is transmitted in 2/3 of cases from father to child (male line).

In the development of psoriasis, heredity plays important role: At birth, a child may have a gene defect that, under certain circumstances, will lead to the manifestation of psoriasis. But it will manifest itself or not, depends on the state of health of the body and external causes.

How does psoriasis manifest itself?

The first signs of the disease that cause a visit to the doctor are:

  • peeling of the skin and itching;
  • the appearance of cracks on the fingers, feet and other parts of the body where the skin is subject to constant friction;
  • exfoliating nails, bulging of tubercles on them, discoloration of the plate;
  • blisters on inner surface palms and feet;
  • a rash on the body of various sizes and localizations (on the arms, back, abdomen);
  • the appearance of white scales on the skin (exfoliated cells) and red itchy spots no larger than 2 mm in size.

If the patient did not visit a dermatologist and did not start treatment on time, the course of the disease worsens:

  • the number and size of convex red spots increases;
  • parts of the body are covered with scaly psoriatic plaques;
  • the nails on the hands and feet are completely affected (change the structure and exfoliate).

There are signs of general malaise: weakness, lethargy, depression. Dry plaques crack, itch and cause pain to the patient.

The first symptoms of psoriasis can appear at any age, so you need to pay attention to any changes in the skin condition and go to the doctor in time.

Symptoms of psoriasis of the joints

The disease is systemic, therefore it is manifested by damage to other organs. The visible change is especially noticeable on the joints:

  • swelling and pain on movement;
  • restriction of motor activity leading to disability;
  • change in the shape and size of the joint.

What areas of the skin are most commonly affected?

The initial symptoms of psoriasis are often confused with allergic and infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that the spots at the initial stage are weakly expressed and, despite the rapid appearance, may disappear for a while.

Skin itching and peeling the patient explains:

  • dry skin;
  • eating unfamiliar food;
  • the use of previously unknown skin care cosmetics or hygiene products.

Areas of the skin that are more commonly affected by the disease are located:

  • in the lumbar region;
  • over the elbow joints;
  • in the folds of the body (axillary, popliteal, inguinal);
  • on the scalp.

In children, psoriatic rashes are detected in the inguinal folds, so they are often confused with diaper dermatitis.

Note! In men, the manifestation of psoriasis in intimate area sometimes mistaken for sexually transmitted diseases, and waste time diagnosing and treating a non-existent disease!

Who gets sick more often?

According to research, psoriasis is more common among the following populations:

  1. children, both parents of which are sick with scaly deprive;
  2. residents of countries with a cold, humid climate;
  3. people aged 25-35 years.

Psoriasis is more common in patients with:

  • suffered a stroke;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • neurological disorders.

The prevalence of the disease does not depend on gender: approximately the same number of men and women with psoriasis was recorded.

Possible Complications

Late diagnosis and improper treatment of psoriasis lead to the following complications:

  1. Arthritis: disease of the joints, for a long time proceeding without visible manifestations. The inflammatory process leads to impaired movement, pain when walking and the slightest activity, and in advanced cases, to blood poisoning (sepsis) and forced amputation of the affected limb.
  2. The formation of purulent vesicles (pustules). Weeping wounds appear, and healthy skin becomes infected.
  3. Erythroderma (70% of the skin is covered with psoriatic plaques). The complication leads to a failure of the excretory and respiratory functions of the dermis, an increase in body temperature.
  4. Thinning and reshaping of the nails, causing aesthetic discomfort to the patient.
  5. Baldness due to the death of hair follicles.


It is impossible to avoid the risk of psoriasis, but following the rules and taking measures to prevent exacerbations of the disease will improve the quality of life.

  1. Avoid direct sunlight, use sunscreen. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation adversely affects health, can cause exacerbation.
  2. Follow the treatment prescribed by a professional.
  3. Take care of your skin.
  4. use body gels (pharmaceutical cosmetics);
  5. soft sponges;
  6. buy special shampoos for hair;
  7. do not use very hot or cold water in the shower.

    It is necessary to wear gloves when in contact with household chemicals: this will eliminate the risk of chemical burns to the skin.

  8. Healthy food.
    Diet for psoriasis includes:
    • refusal of fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods;
    • restriction of starch consumption (potatoes, corn);
    • exclusion of sweet foods, honey, tomatoes;
    • rejection of allergen products;
    • fatty meat (lamb, pork);
    • daily consumption of dairy products, cereals, greens and vegetables.
  9. Eliminate emotional stress.
    Stress is one of the main factors in the development of psoriatic plaques and the recurrence of psoriatic plaques. Emotional stress exacerbates the process and worsens the patient's condition.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that psoriasis is not contagious because it is a non-communicable disease. The cause of which is mainly a genetic predisposition, the state of immunity, physical and emotional health of a person. Scale lichen is not caused by bacteria or viruses: it is impossible to get infected by contact or airborne droplets, it is transmitted exclusively by inheritance. The patient does not pose a danger to others: he can lead a normal life and freely visit public places.

Psoriasis is a serious skin pathology associated with metabolic disorders in the skin. This disease is characterized by the appearance of plaques, areas of severe dryness on the skin, from which scales can move away, they usually turn very red, and can itch. It is worth knowing whether and how psoriasis is transmitted when there is a risk of developing pathology?

Psoriasis is a disease in which, due to a violation of metabolic processes in the skin, skin cells begin to divide excessively, in certain areas of the skin they are updated too quickly. Therefore, they begin to peel off so quickly intensively, redness, plaques of dry skin occur. Psoriatic plaques can occur on almost the entire surface of the body, but they are especially common on the scalp, face, and in the folds of the limbs.

This disease is extremely difficult to cure, because when it occurs in the body, a number of systemic disorders occur at the endocrine level. Usually, metabolic disorders occur, hormonal disorders may appear, in most cases, the body's immune system begins to weaken.

  1. Therefore, in the treatment of the disease, the most important thing is to bring psoriasis to a stable remission, prevent the formation of new plaques, and reduce the number and size of old ones.
  2. At the same time, it is important to comprehensively support the body, restore normal immunity.
  3. Also, in some forms of psoriasis, due to damage to the skin, there is a possibility of infection; in such forms, proper antiseptic treatment is also important.

In no case should you treat psoriasis on your own without first consulting a doctor and selecting suitable drugs. In each individual case, this disease can proceed in its own way, so the treatment regimen must be selected individually after a full examination.

Is psoriasis transmitted from person to person?

Contrary to popular myths, psoriasis is not contagious and is not transmitted from one person to another. This disease is not transmitted through a handshake, it is impossible to catch psoriasis from another person. However, it should be borne in mind that some other types of dermatitis are similar to psoriatic disease, so you should be careful.

This pathology is caused by serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, the immune system and metabolic processes in the body. It is not caused by infection, is not transmitted sexually or through the blood.

However, it is worth remembering that psoriasis on the head can be confused with seborrheic dermatitis, which can be caused by a fungus. Therefore, if the diagnosis of a person is not specified, contact with him should be carried out with caution, you must follow the simplest rules of personal hygiene. If a person has dermatitis, you should not use only personal hygiene items with him, touch individual areas of the skin where there are foci of the disease.

At the same time, this disease can be inherited, at least some theories about this pathology claim that psoriatic disease in the next of kin increases the likelihood of its occurrence.

Is psoriasis transmitted to children? Pathology in one of the parents may indicate that this disease will occur in a child. However, there is also a chance that the disease will not manifest itself. It is almost impossible to say exactly, psoriatic disease is still not well understood to be able to accurately state the hereditary route of transmission.

However, it can be noted that the closer the relative, the higher the likelihood of developing the disease. Therefore, parents of a child who have psoriasis need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby's skin.

Is non-congenital psoriasis transmitted to children? The fact is that a disease can occur at almost any age, it cannot be argued whether it is congenital, due to heredity, or appeared over time due to various disorders in metabolic processes and the immune state. It's just worth remembering that if a parent has psoriatic disease, the child is more likely to have it.

To reduce this probability, you need to follow certain rules of prevention. First of all, you need to try to maintain healthy lifestyle life, eat right, avoid beriberi, so that immunity does not weaken under the influence external factors. All endocrine diseases must be treated in a timely manner.

It is also necessary to properly treat and treat damage to the skin. It happens that the first plaque occurs at the site of a small scratch, torn skin, another mechanical damage. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the condition of your skin so that there is no deterioration.

If something resembling a plaque nevertheless appears, you must immediately contact a dermatologist and undergo the necessary examination, which will help to determine exactly what is the cause of the formation. The earlier the treatment of the disease begins, the higher the probability of bringing the pathology to a state of remission, it will not develop further, the number of plaques will not increase. Psoriasis is treated by various methods, antibacterial ointments, various hormonal agents are used, physiotherapy can be effective.

Other theories of psoriasis

In addition to the hereditary theory of the development of psoriatic disease. Some time ago, the viral theory of psoriasis was widely spread, but today the scientific medical community has abandoned it, since there is not enough evidence.

Therefore, the most normal explanation for the onset of the disease is immune hormonal disruptions in the endocrine system. In any case, it is impossible to get psoriatic disease, it is not transmitted from person to person. It can occur solely due to internal processes in the body, due to various disorders.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease in which skin changes occur in different parts body, sometimes nails and joints are affected. Appearing red plaques with white parts of the dead epidermis are sometimes called scaly lichen, which is associated with an infectious process. Usually, lichen caused by bacteria and fungi is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, so the question arises whether psoriasis is contagious or not. In fact, no, because the formation of psoriatic plaques is based on psycho-emotional shocks, disorders in the immune and endocrine systems, and not an infectious process.

Modern theories of the origin of the disease

The etiology of the disease is not fully understood. Some people start to get sick after prolonged inflammation on the body caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria or allergies, others after suffering nervous stress, in others, the pathology appears suddenly, for no apparent reason.

Psoriasis is not transmitted from a sick person to another person, since it is not caused by infections. Many people are frightened by the appearance of the affected areas. Red growths raised above the skin with extensive peeling on the surface are improperly matured dermal cells that were formed during increased division and rapid death. They are not caused by the introduction of microorganisms that can be transmitted to a healthy body.

The alleged causes and mechanisms of the development of the disease:

  • According to the first theory, pathology occurs due to the high rate of division and differentiation of epidermal cells. This process leads to the formation of an excess number of skin cells and their rapid growth. An increased production of macrophages and reticulocytes begins, caused by the aggression of immune reactions. The cells of the body cover are perceived as foreign, and the immune system tries to quickly replace them with new ones. In this process, papules quickly form, which turn into plaques.
  • The second theory suggests that it is an immune-mediated disease. Increased division of skin cells, the massive appearance of reticulocytes is a secondary link in response to inflammatory mediators. There is an activation of some compliments of lymphocytes, which normally protect the body from emerging cancer cells. They pass into the layers of the dermis and cause macrophages, granulocytes and other types of cells to multiply. A large number of reticulocytes and other types of skin cells begin to rise into the upper layers of the dermis, forming hyperemic raised areas on the body.
  • Human chromosomes are predisposed to psoriasis. Several genes for the heredity of this disease have been found. All alleles of genes for predisposition to psoriasis are also responsible for the reactions of the immune system. Therefore, pathology can be conditionally taken as a hereditary disease, which is closely related to malfunctions in the immune system.

Clinical studies have shown that psoriasis is often accompanied by infectious diseases- staphylococcus, fungi, etc. Most doctors consider them a consequence, since damaged by plaques skin covering is a suitable place for the development of infectious diseases. However, some experts observed a different picture: first, candidiasis and bacterial pathologies were detected on the mucous membranes and skin for a long time, and then psoriasis developed.

Is psoriasis transmitted from person to person?

When typical plaques with peeling appear in the work team or relatives, many people have a question whether skin psoriasis is contagious to others. The etiology and pathogenesis of the disease indicate autoimmune processes that occur in the body regardless of infectious agents.

Long-term inflammation on the skin due to viruses and fungi can serve as a trigger for the development of psoriasis in people with impaired immune processes and with existing heredity.

You can find out how you can get psoriasis from a relative, but for this you will need to conduct laboratory tests for changes in the genes responsible for the development of the disease and immunity.

By inheritance

Psoriasis is transmitted at nine gene loci, they are called PSORS1 - PSORS9. Psoriasis genes can be passed on from either the mother or the father. Transmission routes are not linked only to the Y chromosome, so both a boy and a girl can receive the pathology gene.

Of these nine loci, different genes convey information on the causes and pathogenesis of skin plaque formation. Many of these genes are responsible not only for psoriatic lesions, they can transmit data on the mechanism of inflammatory reactions, regeneration processes. Genetic studies confirm that information about autoimmune diseases and rheumatoid pathologies is transmitted in the PSORS1 - PSORS9 genes.

The main gene that determines rapid cell division for the formation of pustules and plaques is PSORS1. It codes for a specific protein in cells that large quantities contained in the affected skin layers.

Reflecting on the question of whether psoriasis can be inherited, you need to understand that genes are responsible for the predisposition to the pathological process. For the onset of the disease, special conditions are necessary. Factors contributing to the appearance of psoriasis in the presence of a genetic predisposition:

  • stress, anxiety, lability of the central nervous system;
  • atopic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations;
  • prolonged inflammatory processes on the surface of the body;
  • alcoholism;
  • HIV infection;
  • chronic poisoning with heavy metals, mercury vapor, etc. when living in an environmentally hazardous area or under harmful production conditions at the workplace.

Some patients report a sudden onset of the disease and do not associate psoriasis with certain factors. Doctors believe that in about 10-20% of patients, the disease was not triggered by any specific circumstances.

Through things in common

The indirect mode of transmission is characteristic of many types of skin diseases caused by various microorganisms. Fungi, bacteria, viruses can be transmitted through bedding, towels, washcloths and other things.

If a patient with psoriasis touches different things, then exfoliated skin scales can get on household items. Psoriasis itself is not contagious, as it develops due to disturbances in the rate of cell division, it does not have an infectious etiology. Parts of dead skin with opportunistic flora, which is always present on the surface of the body of a healthy person, can stick to common household items. If psoriasis is accompanied by a fungus, a staphylococcal infection, these pathogens will remain on things. With indirect contact, only microorganisms are transmitted that could complicate psoriasis.

Kissing, shaking hands

The direct contact mechanism of disease transmission occurs with close contact of body parts of sick and healthy people. Psoriasis cannot be transmitted either by kissing or by shaking hands, since the cause of the formation of skin papules is disturbances in immune reactions, and not various pathogens.

Autoimmune diseases cannot be transmitted through touch. You can get psoriasis only because of failures inside the body.

The contact route of transmission is characteristic of true lichen, fungal skin diseases. People call psoriasis "scaly lichen", but this name was coined when they did not know the causes and pathogenesis of the disease. Previously, the commonality of these diseases was assumed by appearance. It has now been proven that psoriasis is not a true lichen.


During sexual contact, many diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are transmitted. Many varieties of fungi, protozoa and bacteria settle on the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs. With unprotected intercourse, they can be transmitted to the partner's mucous membranes.

Psoriasis is not caused by microorganisms, so this disease is not transmitted through intimate contact with the patient. In patients suffering from psoriasis, the immune system does not work properly, they often develop opportunistic flora on the skin and mucous membranes. If a sick patient has concomitant candidiasis, then it passes from person to person, like other sexually transmitted infections.

Through the blood

The blood-borne route of transmission is characteristic of hepatitis B and C, HIV infection and other diseases, mainly caused by viruses. Infection can be contracted through blood transfusion, use of non-sterile medical instruments, needles in tattoo parlors, insect bites, or from mother to fetus during fetal development.

It is possible to find out whether or not psoriasis is transmitted through the blood by studying the causes of the onset of the disease. The pathological process and predisposition to it is caused not by an infection, but by the genetic code in nine loci and failures in the regulation of epidermal cell division.

Medical specialists have proven that psoriasis cannot be transmitted to healthy people living with the patient through any close contact.

Types, first signs and treatment of the disease

Psoriasis can occur in different forms, the main types of flow are combined into pustular and non-pustular. No form of the disease can be transmitted to another person.

In psoriatic arthritis, inflammation of the joints and connective tissue occurs, resulting in deformity of the hands or feet. Psoriatic onychodystrophy is accompanied by damage to the nails. The most severe form of the disease is erythroderma. Blisters form, with a large area of ​​​​damage, the body cannot maintain a constant normal temperature body.

The onset of psoriasis can be triggered by stress, exacerbation of a chronic disease, and other circumstances. V immune system the body fails, which leads to increased division of skin cells and the appearance of characteristic plaques.

The first signs of the disease.

Today there is a huge number of diseases. But there is simply no need to know them all for a person far from medicine. After all, you need to get all the information you need as needed. So, in this article I would like to talk about such a disease as psoriasis: is this disease transmitted or not by inheritance and in case of contact with others.

A few words about psoriasis

At the very beginning, you need to understand what kind of disease this is. An important point: this disease is non-infectious in nature. Those. already only from this it is possible to conclude that psoriasis is transmitted or not. Yes, this chronic illness characterized by periods of outbreaks and remissions. At the same time, on the skin of the patient, which rise slightly. In medicine, they are called psoriatic plaques. Most often they appear in places of friction, i.e. most often observed psoriasis on the elbows, knees, in the gluteal region. Less often - under the hairline on the head, face, in the décolleté, on the back and in the genital area.

Transmission routes

So is psoriasis transmitted or not? As already mentioned, this disease is non-infectious in nature. Therefore, the risk of infection when touching such a person or during use common subjects use is reduced to zero. However, it is also worth mentioning here what are the main ways of transmitting this problem. So, it can pass from one person to another only through heredity, i.e. through shared genes.

hereditary factor

Having figured out whether psoriasis is contagious, it is also worth talking a little about its hereditary nature. Initially, it should be noted that this disease has not yet been sufficiently studied. Experts are still trying to get as much as possible about him. useful information. However, it is already known today that if at least one parent in a family has this problem, then the child's chances of getting it are about 30%. If both parents are sick with psoriasis, in almost 70% of cases this disease is diagnosed in children. But here there is one "but". Experts say that it is not the disease itself that is transmitted, but the disposition to it. So, a person may be at risk, but the disease will not manifest itself in him. It all depends on multiple factors that can influence this fact.

Factors provoking the onset of the disease

Having understood what psoriasis is, whether this problem is inherited or not, you need to talk about the factors that can provoke its occurrence and exacerbation.

  1. Frequent nervous shocks, stressful situations, experiences.
  2. Strong emotional overload (and not only bad, but also positive).
  3. The disease can manifest itself with a change in climatic conditions.
  4. Often it occurs in people who abuse alcohol.
  5. Risk factor - lack of sleep, inadequate sleep.
  6. Also, an unbalanced diet, an insufficient amount of vitamins can provoke its appearance.

It is worth noting that each person has his own special reason for which the disease manifests itself and activates after a certain lull. However, do not be afraid of people who have psoriatic plaques on their skin. After all, it has already become clear whether psoriasis is contagious. Of course not.

Forms of psoriasis

What are the forms of psoriasis?

  1. Normal form. It is also called In this case, pinkish-red pink spots appear on the patient's body, covered with silvery-white scales. They are about half a centimeter in diameter.
  2. exudative form. With this type of disease, the patient is poured onto plaques that have a cortical scale (it occurs due to sweat wetting the formations). These plaques occur most often in the folds of the skin.
  3. Severe forms are atropic and pustular psoriasis, and also So, with atropic psoriasis or erythroderma, almost the entire skin is involved in the disease process, with pustular pustular rashes appear. These forms of the disease are also characterized by damage to the nail plates.

The dangers posed by the disease

Why is psoriasis dangerous? So, it is worth noting that many people underestimate this disease. It is important to start treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear. Only in this case it is possible to prevent the development of the disease to its severe forms. At the same time, you also need to remember that if you do not treat psoriasis, there is a risk of various complications:

  • Arthritis may develop.
  • Very often the patient's nail plates are affected.
  • Often the patient's genitourinary system suffers.
  • There are various problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The work of the heart muscle, etc., may be disrupted.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is possible to avoid the occurrence of the disease. Yes, you must strictly adhere to correct mode life, food. Need to nourish your body vitamin complexes. And, of course, avoid stress and nervous shocks.


How can it be on the elbows and other parts of the body? So, for this you need to definitely go to the doctor. After all, the first symptomatology of this disease is very similar to such a problem as eczema. However, these diseases differ from each other primarily in the methods of getting rid of them.

So, the doctor will be able to draw the main conclusions already when examining the patient. However, if the diagnosis cannot be made in this way, the patient can be referred for the following studies:

  • Skin biopsy.
  • Various tests for fungal infections.

Also, sometimes doctors offer the patient to undergo a trial course of treatment. This makes it possible to study the reaction of the disease to certain medications. And also draw conclusions about the appropriateness of their use.

Vitamin complexes

Separately, I want to talk about what vitamins to take for psoriasis. After all, as mentioned above, it is very important to always maintain your immunity and nourish it with useful substances.

  1. Vitamin A (or beta-carotene). If it is not taken regularly, then inflammation on the skin may increase. It is found in foods such as liver, butter and sweet pepper.
  2. B vitamins. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the body at the cellular level. In addition, they affect the functioning of the nervous system, which is very important in psoriasis. You can get the right amount of them from foods such as buckwheat, Walnut, hazelnuts, cauliflower.
  3. What other vitamins are needed for psoriasis? So, doctors can prescribe a course of vitamin B6 injections.
  4. Vitamin C, or It is important for maintaining immunity at the proper level. Is in in large numbers in foods such as currants, sweet peppers, rose hips, citrus fruits.
  5. Vitamin D. It is actively produced when human skin gets Sun rays. It can also be taken in the form of drops. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the drug "Aquadetrim".
  6. Vitamin E oil. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is found in large quantities in vegetable oils.

Traditional medicine

Remedy for exacerbation and illness: it is necessary to prepare a decoction of the following herbs: succession, burdock root, licorice, calamus and nettle leaves. These ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions, pour boiling water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. With this decoction, you need to wipe the skin, you can also make wet-drying dressings. The course of treatment lasts approximately 2-3 months.

We are considering folk remedies from psoriasis further. So, you can make an effective ointment for this problem. To prepare it, you need to mix carefully chopped garlic, honey and unmelted cow butter. It is necessary to apply the product on the body after the bath, when the psoriatic plaques are well cleaned of scales. It is necessary to sit until the ointment is well absorbed into the skin of the patient.

It will happen that patients with psoriasis have to reduce their social circle, because they do not know if psoriasis is transmitted from person to person. The instinct of self-preservation pushes people away from the sick, because they do not know exactly how psoriasis is transmitted. Their uncertainty is generated by various speculations, one of which is that psoriasis will be transmitted or not.

The disease is considered non-contagious, and the cause is in no way caused by pathogens. The disease is referred to as scaly lichen, but it is impossible to say whether psoriasis is transmitted or not. Doctors say that it is impossible to get psoriasis through the blood. Also in everyday life: to the question of concern to everyone whether psoriasis is transmitted, they unequivocally state that there is no danger of infection.

How is psoriasis transmitted?

The disease is caused by non-pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is not considered contagious. But there are cases of illness in the family of several people in turn. Naturally, questions arise: how is psoriasis transmitted? However, the physical cause is not the way of transmission - this is explained by hereditary predisposition. But if we take into account the theory of occurrence - streptococci, tissue reaction, retroviruses, then how exactly psoriasis is transmitted cannot be stated with complete certainty. Assumptions of scientists do not give a full guarantee of the safety of a little-studied disease.

Is psoriasis transmitted from person to person?

Scaly deprive, as psoriasis is called, reduces the life of cells. Exfoliated scales cause alertness of people who are afraid to pick up the disease and do not know whether psoriasis is transmitted from person to person by these dead cells. In addition, it causes alertness, because the patient touches everything. psoriasis is just cosmetic defect. The formation of psoriasis occurs due to a malfunction of the endocrine system, nerves, weakening of the immune system, which means that the answer is whether psoriasis is transmitted from person to person according to dermatology, it can definitely be negative.

How is psoriasis transmitted from person to person?

Scientists have discovered the fact of identical signs of disease of the next of kin of a patient with psoriasis. The topic suggests itself: How is psoriasis transmitted from person to person? Research has shown that psoriasis transmission pathways choose the cellular level. Not always the manifestation of the disease passes from the immediate environment. Quite often, this disease could be observed in ancestors and appear after exposure to provoking factors. Whether or not psoriasis is transmitted between relatives must be considered at the genetic level, and strangers cannot contract psoriasis through contact.

Is psoriasis hereditary?

The answer lies in the genes, after all, psoriasis is inherited. The illness of one of the parents will not necessarily affect the child, and there is no point in asserting. When both are sick, the risk of psoriasis is very high, but it is not necessary that the disease manifest itself. Many factors are involved in the formation of psoriasis, and inheritance is only a potential opportunity for the disease to develop. The length of the disease is not important at all, the presence of clinical manifestations in relatives - due to the low knowledge of the disease, it is impossible to say with accuracy whether psoriasis is inherited.

Is psoriasis transmitted by contact?

There is no single answer. Greater number physicians are inclined to assert that only the hereditary factor plays a role, therefore a direct statement that psoriasis is transmitted by contact wrong. Neither the use of one dish, nor handshakes, skin contact is dangerous. Psoriasis is transmitted only by genetic factors. And living with a sick person or caring for him is completely safe. Unpleasant communication is usually caused by ordinary hygienic or aesthetic motives.

Is psoriasis sexually transmitted?

Partners can continue their relationship quite calmly, since talk that psoriasis is sexually transmitted is a complete fiction based on speculation. The only thing with intimate relationships is a terrible inferiority complex. Is psoriasis transmitted through sexual intercourse? No, it's not real. There are enough examples of creating happy families, where one of the spouses is sick with psoriasis. Real feelings will overshadow all prejudices.

Playlist of videos about psoriasis (video selection in the upper right corner)
